"Did you hear?"

Rowe spoke softly.

The abyss mage was at a loss.

But Keqing stared at the activated and blooming meritorious flower on Luo Wei's chest.

He smiled from the bottom of his heart.

Because that is the demeanor of human beings.

That is the inheritance of human will.

At this moment, the flower of merit on Luo Wei's chest became brighter and brighter. The activated holy relic combined with the demon-level perception of the godhead mask also made him clearly feel the morale of the Quartet Qianyan Army at this moment.

The military spirit cannot be bullied.

The military spirit cannot be humiliated.

As the ancient texts say:

"The devil atmosphere is everywhere in front of us, the devil cave is fierce, and the devil king is rampant."

"Who is going to capture the king?"

"—Say solemnly: Qianyan!"

Tonight is the same.

Thousands of years later.

Qianyan, still Qianyan!

Chapter 32 Broken Dragon Terrace

Of course, the Qianyan army lost in the mist must have some who want to retreat or stand still.

It is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

But at least at this moment, at the moment when the thousands of troops are screaming together and the footsteps are shaking, at the moment when the fog is boundless, and the steps are echoing like drums, everyone can overcome the fear in their hearts and overcome their fears.

They are all stepping forward at the same time.

Step towards the only visible, undulating mountains in the white mist.

In a vast place, no one can be seen.

But you can hear it.

"Garrah, quack... You guys are crazy..." The abyss mage also made a trembling voice again,

Facing the beast that was once comparable to the demon god.

Did this group of mortals even dare to move forward and raise swords and spears?

The mage from the abyss stared in astonishment, but Tianhengxing, who was in charge of Liyue's land and construction, had bright eyes.

That's right, that's exactly what she wanted to see and the scene she wanted to see.

There is no need to follow immortals and gods.

There is no need to follow the will of any other being.

Human beings can rely on their own decisions,

Raise the knife and gun.

That is, during this process, Luo Wei turned the long knife in his hand sideways, pierced the collar of the loose robe of the abyss mage in front of him, hung it on it, bent his knees and turned over while jumping.

Before the small Qiuqiu mage, whose body was up and down, could react, Luo Wei had brought him to the ground behind King Qiuqiu.

And next...

"If you want to live, order your group of Qiuqiu people—"

"Heal the wounded!"

Rowe is succinct.

At the same time, the falling eyes made the Abyss Mage, who was separated from the ecstasy by the neat and solemn footsteps of the Qianyan Army, suddenly tremble.

The chicken blood faded, and the desire for life resurfaced. It made a hoarse chirping sound, but finally chose to give in.

There was a buzz.

While many Qiuqiu people were driven forward by the abyss mage with the ancient language, Ke Qing also fell to Luo Wei's side in the flash of thunder: "Leave it to me to deal with!"

Undoubtedly, Keqing has seen Luo Wei's plan to use the Qiuqiu people as his own logistics and reduce the casualties of the Qianyan Army.

This is indeed a good plan.

It is impossible for the Qiuqiu people to fight side by side, and the Qianyan army has a unified order. Joining this group of 'monsters' may have a counterproductive effect.

But the Qiuqiu people could act as coolies, helping the Qianyan soldiers who were injured in the battle with the terrifying existence that was about to wake up.

The shaman among the Qiuqiu people has the ability to heal wounds with elements.

This power can undoubtedly become a big rear boost.

"But you are the commander-in-chief of the Qianyan Army, and we need your presence ahead."

Keqing looked directly at Luo Wei, her dark purple eyes looked serious and pure: "Besides, it can't run away with me here."

Inexplicably, the abyss mage trembled.

If it remembers correctly,

This girl's speed is indeed faster than Luo Wei.

Luo Wei retracted the long knife from his collar, causing him to fall to the ground.

But at the same time, Ke Qing dropped the sword on the pale bone surface, and scattered with the thunder, leaving a mark of lightning—or, a thunder wedge.

These are the displacement coordinates that Keqing throws out during short-distance high-speed movement many times.

