Not only the Qianyan Army, but even the "General Affairs Department" quickly cooperated and transferred several warships.

Since it is a battleship, it is of course loaded with artillery.

It was an elemental weapon from 'Fontaine'. It was charged with the 'Thunder Seed' sold by the merchant who smuggled over from Daozuma's side, and it could form a huge destructive thunder element impact in an instant.

A boat with ten gates runs, and ten boats have a hundred gates.

There is a saying that money can make ghosts grind - Liyue, as a place of wealth circulation and precipitation, even holds the right to mint coins of Tivat, and it also gathers technologies from various countries.

"Such a big battle... there is Miss Lao Ganyu."

"Hmm... eh!?"

Luo Wei's words made the drowsy half-immortal beast 'Gan Yu' suddenly wake up, raised his eyes, and looked around.

The ice-blue short hair is blowing in the sea breeze, and the clothes that wrap the graceful figure are tumbling wantonly in the wind. The slightly exposed black underwear tightly binds the waist, and the flexible bulge is surrounded by triangles, with a little bloated beauty. Standing on the pier with small leather boots on his legs.

Her eyes went from being confused at the beginning to quickly condensing and sober.

There is no doubt that these ten huge ships were brought here by the secretary-general of the General Affairs Department himself.

Standing here, he is as comfortable as usual. Due to long-term high-intensity work, he is prone to sleepiness if he slackens a little, but when he heard Luo Wei's words, he quickly returned to his senses: "This is... Seven Stars The common decision of adults."

"It seems that Dijun won't make a move this time." Ke Qing, who had never left, also came up from behind, her hips swaying slightly and her legs crossed to the ground, her fluttering skirt looming: "Otherwise they wouldn't be like this." Make such a decision simply and neatly.”

Her expression seemed a little happy. It might be a bad thing for ordinary people if the emperor didn't make a move, but for Yuheng Xing Keqing, it was something she wished for.

"All personnel have been counted, and new weapons have been issued."

"It's time to go—"

Keqing seemed to regard herself as a member of this operation.

However, Luo Wei didn't intend to let her participate, and Yuheng Xing's light and fast thunder is obviously not suitable for dealing with huge monsters: "Liyue Seven this time, it is not suitable to go out?"

"Liyue Port still needs your presence, Lord Keqing."

Listening to Luo Wei's words, Ke Qing's brows obviously frowned, obviously a little unhappy.


"I don't want to wait for a chaotic Liyue to greet us triumphantly when I return."

Facing such words and Luo Wei's serious eyes, Ke Qing was stunned for a while, and finally she was a little loose.

Each perform their duties.

Everyone does their best.

In this case... Liyue Qixing is really not suitable for going to sea.

And should sit here.

Stabilize people's hearts.

After all, with the Liyue Seven Stars around, although those foreign businessmen and tourists were afraid of this sudden situation, they could calm down overall and would not flee in a hurry.

Seven stars are not only the barrier of 'reputation'.

"so be it!"

"If you waste too much time, things will be too busy."

Keqing hugged her full chest with one hand, and brushed the hair beside her ears with the other hand, a smile appeared on her raised face in a sassy manner: "I'll be waiting for your triumphant return in Liyue."

Blind asylum is indeed wrong.

Blindly helping is not what a 'comrade in arms' should do.

"—For Liyue!"

Gan Yu over there also bowed at the same time.

Luo Wei waved his hand, turned around while stroking the handle of the knife, and boarded the main ship of the warship. The fallen sails were blown by the strong wind and beat like war drums, and the sea wind from afar brought forth bursts of crisp dragon chant.

The giant ship broke down.

Ship to sail, sortie——

"Finally we can set off!" As soon as Luo Wei stepped onto the deck of the main battleship, a woman's deep, magnetic, slightly heroic voice sounded head-on.

The woman standing at the bow is carrying an epee, her red dress flutters in the wind, and her graceful and fit body stands upright against the wind.

'Sea Dragon King' Big Dipper.

She has been waiting on the boat for a long time.

When the ten warships arrived at the port, she was the first to board the warship.

Although she has just returned from the sea, returning home without a feather is undoubtedly a great shame for the heroine who traverses the sea.

If there is a chance, she will naturally want to avenge her shame.

And of course you have to follow the boat.

In her own words, this is also a 'discount of merit'...compensation for the crime of 'attacking' Liyue Port Wharf.

