After falling to the ground, seeing Arturia and Medea relieved, Skadi felt a little sorry.

"Some did not take care of your situation."

"Although you are heroic spirits, it is still very tiring to inject energy into them and fly for such a long time, under continuous consumption."

"I only cared about my own situation, and didn't think about what happened to you."

"terribly sorry."

Skadi has never been stingy with apologizing for what he did wrong. After all, only when he knows the mistake can he correct it next time.

"It's okay, Master. During the war, I have experienced longer marches and battles than this."

"It's not a big deal."

Arturia shook her head. In her career, she had countless times of such long marches and wars.

Even if the journey has reasons to keep energizing the rainbow unicorn, it won't be tiring.

"Whether you're tired or not, it's always good to take a break."

Medea stretched her waist, not caring that they were still there, took off the magician robes on her body, and dived into the cold pool with her naked body.


Seeing her like this, Skadi couldn't help shaking her head.

She reluctantly walked to the edge of the pool, took off her boots, and then soaked her soft and white feet in the water.

"Oh, I still want to touch fish."

Seeing her like this, Artoria also followed her example, taking off her shoes by the pool and soaking her feet in it.

The cold spring water carried a trace of strange energy, which swept away their fatigue.

"Hello~" Now it was Medea's turn to "Hello", she got out of the pool and looked at them with some dissatisfaction.

"Hee hee." Skadi didn't care about her dissatisfaction, her two little feet were shaking slightly.

"Has the child been sleeping?"

Artoria looked at Zhao Yun'er who was gently leaned against the stone.

This girl has been in a coma since last night. If it wasn't for her calm breath, she would be worried that something might be wrong with her.

"Well, I've been sleeping."

"However, there is no other way."

"Her soul has been traumatized. If she does not enter a long period of dormancy, she will lose a lot of memory."

"But whether it's painful, beautiful, or want to forget."

"Those are all her past memories, her experiences."

"Whether to forget depends on how she chooses later, rather than being lost in this inexplicable situation."

"I protect her soul, I protect her memory, and I protect her body."

"But this girl has absorbed too much energy from me. After she digests it, she will probably be a few years older."

"My energy is filled with too much breath of life. This is of great benefit to ordinary people, but it will also make her grow up too quickly."

"This is something I can't change or stop. Doing it forcibly will only hurt her."

"Hey, let's see what she wants when the time comes. If she wants to go back to being ten years old, I'll just reverse it for her."

Skadi really loves Zhao Yuner, or it can be said that because she has not become Zhao Yuner's, she doesn't want to and has no right to make decisions for Zhao Yuner.

What she wants to do, what she wants to change, Skadi let her choose.

"Grow up?"

Artoria looked at her body, her age was fixed at 16 forever.

For a king, this is both lucky and unfortunate.

And for a "person", a long lifespan may not be a good thing, because it will experience too many joys and sorrows.

"Artoria, let me tell you the story of the young lady who came here yesterday morning, and you will understand..."

After seeing her like that, Skadi also knew what she was thinking.

So she told the story of Nian and told Artoria.

Of course, Medea, who "eavesdropped" openly on the other side, also knew it.

"In the Hall of Valor... it seems that time is really meaningless."

"But what if it's in this world?"

"It's impossible to really live alone."

"Then you will inevitably face the problem of who to make friends with."

"However, after the long-lived species and the short-lived species really make friends, the biggest problem between them is often that I am still young and you are old."

"Miss Nian's approach is very free and easy, but that may not be the real way to avoid these problems."

"But after thinking about it, it seems that there is no better way."

"Unless you don't make friends with people whose life span is not as long as your own, you should always face this step."

After listening to her words, Artoria also began to feel emotional.

Some things, not personally experienced, are really hard to explain clearly.

"The theory of longevity is indeed a difficult problem among different species."

"Not to mention the mythical species, even in the continent of Terra, Sarkaz and Sarkaz, the same race, have very different life spans."

"Some can live hundreds or thousands of years without any problems."

"Some can only live a few dozen years, just like ordinary people."

"The most important thing is that the Sarkaz people have a unique physique. They are the group most susceptible to the Originium disease on the Terra continent."

"This also caused the Sarkaz to be very excluded from other races."

"There have been wars with other races in other countries before."

"Perhaps this is also a curse for the longevity species."

