There is indeed an agreement between Ice God and Rock God.

The contract made by the God of Contract 'Morax' himself.

These things.

Of course the lady does.

But... how does this guy in front of him know?

And it seems that he knows more than himself! ?

What the lady didn't know was that Rowe didn't actually know for sure.

What he said is nine truths and one falsehood.

False, of course, is "abandoned".

The Ice God has not given up on the fools, and it is even less likely that he will give up on the lady who is a top fighter.

But apart from one fake, there are still "nine truths".

As a time traveler, Luo Wei who understands the direction of the "plot" knows that the Rock God and the Ice God will sign a contract in the future, so - as long as the present is reversed from the future, it is not difficult to find the approximate answer to so many questions.

So he knew that this was the test of the Rock God against the Ice God and the Fools.

Nine truths and one falsehood are enough to make the lady shake for a moment about her actions this time.

Enough for Rowe to finish...

'Zhongli' expects of himself.

Live up to his help to himself!

"Ms., the eighth seat of fools, you are proud but cautious. I will put your name in the position where the seven stars and eight gates are juxtaposed, and let the ice god deliberately disclose it to the 'lady'. In common sense, she will inevitably Will be waiting for you."

"Set up traps, lay out ambushes, and lead you to a decisive battle with them."

"Behind the lady, there is also the shadow of the demon god."

"You once said that you wanted to kill God."

"Then... go and try it yourself!"

On the top of Tianheng Mountain, Shucheng's long black hair was raised, and 'Zhongli', who was wearing a black dress, looked at the land of Liyue under his feet, and his golden eyes were shining brightly.

Tonight's chaos, from the beginning to the end, is under the eyes of 'Morax'.

This is monitoring.

Also protection.

But if Luo Wei or Liyue's people are in real danger, he will take action.

Liyue walks with the gods.

God is never far away.

the same moment.

under God's watchful eye.

The lady seemed to be really shaken by what Rowe said, unbelievably, even the chill in the air slowed down.

Luo Wei drew his sword in an instant.

The bright knife light cut through the gap in the cold current.

Like a sharp edge cutting through rotten wood.

Now that they have met, fighting is inevitable, but the lady has her advantages, and Luo Wei dares to come alone, so of course he has his own support.

— such as intelligence.

He weaves information with words, nine truths and one falsehood.

He used it to shake the lady's heart.


The light of the knife is awe-inspiring, wrapped in endless sharpness.

Chopped chill.

Cut off the border of Snow Country.

This knife is straight at the door!

Chapter 11 Cleanse the dust and clean the blade, the limit of mortals

The so-called weapons are not limited to blades, not only tangible sharp weapons, but also intangible objects.

The so-called intelligence is not only used for prior arrangement.

more in battle,

Turn into a heavy hammer that knocks open the opponent's heart!

Luo Wei, who had been taught by Morax, had a deep understanding of this point - Morax, who defeated countless powerful enemies during the Demon God War and was dubbed the "God of Valor", did not lack moments of trickery to attack his heart.

It's just that Luo Wei is not the only one who understands this!

"You finally came in!" The moment Luo Wei drew his sword and moved forward, the lady's eyes that were slightly dazed suddenly burst into sharp streamers.

Her long skirt fluttered up at the same time, her white legs supported her graceful female body, and her raised hands pushed the endless coldness, which spread like a storm in an instant.

Freeze, freeze!

The flickering blue light invaded the darkness of the night, the icy mist covered the moon shadow and starlight, the chill that spread into the bones completely condensed the water surface that covered the remains of the Dunyu Mausoleum, and the spiraling ice cones wrapped Luo Wei at the same time.

Luo Wei, who swung his knife forward, directly crashed into it——

The body moved forward rapidly, but a glance from the corner of the eye was still enough for him to understand his situation. All he could see was a pale and chilling scene, surrounded by endless ice crystals cutting like blades, and each one contained the power to tear apart steel.

The witch's ice and snow kingdom has officially started at this moment.

The bright knife light also seems to be lost among the layers of ice and snow.

