Chapter 86 sample, you still want to run when you are on the referee's seat?

At this moment, Tianshu is still the same Tianshu, but the audience is no longer the audience.

At this time, Luo Wei finally understood the origin of Uncle Tian's different attitude towards him in the past two days - indeed, he would not directly take over his position, but would take over his work.

From then on, he will be completely liberated.

There is no longer any need to come forward when necessary to deal with things that only Qixing himself can handle...

Like this moment.

"Please, Your Excellency Luo Wei." Turning the pipe in his hand, misty rain entangled in the goddess-like gaze, he raised his eyes and stared, his lips were drawn, but he couldn't help but admire that the 'investment' he just made a few days ago was not in vain.

Ke Qing who was beside him also gave Luo Wei an encouraging look.

Luo Wei wiped the tea from the corner of his mouth.

Although the onlookers were surprised, they didn't react too exaggeratedly... This was unexpected, but it was reasonable.

After all, there have been many rumors recently that Luo Wei's military achievements are outstanding, and in terms of personal strength, some people have even compared him with the "immortal", which is like a posture of Liyuegang's No. 1 combat power.

Regardless of merit or ability, he is worthy of the 'seven-star' seat.

Not to mention seven-star candidates,

It is only natural to be directly promoted to Seven Stars.

Then again, Luo Wei is suddenly a little suspicious now. The rumors in Liyue have spread so quickly during this period of time, perhaps under the will of the emperor, Qixing deliberately promoted it.

But no matter what, in Liyue, no one can disobey the emperor's order.

Nor will Rowe.

He certainly wouldn't turn down a promotion.

So he could only rush to the empty seat between Tianquan and Yuheng on the high platform under the eyes of everyone.

"We will be formal colleagues from now on." Regarding this, Ke Qing seemed particularly happy, her eyebrows danced brightly, and the black silk legs that no one could see under the table were swaying gently while intertwining.

Although she herself was not so happy about becoming Liyue Seven Stars at the beginning.

Because the seven stars were appointed by the emperor, not by her own efforts to climb up.

This made Ke Qing, who had always put her efforts into practice, somewhat frustrated, but it was also something that made her happy that Luo Wei could come up to stand side by side with her, 'fighting side by side'.

"Ah, your talent is truly outstanding." Ning Guang was still standing, still elegant.

Luo Wei patted the long knife on his waist and sat down in his seat.


The scenery I saw... seemed to be the same.

It's nothing more than watching a play from off stage to watching a play on stage.

"It's even more difficult to pull him onto the boat now!" On the contrary, Beidou on the 'defendee's seat' showed a thoughtful expression.

"Then, let's get started!" Ning Guang breathed out the herbal incense again, and the sound also lifted the spirits of the people around him.

The status of the seven stars is equal, but according to the 'star position', the rankings are different.

Tianshu is the first, and Ziwei is the closest.

So Luo Wei, who acts as the celestial hub, sits in the middle.

However, this public trial was still led by Tianquan Xingguang, the 'judge' who managed the business and also served as Liyue's law repair.

As soon as his words fell, a secretary stepped forward immediately.

"The Southern Cross fleet 'Beidou', do you have any excuses for attacking the place where thousands of merchants gather and causing damage to buildings?"

I have heard Beidou's routine questioning from Secretary Qixing more than once, so I naturally responded with ease: "Ah, I'm not going to deny this."

Sea Dragon King maintains his consistent style of fearing nothing and fearing nothing.

In fact, not only Luo Wei at the beginning, but also the group of businessmen around him also had the attitude of watching a show.

This kind of "public trial" has happened many times in Liyue before, and it has happened at least half a year since Beidou went to sea.

Every time Beidou has such an attitude of being fearless.

And every time.

However, she was able to avoid criminal punishment in a very strange way, and only ended up paying a fine.

Although she couldn't afford those fines at all.

It was paid for by 'Ning Guang'.

So this time, they all just wanted to see how Beidou could avoid punishment.

"At the same time, Tianquan Xingguang can also use this opportunity to find the loopholes in Liyue's law, and repair it at the cost of not causing too much damage."

Luo Wei glanced at Tianquan Xing who was still standing next to him, holding a bong in his hand, and resting his other hand on his fair cheek, and he understood it instantly.

As if aware of Luo Wei's attention, he stared sideways and smiled back.

But rationally speaking.

Only relying on Beidou would never find any loopholes in Liyue's law, and she even disdain to find them.

Its personality has never been the kind of character that likes to go around in search of omissions.

That is to say, it will not be her who Tianquan Ningguang uses to find loopholes in the law.


"Sorry, sorry, please let me go, let me go—I'm sorry for being late!"

A hurried and hasty girl's voice sounded from outside the surrounding crowd, everyone subconsciously separated, and a figure entered afterward, panting in the audience.

The red fluffy boots stepped on the ground, and the clean and bare legs glowed brightly in the sunlight.

Although the tight curve under the red short skirt is slightly bent forward, the exposed abdomen is breathing violently, which drives the slightly undulating arc under the red short dress on the chest to beat unobtrusively.

The visitor has long pink hair and a 'doctor's hat' on his head. The 'antlers' hanging from both sides of his pretty face show his extraordinary identity.

"It really is her..."

The half-immortal beast who once met Luo Wei in Wanwen Jishe, who focused on studying the laws of Liyue, the barrister of Liyue, 'Yanfei'.

