After a while, Xuanche's hut was also filled with money.

Obviously, the popularity of this competition training ground is still very high, and the parents of these young players will also support them to come to practice.

After all, being able to get Konoha Heidao's guidance, it seems to them that it is a face to say it.

Not only that, although the people who tried this competition lost to Sasuke one by one, they also began to be full of fighting spirit to cultivate to be more powerful than Sasuke.

In their view, as long as they surpass Sasuke, they will have a chance to let Master Xuanche see their hard work.In this way, they will be able to truly receive Master Xuanche's teachings.

But what they didn't know was that Xuanche was also paid for these teachings of Sasuke.

If they knew this, it is estimated that any parents in the village who hoped that their children would be successful would let Xuan Che take in their children even if they tried to sell everything.

These days passed, and suddenly Tsunade appeared in front of the cabin.

Xuan Che, who was lazily lying in the rocking chair, rarely sat up and looked at Tsunade who hadn't seen him for a long time.

Last time because of some misunderstanding, Tsunade left in a fit of anger.Then came various news related to Tsunade and the casino.

Although those rumors described Tsunade's every move as chic and happy, but in Xuanche's view, she was just venting her inner dissatisfaction.

Otherwise, Tsunade, who has never been in a fight with debt collectors, would not have just left the cabin and beat up those who were staying to collect debts.

"Come back? Didn't play in the casino?"

Seeing that Tsunade remained silent, Xuan Che cleared his throat and asked.

Tsunade's reputation is not very good now.As long as some casinos know about her, they will close for a day when she appears.

After all, the current "fat sheep" are full of aggressiveness.

Since they can't afford to provoke them, they will take the initiative to hide.

Otherwise, those people are the ones who suffer the most.

"It's not a bad day, but you have accepted so many brats." Tsunade laughed jokingly.

She didn't expect that the cabin, which was deserted in the past, would become so lively now.

If she hadn't seen two people she was familiar with, she would have thought she had come to the wrong place.

At this time, Sasuke was competing with others in the crude martial arts arena, so naturally he didn't have time to say hello to Tsunade who came back from a long journey.

But Tsunade was very interested in watching the fight between the two little ghosts.

Sasuke and the man in front of him were inseparable.Many times Tsunade can see the flaws of Sasuke's opponents at a glance.

Naturally, Sasuke could see this flaw, but his speed of attack was obviously too slow.

When he was about to attack its flaws, the opponent had already reacted.

Tsunade can also be regarded as half of Sasuke's mentor, so this reaction speed to Sasuke is obviously a bit unusual.

When Sasuke retreated to the side after the confrontation and took a break for breath, Tsunade saw the weights tied to Sasuke's feet.

Xuanche also explained this to allow Sasuke to grow faster.

And for a sword user, the speed of drawing the sword, the speed of moving the sword, and the speed of swinging the sword are all crucial factors.

Naturally, these conditions cannot be ignored if one wants to unleash the true power of a sword.

This is the same principle as using a knife.  …

Xuanche just taught Sasuke his way of cultivation.

As for how far he can grow, it is difficult for Xuan Che to judge for a while.

After all, Sasuke is also a very powerful existence in the original book.

If you want to destroy Obito and Madara's plan, Sasuke's strength is naturally indispensable.

And the current Sasuke is completely different from the one in the original book. Although he is still full of hatred in his heart, he will not do anything for power.

Xuan Che was also very pleased about this.In the original book, Erzhuzi betrayed Konoha, but Xuanche was lost for a long time.

Naruto and Sakura have always hoped to bring Erzhuzi who went astray back to the original world.But I didn't expect it to backfire.

But fortunately, Sasuke is still very reasonable in front of big right and wrong.

Otherwise, this character who is both good and evil will really become cannon fodder immediately.

Xuanche also gave Tsunade a general introduction to this naturally formed martial arts arena.

In order to relieve Xuan Che's burden, these children specially formed a team to come over as sandbags to accompany Sasuke to practice.

Since they are so active, Xuan Che is naturally embarrassed to stop them.

And this money income is also a very pleasant thing.

Unexpectedly, when this prodigal girl heard that she was rich, her original serious expression immediately changed into her previous hippie smiling expression.

This made Xuan Che immediately have a "dangerous" warning popping up above his head.

After all, Tsunade loves money far more than Xuan Che.If Tsunade found out that Xuan Che put all the competition ticket fees in the cabinet in the cabin, it is estimated that the prodigal girl will run away with the money next time.

The two have lived together for such a long time, Xuan Che naturally understands Tsunade's nature very well.

For this reason, when Tsunade wanted to go back to the house, Xuan Che naturally followed without saying a word.

This sudden change did not affect the two people on the martial arts arena.The battle between Sasuke and his opponent has just begun.

And the game between Xuan Che and Tsunade has reached the stage of breaking out.

Every time Tsunade got closer to the cabin, Xuanche became more worried.

As a medical ninja, Tsunade has a very keen perception.

For this reason, it is obviously useless for Xuan Che to follow like this. .

Chapter 221

The cabin is only that big in total, and it is obviously not an easy task to hide something.

In addition, this is the place where Xuanche used to live, so Tsunade naturally often spends the night here.

Naturally, the two of them knew every place in the house the best.

