so be it.

"wait for me."

After the words fell, the eyes were lightly closed, and the consciousness completely sank into the depths.

Long Ying is still hovering high in the sky.

Li Haimengduan's long knife was still hanging out of the scabbard, between the scales, and firmly nailed in front of Luo Wei who was sitting cross-legged, but the remnant soul of the chi beast rose up from it, relying on instinct Carrying out Luo Wei's last will and manipulating Long Ying to move forward, but at the same time protruding a little to please Yun Jin.

Looking at the hazy and illusory dragon soul, Yun Jin tilted her head, reached out her hand and nodded, but just passed through.

"Half a day—"

After Luo Wei's consciousness had completely sunk into the depths, he left the cloud to borrow the wind before opening his mouth.

He raised his wings and lightly landed on the torso of the dragon-shaped monster transformed into pure water. He retracted his wings, stepped on the soft scales made of water mist, and raised his neck: "Little girl, do you want to help him?"


"Don't think that this immortal can't see that you have a good relationship with this kid, but you haven't fully revealed it yet, right?"

indicate that...


Yun Jin was startled, but she didn't show any little girlish embarrassment.


With the demeanor she has accepted since she was a child, she always looks like a dignified young lady in front of other people, except that she will naturally show her emotions around Luo Wei.

But confession?

Immortal's words made her stunned.

"Although I can't see through his body and don't know what this guy is doing, I can feel the gathering of elements and the formation of the 'God's Eye'."

"Based on my calculations, strong emotions can help him—for ordinary people, the eye of God is the condensed wish, and it is the product driven by strong emotions."

"I don't understand ordinary people's love, but I know that the emotions generated by love in this world are always strong enough!"

Liuyun borrowed the wind as if he was really in a hurry.

I don't want to wait half a day...

After all, the three-eyed and five-manifested immortal had signed a contract with the emperor to protect Liyue's safety.

In the absence of the emperor suspected.

There should be no slack...

They suspect that you are the incarnation of the emperor, but I don't believe it!

after all.

Liu Yun took advantage of the wind to know that although the Emperor Yan Wang had been decisive in killing and attacking, he had never behaved like this.

This kind of jade hidden front, seemingly gentle, is actually keen to challenge the side of the impossible!

"Now, I just want to ask you one question." Liu Yun borrowed the wind to raise his head higher: "Little girl, how do you feel about this kid?"

Chapter 98 Black Elements

"Will Immortal and Luo Wei be in danger?"

"I have already said it, no!" Liu Yun borrowed the wind to respond to Yun Jin's question, who was always watching Luo Wei closely, and snorted coldly against the wind:

"His actions are rare and thoughtful that I have seen among mortals. Although I can't investigate the details, I can see that he is absolutely fine!"

He didn't look at the girl, but looked far ahead.

The same goes for Yunjin.

They have passed Cuijue Slope.

It is not too far away from the Absolute Cloud.

Nearly half a day has passed.

But Luo Wei still didn't wake up.

Was he wrong?

Yun Jin didn't know, and suddenly thought of the previous suggestion of staying in the clouds to borrow the wind... But although her previous answer was resounding, she still didn't fall into a dream at the same time and express her heart to Luo Wei.

In her opinion,

Even if you really want to express your heart, it should be at the right time.

Not when Luo Wei is busy.

But now, with the passage of time, the sun falling from the sky gradually slanted westward, and seeing that Luo Wei hadn't woken up, she finally couldn't help worrying and moved.

Clouds flowed around.

Mottled cover with red color.

The breath of the fire element became more and more confused.

The Endless Clouds in front of him have faintly appeared at the end of the line of sight.

There are high mountains towering all around, and the peaks like pillars of the sky look extremely majestic under the sky. Although the Yunyunjian surrounded by it is not a valley, it also looks like a canyon because of the strong contrast of the terrain.

Just at this moment.

The surroundings of Jue Yunjian were already covered by a scarlet elemental storm.

"The first step is to cut off the perception of the immortal. If it is really that dragon is really easy to calculate!"

Xianhe snorted, a little upset, if it wasn't for this layer of elemental storm barrier, how could he have gone and returned before?

And this also shows that the recovery of 'Ruo Tuo Long Wang' at this moment may have been premeditated.

That is, the emperor is not here...

"You wait here, I will try again, can I find a gap!"

Rowe hasn't 'woke up' yet.

Leaving the clouds to borrow the wind, but he didn't intend to wait any longer.

He flapped his wings, and in the midst of a loud and clear voice, elemental light and shadow bloomed all over his body, and the ice blue streamer spread accordingly, and there was an 'eye'-like light between the skulls at the top of his long and slender neck.

That is the 'built-in God's eye' that exists in the immortal body.

In this way He manipulates the elements of heaven and earth.