'Sea Dragon King' Beidou raised the hip flask in his hand: "Your Excellency, do you want a drink?"

She threw the flagon.

Luo Wei took it, and poured it into the mouth without paying attention, spilling a little wine.

A hot feeling poured from the throat and spread to the abdomen.

"Wind and strong wine, good." Luo Wei wiped the drink from his lips, and couldn't help admiring.

He doesn't like alcohol, but in these circumstances it's okay to have some.

"Hahaha, not bad, right?" Beidou laughed loudly over there, and the woman's heroic voice was the same as before: "Walking between the vast sea, sometimes a long journey takes a year and a half, and For sailors at sea, good wine is the best companion—”

"It's a pity that you are the deputy commander of the Qianyan Army, with a high position and authority, otherwise I really want to pull you on my boat and experience the vastness of the sea together!" Having said this, Beidou suddenly felt a little regretful.

Luo Wei, who is extremely skilled and has a bit of arrogance, can be appreciated by her.

Luo Wei just smiled, "If there is a chance in the future, I will."

"Then it's settled, benefactor!" Beidou laughed loudly, and the woman's voice was raised, but it didn't appear abrupt.

The ship dropped anchor and put out to sea.

The soldiers are strictly arranged.

While speaking, they had left the port pier.

While speaking, ten warships surrounded the main ship in a 'circular' arrangement, sailing towards the vast sea.

There is mist generated above the plane.

There is the sound of thunder and drums sprouting from the sky.

Both Luo Wei and Beidou fell silent at the same time.

Because they all heard the voice from the vast mist at the same time.

Like the wind blowing from between the shells.

It's more like the reverberating sound of ritual instruments.

The ten-faced snails sounded together.

This is the initial prelude to what the 'Beidou' encountered before.

They have sailed across the vast sea.

Come to the chariot of the demon god.


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Chapter 69 Ten-faced snail, kill Lei Tianwei, kill it manually!

"It's that annoying voice again..."

Beidou Feng frowned, raised his hand in great displeasure, and grasped the epee on his back.

And of course she couldn't be happy—

It is here after all.

in such an environment.

The 'Southern Cross' armed fleet was wiped out.

Even she herself was almost charged with the felony of attacking Liyue Port because of her disturbed vision.

This method snail.

It has the effect of 'confusing' people's hearts.

Then again...

"After I go back, I might have to go to a court-martial."

Thinking of this, Beidou felt a little troublesome, but it was only a little troublesome.

Compared to those little things.

The 'culprit' in front of her is the one she really wants to settle—

"Rise up the army!"

Almost at the same time when the ten-sided conch blew, Luo Wei slowly stepped onto the highest point of the bow, and issued an order as the supreme commander here.

Follow its orders.

The ship's body was swaying, and the towering flag of the main ship was blown wantonly in the strong wind carrying a strong smell of sea water. When it entered the vast water mist, the other nine Qianyan battleships surrounding the main ship were also in an instant. Shake the oars, approach like shrinking the defense line, and hang a huge chain like connecting the hull to the hull.

A series of iron chains, using the ship as the ground to march, this is the way of the Qianyan Army to fight across overseas.

The spears are nailed up, and the spears are held high.

While the boat is moving, people are also moving.

They stepped to the edge of the ship and stood on the deck, lined up like a forest, nailed like a wall, towering like a thousand overlapping peaks.

But among them, there are still ten cannons in each boat. The pitch-black muzzles have already been raised high, and there are "potted plants" like tufts of grass beside them. There are dark purple streamers surging above the torso of the plants. A little 'thunder seed' forms at the top.

That is the energy source of these ten alchemy cannons from Fontaine——

Kind of thunder.

The heavy artillery has been fired, and the thunder has been stored.

"Fontaine's's a pity that it's too expensive, otherwise I would like to buy two to play with!"

Beidou glanced at it, although he was focused and vigilant, he was still chatting and laughing leisurely.

Whenever there is a major event, neither favor nor disgrace.

If she can't do this, she won't be the 'Uncrowned Dragon King'.

"As the only civilian armed fleet that can protect merchant ships across the sea, the Southern Cross fleet is still short of money?" Luo Wei smiled lightly and flicked the handle of the knife.

"The Southern Cross still has a lot of people to support, and it's not mine—it's all of us!" This sentence was said very seriously.

Luo Wei also followed with awe.

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