The nightmare finally stopped struggling.

Luo maintained the saber retreated, the light of the saber vibrated slightly, and the shadow of the chilong took off on the saber, flaunting it as if it had broken free from its shackles.

The contract is completed, and the dust on the knife is gone.

God soldiers appear.

The black mist on the top of the mountain lightly disappears.

It's like a nightmare fades away.

In Qingcezhuang that night, countless people wandered in their dreams, tasting the beauty that was almost plundered by the demon god.

The shadow of the moon is still the same this night.

Someone suddenly woke up at the foot of Qingce Mountain with a look of surprise.

Someone beside him also said: "Chief coach, this is us..."

"It seems that someone saved us." The head coach narrowed his eyes, looked up at the sky, and looked at the dream fog that was gradually dissipating.

And in the dream, Luo Wei looked at the reincarnation ceremony that became brighter after activation, his eyes were inexplicable.

He remembered the demon god's eyes that were the last to touch before he fell.

He saw inexplicable...


'Maybe Shax is also looking forward to someone who can break free from the shackles he has given. '

'Perhaps Shax was also hoping that his children would really understand what he said. '

After the death of the demon god, the dream remained, but it became more and more mottled.

Mandrill pulled He Puyuan up indifferently.

in front of him.

The figures of former partners fell to the ground in all directions, but dissipated like broken glass, but finally smiled silently.

Shax may really love her baby.

But her love is too heavy and cruel...

"We don't need it."

The cold wind blows, but it gets colder and colder.

Chapter 46 The difference between immortals and new powers

The dream world woven by consciousness became more and more hazy and illusory at the moment when Mandrill drew out his spear.

The demon god is dead.

Yasha Shura's 2000-year shame also came to an end at this moment.

But not from resentment, or hatred.

Yakshas can only fly forward, they will not look back, and naturally they have no time to go.

This is solely the responsibility of the Yaksha.

Cutting off the shadow in her heart is also cutting off Liyue's karma.

"However, this time, I don't need to bear any karma." Mandrill turned the spear, and a stream of light shone, which was enough to rival the demon god Yanjun's creation. The spear also disappeared in an instant, and the income belonged to the fairy Within the cave at home.

Then, the youth-like immortal turned his golden eyes to the side.

Luo Wei's figure appeared at the same time.


It was 'Drill' who broke away from the cage woven by Oneiroi with his own dreams, and came to the dimension of consciousness he originally fabricated.

Return to place.

Luo Wei just escaped from his consciousness space, and just heard the words of the golden-winged roc Yasha.

He still held the long knife with the hem of his clothes hanging down and the dust that had just been washed off, and heard the immortal beside him say in a low voice: "It is indeed as the emperor said, maybe you are more suitable to guard this land than me."

Rowe was startled.

He watched the immortal in front of him raise his hand, and the green elemental aura in his palm floated soundlessly, but it spread a little dark and confused.

That is 'karma'.

It is the grievance of the Demon God that the Great Sage Conquering Demon has been cleaning up all kinds of demon god residue for Liyue for thousands of years.

It is the inevitable 'wear and tear' that has gone through the years and under the scour of time.

The previous 'Drill' didn't think much of it, but this experience finally made him face up to the abilities of human beings, and let him know that maybe without immortals, human beings can start to have the ability to deal with many situations independently...

The Dunyu Demon God is.

Chilong is.

The same is true for the Demon God of Dreams at this moment.

Is this what the emperor said, the era of separation between humans and immortals?

"Yasha, who has been flapping his wings, wants to stop?"

Rowe spoke suddenly.

"Of course...not." Mandrill paused, then immediately responded: "Yashas have been flying all their lives, and I want them to stop flapping their wings... only at the moment of death."

"I'm not dead yet, that's why - I can still swing a gun."

"That's right." Luo Wei chuckled: "The Immortal has been with Li Yue for a long time, so even if we want to part, it's not now, even if we have to part ways in the end, we must let human beings go on their own. Before, say goodbye, don't you?"

Just like a baby in the swaddle grows up and grows stronger.

But if you travel far.

How can parents not exhort and exhort thousands of times?

At this moment, Mandrill also suddenly remembered, he thought of the moment when the Demon God of Dream was pierced by the arrow that fell from the sky, and he thought of the moment when the darkness was shattered and dawn came.

