The shadow of the whirling tree is located between the caves where the peaks and ridges meet on both sides. The flames in full bloom are like scarlet red reflected in a variety of colors. What you can see are the red and gold petal rhizomes rooted in the cracks in the ground and slightly swaying in the air.

There is no doubt that it is the Explosive Flame Tree.

It is a mutated elemental life form formed at the place where the veins of the earth are cracked, and the elements that flow out are swallowed by special vines.

Luo Wei stood still at the entrance of the cave, and of course he knew what it was.

After all, it can be regarded as the source of elemental materials in the previous 'game'... Some of the materials he mentioned to Yunjin before came from it.

At the beginning of his strength, he actually thought about going out to 'hunt' by himself.

But reality is different from games.

Whether it is the Explosive Flame Tree, or the "phaseless" of different elements formed by the energy flowing out of the earth's veins, the places where they appear are also random.

It takes a lot of effort to find it, and it's not even as cost-effective as spending money to buy it.

Even though Luo Wei already has the perspective of the Godhead mask, he has already discovered in battle after battle that this ability of his is actually more suitable for finding gaps in battle, rather than looking for things to find people.

Looking for things and people can only see hazy light and shadows, but you can clearly capture the clouds and gaps in battle.

This is probably also the combat talent brought by being a godslayer, right?

Of course, if there is an immortal who directly locks his position and supernatural powers with the magic of the immortal family, that is another matter——

"too slow."

Above the entrance of the cave, Shenhe had already been waiting for a long time.

He ignored Hu Tao who kept calling "Immortal, Immortal!" who was following Luo Wei, but swept his eyes and snorted again: "That's the Explosive Flame Tree."

"Mortal, take your knife and kill it."

"Restrain one's spirit and restrain one's soul."

"Use this as your blade!"

Chapter 55 God Eater

The faint light of the fire clearly outlines the exposed majesty of the rugged rocks on all sides of the cave in the sight.

The 'Burst Flame Tree' at the light source was still rooted in the ground, but when Luo Wei and others arrived, the petals and rhizomes exposed in the air were already swaying slightly.

It has begun to have an instinctive vigilance response to the outside world.

And listening to Zhenjun Liuyun Borrowing the Wind's words, Luo Wei's expression also changed slightly, standing at the entrance of the cave, facing the breeze, the hem of the skirt fluttered slightly.

"Cut it—"

"But don't hurt its body."

"With the knife in your hand, devour its core fire."

"Only by retaining its shape to the greatest extent can it play the greatest role."

A gust of wind blew up with the immortal's words, Luo Wei nodded slightly, and stepped forward.

"Hehe... Explosive Flame Tree? It's really a rare big guy!" Hu Tao put her hands on her hips, looked up and down the elemental vines standing in the center of the cave, and nodded gently with her pretty face.

Then, a flame-like staff and spear appeared in her hand at the same time, flickering and flowing.

"Is it 'Goma', the ritual stick of the Hall of Rebirth? Hmph, I never thought that the master of the Hall of Resurrection this time would really be a little girl."

The fairy standing high above the entrance of the cave squinted down.

"Hey, what's the use of finding this hall master!? I am Hu Tao, the 77th hall master of the Past Life Hall!" Hu Tao raised her eyebrows and grinned slightly, but her swaying snow-white legs were slightly tilted forward.

She didn't know Luo Wei's strength, but as a guest recruited by her hall master, Hu Tao felt that she had to be fully responsible for the safety of this guy who had magical abilities but didn't even have the eyes of God.

So she seemed to be talking to Liu Yun, but her body was always ready to help Luo Wei.

Liuyun took advantage of the wind to raise his long eyebrows and flap his wings, but he didn't speak anymore.

Just stare straight ahead.

The air in the cave is extremely dry and hot. The further you go forward, the more you can feel the surging fire elements gathering here.

Up to now, such a special element life form certainly does not pose any threat to Luo Wei, but if it is to be defeated without harming it...

"It still needs a little more work."

Rowe stood still.

The head-on flames were raging, neither far nor near, and just stepped into the warning line of the explosive tree!


The low and restless sound resounded at the same time, and the roots of the Explosive Tree, which was originally rooted in the center of the cave, which was originally hanging down and almost touching the ground, rose suddenly, and the blooming red and gold petals also stood tall at the same time.

It's like a person stands upright and then opens his arms.

Rumble, rumble, rumble... more, more frequent humming rippling in the cave shrouded in jagged stone walls.

Then, the flames flowed like threads, covering the slender torso of the Explosive Tree from bottom to top, condensing little by little sparks among the surrounding petals like pouring out.

With a loud sound, the petals shook together, sparks splashed, and turned into countless raging fireballs while tumbling.

——Push in the direction of Luo Wei!

Luo Wei's feet moved lightly, his body leaned forward, and a stream of heat flashed across his head, bringing a stream of hot and dry light.

The long knife was raised almost at the same time, and the galloping dragon shadow suddenly pierced through the scarlet figure, and then with a slight swing of Luo Wei's wrist, it turned from an upward slash into a horizontal slash, and slanted out like a splash of ink. Fog overlaps—


The water element entwined on the sword blended with the approaching fire element in an instant, and the sudden evaporation reaction created layers of fog on the spot like a burst.

The figure in the mist flicked the hem of his clothes, bent his knees and stepped on the ground, approaching when the ground cracked!

A bit of cold light criss-crossed the thin haze.

The skirt is fierce.

Luo Wei bent his right arm around the top of his head and shook hands with the handle of the knife. The blade hung behind his head, his knees and elbows were tense, and he jumped vertically to a high place.