Skadi also began to feel emotionally, the theory of lifespan-this is a problem that she will have to face in the future.

"In the face of war, the length of life seems meaningless."

"No matter how long the life span is, as long as you die, it returns to dust."

"So, it is also a great ability for the longevity species to live for such a long time."

Medea interjected at this time, and she swam to Skadi's body while speaking, and stretched out her hand to hold Skadi's left ankle.

Soft and delicate, as if boneless.

It feels very comfortable to hold in the hand, making people want to play with it.

And after she finished saying this, she pulled hard and pulled Skadi into the pool.


Skadi is a "marine creature" herself. Although this place is not sea water, it has no effect on her.

After being pulled into the pool, she explained what it means to be "like a fish in water".

Even with a skirt on her body, she can swim freely in the water, much faster than Medea.

"Huh? Is there a cave down here?"

Skadi dived into the water and soon swam to the bottom of the pool.

Then she discovered that something was wrong, there were a few more stones at the bottom of the pool.

These stones are very regular round or prismatic, which is very difficult for nature to generate naturally.

If there is a piece in a place, it can also be said to be naturally generated.

But if there are several kinds of stones with different rules in one place, it can only be man-made.

I didn't expect to choose any Qingtan at random to have such a harvest. Is it because my lucky set is too good?

[This is what I chose for you, so naturally there is something special about it. 】

[The system detects the most suitable area, and there are often surprises hidden. 】

[Of course, I can't remind you before you find it. You can only find it yourself in this regard. 】

[But after I find it, I don't need to hide it anymore, I can tell you directly. 】

[Trigger missions and the like, you have to find specific entrances or information to have them. 】

[What I can remind you here is that if some tasks that take a long time to complete are triggered, it is recommended not to accept them for the time being. 】

【After all, what you have to do has not been done yet. If you have a long chain of tasks, you may miss what you want to do...】

Xiao Ai reminded and asked for credit, while Skadi swam around a few times, and finally found a way to open it.

There are five regular stones under the pool, which are round, oval, square, trapezoidal and rectangular.

The circle is the largest, and the area in the middle is a full two meters.

Apparently the secret was hidden behind it, and a special method was needed to open it.

Although Skadi could crush it with one punch, for the sake of the task, she patiently found places where these different regular stones could be embedded in each corner of the pool.

Reminders and rectangles are okay, ovals and squares, because of the long time, the mosaic place has been buried by other stones.

This made her have to spend some time digging out before putting it in.

This is a very simple puzzle, nothing difficult.

But if you consider that this clear pool is as deep as 20 meters, the temperature at the bottom of the pool is close to zero, and there are turbulent underground rivers around, you can think why it is not so difficult to set up.

It is already very difficult to come here and persist in solving puzzles.

It is estimated that the builder also suffered a lot back then, and it took a lot of effort to get it done.

Perhaps it is to make it easier for the future self or heirs to come in, or maybe it is so that the predestined people will not suffer so much, so it is set up like this?

Skadi didn't know, but as she watched the round stone slowly opening, she let go of those thoughts and waited for it to fully open.


The mechanism under the pool was activated, and a deep voice came, and both Artoria and Medea on the pool found something abnormal.

They knew that Skadi had nothing to worry about in the water, so they didn't think it was strange that she stayed in the water for so long.

But now there is a sound and a change from below, it is estimated that she triggered something.

This made both Arturia and Medea curious and wanted to go down.

"Don't come down for now, I'll go explore by myself."

Skadi's voice came from her ear, and she seemed to have encountered something interesting.

"Okay then."

Medea didn't care either, she still swam on the water with her body naked, as if she liked the cool touch.

Under the pool, Skadi was a little surprised when he saw a downward secret door that appeared after the circle.

At the entrance of the secret door, there is a barrier propped up with Originium technology, which prevents the entry of water.

"When did this happen?"

Skadi looked at it curiously, and couldn't help but wonder what was hidden inside.

After telling Arturia and Medea not to come down, she entered behind the secret door.

The secret door is very dry, and there is only one barrier between the lake and the water, but it seems like two worlds.

"No sound."

The ears moved, but there was no sound in it, and there was no feeling of wind flowing.

Although it is known that there is a pool of water and an enchantment behind it, it is normal that there is no ventilation.

But maybe there are other areas with access.

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