
The girl put away the map, and a smile appeared on her pretty face: "Let's go!"

Seeing Rovina's slightly surprised eyes.

Yun Jin shook her head and chuckled, "Didn't I say that yesterday?"

"I've been granted leave for a few days."


"I will always follow you."

While speaking, she raised her hand to cover it between the phoenix crowns on her head.

The raised toes bring the well-proportioned legs slightly intertwined and caught in the fluttering skirt. While the three points are looming, the buttocks are fully arched back, and the slender waist is also swaying with the silver locks on the waist between the lifts, full of breasts Wrapped in black cloth, it looks quite upturned.

She raised one hand and dropped the other like holding a spear to the ground.

With a slight turn of the body, he looked back at Luo Wei.

The pretty face raised her eyes, her phoenix eyes were relaxed, and her brows were raised as sassy as a female general.

The melodious voice rose from the moist vermilion lips: "Follow me, go to war, among the clouds!"

The raised hand dropped at the same time, reaching out to Luo Wei.

Luo Wei looked at the fair and delicate palms, and at the figure of the heroic and beautiful young girl.

"... also good."

Anyway, there is no danger in going this way.

Although thinking so is a bit inflated.

But now Liyue, there are not many who can threaten Luo Wei.

And it shouldn't matter if I have a talisman with no taboos and bring an extra person with me.

Seeing Luo Wei holding his outstretched hand, Mr. Yun pursed his lips and smiled even more happily.

I have already thought about it.

I can't do 'Jing Niang'.

I will only be a 'Fan Lihua' and always stand side by side with you.

"Let's go!"

Luo Wei held the girl's hand tightly, and didn't say much, and didn't need to say much.

Liyue Port General Affairs Department.

Ke Qing walked in facing the morning light, just in time to meet Gan Yu's sleepy eyes.

And there was only one thing in Yu Keqing's mind.

"Rovi...should have already left, right?"

Chapter 93 Please order the fourth update Do you call this a change in the leylines?

Just as Ke Qing thought.

After she had the things delivered early in the morning, Luo Wei and Yun Jin set off together.

After all, she has prepared everything for them.

The Mora used for the journey, the camp fire tongues needed for camping in the wilderness when necessary, clean water and food, etc...

Of course, so many things cannot be carried with us by common reason.

Fortunately, Yunjin is also a God's Eye holder.

As an external organ that communicates with the elements of heaven and earth, the Eye of God has a corner of the field opened by the elements inside, which can be used for storage.

This is also the reason why Keqing, Hu Tao and others could take out their weapons at any time.

Its interior space is not large, but it is enough.

After the girl put everything into the eyes of the gods, the two of them set off directly under the light of the rising sun.

This time I did not walk again.

But 'controlling the dragon'.

Luo Wei condensed water vapor into a horse-sized 'Chi Beast'. Its shape was originally slender and long like a deer, and it looked no different from a horse from a distance.

This is also a new way of transportation that he has come up with during this period of time.

In this way, it is much faster than walking.

According to the route Keqing planned on the map, the journey from Liyue to Guiliyuan should have been a smooth journey.


"What happened to these Qiuqiu people?"

"Hold it up! Hold it up!"

"Here we come, run!"

The road ahead was billowing with dust and smoke, and under the blue sky, in the wilderness and plain where the weeds were blowing, there was a sound of commotion, which was very clear under the scorching sun at noon.

Luo Wei and Yun Jin respectively controlled the 'Chi Beast' to stop on a nearby hill and look out from a distance.

Through the dust and smoke, one could see the soldiers of Qianyan guarding here with long spears and spears in their hands, fighting against a group of strange 'Qiuqiu people'.

Just from the outside, those Qiuqiu people were not much different from normal Qiuqiu people.

He is still short and hunchbacked, with a bone mask on his head and fluffy hair, but there is a faint red light around his body.

Or rather, the 'fire element'.

They can always arouse the power of the fire element.

The falling stick can ignite raging fire in an instant, and the arrows shot can also burst out terrifying heat in an instant.

Because of this.

Although the Qianyan army fought hard, how could a mortal body be able to stop the raging fire?

They could only retreat steadily, constantly retreating amidst the rising fire and smoke.

"Rowei, do you want to make a move?"

Sitting on one side of the dragon's back formed by the soft water flow accumulated by the 'Chi Beast', Yun Jin looked sideways, and the phoenix crown was slightly raised.

But in fact...