The gaps in the ice and snow that the consciousness could capture just now were completely covered up by bigger ice and snow.

this moment,

It's not like Luo Wei seized the opportunity to attack and kill.

More like the lady lured it into a trap.

That wavering side seems to be just an illusion, a bait to lure into the net.

But Rowe knew it wasn't.

The Lady's wavering at that moment was not phony.

It's just that she is still very calm.

Calmly use your spiritual weakness as bait, calmly and unabashedly expose it.

She puts her own weaknesses,

Turn it into the decisive point to defeat the enemy!

As expected of an executive officer of fools who have experienced many battles——

At least in terms of psychological quality, it is enough to make Luo Wei admire.


Weaknesses are always weaknesses.

A flaw is always a flaw!

Facing the front and back attacking wind and snow, Luo Wei maintained a tense posture forward, with a long knife in his hand, advancing instead of retreating, and the sound of the knife's chant became clearer and more rapid.

He stepped down at the same time his legs that were in a half-suspended state due to his rapid forward movement.

The original water surface under the feet had already condensed into ice.

It's icy cold.

When Luo Wei's leg landed on it, the blue ice crystals immediately climbed onto it.

It wanted to freeze Rowe in place.

But the next second.

Luo Wei's toes suddenly exerted force!

Accompanied by a buzzing sound, the ice layer collapsed under that step, and the ice element covering the feet also lost its source in an instant and collapsed.

The ice tilted and shook.

With the broken part as the center, the cracks spread in an instant, while the debris and white mist rolled and scattered, Luo Wei directly slammed forward with the recoil force of the crushed ice.

It shot out like a cannonball!

The front of the clothes is fierce, and the hem of the clothes is spinning.

Although conscious perception has lost track of the gap in the ice and snow kingdom.

The knife that was circulating in his hand drew a more awe-inspiring curve in the cold air.

the mist,

was split at this moment.

The shadow of the knife appeared like a crescent moon shining in Luo Wei's hands, following his figure through the 'gap' and crushing countless incoming ice crystal debris.

Press on 'Ms.'.


The crisp sound of steel colliding and colliding reverberated above the ice surface covered by cold white mist in Dunyuling, shaking the light and shadow in all directions as if distorted for an instant.

Against the fierce wind,

The executive officers of the Fools, who wore a long skirt to wrap the graceful female body, looked at the figure in front of them solemnly.

Luo Wei was approaching.

The long knife in the hand, the distance from the 'lady', is only the size!

That inch of sharpness,

If it wasn't blocked by the blue shield formed by the condensation of ice elements.

At this moment, it has already landed on her slender and white neck!

However, even if the 'lady' condensed the ice elemental shield to resist the light of the knife at the critical moment, the shield was still shaking after being slashed, crumbling to pieces.

Fortunately, the lady strengthened the thickness of the shield almost at the same time, and a faint blue streamer bloomed in the palm of her hand, covering the originally crumbling ice shield with the stroking of her palm.

Fortify, and fight back.

Luo Wei missed a hit, and immediately took a few steps back, holding his sword forward, blocking the ice cone that pierced through the blue shield.

Clinking... Fragments of ice stones are scattered.

He let out a breath, the hem of his clothes fell silently, and the blade pointed obliquely at the ground: "It's a pity."

It could have been a hit.

He was still defeated by the opponent.

"...underestimated you."

When the 'Madam' spoke, her voice was no longer as arrogant and disdainful as before, nor was it the ease of a cat catching a mouse: "Even so, can you still find my 'weakness'?"

"After all, wind and snow can only cover up the surface, but cannot really make up for the traces."

Luo Wei grinned, facing the heavier pressure around the 'lady'.

Although relying on her own combat quality, she skillfully turned the gap in the 'field' created by the fluctuation of her mind just now into a bait, and at the same time covered it up with ice elements, as if it had never appeared.

But maybe others will be tricked into thinking that it's really just a bait, an illusion.

Rowe will not.

Because he has the keenness of perception that he gave up the power to manipulate the elements.

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