Luo Hao sighed deeply. In this fantasy world, talent, strength and family background are all indispensable.

Betty's talent is definitely considered good among the knights. If it weren't for her family background as a minor nobleman, she might be assigned to some places where she can quickly accumulate military achievements and be safe.

But it was this most important background and family background that made the two of them the pawns of this group of great nobles.

"Why is the war drum ringing again? Didn't the battle just end a few hours ago?"

Before the two of them came out of the pain, even the exhaustion in the morning had just eased.

The beating of drums outside the tent sounded again.

Betty's face immediately turned pale. If the two of them had to go to the battlefield under such circumstances, their strength would be greatly reduced.

"The orc-like attack pattern will be very frequent."

"I remember that there is a record in the book that no country among the orcs is a tribal alliance led by a prophet."

"Each tribe will fight separately, which probably means fighting on wheels, so we should not be sent out in the fort."

"After all, not many knights fought in the first war."

Luo Hao didn't take the beating of the drums to heart. Luo Hao had already done his homework before coming to the Great Plains.

As long as there is knowledge in books, he has memorized it.

But things were not as simple as Luo Hao thought. A soldier with a strap on his body trotted into the tent of the two of them.

The two recognized their own troops, and they didn't lose their temper, they just looked at the soldier puzzled.

"Lord Betty...the herald just came and said..."

"I want Master Betty to lead the family troops to the second front..."

The soldier's complexion was also very bad, Luo Hao and Betty's blood-stained armor had just been taken off not long ago.

At this time, I will put it on immediately. Although it is the second front, even a small soldier has noticed that this matter is not easy. .

Chapter 46

"Let's go, maybe it's because the war is more tense."

Betty came back to her senses and immediately began to put on her armor, while Luo Hao was lost in thought.

At the same time, he quickly put on his armor and asked the soldiers for a long sword again.

On the same day as Betty, they stepped into the battlefield for the second time.

This war has been fought from sunset until late at night.

Luo Hao and Betty couldn't even stand still, they could only support each other and rely on the sharp blade in their hands to barely stand.

Fortunately, it is the orc tribe tonight, which may be slightly weaker than other tribes.

Apart from Luo Hao's injuries, Betty was fine.

The two of them helped each other back to the camp.

More than half of the remaining 30 private soldiers fell again in this second war, leaving less than [-] people.

In the next three days, the orcs did not attack again.

Luo Hao and Betty got some breathing time.

In three days, the state of the two of them has almost returned to the peak.

On the fifth day, the orc tribe attacked again, and Luo Hao and Betty were ordered to go out again.

For the next three days, the orc tribe would attack once a day.

Without exception, Luo Hao and Betty killed all sides in every battle and were never absent.

But gradually the two felt that the arrangement of the war seemed to be deliberate.

After more than ten wars, big and small, Luo Hao finally couldn't help it after today's war ended.

Holding Betty who was spitting blood in his arms, Luo Hao's face gradually became gloomy and cold.

Even a fool can understand that the instructions given to the two were deliberate.

Where will there be a knight who never misses any battle, and who is the same as other knights after his military exploits.

It is very obvious that someone is doing something wrong.

Today the two were again sent out at the beginning of the war.

Until the end of the war, in order to protect Luo Hao, Betty received a fierce hammer from an orc.

The abdomen was pierced by the spikes of the mace. If it wasn't for the life seed helping Betty recover from the injury, and if it was Luo Hao who received the blow, Luo Hao might not be able to hold back and return to the fortress.

But this blow was taken down by Betty, which became the last spark that detonated Luo Hao's inner anger.

After applying the wound medicine to Betty together with the military doctor, Luo Hao ordered the few remaining soldiers to take good care of Betty.

Luo Hao walked towards the center of the camp with his long sword in hand.

All these things have a cause, and Luo Hao is going to find this cause and solve him.

. . . . . .

In the center of the army camp, after the orc army retreated.

Gaston called out some knights who were close to him, and began to celebrate in his tent.

Such things as military achievements can be fabricated as long as Gaston thinks about it.

For example, Corsette Betty's military exploits are, strictly speaking, several times higher than those of the knights present.

But all of Betty's military achievements were withheld and distributed to the other knights present.

Including those soldiers who fought bloody in the war, their credit is also counted. These are just going out of the city to pretend.

Kill an orc or two and get back to the camp dapper noble dude.

Betty and Luo Hao's original silver-white armor turned black due to blood stains.

But the armor of these people in front of them was polished brighter than the other, and the gap between their fingers was as clean as a woman's.

But they sat here without any shame, drinking and singing.

They even preached the chivalry in their hearts to the outside world and people around them.

