She was convinced of this, and became all the more delighted.

"Welcome back, Rowe—"

Chapter 60 The lantern in the dream is lit in reality

Liyue Port, after nightfall, this port city is as prosperous as ever. The bustling business district located in Feiyunpo is full of people. Food ingredients, jade jewelry, and all kinds of lantern dolls are dazzling.

Facing the bustling scene, Yunjin just stood on the street and waited quietly.

"I've been waiting for a long time." The girl didn't turn her eyes until the boy's clear voice sounded next to her ears.

"No—it's your hard work." The girl responded softly, but at this moment she seemed to return to the dignified and decent young lady.

Luo Wei, who had just returned from the General Affairs Department of Yuehai Pavilion, couldn't help but smile when he saw this.

Know what she is worried about.

As the head of the Yunhan Society, the girl's every move attracts attention when she is outside.

Of course, Rowe himself is also the same.

Half a day has passed.

It can be said that meeting Yunjin halfway before was a real surprise. Seeing the girl's delicate appearance, Luo Wei couldn't help but feel relaxed.

But now that Liyue has arrived, Luo Wei, as the 'Deputy Commander of Qianyan Army', still has some things to be busy.

He went to the General Affairs Department.

After spending a lot of time talking to Miss Gan Yu who has worked for thousands of years, although I couldn't see Ke Qing again, I knew that Yu Heng Xing was safe and sound, and after returning, I worked harder. Luo Wei couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He didn't want anything to happen to his comrades.

At this moment after returning, he also found that Yun Jin was still waiting here at the intersection.

She insisted on waiting for herself.

As for Walnut, it had slipped away long before Luo Wei entered.

As if you don't want to disturb anything.

It's just that before leaving, he looked at Luo Wei, and then at Yun Jin, his pretty face was a little curious, and he left behind the words "If you have time, remember to go to my place for a cup of tea!" Bounce away and disappear.

But at this moment, under the dim lights.

Luo Wei stared at the dignified and elegant girl in front of him, and recalled the beautiful touch of the moment when they were reunited, and couldn't help but feel a little rippling in his heart.

Of course, at this moment, Yunjin had already shed that dress of a woman disguised as a man, and changed into her usual clothes.

Wearing a pompom phoenix crown on her head, her long hair hangs down to reflect her pretty face, her phoenix eyes are slightly raised with red lips and red pupils, her nose is beautiful and her slender neck winds down, gathered between white collars, A red lotus-like shawl is draped over the shoulders, and the hanging 'petals' undulate on the bosom bound tightly by the black cloth.

Her waist is tightly bound by the Yanyun copper lock belt, which is like a silver screen, but it expands at the pelvis to bloom a lotus-like skirt. The snow-white skirt sways slightly. There is a little shimmer under the package, and the delicate curve between the legs is looming where it is gently swaying in the wind.

The girl's hanging hands were half-covered between the sleeves, and five fingers as white as jade protruded from them, and they looked beautiful and moving when they were gently opened.

"What's wrong? My attire... um, is there something wrong?"

Seeing Luo Wei looking at her all the time, Yun Jin was a little confused.

"No, nothing."

Luo Wei's heart moved slightly, he looked away, and looked at the bustling neighborhood: "It's a rare free time... why don't you go for a walk?"

"Yeah." Yunjin nodded lightly, of course she couldn't wish more.

Fortunately, although Mr. Yun of Yunhan Club is well-known, he is not so famous that everyone will be empty when he goes out. After all, he usually wears makeup when performing on stage, and he can clearly identify Yun in any situation. Sumire's, probably only Luo Wei.

And even if someone occasionally recognized Mr. Yun, they would stop at a distance and would not step forward to disturb him.

So Yunjin is not so bad that she can't even go out on the street.

"—By the way, the new inspiration I told you about during the day..."

"Don't say it yet? If you say it, there will be no sense of ceremony!" Yunjin turned her eyes sideways, and raised her pale finger to cover Luo Wei's lips, and the soft fingertips slid gently, and the girl smiled lightly: "Next time I'll go to your side, and we'll talk while drinking tea."

"Alright." Of course, Luo Wei couldn't refuse: "There is also a ticket for Xin Yan's concert. Speaking of which, when I got this ticket, Xin Yan even looked panicked..."

"Maybe I thought I wanted to ban her concert? After all, I was wearing the costume of Qianyan Army."

"After all, it is the Qianyan Army who is in charge of the city's appearance... But if it were me, I would definitely not be afraid." Yunjin couldn't help raising her phoenix eyes slightly as she listened.

Luo Wei pretended to be curious: "Then what will you do?"

"I will kick the gun, and then... babbling!" The girl's graceful voice came out from the bottom of her mouth, and her curled flower hands brought a heroic spirit, but the words she said were not so heroic: "Stand up Just run!"

Luo Wei couldn't help but laugh.

Then Mr. Yun also covered his mouth and smiled lightly, his eyes met and he was startled at the same time, and the corner of his mouth raised even more happily.

In front of others, Yunjin dare not be so relaxed.

Solemn demeanor is the upbringing she has received since she was a child, and it is also the inculcation of her elders all the time.

But many times, she also wishes she could... relax.

The reason why Luo Wei was approached was also because of this.

She likes the unconstrained and unconstrained stories of Luo Wei, likes the new legends that narrate ancient legends in a new way, likes Luo Wei's writing style, and also likes his seriousness when explaining to herself, and concentration when he lands...

