But Luo Hao, who is now close to the fourth level of martial arts, can feel the faintly powerful blood in Noxa's body.

That kind of galloping energy and blood, which is different from ordinary people, is like a wild beast, just not far away, it can make Luo Hao feel a little palpitation.

Even Finks on the side didn't give Luo Hao this feeling.

This inexplicable and sudden sacrifice lasted the whole morning until Luo Hao's legs went numb from kneeling.

Finx and his eldest son Noxa stood up, and walked out to the back first.

At this time, Abel also stood up and started chatting with the women around him. Luo Hao discovered from their conversation that they were all Finks' wives.

This was the first time that Luo Hao had seen them. Under Abel's gesture, Luo Hao also greeted these women one by one, and then Luo Hao was taken to a next room by Abel.

The five spirit cards are neatly placed in the center of the room, and there are many spirit cards scattered around.

There were hundreds of spirit cards in total, and the names on the four spirit cards in the center made Luo Hao's pupils tremble.

Arolan Kergar, Aroland Beckmuth, Aroland Asaph, Aroland Besar...  

All of them are spirit cards of the Aloran family, and as far as Luo Hao knows, the ancestral hall of the Aloran family is not in this place.

Every patriarch of the Aloran family has no brothers and sisters, and apart from the four spirit cards with names, there is also a blank spirit card without a name.

All of a sudden, a bold guess grew in Luo Hao's heart...

Chapter 204

This vacant spirit card was obviously reserved for the remaining member of the family.

And that person besides himself, Luo Hao couldn't think of anyone else.

"Will, these are your older brothers and sisters. It's the first time for mother to bring you to see them."

"They are all going to accompany Lord Dragon King forever, let's say hello to them."

Abel took Luo Hao's hand, walked up to him, closed his eyes devoutly, and the mothers of these people on the spirit cards also closed their eyes.

Suddenly, Luo Hao finally understood why no one was happy about his birth.

Why from birth to now, my biological father didn't even look at me.

Why do all the people look at themselves respectfully, but always with a touch of pity.

There is only one answer, I am something like a sacrifice, and sooner or later I will be dedicated to their damned belief, as ~food for that giant dragon.

Thinking of this, a cold light flashed in Luo Hao's eyes, and he resisted the urge to destroy the spirit card in front of him.

Instead, he raised his head and asked Abel with a flat face: "Mother, when will I be like them and accompany Lord Dragon King forever."

"Will, are you looking forward to it too?"

"Don't worry, you can become a powerful dragon warrior just like your elder brother."

"At the coming-of-age ceremony, I will go to the Dragon Palace to accompany Lord Dragon King forever just like them."

Abel looked at Luo Hao, with a gentle smile on his face, and slowly hugged Luo Hao into his arms.

It's just that this gentle smile made Luo Hao feel sick in Luo Hao's eyes.

However, there is still a long time before the coming-of-age ceremony, Luo Hao felt relieved, there was no need to be in such a hurry.

"Mom, I'm a little tired, can I go back?"

Luo Hao stretched out his hand to hug the 'poor' woman in front of him, and said in a low voice.

"Of course, my child."

Abel rubbed Luo Hao's hair, stood up, greeted the other women, and left with Luo Hao.

. . . . . .

A month later, Luo Hao was feeling the energy of nature in the courtyard.

After feeling Finx's breath coming to the courtyard, his eyes opened immediately.

Standing up from the ground, he looked at the tall and indifferent man in front of him.


Luo Hao lowered his head slightly, and called Finx.

"Come with me, boy."

Finx looked at Luo Hao in front of him without any change in expression, turned his head and walked outside after speaking indifferently.

Along the way, we passed through many courtyards, and came to the outside of the Aloran family.

This is the first time that Luo Hao has come out of the Ya Luolan family. The street outside is very clean, and the passers-by on both sides of the street seem to be very happy, with laughter and laughter flashing in Luo Hao's ears again and again.

A carriage stopped beside them just as they walked out of the door.

The driver was the steward Savile. He got out of the carriage, picked up a pedal, and half-kneeled on the ground.

Finx stepped onto the carriage first, and Luo Hao immediately followed.

Along the way, Luo Hao looked at the windows of the carriage from the corner of his eyes. Most of the streets in the whole town were basically seen by Luo Hao. Everyone was living happily, with smiles on their faces.

Living a fulfilling and wealthy life, Luo Hao didn't even see a single beggar along the way.

Even poor people dressed in slightly ragged clothes, the peacefulness of the whole town is simply something Luo Hao has never seen before.

"During the meeting, remember to be respectful when you see Lord Dragon King."

"Don't talk rashly, do you understand?"

Finx glanced at Luo Hao, and said a word with a cold expression, which made Luo Hao nod his head expressionlessly.

The driving of the carriage was not considered fast, and the carriage did not leave the town until near afternoon.

When they came to a towering palace in the valley outside, they stopped the carriage.

Finx immediately led Luo Hao out of the carriage, ordered the housekeeper to wait beside the carriage, and then led Luo Hao into the palace.

The palace does not have a gate, and countless night pearls are embedded in it on the ceiling.

Although it was daytime, the light was very dazzling, and the surrounding pillars supporting the palace were all glittering with golden light.

Every few steps above the ground, there are big agate stones.