"Frost blossoms from the sky!"

Condensation is ice.

Centered on the flying fairy, the air was instantly covered by blue light, turning into countless snowflakes and ice crystals, and with the spread of its wings, it directly hit the elemental storm.

Thousands of frost flowers descend from the sky, covering the sky and covering the earth.

Immortals are not good at fighting, but that doesn't mean they really don't know anything about it.

At least at this moment, Liu Yun borrowed the strength displayed by Feng Zhenjun, which was enough to easily overwhelm ordinary God's Eye users, leaving them no chance to evade.

But obviously, such a move has no effect on the fire element in front.

The ice blue crystal was evaporated into water vapor by the rich fire element before it got close. In the dense and flowing mist, I stayed in the clouds and borrowed the wind but stared at it. Looking inside—


"The Cave of Absolute Clouds is still safe!"

This is something He confirmed when he came and returned before, and he confirmed it again this time.

Make up your mind.

The immortal spread his wings among the mountains and was about to turn around.


The mountains on all sides trembled at the same time.

The immortal was stunned for a moment, and when he raised his eyes, he saw a figure suddenly appearing from a high place, and the shadow of the huge figure directly covered the gorgeous figure of the immortal.

Its shape is huge, its limbs are thick, its sharp claws are cold, its whole body is covered with sharp rock prisms, and its huge mouth and sharp teeth are rubbing, showing a ferocious face.

That is...

"Ancient Rock Dragon Lizard!"

With a bang, the giant dragon smashed its huge forelimbs like a heavy hammer towards Liuyun to borrow the wind. In a hurry, the immortal couldn't react, and could only subconsciously condense ice crystals in front of him, but it was too short to last too long , was directly smashed by a punch.

Infinite fragments are scattered in the sky, and the violent impact is in front of you!


The immortal shouted angrily, turned his body while fluttering his wings, and at the same time lifted the crane's claws upwards, hooked the head of the huge monster, and then exerted force violently.

Step on the head of the dragon and go up.

At the same time, a light and shadow collided suddenly behind him, directly smashing the giant dragon to the ground!

With a bang.

The edge of the red storm shrouded in the clouds stirred up layers of mist of earth and rock debris.

The soil and rocks are cracked and the ground is broken.

The crane raised its head high in the sky, with the shadow of a water dragon hovering behind it, and Yun Jin stood on the head of the dragon against the wind, holding a red-tasseled spear in one hand and the other across his chest.

Flags fly behind.

Unfold the rock elemental barrier and beat against the wind.

"well done."

The girl lowered her head and looked at the temporarily condensed water element monster under her feet.

When the immortal was suddenly attacked just now, she asked the pure water dragon to help the immortal on a whim, but she did not expect it to succeed.

Successfully helped the immortal to repel the attacking dragon.

However, to avoid the sudden attack, True Monarch Liuyun Borrowing Wind did not relax in the slightest.

The drooping eyes can see the bottom at a glance.

Around the storm shrouded in the clouds, around the area where the 'Ancient Rock Dragon Lizard' landed just now, while the ground was churning, huge figures came out of the ground one after another.

They all have the same thick limbs, the same barbs all over the body, and the same ferocious face.

That is a large number of 'ancient rock dragon lizard'.

According to ancient legends, the Dragon King Ruotuo was conceived from the veins of the earth. He was born with a dragon body, but because he was born in the dark, he has no eyes. Turning over at that time can make the whole Liyue turbulent. Give the blind dragon eyes, so that he can get out of the darkness, see the sun, and stand side by side with the emperor.

The birth of the Dragon King also brought an ancient race.

An ancient rock dragon lizard derived from part of the power of the Dragon King.

They are the descendants of the Dragon King, and they are also the people of the Dragon King, but after the Dragon King Ruo Tuo was suppressed by the emperor at the Nantian Gate, the ancient rock dragon lizard rarely appeared in adult form, let alone such a large scale...

It really is the Dragon King Ruo Tuo!

Before, I was just skeptical. Regarding Luo Wei's words, although I didn't think he would lie to me, I still prefer to see it with my own eyes.

But at this moment, He finally confirmed this point thoroughly.

"It's really the Dragon King who has recovered." Liu Yun took advantage of the wind to breathe out lightly, but he was not speaking to Yun Jin who was beside him.



Luo Wei behind Yun Jin opened his eyes, stood up and raised the hem of his clothes against the wind, and slowly stretched out his hand, and instantly grasped the Li Haimengduan long knife standing between the dragon scales in front of him.

There was a clang.

The knife light raised.

A touch of shock was reflected on Luo Wei's handsome face from bottom to bottom, and the blue eye shadow slowly spread, gradually covering both sides of the eyelids, and scratched a patch of mottled.

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