As long as it exists.

No matter where the other party goes, she can sense it.

And instantly appeared around.

So the abyss mage who planned to escape while Luo Wei was distracted finally gave up on this plan.

Made a flattering sound: "Quack quack..."

But Keqing just threw it aside, and ignored the abyss mage who failed to please him and sat on the ground slumped, shaking from side to side, not knowing what to do.

The abyss mage has a lot of wisdom, but in terms of simple way of thinking, he is just like a child of seven or eight years old.

After being ignored, he was naturally at a loss, and did not dare to act rashly.

However, Keqing stood in place.

But Luo Wei was walking forward at the same time - he pulled out the spear that had penetrated the body of King Qiuqiu who walked out first, held a sword in one hand and a gun in the other, and stepped slowly into the vast mist.

Foot boots lightly.

The hem of the clothes is raised.

As a godslayer, of course he has to face the disaster head-on.

As the commander-in-chief of the Qianyan Army, he should also walk ahead of everyone.

And the more forward.

The trembling sound of the mountain peak became louder.

The sound of the neatly striding footsteps brought out bursts of surging sound,

The four fields are pale and flowing.

The ground vibrates constantly.

The spears drawn by the Qianyan army were already approaching the overlapping and surging mountains.

That is, at the same time.

The earth's veins trembled more violently, and the vast water vapor from the clear water responded, covering the space between the stone gates.

A slender and winding shadow slowly floated up.

Eyes that sparkled like sparks opened suddenly.

Opening its teeth and dancing its claws, and the dragon roaring, from the majestic mountains of Gaosong, a huge dragon shadow like a mound floated in the mist.

Its shape is slender like a horse, with slender limbs lying on the ground, its slender tail sweeps slightly, and its ferocious head is hornless and elongated.

That's not just residue like Dunyu Demon God.

It is the remnant soul of the chilong that is stronger than the residue and suppressed here.

It wakes up here.


Fell from the top of the mountain!

"Mo, La, Ke, S!"

The sharp dragon claws tore through the vast white mist, and the reverberating dragon chant brought out bursts of cheers, mixed with strong resentment—resentment for the rock king who had defeated and suppressed him.

The remnant soul, what remains is resentment.

to this end.

It wants to kill the people of the Rock God.

Make Moraxk pay!

The billowing scales dragged a jet-black shadow as they galloped at high speed.

It crashed into the soldiers of the Qianyan army who were already close to the front.

The sound of footsteps echoing in all directions stopped abruptly.

The sergeant holding the white cherry gun stopped in his tracks and raised his head abruptly.

They saw the white mist in front of them being torn apart,

Dragon claws and teeth protrude from it.

They saw the dark shadows draw before them, and blinked like the night was approaching, more like a dark curtain slowly descending, trying to draw the final rest for everything.

But if you are alone,

They must be afraid, must be afraid.

But only at this moment, everyone gathers together, and everyone is united.

They still have the courage to show their strength!


The officers holding the spears and spears gave orders loudly, and the soldiers of the Qianyan army in the strict formation stabbed the spears in their hands high and aimed at the shadow of the dragon that bowed its head.

Spears are like a forest, and the sharp streamer points directly at the attacking claws. How can mundane steel match the claws of fierce beasts?

Even if it is only a remnant soul.

There may be no one in strength.

But it was also an evil beast that had fought against the Emperor of the Rock.

As a result, the spear and the sharp claws collapsed directly, and the scattered iron pieces decayed and withered like petals, and the soldiers who first collided with it retreated with great force.

But there is a narrow light rising sideways by itself.

But there was a figure moving forward from his side!

The raised spear took the place of the frustrated man, and the pierced sharp edge touched the sharp claws, passed through the gap, and stabbed at the dark and fine scales of the chilong, and slashed sparks as it ran and dragged.


The evil dragon let out an angry roar, and he pressed down the huge dragon body suddenly, and the raised dragon tail was about to sweep forward.

That is, at the same time.

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