"Knight Pax Gaston! Get out!"

A sudden roar made the wine glass in Gaston's hand tremble slightly.

Almost dropped the cup because of the sudden roar.

Gaston immediately felt a little uncomfortable on his face.

He coughed a few times to hide his embarrassment.

"Brother Gaston, does anyone outside dare to call you by your name?"

"In the entire barracks, who doesn't know who Brother Gaston is."

"Yes, yes, my brothers have received so many favors from you, let us help you take a look."

Most of the knight friends that Gaston invited were sons of the empire’s dignitaries. There were a total of six people in the entire tent, and only two of them knew knight combat skills.

For the praise and flattery of these people, Gaston was naturally flattered in his heart, since the only great knight in the barracks was transferred back by the empire some time ago.

In the entire camp, it can be said that he has the final say, and even officers with higher ranks than him dare not disobey him.

He also wanted to see who the blind man dared to call him by his name in this place where he was in charge.

"Don't bother the brothers, let me solve these small things by myself."

"I just want to see this place too, who dares to call me by my name."

Gaston stood up, pinned the saber to his waist, and walked quickly forward.

After walking out of the tent, Luo Hao, covered in blood and with an indifferent expression, greeted his eyes.

Of course, Gaston was deeply impressed by Luo Hao. Seeing Luo Hao approaching at this time, his eyes narrowed slightly. .

Chapter 47

"You, a second-class soldier, dare to call my name directly."

"Didn't that beautiful knight in your family teach you basic etiquette?"

Gaston looked at Luo Hao who was in a mess, with a sarcasm on his lips.

For him, Luo Hao is completely different from him no matter in terms of status or strength.

At this time, he definitely didn't pay much attention to the person in front of him, but because of his ridicule, the surrounding knights also laughed loudly.

"According to the Knight's Code, Article [-] stipulates that as a knight, you cannot deliberately retaliate or slander others."

"As a true knight, Pax Gaston knight, you dare to swear on the seed of your own life."

"Swear that you didn't take revenge on Corset Betty with your rights, and joined seventeen big and small battles in succession?"

Luo Hao was not angry because of the ridicule of the noble young masters, but calmly said to the smiling knight in front of him.

It was obvious that Gaston's expression changed immediately when he heard Luo Hao's words.

"I don't need to explain that I am a knight to you, a little soldier."

"Moreover, every order issued in the army has been carefully considered. If you think I have targeted you, you can report it to the empire. I don't mind that."

Gaston definitely didn't dare to swear. At this time, there were already many soldiers and knights around watching the excitement.

The swearing in the Knight's Code is very important. If he doesn't take the oath, he can always quibble, but if he takes the oath, then if the life seed knows that he is lying, it will be broken directly.

At that time, Gaston will be laid down directly from the knight to the trainee knight.

"It doesn't matter if you dare not swear."

"I'll give you a second choice."

Luo Hao smiled slightly, knowing in his heart that this guy would not dare to swear.

Immediately, he took out the family crest of the Corset family from his pocket and threw it towards Gaston.

"On behalf of Knight Corsett Betty, I challenge you to life and death."

"Win or lose, we are not pursuing this matter."

When the Cosette family crest flew towards Gaston and was held in Gaston's hand.

Gaston's face gradually became embarrassing. As a knight, he was challenged by a mere warrior.

Even if he wins, there will be no glory.

On the contrary, the knight, who has always been at odds with him, will taunt him with this incident for the rest of his life.

As a knight, he actually had a life-and-death duel with a well-known ordinary warrior.

"If you are afraid of death, you can swear now, I don't mind."

Seeing Gaston's face gradually becoming embarrassing, Luo Hao slowly took off the blood-stained armor.

Throwing it on the ground, according to the duel rules between knights, both sides are not allowed to wear any armor except weapons.

Generally, only bloody feuds and other things would cause two knights to initiate such a life-and-death duel.

Even in the imperial capital where knights gather, it is difficult to see such a thing.

Gradually, many knights and officers around were attracted.

"Since you want to court death so much, I will help you."

"Let you see how stupid it is to challenge me, Gaston Knight."

Looking at the gradually increasing number of people around, Gaston also had a look of coldness on his face, and immediately began to take off the armor on his upper body.

After removing their armor, the two also took a step forward.

The people around who originally planned to watch the battle immediately took a few steps back, leaving a more spacious place for the two of them.

"That person is a follower of Corset Betty."

"I met him in the academy..."

As more and more people came around, many people saw Luo Hao with a hint of surprise on their faces.

Many people have heard that in the Imperial Capital Academy, there was a warrior with a strong talent who defeated an apprentice knight with life energy by himself.

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