The red tasseled gun landed.

Luo Wei looked at the swaying phoenix pompon on top of Yunjin's head, which was almost clinging to his chest, and was speechless for no reason.

Yun Jin buried her face on his body, as if she had given up on treatment, only her bare ear piercing was flushed.

He could hear her heart beating faster.

Isn't it the same for yourself?

Luo Wei exhaled, and subconsciously wanted to slap his chest, but he brushed the hair of the girl in front of him.

The moment Yun Jin felt the warm touch on her back, she leaned forward as softly as her delicate body trembled, and pressed directly on Luo Wei's body...


The 'old man' of Yunhan Club who just spoke over there could not bear it any longer: "I know you have a good relationship, but can you please stop?"

"Mom, I'm still not married yet!"

The cursing sound faded away, and Yunjin finally poked her head out. Seeing the man leaving in shame and anger, the girl raised her phoenix eyes and looked at Luo Wei for a moment, and couldn't help but chuckle at the same moment.

Luo Wei let go of the hand that was stroking the girl's hair, and while the hair was falling loose, Yun Jin stroked the tip of her forehead and took two steps back.

Although her pretty face was still blushing, she had regained her composure: "Let's go, let's go backstage!"

Rowe nodded.


"You two have such a good relationship, why come back? Boss Yun, Mr. Luo, we don't need you here for the time being, please leave!" The backstage door was closed tightly, and the sound made Luo Wei and Yun Jin look at each other. , I couldn't help laughing again.

But the Yunhan Society really doesn't need Yun Jin anymore.

Yunjin is the principal of Yunhan Society and also the trump card, performing once a night is not bad.

And tonight her mission is over.

"Then go for a walk!" Luo Wei thought for a while: "Tonight, there will be Xin Yan's concert."


Yun Jin nodded and smiled lightly, reached out and gently grabbed Luo Wei's sleeve, blinking her eyes: "This way, I won't get lost."

Rowe smiled.

Just dragging around the backstage and exiting the Yuhe Teahouse through the back door, Feiyunpo is bustling and bustling as always, with brightly lit lights, people coming and going, and all kinds of joyful laughter mixed with the overflowing incense.

"Speaking of which, how do you know I'm back?" Luo Wei turned his eyes to the girl beside him, obviously he didn't say anything, but she had already prepared such a performance and was waiting for him.

Yun Jin blinked: "Guess?"

She would never say that after writing "The Legend of Yunmeng Heroes", she would secretly go to the beach every half an hour.

She would not even say that she was holding his hair tightly all the time, sensing his presence.

She wouldn't say she was looking at him all the time.

Whenever and wherever...

There is only him in the eyes.

"Here we are." Luo Wei paused in the evening breeze.

Yun Jin also followed his gaze and looked from afar.

There was a faint roar of boiling drum music from the spacious flat ground in the distance, and the rhythmic rhythm also made Yun Jin's eyes light up.

Xin Yan's rock concert - a high platform built simply, stands in front of it.

But at the same time.

The figure playing on the stage suddenly turned his eyes while swinging, and saw Luo Wei at a glance.


The dark-skinned, hair combed into sharp three strands, the fierce-looking girl directly hugged the exotic musical instrument in her arms, which was similar to the Liyue Guqin but obviously different, and ran away with a thump.

"The Thousand Rock Army is here!"

While running, he was still shouting loudly.

The crowd dispersed.

...That speed, like thunder and fire, can be called extreme!

Yun Jin looked suspiciously at Luo Wei, and Luo Wei touched the clothes on his body.

This is suddenly.

No wonder Xin Yan reacted so strongly, he forgot to change out of the Qianyan Army costume!

However, Xin Yan didn't run far, and came back with a sad face.

Behind him, followed by a large group of people.

Wearing a tan uniform, the real Qianyan Army...

"Ah, ah, why am I so unlucky!" Xin Yan ran away with his head in his arms, and the girl's crisp cry echoed in the night.

Chapter 84 Rock Girl

There is no doubt that Xin Yan is very afraid of the Qianyan Army, so scared that Luo Wei has been here many times, but as long as he comes wearing the clothes of the Qianyan Army, she will subconsciously run away.

And the reason for the fear is even more obvious.

—Illegal erection of outdoor structures.

——Illegal gathering of crowds to perform.

Because of these two items, Xin Yan was chased countless times by the Liyue Qianyan Army who was also in charge of the market during non-war times, and the stage that was finally built was demolished countless times.

This time it still seems to be the case...

"It's true that there is a cliff in front and pursuers behind."

With no way to escape, Xin Yan could only stop, but still tightly hugged the exotic musical instrument in his arms.

"Little girl, why is it you again?"

