For the third time, he turned sideways to avoid the past.

For the fourth time, he turned sideways and avoided it.The purpose of turning sideways again and again is to tell the other party such a truth, it is really inappropriate to die, it is undesirable, what's the matter, you still can't die, talk about it That's the most important thing to do.

This is not iron invincible's attack stopped, staring at the other party with gloomy eyes, really unhappy, how can it be like this?Damn it, this is very, very excessive. If the other party continues to go too far, it will really make people crazy.

"What's the matter? What are you looking at me for?"

"It's nothing, I just want to watch you for a while, what's the problem?"

"Young man, you should be able to feel my anger at this moment. You should be able to detect it. Once you do it twice, I can pamper you. How about ten or eight times? How can it go on like this? How could I be pampering you?" ? I don’t condone you, what will happen to you? Die, die, die! You must die!”

"Oh, then it's okay to die for sure, and it doesn't matter much, right? I'm such an indifferent person, life and death have long been ignored. Do I care to treat you as the same thing? Stop making trouble Okay!"

"Okay, you're messing with me!"

"I don't have it, why am I making trouble with you, I don't have it at all, eh!"

"You are dead!"

"If you're dead, you're dead, it doesn't matter!"

"I will really kill you!"

Tiezi invincible drink 0......

"If you have this ability, you won't beep. You are so beeping, it's because you don't have such ability at all. It's not that I look down on you, really not! I can't look down on you, you are a scum The slag ants don’t know how to live or die and are clamoring, how can you make me think highly of you? Tell me, come on, tell me!”

At this moment, Xuanche is just so arrogant, there is no way not to be arrogant, strength lies here, if he keeps a low profile, it is really not allowed by his strength, um, he just wants to be so arrogant and so public.

5 minutes, the cooling-off period, so it calmed down.

Tiezi Wudi felt that he was still in a difficult situation, which kept him from getting angry, and calmed himself down. After calming down, he hoped that the other party would really stop stimulating him like this. Once the other party continues to stimulate like this, and stimulates himself to the point of losing his mind, this is really extremely inappropriate for the other party.

So, at this moment, this Xuanche can have a good conversation and communicate, if there is nothing to do, then he will be less noisy and less risky, this is the best way.

In the end, did Xuan Che treat Tie Zi Wudi as a person?

Just leave!

It's so rampant, this is simply a trip that just goes away, this is leaving without paying attention, this is the feeling that it is not uncommon to treat you as one thing, what is it!

Such a rotten virtue has indeed seriously affected people's hearts!

At this moment, Tie Zi Wudi's eyes stared at Xuan Che gloomyly.

"Look at me, it's useless, let's go!"

Xuan Che knew that the other party was looking at him even without turning his head, and waving his hands with his back to the other party, it was considered to be waving goodbye to the other party, rampant, right?Just want to be so rampant.

Rampant, that is Xuan Che's style, the more rampant, the more it shows that this is his style. .

Chapter 296

Xuan Che was originally a proud person, once they were even slightly dissatisfied with Xuan Che, Xuan Che would give them a fatal blow.Now Xuanche has defeated the opponent, and it is a crushing defeat, so that the opponent has no strength to fight back. Naturally, he is in a good mood. He has already begun to fantasize about what will happen when Xuanche returns. What an amazing scene happened, and Xuanche himself was looking forward to it.

When Xuanche came back to his senses, he found that Kakashi was standing right in front of him.

Xuan Che immediately asked, "What's the matter?"

Kakashi said, "It's nothing, Uncle Xuanche, can you teach me ninjutsu? When I was practicing, I encountered some bottlenecks and need your help."

Kakashi saw how Xuanche dealt with these people just now, he was so fast and ruthless, that Kakashi saw that his heart was full of emotion.

Xuanche smiled and said, no problem, as long as you want to learn, Xuanche can teach you anytime.

As Xuanche said, he took out a ninjutsu scroll from the ninja backpack and handed it to Kakashi.After Kakashi took it, he flipped through it, and found that all the records in the scroll were 09 knowledge of ninjutsu.Xuan Che said, you should familiarize yourself with it first, but you should pay attention to the different ninjutsu, and the way to perform it is also different. If the ninjutsu you perform is wrong, it will be troublesome.

Kakashi nodded and said, Don't worry, Uncle Xuanche, I will study it carefully.

Kakashi turned and left.

Xuan Che looked at Kakashi's back, and his face suddenly became solemn. Kakashi has shown a very good talent since he was a child. If he wants to take an apprentice, Xuan Che thinks that Kakashi will be a very good choice.

Moreover, this time Kakashi took the initiative to ask him to teach ninjutsu, and Xuanche felt that this was a very good opportunity.