And the size of the whole palace was somewhat beyond Luo Hao's expectation, after walking for a while.

A huge figure opened Luo Hao's pupils slightly.

Two huge bat wings, four legs, and red-gold dragon scales exude a hot air.

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

The lantern-like golden eyes give people a sense of oppression, exactly the same as the dragons in Western mythology.

The huge sense of oppression came along with the hot breath.

"Dear Lord Dragon King, I have brought the new Yalong Zhe."

When Finx saw the giant dragon in front of him, he immediately knelt down on the ground and said respectfully.

At this time, Luo Hao was also pulled half-kneeling on the ground by Finx.

However, Luo Hao's eyes never moved away, and kept on the giant dragon in front of him.

"Finks, my most loyal servant, you are doing well."

"I feel your aura from this child. It seems that this time the sub-dragon is your child again."

...... 0

The giant dragon buzzed, and its eyes as big as lanterns moved directly in front of Luo Hao.

"Yes, my lord, this is my youngest child, and the adaptability of dragon's blood is relatively high."

"My lord, please accept his loyalty and give him the chance to become a dragon."

Finx raised his head and looked at the dragon in front of him with fanaticism, like a crazy believer.

"My great flame dragon, Colkins, grant your request."

"Son, lie down in this pool."

Colkins straightened his huge body and stood up, walking to a small pool beside him.

The dragon's claws were placed on the fangs of the mouth and stroked gently.

A drop of blood-red dragon's blood dripped down with a fiery breath.

One drop, two drops, three drops slowly filled the pool with dragon blood, like a pool of blood.

Finx also stood up and pulled Luo Hao to the side of the blood pool.

Undoubtedly said to Luo Hao: "Go inside."

Luo Hao glanced at the hot pool of blood in front of him, hesitated for a while, then turned over and jumped into it.

For a moment, a hot feeling filled Luo Hao's body. The bones, meridians, and blood vessels seemed to be filled with this wave of heat.

Luo Hao couldn't help but let out a low moan, and in just a moment, Luo Hao broke through to the fourth level of martial arts.

Immediately after the fifth level of martial arts, the realm of martial saints at the sixth level of martial arts, it was not until the physical body of the pseudo-star refinement level that he could barely stop.and.

Chapter 205

After jumping three realms in succession, Luo Hao felt that the strength of his physical body had reached a peak.

And Luo Hao's current age is only about ten years old, but the power of dragon blood has not dissipated, and it has always existed in Luo Hao's body, constantly transforming Luo Hao's body.

Constantly stimulating Luo Hao's meridians, the scorching dragon blood also helped Luo Hao wash the marrow and cut the hair, burning away the impurities in the body.

It only takes three years, no, it may only take two years or even one year. Luo Hao feels that he can step into a real star refiner, and even find out where he is stronger than his previous life.

What the dragon blood is transforming is not only the strength of Luo Hao's physical body, but also helps Luo Hao greatly improve his potential as a human being. The development of the physical body is not at its peak now.

Luo Hao's physical body can still become stronger when Luo Hao's time passes by [-] points in the future.

Suddenly, Luo Hao, who had been silent in the pool of blood, suddenly moved.

The qi and blood all over his body were like a volcano erupting suddenly, soaring into the sky, sweeping across the sky and rushing into the entire hall.

Faintly, Finks even saw a fearful monster with a height of several feet rushing out of Luo Hao's body. It was so fierce that it roared upwards, exuding boundless murder. Sweeping the hall.

Such a shocking scene made Finks startled.


The stone bricks around the blood pool began to split apart in an instant, cracking towards the surroundings continuously.

Even Colkins, who was already lying down to take a nap, opened his lantern-like eyes again.

He looked at Luo Hao with interest, and when he saw Luo Hao's blood rushing, his eyes flashed with excitement.

The ability of dragon blood to increase human beings is very strong, and it is known as the most noble and powerful creature in the continent.

There are not many races that dragons can take a fancy to, and the sub-dragons are just like that.

After human beings absorb their own blood completely, human beings will have the characteristics of giant dragons.

Improving one's physical body as an ordinary human, breaking the limit, even mentioned in ancient documents, some sub-dragons with extraordinary talents can even surpass giant dragons.

Some sub-dragons can even transform into giant dragons and soar in the sky.

And this sub-dragon is not only considered a top existence among human beings, but also the best "tonic" for giant dragons.

Every sub-dragon will absorb some dragon blood in their bodies, and when they grow up, this blood will become extremely powerful through their continuous training.

In the end, after returning to the ancestors, it is absorbed by the dragon, and the power of the dragon will also increase accordingly.

This is why the dragon wants to share its blood with humans in this field.

They are not savior-like existences, nor are they gods who can protect their lives in the eyes of people.

Instead, as livestock, human beings are raised in a region.

The best human beings are selected from them every once in a while, and used as food to nourish with dragon blood.

These best human beings are sub-dragons, which is why Luo Hao has to be tested for dragon blood adaptability as soon as he is born.

Not only Luo Hao, every household in the town will do the same as long as a newborn baby is born.

But the most frightening thing is that everyone in this city even thinks it is an honor to be chosen by the giant dragon and become food.

They are all like fanatical believers, and they have blindly believed in this giant dragon for hundreds of years.

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