And when they saw her, the leading officers of the Qianyan Army who came were also full of helplessness: "I have warned you many times, and doing this kind of thing requires at least the approval of eight departments and the issuance of a public performance permit."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Xin Yan flinched, but didn't dare to insist.

It's just that if the license was so easy to obtain, the whole Liyue would have been full of 'performances' long ago - there are countless people in Liyue Port who have no special skills but try to use sensationalism to win the attention of others .

Although Xin Yan's performance is distinctive, it is also very appealing.

But it is a foreign thing after all, and it has not been recognized by the 'Eight Gates' in Liyue.

Such matters rarely reach the General Affairs Department.

Of course the officer knew this, so although his attitude was warning, he was not too strict.

However, in his opinion, Xin Yan's doing so would be impossible after all.

Even if this is not the first time, certain punishment must still be carried out.

Xin Yan also hugged the instrument tightly in her arms,

As long as she is not allowed to hand over the instrument, everything is fine.

But next second.

The officer of the Qianyan Army was shocked, and stood up straight: "I have seen you, sir!"

The girl froze for a moment, and followed his gaze, only to see the two people she saw first come out of the night.

Yunjin was still tugging at Luo Wei's sleeve.

Luo Wei also shook his head, his face full of helplessness.

Xin Yan's panic-stricken performance just now gave him the halo of a 'bully' for no reason.

It almost prevented Jin Yun from watching tonight's performance...

Make yourself really scary.

He looked at the Qianyan soldiers who stood solemnly, and they all undoubtedly knew him as the 'deputy commander': "Thank you for your hard work—but this matter ends here."

"Later, I will issue a 'Permit for Performance' to her in the name of the deputy commander-in-chief of the Qianyan Army. What I will do afterwards will naturally be in accordance with the law."

This is the duty of the commander-in-chief.

Those Qianyan soldiers and officers also breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably: "Yes!"

It can be seen that they actually approve of Xin Yan's performance. If it wasn't for the rules and they didn't want Xin Yan to perform in such a dangerous situation, they didn't want to embarrass her.

As for Xin Yan, he was completely stunned.

It wasn't until the group of Qianyan soldiers left that she came back to her senses: "The it real? Is it really a license?"

Looking at Xin Yan who was worried about gain and loss, Yun Jin pursed her lips and smiled.

"Miss Xin Yan is really interesting." The girl's clear voice sounded.

Only then did the rock girl realize that she had lost her composure, and coughed softly: "That... thank you for helping me out."

"Don't be in a hurry to thank me." Luo Wei interrupted Xin Yan: "Tell me about the license."

Xin Yan immediately pricked up her ears and looked up to listen to Luo Wei's words, feeling a little nervous—speaking of which, although Luo Wei and Yun Jin have come to the concert more than once, she only knows that Yun Jin is a rare person in Liyue. I don't know the identity of the opera masters, but I don't know Luo Wei's name.

Just judging from the reaction of those Qianyan troops just now, his status is very high.

At least it can be equal to the 'eight gates' that manage all walks of life.

Better control of their own 'lifeline'.

So she couldn't help but not be nervous——

"Don't worry, I've already agreed, of course I won't break my promise." Luo Wei waved his hand and said, "But you still need to go to the General Affairs Department to complete the specific procedures, including the basic handling fee, and every time you set up the stage after that. Expenses must be fully prepared..."

"But, I don't have money, and I don't know how to make plans—" Xin Yan was stunned.

All her performances so far are illegal, so it is naturally impossible to obtain income, and Xin Yan has never thought about obtaining income.

"I know you don't have money, and you don't know how to do it. If you have money, I won't let you do it yourself."

That's right.

He just wanted to see her helpless look.


I always feel that this guy is taking revenge on me for running away the moment I saw him... Why is he so stingy with such a high status?

But it is impossible for Xin Yan to give up: "I will definitely finish it!"

The loud words fell.

Yun Jin tugged on Luo Wei's sleeve and smiled slightly.

Rowe returned a smile.

The so-called rock and roll has always been a manifestation of individual autonomy. If a person accepts help from others, he cannot maintain this individuality.

It's not just about revenge.

"So, should we continue to perform?" Luo Wei reminded.

Xin Yan let out a hey: "Of course!"

Even because of the actions just now, the original audience had already scattered and fled.

But at least the stage is still there.

At least, she is still there.

Then she can keep performing, and will keep performing—whether there is an audience or not.

She performs only because she loves this kind of music and loves this passion.

Perhaps this is also the reason why she was able to obtain the Fire God's Eye.

A strong desire has always been a sign of God's approval.

Xin Yan, holding an exotic musical instrument, stepped onto the stage again, and the rhythmic music reverberated. There were no lights on the stage, and there was no dazzling brilliance, but there were still fires gushing out and lighting up——Hanging on Xin Yan After Yan's God's Eye began to perform, it glowed bright red.

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