Like other demon gods in the Tivat continent, it is the name of the 72st demon god column among the 41 demon gods of Solomon, and is the god of controlling storms and ocean currents.

And its power is...


Outside the majestic Poseidon Palace, the ocean currents are raging wantonly, and the turbulent water mist fills all directions. On the connected warships floating on the sea surface, the spears raised by thousands of soldiers are still in contact with the falling guns. Chi beasts fought to the death, their sharp edges intertwined like gears, dragging them to the ground.

Hundreds of thunder cannons were still roaring, and the sputtering thunder majesty instantly lifted up the figure swinging the epee in the sky.

The Big Dipper hangs high in the sky with the help of thunder, touching and colliding with the hornless but towering head of the oncoming evil beast in an instant.

The dark purple arc suddenly spread and swept in all directions.

Beidou swung his blade.

The beast is towering——

But still being suppressed to death!

" this the only level?"

While wielding his sword recklessly, the "Sea Dragon King" who steered the Southern Cross armed fleet across the sea felt indescribably heroic.

She holds a sword in both hands, her slightly bent legs are taut under the silk tightness, and bulge out a little tough arc, but her curved buttocks are slightly restrained between the shorts, bouncing and jumping as if she is always ready to explode Like a dragon.

Its body is like a dragon, its momentum... even more like a dragon!

The so-called 'Dragon King',

It was never just a nickname.

The shame of being confused before was completely washed away here, and the mind naturally became extremely clear. Even though the magic conch was still reverberating, but for Beidou, this battle was over from the beginning.

Honing himself since he was a child, he is a machine builder at the peak of martial arts, but he will never follow up with the same move twice!

Of course, even so, Beidou also knew that it would not be so easy for him to completely defeat this evil beast.

After all, they are the demon gods of the ancient era.

After all, it was the evil beast that once roamed the sea.

even weak,

It is not comparable to the sea beast 'Sea Mountain' that I have killed.

But she also just needs to drag.

Just fine.


Just wait for that guy, the deputy commander of the Qianyan Army who is at least a line higher than himself in pure martial arts to return from defeating the demon god.

Then the epee swung out and touched the attacking beast, and then with a flash of thunder, the colossal chilong was pushed out instantly as if being bombarded by heavy artillery, curled up in the air and retreated hundreds of meters.

The chi beast on the giant ship on the sea raised its head and set off gusts of wind, trying to soar into the sky, but it was resisted by thousands of spears and firmly nailed in place!

Everyone is fighting at the same time.

That is this moment.

After retreating, the chi beast that was about to gather a bigger storm suddenly froze in place, as if half frozen by something.

The chi beast that was about to rise into the sky also opened its huge mouth, and its exposed sharp teeth and fangs groped and trembled in the air, as if seeing and feeling something incredible.

With a creak, the door of the majestic Sea God Palace floating above the vast sea reverberated with an ancient sound.

The sound came, as if the sky was about to be shattered and torn apart.

But this is not the sound of doors opening.

It was the sound of the palace building breaking.

It was the sound of the Seagod's fall.

Carved and crystallized from white jade, the ancient shrine that has existed for thousands of years now has dark cracks appearing at this moment. From a distance, the gaps are more terrifying than the broken space and the invasion of the abyss.

But at this moment, both Beidou and Qianyan soldiers and officers at sea all smiled at the same time.

The scene was appalling.

But it just proved...

Rowe, win.

"Can a mortal body defeat the stalwart of a god? Hahaha, it seems that I am still far behind!"

The Sea Dragon King let out a laugh that was still confident, but also joyful when he saw the road ahead.

Sergeant Qianyan's spear fell to the ground, and he also looked up.

The chi beasts in the air twisted, and the dragons on the sea roared, but at the same time, they, as the retinue of the demon god, cracks appeared together with the majestic Sea God Palace.


How can the gods live alone?

After the crack, it was completely broken, turned into surging water mist, scattered into pure water elements, and drifted between the heaven and the earth.

The sea is still out of date.

The roar of the thunder cannon then stopped.

Beidou fell from a high altitude, stepped on the deck with both feet, and firmly established itself on the outermost edge of the warship.

The pale surroundings did not fade away due to the death of the Demon God, but instead became more intense...

And in this pale distance, high up.

