During the buzzing, the four fields were in turmoil at the same time, and the "Wuwangpo" presented in the dream also showed layers of dark cracks like broken mirrors.

They spread out from the central point where the knife meets the gun.

Streamer gushes.

Shura Yasha's golden eyes were still fixed behind the Nuo dance mask, holding the gun awe-inspiringly, without the slightest fluctuation.

Luo Wei was under heavy pressure, but at the same time bent his knees and rotated the blade upwards!

Knife and gun blinked and staggered.

The blade spins.

The figure danced.

Luo Wei straightened his originally bent knees and lifted his body up abruptly.

The wind is still high above.

Covering the four fields touched by the spear, all within a radius of ten feet are oppressed and overwhelmed.

However, the flowing sharp edge brought Luo Wei straight into it.

His eyes widened.

As far as the eye can see, the turbulent and fine wind element overflowed the hollow gaps at the moment when the sword and gun collided.

He cut the blade through the elemental gap.

He passed himself along the cut slit.

The downward trend of 'Drill' continues unabated.

The storm that swept over was still fierce and unmatched.

Luo Wei, who was facing him, seemed to be in the middle of the turbulent waves rolling in the vast sea.

His knife is more like thunder.

Rises brightly from the bewildered sea.

Layers of differentiation.

Cut in layers.

From then on, go against the tide and cut off the horizon!

Suddenly, there was a big buzz!

There was also a clear swaying sound, like a Hong Zhong, shaking Yasha's mind.

Yasha raised his head sharply.

See Luo Wei holding up the long knife.

And on the side of his waist, an object was torn apart by the strong wind and fell, causing bright ripples in the air.

Is that a general order?

--Do not.

It is the 'no taboo talisman' representing the rock king!

you also...

'Drill' suddenly widened his eyes.

next second.

With a bang.

The spear fell to the ground.

The figure fell on one knee.

"The emperor is here."



Immortal Yaksha's golden eyes, which were originally frozen like amber, suddenly flowed the moment he lifted them up.

Yes, he has woken up.

What exists here is not a dream phantom at all.

But the real Liyue Immortal.

He is the real Great Sage of Conquering Demons!

Chapter 41 Dream Demon God

'Drill' came earlier than Luo Wei.

Whether it is Shimen.

Still Qingce Mountain.

He arrived earlier than Luo Wei and Keqing.

However, he did not intervene in the battle between the Qianyan army and the Qiuqiu people manipulated by the abyss mage, because he knew that they were enough to deal with it, and because the emperor told him that human beings may have reached the time when they parted ways with the immortals, and human beings need to learn Independent.

In the same way, he did not intervene in the battle between Luo Wei, Keqing and Qianyan Army against Chilong.

Of course, these two things are actually not within the scope of his duties.

It is not within the scope of the contract he signed with the emperor.

The Great Sage Conquering Demons is in charge of the demon god residue left on the land of Liyue.

So he can ignore the beast chilong and watch their battle.

But only the Demon God of Dreams is what he has to do——

This is his own responsibility.

It is also something that must be done as a "big devil" who was once enslaved by the demon god of dreams.

The shadow of that experience of enslavement still lingers today.

No matter how many battles you have experienced, no matter how many demon god residues you cut off, no matter how many demon god karma you bear, it is difficult to completely get rid of them.

There's nothing he can do to get rid of--

Because the Demon God of Dreams... is dead.

It shattered like a bubble and scattered in the sky and the earth.

So before that, even Mandrill himself didn't expect that the shattered foam would fall on Qingce Mountain.

And now that I know it.

Then he will definitely make a move.

The end result, it's obvious...

Immortal Yaksha, who fell on one knee, raised his face wearing a Nuo dance mask. He leaned on the emerald green spear with the tip of the gun in one hand, and slowly stretched out the other hand to pick up the "General Order" in front of him. .. After falling into a dream, the outer casing is inexplicably removed, and what is revealed is also a 'no taboo talisman'.