Xuan Che decided to find a suitable opportunity to get Kakashi into the gate wall.After all, Kakashi is not young anymore, and Xuanche should also consider the matter of accepting apprentices. If he does not accept apprentices, Xuanche feels that it is a waste of resources, and it is also unfair to Kakashi.

Xuanche was thinking, Kakashi had returned to him, Kakashi said, Uncle Xuanche, do you have other things, if not, then we can go home.

Xuan Che said, Kakashi, I want to accept you as a disciple, are you willing?

What?Uncle Xuanche, you want to accept me as a disciple?Of course I would.Kakashi yelled happily.He didn't expect that he would actually be accepted as a disciple by Xuan Che one day.He thought he would have to work hard for a long time, but he didn't expect Xuan Che to agree so easily.Kakashi felt really lucky.

Kakashi was very happy, he immediately kowtowed to Xuanche, and kept saying "Master, apprentice Kakashi, kowtow to you."

Kakashi's actions made Xuanche a little dumbfounded, he quickly stretched out his hand to help Kakashi up.

Xuanche said, Kakashi, stop kneeling.I just said that I want to accept you as a disciple, but I didn't say that I must accept you as a disciple. You are still my disciple and grandson.I can't make you kowtow to me.Get up quickly.

Kakashi said happily, Master, have you really agreed to accept apprentices?Great, I can call you master in the future, great.Kakashi was really excited at this moment.

Xuanche laughed, I said Kakashi, please don't bark.I just accept you as an apprentice temporarily. If I have any good things or practice exercises in the future, I will definitely not forget you, and you can't forget me either.Xuanche is to remind Kakashi that accepting his disciples is just a joke, it does not mean that this thing will really happen in the future, so Xuanche reminds Kakashi, otherwise Kakashi would really It's easy to forget yourself.

After Kakashi heard Xuanche's reminder, his eyes suddenly widened, with a very unconvinced expression, he said, Master, what you said is wrong.It is your honor and your blessing that you accept me as an apprentice. Why do you have no reason to say that you don't accept me as an apprentice.

Xuanche said, "Just because I don't accept you as a disciple doesn't mean I won't treat you as a family member."And with your current strength, it is still difficult for you to meet my standard, so you should stop wishing to be my apprentice. Your main task now is to improve your strength as soon as possible, and then you can hope to do it. My personal disciple, if you haven't even practiced the basic skills well, then don't talk about your future.

Xuanche's words were very reasonable. Although Kakashi felt a little unconvinced, he still nodded obediently.

Xuan Che said, since this is the case, then you should hurry up to practice and strive to improve your strength in the shortest possible time.

Kakashi nodded happily, yes, master, I'll go right away.

After speaking, Kakashi took the ninjutsu scroll that Xuantou gave him, walked towards a big rock not far away, and sat on it.Kakashi spread out the scroll, read it carefully several times, and then closed his eyes to enter the cultivation state.

Kakashi has always worked very hard. Although Kakashi encountered many difficulties and even a bottleneck in the process of learning, Kakashi persisted very tenaciously, and he was slowly mastering the skills he had mastered.Xuanche looked at Kakashi's series of performances from the side, and felt that Kakashi really had tenacity, and that Kakashi was able to work so hard at this age, he must have a bright future in the future, and he also had an unwavering heart The heart of cultivation.

With the help of Xuan Che, Kakashi finally learned a ninjutsu. Although this ninjutsu is very powerful to him, Kakashi still likes it very much.Because in this ninjutsu, Kakashi saw the love Xuan Che had for him.

Kakashi happily said to Xuanche, Master, you see, I have fully learned this ninjutsu scroll, and I am already a qualified ninja.

Xuanche smiled and said, Kakashi, I saw your progress, and it really surprised me. I didn't expect you to have learned this book of ninjutsu so quickly. It seems that your understanding is quite high, and This can be regarded as a little reward for you.

Kakashi was very excited, really?Master, thank you, you are very kind.Kakashi sincerely thanked Xuan Che.

Xuan Che said with a smile, Kakashi, since you have learned this ninjutsu, I will give you some gifts as a teacher.

Kakashi looked at Xuanche suspiciously, and said, Master, what are you talking about?My book of ninjutsu has benefited me a lot, how can I accept your gift again?

I saw Xuanche took out a Flying Thunder God Kunai.

Seeing this scene, Kakashi was stunned. .

Chapter 297

Kakashi had seen this flying thunder god Kunai before, but at the beginning, Kakashi didn't think how powerful this Kunai was, he just thought it was very beautiful and delicate, but now Kakashi saw the Kunai When I was there, I found that this kunai was really not ordinary beautiful. Its blade was still shining with golden light, obviously it was a very powerful weapon.

Xuanche said with a smile, although this kunai is not particularly powerful, it is very useful to us ninjas.I think you must also know what level of weapon this Kunai is.