A figure with a knife stood on the only remaining corner of the wreckage of the Sea God Palace, with his back facing them.

this moment.

The demon god is gone.

But it seems that a new god is revived and born.

Beidou raised his eyes and looked into the distance.

Behind her, the young officer 'Jing Lun' became inexplicably uneasy. He was full of worry: "It is said that killing gods requires bearing the karma of the gods, and the Yasha sages in ancient myths have always been troubled by this. .”

"Sir, shouldn't..."

"Do not--"

Beidou didn't turn his head back, but put his arms around his full chest, and smiled sassy and confident: "Your commander is... an incredible guy!"

Although we have known each other not long ago.

The contact time is not too long.

But for Beidou...that guy is really incredible.

"Those who can surpass me in pure martial arts, those who can defeat demon gods with strength and skill, will not be affected by mere karma!"

——The wind is howling.

The flow of breath from afar brought the confident and forthright voice of the Sea Dragon King.

Luo Wei standing on the 'reef' just smiled softly.

His legs stand firmly here.

While the hem was tumbling, and the skirt was fluttering, the 'mask of godhood' unfolded on the handsome face, but there was another kind of color.

Following the original 'blue' and the later 'white', now, another kind has been added——


The blackness of deep water is also the "flowing" "blackness" to which all things go.

The strongest power of the demon god 'Fojalo' is not pure 'water', nor 'wind', nor the ocean.

He is the demon god who controls the sea.

And the sea is the direction of the flow of all things,

Everything will sink below the surface of the sea.

Everything will fall into deep water.

His power is 'flow'.

This is also the first power that Luo Wei voluntarily chose after he actually killed the gods, at this moment, after becoming a real godslayer.

——Everything points to the 'Fojaluo'.

Chapter 77 Subscription for the third watch

Flow is the most common phenomenon at sea.

Either wind or water.

Even the birds in the air and the fish in the sea rely on 'flow' to move through.

And this is exactly why 'Fojaluo' is called the Demon God of the Sea.

He rules the 'flow' of the sea.

It is also equivalent to ruling this vast sea area.

He uses the power of flow to solidify the 'geist' of the elements in the sea, so he can create a race of chi beasts whose upper limit is comparable to that of a demon god.

Feeling the authority gained at this moment, Luo Wei not only sighed...

"It's no wonder that in the demon god information given by Mr. Zhongli before, the demon god of the sea, Fujialuo, is obviously not powerful. He didn't even participate in the demon god war, but he still has a strong stroke."

Zhongli had already indicated that 'Fojaluo' was a very special demon god in the demon god information given to Luo Wei.

Like the demon god of rock 'Morax', he is a demon god with extremely powerful potential talent.

in other words...

"The power held by the Emperor Yanwang is far from being as simple as I imagined."

Maybe it's not 'rock'.

It is the power of a deeper concept such as 'flow', which is enough to encompass the entire world.

However, thinking carefully that the 'five manifestations' supernatural powers possessed by those Liyue Immortals were part of the fragments flowing out of the power controlled by Morax, Luo Wei took it for granted.

Of course, now is not the time to think about that.

The new powers obtained need to be familiarized first, and then integrated into the 'Mask of the Godhead'.

And that's exactly what he's doing right now.

The unfolded Godhead mask is attached with new powers, and the perspective of the eye, but there are other changes.

What he saw was still a world formed by the accumulation of elements.

But no longer just seeing.

I can feel its subtle flow more, and I can try to manipulate this flow.

Regardless of wind, water, rock, thunder, or ice, fire, grass.

everything you see,

All can use the power of 'flow' to induce and guide.

"All element attributes..."

It has to be said that the power chosen by Luo Wei independently and the ability he already possessed cannot be summed up by a question of 'combination'.

After obtaining the Godhead mask, he can directly capture the elements of heaven and earth in his eyes. Compared with his impression of being the protagonist of the original game, the "elemental perspective" of the traveler who can only see the attached material is clearer. The direct perspective of the godhead gave him the possibility to directly grasp the elements without relying on the eyes of gods.

But so far, it is only a possibility.

Being able to see means that it is possible to manipulate.

But 'maybe', never sure.

He explored for a long time.

It has already been discovered that the perspective brought by the godhead mask is only an infinite improvement of "sense".

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