The general order is a talisman with no taboos after being packaged in a shell, not just the same type.

There is no taboo when the emperor comes in person.

What it represents is the rock king emperor himself.

If not, how could Mandrill break free from the dream again: "Dijun...Have you thought about it long ago?"

Thinking that he would be bound again in the dream?

Come to think of it... he will fall into the shadows of the past again?


Luo Wei, who also landed from the sky, pointed the long knife obliquely at the ground, the bright light of the knife was still spreading and clanging, and he looked at this slender 'young fairy'.

And Mandrill finally stood up with the 'Hundred No Taboo Talisman'.

He pulled out the emerald green spear and looked at this young human being who was no longer far behind him in terms of martial arts: "How did you notice it?"

How do you realize that what is in this dream is not an illusory shadow, but the real Great Sage Conquering Demons?

Luo Wei raised his eyebrows, and replied as a matter of course: "If it was really the shadow of the golden-winged roc burned in the dream by the great demon under the seat of the Demon God of Dreams, there would be no spear in your hand, let alone the spirit-like The demon-like Nuo dance—"

The spear in Mandrill's hand is named 'He Pu Yuan'.

It was created by Liyue, and the people of Liyue were afflicted by the overlord 'Baqiu' in the sea. In order to suppress it, it was transformed by 'Kite Bird', one of the two stone beasts created by Emperor Yan.

Such a gun, before Mandrill became a general under Dijun's command, was always in Dijun's own hands, and it was not given to him until he broke free from the shackles of the nightmare.

When Mandrill was under the command of the Demon God of Dreams, it was impossible to have such a gun.

Fairy Nuo Dance was also a combat technique created after that under the guidance of the emperor.

"Is that so..."

Mandrill exhaled, and after handing the 'Hundred No Taboo Talisman' to Luo Wei, he slowly took off the Nuo dance mask on his face, his youthful and handsome face showed no expression, and his tone did not fluctuate at all: "This time ...It was indeed my carelessness..."

"No, maybe it's just that the skills are not as good as people's."

The young immortal frowned slightly, obviously extremely unhappy.


No matter who it is, it will not be pleasant to experience a 'childhood shadow' again.

The 'Wuwangpo' was still cloudy, and while some will-o'-the-wisps were blowing, Luo Wei murmured. Before he could speak, Mandrill glanced at him and said, "I know what you want to ask."

"I am indeed bound by the Demon God of Dreams, but...not defeated by him."

"Instead, defeat yourself."

"But now, I've woken up, are you...disappointed?"

As the words fell, the young immortal raised his head.

Of course, he didn't say this to Luo Wei.

Luo Wei also followed his gaze, and at a glance saw the majestic and tallest peak of 'Qingce Mountain' in the dreamland.

Sui's words fell instantly.

like a response.

The forests on the mountainsides on both sides twisted and collapsed and disappeared.

Instead, it is a flat surface covering the ground, with pillars on both sides of the majestic stand, and jewels and jade hanging high above the head, shining like the sun, moon and stars.

The dim light fell, illuminating the interior of the splendid palace.

Dreams are an illusion.

They didn't move.

What moves is only the imprint of the dream.

And under the eyes of Luo Wei and Mandrill.

In the original location of the 'top of Qingce Mountain', a majestic throne emerged, surrounded by countless swaying and blooming glass lilies, and the figure sitting on it gently opened its eyes.

He couldn't see his face clearly, but he could vaguely see his slim and beautiful figure.


"Demon God of Dreams?"

Just as Luo Wei sensed just now, the Demon God of Dreams is indeed on the top of 'Qingce Mountain'.

They have been under the throne.

The softly swaying female voice echoed in this magnificent dream palace:

"You actually... broke free from my shackles? My child... Do you know that only dreams are the most beautiful things in the world? Why do you want to break free?"

'Drill' didn't say anything, just holding the spear tightly.

It was here that he confronted the Demon God of Dreams.

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