After finally accumulating a considerable amount of income, Xuanche naturally vowed to defend this wealth to the death.

Unexpectedly, this prodigal girl didn't give Xuan Che any face at all, and even directly removed the seal from the bed and undid the illusion.

The weeds piled up under the bed board turned out to be real banknotes.

Judging from this amount and face value, the money can completely pay off all the gambling debts Tsunade owed.

And there are still a few small bets left.

Because he has been dealing with money for too long, Tsunade can now roughly estimate the total amount by just looking at the denomination and quantity of the money.

Xuan Che was also a little surprised by Tsunade's calculator-like brain.

After all, it is obvious that Xuanche cannot do oral calculations.

No matter in the previous life or in the present life, Xuan Che couldn't do this.

As for Tsunade 09, whose eyes glowed when he saw the money, Xuanche also immediately pushed him out of the room.

Watching this for one more minute, his money ticket will also be more dangerous.

After all, Xuanche couldn't guarantee what Tsunade's next reaction would be.

In fact, Tsunade came back this time because he encountered some strange things while traveling abroad.

As far as everyone knows, there are only five hidden ninja villages.They are Muye Village, Sand Ninja Village, Yunyin Village, Yanyin Village and Wuyin Village.

But this time Tsunade actually saw a rising ninja village in the casino.They call themselves Otonin.

Hearing the name "Otonin" from Tsunade's mouth, Xuanche was also shocked.

This Ninja Village, which was originally created by Orochimaru in the original book to perform the "Konoha Destruction Plan", has now appeared.

But Orochimaru no longer needs to use them to attack Konoha.

And whenever Orochimaru has the intention in this regard, it will naturally come to discuss with Xuan Che as soon as possible.

After all, in Orochimaru's view, Xuan Che is one of the few people in the world who can communicate with him.

For this reason, Xuanche is also very curious about the origin of this tone ninja.Who is manipulating them behind this.

Tsunade also met inadvertently in the casino, so she didn't know the origin of those people.

But the forehead protection and ninjutsu on their heads also prove that they are indeed ninjas.

This newly emerging unknown ninja village is bound to have an immeasurable impact on other ninja villages.

For this point, Tsunade also followed these people.But when they arrived at a forest, those people disappeared as if they had disappeared out of thin air.

Even Tsunade's keen perception ability can't detect any trace at all.

This obviously exceeded Tsunade's expectations, so she came back to discuss with Xuan Che.

Although Xuanche didn't care much about the safety of the village, it was obviously impossible for Xuanche to live a stable life once the war started.

Moreover, Xuanche himself doesn't like troublesome things, and things that can be solved quickly will never drag on for too long.

Xuan Che naturally believed what Tsunade said.

For this reason, Xuan Che also planned to follow Tsunade to the place she mentioned to have a look.

Tsunade couldn't see the clues, but it wouldn't necessarily be the case for Xuan Che.

In Xuan Che's view, it must be some kind of illusion enchantment.

The base of that ninja village must be near the area where Tsunade followed him.

After the day's training was over, Xuan Che asked Sasuke to go home for a while.He and Tsunade have some tricky things to deal with.

Unexpectedly, Sasuke heard everything they discussed in the afternoon.

Sasuke, who has achieved some success now, also wants to go with the two of them.

Tsunade naturally agreed with Sasuke's request.

Konoha needs to go through Tango Country to go there, so it can also be regarded as a reward for Sasuke's hard work during this time.

The original two-person operation was also changed to a three-person operation team.

Xuanche also deeply doubts Tsunade's love for his juniors.

After all, the Qianggen trio didn't treat her like this when they practiced with her.

Tsunade's attitude towards those three people is completely opposite to Sasuke's attitude.

And Tsunade also smiled and said that it was because he was too angry when he was young.

This person whose face has never changed, actually said such words.This surprised Xuan Che very much.

After all, Tsunade has always been very jealous of others saying that she is old.

Every time Naruto Uzumaki called her Tsunade mother-in-law, she would be ruthlessly ravaged by her.

For this reason, no one in Konoha except Naruto dared to challenge Tsunade's endurance and temper.

Fortunately, Uzumaki Naruto is still the same unbeatable Xiaoqiang as in the original book, otherwise Xuanche really doesn't know how the follow-up plot will change.

If the original protagonist dies like this, naturally the subsequent plot will lose its backbone.

Obviously these are not things that Xuanche needs to consider.

And Tsunade still looks to him like he was in his twenties without any change.

This made Sasuke, who had always been ignorant of these things, fall into a state of insomnia.

When leaving the next day, Tsunade looked at Sasuke's thick dark circles with curiosity.

Regarding the reason for his poor sleep, Sasuke admitted frankly that it was because he recognized his bed and couldn't fall asleep after waking up in the middle of the night.

But this argument did not convince Tsunade very much.

After all, I never saw Sasuke say that he recognized the bed before.And now they have lived in a log cabin for such a long time to recognize the bed, which is very unreasonable from a medical point of view.

Fortunately, Xuan Che appeared at the right time and interrupted the conversation between the two, otherwise Sasuke would really be speechless.

Both Xuanche and Sasuke used spiritism to summon huskies and asked them to take them directly to the place Tsunade said.

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