But for her constant apology for being late, Ningguang just waved her hand: "It's okay."

"Are you here to defend Captain Beidou?"


Yan Fei stood up straight, breathed with her head up, straightened her hips and chest with the tap of her toes, and looked at the three 'judges' on the stage. Although most people here knew her, she still made a self-examination. introduce:

"My name is Yanfei, and I'm one of the top legal experts in Liyue Port! I'm proficient in commercial disputes, civil mediation, and criminal proceedings, and I can handle everything!"

"If you need anything, you can come to me!"

Is this an introduction?This is an opportunity to advertise... Luo Wei, who was sitting in the 'judge' seat watching the play, touched his chin, and then heard the half-immortal beast girl continue to speak: "Then——"

"Excuse me, which law did Captain Beidou violate?"

Ningguang didn't respond, just waved his pipe, and immediately a secretary stepped forward: "According to the "General Principles of the Liyue Hundred Laws", the captain of the Southern Cross Fleet, 'Beidou', essentially violated the eighth clause of Chapter Seven. The status of non-combatants caused subjective and objective damage to civilian facilities in non-combat zones, and attempted to attack combatants in a subjective sense..."

The court-martial used, of course, the law for soldiers.


Yan Fei closed her eyes slightly, then opened them suddenly: "I understand."

"According to this law—"

"I am here to sue the soldiers of Qianyan Army and the three Lord Seven Stars."

"You have also violated the above laws!"

The crowd was horrified.

There was a smile on the corner of Ning Guang's mouth, and Ke Qing was thinking seriously.

As for Luo Wei who was shot again inexplicably, looking at Yan Fei's expression, he didn't seem to be looking at a beautiful girl with a good appearance, but saw some outlaw lunatic...

Xiao Mian, you still want to run when you are on the referee stand! ?

Chapter 87 Four more begging when to get married

If Yan Fei was just a girl with a lively personality on weekdays, then after entering the state in this court, she suddenly became a sharp-eyed 'warrior'.

However, what she said accurately hit the loopholes in Li Yue's existing law.

"As the jury secretary said."

Facing the horrifying eyes from all directions, Miss Yan Fei who just said something astonishing is still happy and fearless:

"As the captain of the Southern Cross fleet, the captain of the Beidou did indeed cause damage to the non-combat civilian facilities' wharf 'the place where thousands of merchants and ships gather' as a non-combatant. This is an objective damage."

"But as far as I know, Captain Beidou was in a state of bewilderment at that time. She thought she was fighting a powerful sea beast—"

"On this point, the acting lord Tianshu and lord Yuheng on the stage can both testify."

Both Luo Wei and Keqing nodded at the same time.

"Of course, according to the basic principles of Liyue's Hundred Laws, the subjectivity, as a legal argument, must be subordinate to the objective."

"But it is also written in Liyue's Hundred Laws General Principles—Dijun's words: All wars, where swords are launched, are battlefields."

"The pier of Liyue Port usually has countless merchant ships coming and going, but at that time there were warships berthing - even if they stopped for a short time, it was not considered a 'non-battle zone'."

"And when it comes to causing damage, which adult present can guarantee that he has not caused a little bit of damage when performing official duties? This is the case when it is not a war, let alone a war or a war zone."

This is where Liyue's loopholes in the 'law of war' lie.

In the final analysis, Liyue has been stable and peaceful for too long, and has long since lost too much concept of war, and these detailed laws have been revised one by one by Tian Quanxing in recent years, and have too many definitions Ambiguous, impractical to be able to operate.

For example, "raise swordsman" means the place where swordsmen engage in fighting, or does it count as the presence of swordsmen?

Another example is what constitutes "sabotage" in warfare that reaches the level of illegality?

After all, Tianquan Ningguang started out as a businessman, and it is only natural that she does not understand war. These laws are all the fragments she picked up from the ancient classics, and even she herself has not fully understood them.

Ningguang is a human being, not a god, and even a god cannot be omniscient, let alone her.

But she was always thinking deeply.


Yan Fei was talking, and she was also turning her pipe, thinking while puffing out clouds.

"Furthermore, it is said in the "General Rules of Liyue Hundred Laws" that as long as the people of Liyue take up arms, they can become 'combatants'."

"In addition to being the captain of the Southern Cross Fleet, Captain Beidou also has the identity of the people of Liyue."

"—It is not accurate to be a non-exhibitor."


As Yan Fei's words fell loudly, the audience was silent.

But since it is a court, it is naturally impossible for one of them to perform alone, and there will definitely be debates by the 'doctors' who are proficient in the law.

However, in the end, no one was able to argue and lived for a long time. She was born in elementary school and almost grew up with Liyue's law.

Since then, 'Big Dipper' has once again been exempted from criminal responsibility and only paid a fine.

Tianquan Ningguang once again harvested new loopholes in the law, and began to adjust and make up for it.

Ke Qing was still in deep thought and did not come back to her senses.

As for Rowe...

"Is Master Xiangling here today?"

After the debate was over, he came to Manmin Hall non-stop.

It's like a student rushing to the cafeteria after school.

But at this moment, the noon sun shines on the flat road, the green flag outside the Wanmin Hall is flying wantonly, and the slender figure standing with a broken knife stands against the wind, welcoming the awe-inspiring eyes of the people around.

"Cough, don't get me wrong, I'm not here to check the sanitation." Luo Wei explained subconsciously, but the expressions of everyone became more terrified.

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