Her hand had subconsciously grasped the Eye of God on her chest, her face full of anticipation.

This is rare,

The behavior of "Xing Chivalry" in opera!

Luo Wei, as the agent of one of the Liyue Seven Stars and the deputy commander of the Qianyan Army, of course it is impossible to ignore the safety of his subordinates.

It's just that he just nodded.

The girl on the chi beast suddenly jumped up and swayed with the hem of the skirt. The God's Eye on the chest suddenly burst into light, turning into a golden streamer, covering her body.

Then, like a star falling from the sky, it swept towards the center of the chaos——

"The enemy is coming!"

With a buzzing sound, the fire, light, dust and mist were directly blown away, and the Qianyan army, which was already retreating steadily, was directly shaken back more than ten steps, staggering to the ground.

The group of Qiuqiu who were covered by the fire element retreated chatteringly, but they didn't retreat too far.

Their eyes were covered by golden rock elements, and they couldn't see clearly ahead, but they still subconsciously swung the weapons and sticks in their hands, trying to attack the intruders.

But while the golden light was surging, I saw the elements behind the girl condense into a golden flag, flapping in the wind, a red tasseled spear turned over with her body, and Wudan stretched out while pacing.

She shot through the stream of flames swung by the stick, and directly knocked the attacking Qiuqiu people into the air.

Then the girl's skirt spun again and her ankles turned.

The waist was flexible and twisted, and the long spear in his hand was swept away, cutting out a clear golden light:

"Look at the gun!"

With a cry, the thick rock elements instantly turned into a heavy coercion and spread out.

The flame was immediately extinguished.

The arrow was cut off directly.

The Qiuqiu man, who was still showing off his might just now, was directly knocked away several feet and landed on the ground during this sweep, his body twitched, and there was no sound.

Here and there, the dust settles in a blink of an eye, but Yunjin is still standing with a gun, pointing the spear to the ground like the end of a stage, and Yun's hands are between the phoenix crowns on his head.

The phoenix eyes were raised, showing awe-inspiring and heroic posture.

She looked at Luo Wei who was rushing for her.

Mouth raised.

It's obviously fighting, but it's more like performing on stage with clanging vocal music.

Only there is no audience here.

But as long as Luo Wei looked at it, it was enough.

Luo Wei urged the 'Chi Beast' to come forward and applaud...Everyone in Liyue knew that Mr. Yun's heroic appearance during the performance was never tiresome no matter how you looked at it.

He took it for granted.

Moreover, as the holder of the God's Eye, Yun Jin's combat power cannot be weak.

Otherwise, he wouldn't feel relieved to rush for it...

As for the sweat on his hands...it's just because of the moisture brought by the chi beast that condenses pure water under his body, and has nothing to do with anything else.

And this time.

The group of Qianyan Army just struggled to get up...


They immediately saw the tan 'flying fish suit' modified from Lovina's extremely iconic Qianyan army costume, which rode the 'horse' forward.

This is the iconic costume of Luo Wei, the Deputy Commander of the Qianyan Army and agent of Tianshu Star who is now "famous" in Liyuefang.

The Qianyan Army is called the 'Grand Marshal' internally.

It is the spiritual belief like the flag of the new army stationed in Liyue.

Luo Wei supported the handle of Li Haimeng's broken knife at his waist, and exhaled: "Are you all right?"

"I'm fine waiting!"

The soldiers immediately dressed up in awe, bowed their heads and responded respectfully.

Although there were some scorched black marks on their bodies, they didn't seem to be really injured, they were just a little embarrassed.

And it can be seen that although they were defeated just now, they maintained their formation and did not panic.

They are also people who have experienced the crusade against Shimen—it's just a pity that they didn't have the chance to participate in the battle of Sea God!

But now that he could see the Generalissimo again, one could imagine the excitement in his heart.

"It's fine."

Luo Wei nodded, and Yun Jin over there put away his spear, and walked over at the same time, his figure swaying.

But the soldiers heard the footsteps, and did not dare to raise their heads without an order from the officer.

Yun Jin got on her 'horse'.

Luo Wei stretched out his hand to comb her slightly messy hair, and after confirming that the girl was safe and sound, he asked, "What's going on?"

"I don't know what's going on!"

One of the Qianyan soldiers responded: "This situation suddenly appeared in the past two days."

"They originally only camped in fixed places suddenly became crazy, and they would rush to attack humans from a long distance away, and..."

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