He really can't touch the 'transgressor' in this strange state.

But the same.

In this state, the opponent cannot touch himself or attack himself.

The moment he swings the knife, he must emerge from the 'water'.

That moment was the moment when the Dragon King counterattacked—it was the moment when the giant dragon turned over and completely crushed the usurper!


The dragon king's roar echoed in a low voice.

When the blade swung down and trembled, it also caused the chi beast to sing softly.

The blade touched the scale armor of the dragon in a blink of an eye.

The giant dragon opened its teeth and danced its claws, its eyes were fierce, and the majestic elements accumulated in its body were ready to go.



Luo Wei did not emerge from the water, and did not allow himself to be touched in order to touch Him as the Dragon King thought.

He just put his body in contact with the Dragon King.

Slashing the long knife into the Dragon King's body, it was like being cut in the air, and dragged past without hurting the slightest bit.

But the Dragon King suddenly widened his eyes.

Because it fell with a knife.

What is beheaded is never the flesh.

Because this knife was swung from the deep layer of the dream, the second layer of the subconscious.

What he beheaded was not the flesh.

Rather 'awareness'.

What is split is not even a solid rock dragon scale.

Instead, he 'looked up' at the water surface from the deep level of consciousness, relying on the godhead mask to show the godhead perspective, what he saw, the mottled corner of the dragon king's consciousness!


But under normal circumstances, even if the Dragon King is crazy, his consciousness is still strong and cannot be shaken.

Yet He is worn out.

But in its depths, there is still a 'intact' part, so it is possible to 'wake up' in the process of fighting, which is the manifestation of the Dragon King's instinctive memory.

That is because the complete reason and worn-out madness coexist in the consciousness of the Dragon King, even if they come from the same source, they still seem to be pieced together, and the gap between them is like a gap.

Such a huge gap in consciousness can naturally be gazed at by Luo Wei from the "God's Perspective".

After mastering the power of the 'Nightmare Tapir',

He has long been able to gaze at the dream of all things.

In this home field that belongs to him, he can even see through the weakness of the ancient dragon king's consciousness!


The light of the knife cuts lightly.

A split second of consciousness——

The dragon king oscillated, and the huge dragon's body hummed violently with the rotation of its limbs.

But the humming doesn't just come from the body.

More from consciousness.

From the awakened 'reason'!

From the inside out...'crazy' and 'sane', 'worn' and 'intact', were completely divided by Luo Wei!


"Just chop off the frayed parts."

"The ancient dragon king can get rid of wear and tear and restore his original sanity!"

Luo Wei, who turned around and passed through the huge dragon's body, landed on both feet, stepped behind the trembling Dragon King, turned around while the hem of his clothes fluttered, and looked back at the dragon.

He makes the fairy dream.

Cover the cave with dreams.

It is precisely this moment, this instant.

Luo Wei never thought that he could directly confront the Dragon King and kill this ancient dragon representing the Liyue Landline.

He can't and can't.

Because if the Dragon King dies, the entire Liyue Land Vein will cease to exist.

So what he wants to cut is only the crazy thing that was cut out of it.

Slash all the madness and leave the sanity.

Once and for all.



-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

At this moment, Luo Wei raised and waved his sharp edge like a scalpel under the precise operation of a surgeon.

He cuts off the diseased tissue from the subject.

Isolate the part that hurts.

The parts that are left intact, rational, and not subject to wear and tear can naturally become his assistance.

That's also...

"I didn't expect that I would still have a moment of sobriety."

The sound mixed with the sound of the huge body of the incarnation of the Dragon King resounded in the dream cave that was more and more shattered due to the madness of the dragon.

A figure slowly appeared behind Luo Wei, who had his back to the Dragon King.

Appeared in front of the 'Dragon King'.

It is illusory and hazy, not real, and can't see the appearance clearly, but can feel the majesty that also belongs to the Dragon King, and the thick rationality that is different from the madman.

He is also the consciousness of the 'Dragon King'.

It is the dragon king who is not subject to wear and tear.

It is the third "immortal" who joined forces with two immortals in the past to help the rock god suppress the Dragon King.


The third immortal thousands of years ago was the Dragon King Ruo Tuo himself from beginning to end.

It was not worn down to the present level at that time, and it can still be displayed. The Dragon King's 'goodness', 'reason', 'memory',

It is the opposite incarnation of the crazy upside down.

"It's you, yes, it's you!"

The crazy Dragon King roared, his thick limbs stomped on the ground amidst the roar, and continuously splashed billowing dust. The scarlet tongue of fire was pressed into the ground by him, and then spewed out from the cracks that had already spread throughout the dream cave, like mottled lines scarlet permeated the whole field , but also bring unparalleled heat impact.

But facing the heat wave, Luo Wei just turned around, skipped his gaze over the huge dragon king, and looked at the object of the dragon king's roar.

——in front of him.

That hazy 'figure' also opened a pair of golden dragon pupils.

The 'eye' given by the rock god.

Looking at another 'self': "It's me, but it's also you."

"I am you."

"It's just that you forgot..."

The words of sigh floated from the mouth of another dragon king, but the crazy dragon couldn't listen to it at all.

He also understands.

Because the only "reason" in the Dragon King's consciousness carried by the Dragon King's avatar has been stripped and turned into himself, into the "good" side of himself that is not worn out.

In the incarnation of the Dragon King in front of him, there is only evil and madness after wear and tear.

But fortunately.

He forgot, but he remembered.

"Thank you, mortal." The figure looked at Luo Wei, seeming to... smiled slightly: "Morax, it really is amazing."

"To have people like you, to have a 'successor' like you——"

"As expected of my 'partner'!"

"Next, I will suppress another 'me' just like I helped Morax a thousand years ago."

"--Ha ha ha ha!"

Amidst the inexplicable laughter, the human figure drifted away, turned into golden particles, and scattered all over the field.

almost the same time.

This gradually mottled and fragmented Dreamland Cave was filled and covered with golden particles, and the cracks were quickly smoothed and repaired, and disappeared in an instant.

No matter how the crazy Dragon King stepped on it, it was of no avail.

No matter how angry it is, it can no longer be shaken.

The giant dragon turned over and shook the sky and the earth.

But what he is facing at this moment is the oppression of another self——

"Do you think I'm the successor of Emperor Yanwang... To some extent, it is indeed so!"

Rowe smiled lightly.

It's not that he can't understand the psychology of Dragon King Ruo Tuo's smile.

That is the expectation of the imminent liberation. Cutting off wear and tear and remaining sanity means that it is possible for him to reappear in the world with a complete posture... Even if he may fall into weakness because of the stripped part of his consciousness, it is better than forever It's good to stay under the seal of the Fulong tree in the dark Nantianmen.

But the same.

That laughter was also a recognition of Rovi, a gratification for the creatures that he and Morax once guarded together.

He was angry with them for destroying the mountains on which he dwelt.

He is not God.

Only the 'dragon' transformed by nature.

But nature and people have always relied on each other——

If a person loves nature.

Nature also loves people.

At least, King Ruo Tuo once loved human beings just like Morax.

"Then, it's work."

Luo Wei lowered the long knife and stepped slowly towards the frenzied and worn-out Dragon King in front of him.

That is this moment.

The remaining Dragon King turned around abruptly, and turned his head towards Luo Wei in the midst of the swinging giant tree dragon tail.

Another dragon king has passed away.

The still mad Dragon King here naturally aimed his anger, resentment, and frayed madness at Luo Wei.

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