Only by Luo Wei's side, Yunjin would eat food that she would not dare to eat, say things that she would not dare to say, and see scenery that she would not dare to see.

"Young man, young lady, old friends are reunited, and tonight's beautiful scenery, how about setting up two lanterns?"

There were people coming and going on both sides of Feiyunpo Road, among the din of people, there was a deep and hoarse old woman's voice.

The evening wind blows Yang Jian, and Yun Jin looks up.

Luo Wei couldn't help but pause: "Grandma Ping?"

"Aren't you at Yujing Terrace?"

"Old people always have to walk around, or their bones will become stiff!" The old woman called 'Grandma Ping' laughed, her old face looked kind and kind.

Are you still stiff?I think I won't be able to stiffen when I'm old... But Luo Wei knows that the person in front of him is also one of the immortals.

'Ge Chen Lang Shi Zhenjun', one of the immortals with three eyes and five appearances, likes to live in seclusion, go deep into the crowd to observe the world as a mortal, often set up a stall outside, and sell small lanterns that look like Tianzhen Lord at the Sea Lantern Festival , selling Kitchen God dolls at the Moon Festival...

Luo Wei has been walking around Liyue Port, and of course he will not miss dealing with this old man.

This time, the old man was still selling lanterns, but they were ordinary lanterns, not the commemorative lanterns of the Sea Lantern Festival.

Of course, Grandma Ping didn't know that Luo Wei already knew her identity, so she just looked at Yun Jin: "How is it?"

"Flower lantern—" Yunjin's eyes lit up suddenly: "Is it like in a dream..."

"Please, old man, get us two."

Luo Wei thought that he had brought money with him, and subconsciously wanted to take out the money, but was stopped by Yunjin.

"Didn't it be agreed before?"

You should be raised by me obediently!


"Here, I picked two big ones for you." Grandma Ping said cheerfully, obviously in a good mood.

Yun Jin took the lantern and led Luo Wei to the port pier.

The night is vast.

She also seemed to really want to imitate the scene in her dream.

"What did you write on the lantern?"

"Just like in a dream...I won't tell you."

"Then I won't say anything."

I don't even know.

Yun Jin looked up at the two bright star-like lights blooming in the night, the pompom phoenix crown swayed slightly, her hands were hanging down in front of the long skirt, and under the moon and lights, she raised a bright smile.

Luo Wei didn't go to see the lanterns, but looked at Yunjin and couldn't help smiling.

Yun Jin didn't seem to have thought about it... no, maybe she knew it, but she didn't point it out.

That dream was created by Luo Wei.

How could he not know what she wrote?

"Master Keqing, what are you looking at—" someone asked in a low voice above the pier.

[Yuheng], one of the seven stars of Liyue, who wore a purple horned hairpin hairstyle, looked away from the two sparks in the sky with an inexplicable expression.

Don't look at the two people on the pier: "Nothing."

The secretary following behind looked at the pier with a puzzled expression, but he didn't ask any further questions, but suddenly noticed that Keqing in front of him seemed to have... a little change.

Chapter 61 Best friends will exchange tokens with each other

After returning from Shimen, Yu Hengxing became more 'active' in her work.

This was something that almost everyone could have foreseen—after all, although the original Keqing worked hard, it wasn't to the point where she didn't have any leisure for herself.

She still goes shopping occasionally, eats her favorite golden shrimp balls, and says, 'It's good to combine work and rest, but don't relax too much'.

However, since a few days ago, Keqing has entered a completely different state after returning.

She would start to be busy in the early morning of every day, and would not end until four or five o'clock in the middle of the night, when the whole Liyue Port began to sleep.

But it appeared in the General Affairs Department of Yuehai Pavilion in the early morning of a moment later.

Day after day, reciprocating cycle.

That is to say, from that day on, the Yuheng star, which was already tense like a bowstring, opened up like a full moon.

In terms of working hours, she even surpassed the respected general secretary of Yuehai Pavilion 'Miss Gan Yu'.

But Gan Yu is a half-immortal body and cannot be exhausted, while Ke Qing is still in the category of human beings even though she has the eyes of gods.

If it goes on like this, one day, this stretched bowstring will break.

One day, this Yuheng star will fall.

Everyone is worried.

Everyone is worried.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Yu Hengxing's state is very wrong.

Her efforts were no longer the same as before, but seemed to be covering up something, as if she was panicking, afraid, and trying hard not to think about something she didn't want to think about.

And now-

In the eyes of the secretary following Yu Hengxing, Ke Qing's tense state seemed to relax all of a sudden?

Is it because of seeing the two people at the pier?

Who is that?

Luo Wei has just taken office, not many people know him, and not everyone in Liyue will listen to Mr. Yun's opera.

But she didn't ask.

Ke Qing, who was in front of her, suddenly turned her head: "Today, let's go here!"

The secretary was stunned.

Now, it's only night and the second watch is not full.

That's... rest?

The secretary couldn't believe it, and the feeling she had before didn't seem to be an illusion.

Keqing really relaxed.

Seeing Luo Wei here, what she was worried about, after knowing that Luo Wei might face a bigger crisis alone, was finally put down at this moment.

Just as Rowe thought.

After that battle, Keqing truly regarded Luo Wei as her 'comrade-in-arms'.

She believes that Luo Wei can shoulder with herself the future of freeing human beings from the shackles of gods.

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