Kakashi said, Master, of course I know what level of weapon this Kunai is, but what did you give me, Master?Although this weapon is powerful, I don't think it has much use for a ninja. I think Master, you gave me such a weapon, there must be some deep meaning, right?

Kakashi is right, these ninjas don't need to use weapons at all unless they encounter powerful enemies, because the weapons they have are already very powerful, and there is no need to use more powerful weapons at all , but if there is danger, it is different. If they encounter enemies weaker than themselves, they can use weapons to deal with them, so in the ninja world, weapons are very important for ninjas.

Xuanche said, this Flying Thunder God Kunai is a very sharp weapon, and only ninjutsu can display the true power of this Flying Thunder God Kunai. Although you are a good ninja now, but I What I want to say is that the greatest use of this Flying Thunder God Kunai is to travel through time and space.If you can master this trick, then you will be able to travel through various worlds in the future.

Xuan Che said to Kakashi with a serious face, so you must not relax, this is a very powerful weapon, you must not waste such a powerful weapon.I believe that your talent and hard work will not be in vain. I believe that you will soon grow up and become a very powerful ninja.

Kakashi said excitedly, Master, don't worry, I will work hard, and I will never disappoint your expectations.Master, do you have any other gifts to teach me?If not, then I will resign.

Xuanche smiled and said, of course, there are a lot of ninjutsu in it, I hope you can comprehend and learn it as soon as possible.As he said, Xuanche took out a pile of thick books from his pocket and handed them to Kakashi. He continued, there are all ninjutsu training experience in it, as long as you practice according to the above method, you will be fine. You only need to practice three times a day.

Kakashi saw that Xuantou sent him so many ninjutsu books. Although these ninjutsu books are not like the secret books of those ninja clans, nor are they the best skills of those sects, but these ninjutsu books are all Those high-level ninjutsu on Xuanyin Mountain, these ninjutsu were searched by Xuanche from the treasure house of that ninja clan, which recorded different types of ninjutsu.

Kakashi didn't expect Xuanche to be really kind to him, he clasped his fists excitedly and said, thank you master!I will definitely practice hard.

Hehe, Kakashi, since you have already learned this ninjutsu, go back and study it carefully. If you think this ninjutsu is not bad, I will find a better one for you in the future. Ninjutsu cheats.

Kakashi said, yes, master, then the disciple will leave first. If the disciple has the opportunity to meet the master in the future, he must ask the master about the practice of ninjutsu. The disciple promises to fulfill his mission and must use these ninjutsu learn well.

Xuan Che smiled lightly, if you really think so, then I will feel more at ease.Kakashi, you go back, you have to practice hard in the future, you know?

Kakashi said, yes, master, don't worry, I will definitely practice hard and will not let you down.

Xuan Che nodded with a smile, um, good boy.

After Kakashi left, Xuantou began to cultivate his own chakra. Xuantou's current chakra has broken through the level of 98 times and reached the level of 99 times. This is an extremely rare thing. This also means that Xuan Che's Chakra is already very powerful.Xuanche said before that only after possessing more than 98 times the chakra can it be possible to break through the limit of [-] times and become an existence that transcends everything.

But Xuanche's current chakra has reached 99 times, and it is still increasing. Xuanche knows that he is still far behind and needs to continue to work hard, so he did not stop practicing. Practice with one heart.

Xuanche knew that ninjutsu in this world was the easiest to learn, so he taught Kakashi some ninjutsu he knew.While practicing these ninjutsu, Kakashi also learned many other ninjutsu. He felt that Xuanche was really generous, and such a gift made him very excited.

In the few days after Kakashi left, Xuanche's strength has also been improved. He can already use the space transfer at any time, and he will not be hurt when using the space transfer. But in this way, his Space energy will consume a lot. His current ability is not enough. If he wants to use space transfer, he needs more powerful ability. At that time, he can better display the ability of space transfer.

Now that Xuanche has reached the advanced ninja level, those advanced ninjutsu have no effect on Xuanche, so Xuanche handed over these advanced ninjutsu to Ka (Li Hao) Kaxi, those advanced ninjutsu It also made Xuanche very satisfied, so Xuanche no longer had to worry that Kakashi would waste his precious energy.

After Kakashi left, Xuanche began to study other ninjutsu again.

Now Kakashi can't wait to try how powerful his space ninjutsu is, and Kakashi is very much looking forward to this assessment.

Xuanche locked his target on some powerful ninjutsu, these ninjutsu are relatively low-level ninjutsu, and they are also some common ninjutsu, so these ninjutsu are very simple for Xuanche.

When Kakashi was practicing these ninjutsu, Xuanche was also constantly absorbing the rich chakra around him to cultivate his own chakra.

While Kakashi was practicing, Xuanche was practicing the ninjutsu secret book called "Chiba Style". .