The rock god who did not yet have the name of an emperor appeared in front of his eyes.

He asked, "What will you desire?"

At that time, Mandrill didn't answer, but got up silently, and followed Dijun's side.

He signed a contract with the Rock God.

Wish to wash away the remaining darkness for Liyue.

'Drill' has lost its original freedom.

Then he still wants to flap his wings.

Protect others.

This is also his freedom after that——

"Rovie... is it?"

"You have remembered my name, so next..."

"If you encounter difficulties in the wilderness, when you encounter thieves on the road, when you encounter difficulties with water, fire, swords and soldiers, when you encounter ghosts, gods, medicines and poisons, when you encounter evil beasts, poisonous insects, when you encounter enemies and evil people, please call me by my name."

"The three-eyed and five-manifested celestial being - a mandrill, will come at his call."

" protect you."

The green wind is again, and it is like fluttering wings to fly high, fluttering and falling scattered feathers.

Luo Wei stretched out his hand to catch a feather, and seeing it wither and turn into a pure wind element, he couldn't help but chuckled again.

Walking on this piece of land named Liyue, studying those ancient cultures that are similar to but different from his original world, can always arouse some ripples in his heart.

Perhaps every godslayer will gradually fall in love with those ancient traces in the process of exploring the ancients and chasing the myths.

Nostalgic but not ancient.

So is Rowe.

But since the immortal said goodbye, he should leave next.

"Let's try, the newly obtained 【Power】!"

When he entered the dream space, he was personally accepted by the Demon God of Dreams with his power of refusal.

But now that he is leaving, he will also leave under the authority of the 'Demon God of Dreams'.

That's why Luo Wei didn't let 'Drill' take him away—an immortal with three eyes and five manifestations, with the supernatural powers bestowed by the emperor, could gather and disperse invisible, and travel without hindrance.

But now, Luo Wei can also try.

——The power of the dream demon god 'Shax' obtained in the self-reincarnation ceremony.

——[Nightmare Tapir].

The power to manipulate consciousness and weave dreams.

There is no doubt that whether it is Luo Wei or Mandrill, they both set foot in the dream world with their bodies.

But stepping into the dream world with the body also requires manipulation from the level of consciousness.

He took a step forward.

Li Hai's Broken Dream moved up slightly.

The jet-black streamer rose up by itself, weaving slowly behind him to outline a huge animal shape.

Its shape is slender, its limbs are as light as a cheetah, its ears are spread out like wings, its proboscis hangs down like an elephant, and its pair of fangs protrude.

Luo Wei used the power of [Nightmare Tapir].

It also seems to have summoned a nightmare.

Blessed by divine power, energy that does not belong to any of the seven elements engraved some pale traces between the eye shadows at the corners of the eyes.

And the raised trunk of the 'Nightmare Tapir' gathered together the remaining dream fragments in the process of gathering and stirring, and weaved a road leading to the outside world under the pavement of shimmering fragments——

Move lightly to the foot of the mountain, and never go up the slope.

There are natural fairies floating up and down in the air, and will-o'-the-wisps shining quietly among the dense pine forests.

The cloudy wind was blowing slowly, and it suddenly accelerated and turned into a raging gale.

The will-o'-the-wisp went out like a horror.

The fairies scattered and fled in all directions.

The pine leaves were blown into the sky, and the shadows of the fallen trees were thrown from the swaying trunks, which appeared extremely thin under the hazy moon.

And a slender figure also emerged between the shadows of the trees like an ink pen.

— Rowe opened his eyes.

The sight is still the Wuwangpo when I went there.


"Ah, why not goblins don't want to leave, dare to disturb the hall master in the middle of the night!?"

The girl's extremely energetic and crisp voice suddenly interrupted Luo Wei's thoughts.

He froze for a moment, then turned his head, facing a slender hand, and a piece of yellow paper with black characters between the palms. ,

Then there was a burst of rambling, chanting words, like mantra-like words: "Birth, old age, sickness and death, the director of humanity, the dead, return to reincarnation quickly."



Maybe... this is the spell.

Chapter 47 Walnut, the master of the Hall of Rebirth!

"Sorry sorry, it seems that this matter is just a misunderstanding..."

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