His bent hands are stretched like bowstrings.

Hang in the air!

But at this very moment, the towering Explosive Tree swelled and stretched out countless fine vines from the joints of the petals, bringing flames to rush in all directions like a waterfall.

As a plant itself, the Explosive Tree doesn't have the intelligence of a creature, but its instinctive response rooted in it allows it to respond to attacks in an instant.

Luo Wei slashed down and split the flame waterfall.

Like a jagged reef facing the tide.

Arouse more and more surging mist.

The swirling light of the knife wrapped around his body like a ring, and at the same time, Luo Wei suddenly retracted the knife and flowed back, gathering the blasted mist on the blade.

Then the wrist turns, the blade turns back, and slaps suddenly.

The subdued water light shot backwards like a cannonball, and the counter-shock force made the long knife slightly tilted and bent, and suddenly recovered like a vine shrinking, dragging Luo Wei's arm forward, making him even more inclined to jump Brings up a chaotic afterimage.

At this moment, it is infinitely approaching between the blooming petals of the Explosive Tree!

The high-spirited voice reappeared, and the spreading vines suddenly shuttled from under the cover of the petals. Luo Wei quickly adjusted his figure in the air, his hem fluttered like a petal, his wrists drooped, and his long knife dragged across the air like a petal. The dragon walks away from the shadow of the Jiao.


Then swing the knife.

The trembling and clear knife sounded, and the provocative long knife directly pushed aside the intertwined vines, swiped it randomly, and wiped off the inclined blade like a paw ding dispelling an ox.

The petals are flying and still connected to the heart of the flower, but the rhizome that controls the flow of elements has long been cut off.

At this moment, the sharp edge finally approaches the center of the flower center surrounded by petals, where a little fire shines.

Undoubtedly, this is the core of what Zhenjun Liuyun borrowed the wind to say, the fire seed of the Explosive Flame Tree.

But it was just that moment.

The Explosive Tree suddenly tightened its surrounding vines again, and let out a roar like a beast——


The turbulent fire element erupts in its body, and the strange thing that absorbs the earth vein element and mutates is far from being able to compare with the demon god in charge of power and the ferocious beast transformed by the element stack, but it has been impregnated by the element for many years, and its essence has also changed. Close to pure elemental life forms.

The torrent of elements that erupted at this moment, even if it couldn't hurt Luo Wei, was enough to block the blade that Luo Wei swung.

However, facing the scouring of elements like a world of heat, Luo Wei still swung his saber forward.

The bent body straightened suddenly, and the raised long knife brought out an increasingly clear dragon chant.

When the knife meets the fire, a cold light blooms simultaneously from the evaporated water mist, chopping up the chaotic dust and smoke like a dragon sailing out to sea and parading the sky.

Curved a knife.

circling by--

With a bang, a gap was cut out of the surging elements!

The Explosive Flame Tree under the gaze of both eyes has no obvious defects, and the natural things that have been brushed by the earth pulse have amazing potential.

But there are no flaws.

But it can forcibly cut out the defects!

Under Li Haimengduan's initial stimulation, the power of cutting off the dream shadow can automatically cut off the infinite elements!

And along this gap.

Luo Wei also submerged into the ocean of elements at the same time.

He plunged the knife into the elemental core.

Also rub the sharp edge into the narrow area of ​​the flower heart.

Then, between the explosion of the elements that almost exploded like self-destruct, the light of the knife shone brightly, and the birth of the immortal magic formula was activated.


The strong oppression spread from the long knife at the same time, enveloping the still struggling and throbbing elements like overlapping ripples.

Forcibly oppressed, and then...

The god eats the soul, and the monster falls into the water.


Chapter 56 Nuclear bomb knife method

In the cave, the sound was gradually extinguished, and the Explosive Flame Demon Tree, which was still rampant and rioting just now, was pierced through the "ever-burning fire" by Luo Wei with Li Haimeng in just a short moment.

Boundless water vapor spread from the blade, and endless water vapor was stirred up in the rustling, constantly reducing the violent fire element between the trunk of the giant tree and vines.

The Immortal Dao formula that also appeared from the blade has an invisible force that pins down the instinctive consciousness of the Explosive Tree.

From when Luo Wei swung the knife, to the fall of the magic tree, and a few stumbling blocks, less than a minute passed.

"As expected of the Guest Qing whom the Hall Master values ​​- in the future, there will be a candidate for the number one thug in the Hall of Rebirth!" Hu Tao Zhuhong rolled her eyes, and after a moment of surprise, her thoughts became active again.

Liu Yun borrowed the wind over there, still arrogant: "Hmph, barely pass!"

As expected of a guy who can defeat the remnant of Chilong and cut off the shadow of Oneiroi, he is not much worse than the Great Sage of Conquering Demons, right?

No wonder it can fight side by side with it, and even dominate it.

"Next, you just need to activate the magic formula performed by this immortal!" Liu Yun borrowed the wind and then opened his slender and beautiful crane's beak, and confided: "This immortal has already adjusted it for you, so you don't need to worry about it." .”

"——This is the magical method of the immortal family."

"On weekdays, it's rare for mortals to see each other!"

Of course Luo Wei heard the voice of Liu Yun borrowing the wind.

Right now, he did exactly that.

The celestial supernatural power named "Ju Shen" may actually have a prototype in his original world, and it is the method of "expelling gods" that ranks among the top 72 Taoist magic arts.

It can arrest and dispatch goblin mountain gods to use them for themselves.

Of course, a prototype is just a prototype.

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