Chapter 298

Chiba style is a very powerful ninjutsu. This ninjutsu can be used not only for attack, but also for defense. Therefore, this ninjutsu is extremely powerful. Even those masters may not be able to resist Chiba style. Moreover, Chiba-ryu is a very complicated ninjutsu, so it takes a lot of energy for Xuanche to learn such a ninjutsu.

It took Xuanche a long time to finally learn this ninjutsu. When Xuanche finished training, he already felt that his body was full of powerful power, which could allow him to easily kill any ninjutsu. An ordinary ninja, but for himself, it is still a bit too reluctant, so Xuanche only learned the superficial aspects of Chiba style, but not all of them, which made Xuanche feel very regretful.

However, Xuanche is very satisfied even after learning the Chiba style. This is a very rare thing. If Xuanche can learn the Chiba style, Xuanche's overall combat power will skyrocket. At that time, he It will be easier to kill the enemy.

Now he is already a high-level ninja, and he is also a super powerful ninja. With his current strength, even ordinary big ninjas can be easily killed. This is also because he has reached nine hundred and ninety-nine Because of the double level, it is so easy to kill a large number of ninjas.

Now his ninjutsu has reached the pinnacle, and he is only a short distance from entering Huajing. As long as he fights one more time, he will be able to break through the last bottleneck.

Xuanche stood up and moved his body, feeling the powerful force coming from his body, a bright smile appeared on Xuanche's face, the power in this world is indeed very powerful, only a few days, Xuanche There was a qualitative leap in Che's strength, and Xuanche found that his Chakra was thicker than before, and Chakra was still pouring into his body continuously, as if there was a kind of It's normal to use endless strength.

Xuanche knew that as long as his ninjutsu level increased to 99 times, he would be able to perform space teleportation at that time, and in that case, he would easily avoid the enemy's attack.In this case, he doesn't have to worry about being hunted down by others. With his space transfer, his life should become much safer.

Thinking of this, a look of joy flashed in Xuan Che's eyes.

During this period of time, Xuanche has been staying in the treasure cave without leaving the treasure cave. His energy has been devoted to practicing space ninjutsu. He has not seen the sunshine and fresh air outside for a long time. Yes, he has long been longing for the sunshine and fresh air outside.

Just when Xuanche was about to leave the treasure cave and go out to have a look, Xuanche suddenly discovered a problem, that is, no one was guarding his treasure cave. After thinking about it for a while, Xuanche understood why Something, Xuanche knew, it must be that those big families wanted to use him, arrest him, and force him to hand over the treasure in the treasure cave, Xuanche sneered in his heart, and said to himself: Huh, our Xuan family It's already fallen, I can't give you the treasures in the treasure cave, and you don't want to get the treasures in my hands, your wishful thinking is doomed to come to nothing.

Xuanche decided not to hide his strength anymore. Although he has only learned the superficial aspects of Chiba-ryu, Xuanche can feel that the power of Chiba-ryu will definitely not be inferior to the most powerful ninjutsu he has cultivated now. How much, it can even be said that it is even more powerful, but this skill consumes energy and chakra very much, so this ninjutsu has never been used.

Xuanche plans to wait until his chakra is almost recovered, then he can try to cultivate the skill of "Qianye Style". In this way, he can cultivate to a higher level, and he can also quickly enhance one's own strength.

Xuanche walked out from the treasure cave, at this moment, Xuanche's figure appeared in a forest.

As soon as Xuan Che appeared in the forest, he found that many people were rushing towards here. These people were all wearing red clothes and had long red hair on top of their heads.

Xuan Che frowned. He looked at the handwriting written on the clothes of these people, and immediately recognized that these people belonged to those families. How dare they come to trouble him?I really don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth!

Xuanche knew that it was not time for him to reveal his strength, so he didn't get mad immediately, but waited and watched what happened to these people.

What family are you from?why are you hereA man's voice sounded in Xuan Che's ear.

My name is Xuanche. I am here to find a friend. Does any of you know him?I have something urgent to find her, please tell her for me.Xuan Che said lightly.

oh?So your name is Xuan Che.After those people heard Xuanche's words, they looked at Xuanche one after another. One of them, who was a little older, looked at Xuanche carefully, and said: So your name is Xuanche.

Well, my name is Xuan Che, what's the matter, where is my friend, can you take me to find her?Xuan Che asked.

The man shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, I don't know where your friend is. If you don't believe me, then you can look for it yourself in this area, or you can go to other places to look for it."

All right.Xuan Che nodded and said, after speaking, Xuan Che was ready to leave.

However, just as Xuanche took a step, the man in red blocked Xuanche's way.

Xuan Che asked with some doubts: What are you doing, won't you let me go?

The man in red said coldly: "This is the territory of our family in red. I don't think you can leave here. If my guess is right, you are a newly promoted ninja, right?"

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