
Seeing this, the foreign race did not give in.

A flood of attacks was launched.

All kinds of alien supernatural powers were displayed.

It smashed hard at the Qu Yue Ship.

But without exception.

All the amazing defenses after being upgraded by the Quyue Ship...

It was blocked!

The Quyue Ship floats in the void, blocking before the aliens.

Just like Mount Tai.

Stand still!

Any attack is like a mud cow falling into the sea, it has no effect!

"The light beams emitted from the underworld...is the defense so strong?"

Feng Ping's pupils shrank slightly.

He witnessed this scene.

I saw with my own eyes that the Quyue Ship blocked all the attacks of the alien race, and it was unscathed.

Chu Tiange also stared at the Quyue Ship floating in the void.

Muttered: "The electromagnetic defense of the underworld center? Just a beam of light from the underworld is so terrifying..."

This hell.

Same as 33 Chongtian.

Surprised him again.

Technological creations with different concepts also show the magic of technological creations.


at the same time.

tech universe.

Qin Mu was suspended in mid-air.

Looking at the surrounded aliens, the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up.

With the continuous improvement of civilization on the blue star, the rules of the technological universe have become more comprehensive.

The four basic forces have been precipitated by time.

Even more powerful.

Technological creations fight in a technological world...

It can even mobilize the four basic forces in the entire technological universe in an instant.

Suppress the enemy with an overwhelming advantage.

And below.



The aliens are still attacking tirelessly.

Qu Yuejian's electromagnetic shield is fully open, firmly blocking it.

The other side.

The left hull of the space carrier.

A fiery red giant steel pipe slowly lifted up.

The unknown majestic energy inside is rapidly brewing and generating.

"Particle boiling cannon."

Qin Mu looked at the weapons loaded on the space carrier and read out its name.

This is the weapon chosen by the space carrier under the intelligent program.

And this weapon...

Among the seventeen weapons loaded on the space carrier, it can also be ranked in the top five.

Only one step away, you can enter the category of conceptual weapons.


When this fiery red cannon was brewing.

Centered on the space carrier.

The temperature of the surrounding void is rising sharply.

The interior of the fiery red steel pipe.

Countless particles.

In an instant, it boiled up!


Due to the trembling and boiling of these particles, it drives the particles all over the vicinity of the space carrier...

Also follow the boiling!

Particles are vibrating faster than the speed of light.

Every time it vibrates, it generates a great deal of heat energy.

One hundred degrees Celsius.

One thousand degrees Celsius.

Ten thousand degrees Celsius.

One hundred thousand degrees Celsius.

100 million degrees Celsius.


1000 million degrees Celsius.

[-] million degrees Celsius.

Before the particle boiling cannon was fired, the surrounding temperature climbed to a terrifying value.

The space seemed to be melted.

World barriers...

It is even more brittle like thin paper, and it seems to be broken at the touch of a finger.

at this time.

The Sifang Tianmen appeared.

Start to strengthen the world barrier and maintain the balance of the world barrier.

The electromagnetic field emanating from the warship...

Under the influence of these boiling particles, it shattered!

The electromagnetic field explodes directly.

And the center covered by particle boiling.

The face of this fourteenth-rank alien was extremely frightened.

He is using his supernatural powers to resist the increasingly boiling heat around him.

at the very beginning.

It can still resist the high temperature of millions of degrees with its flesh.

But after [-] million degrees.

The surface layer of its fleshy body has already begun to crack.

The whole body also began to heat up rapidly.

Tiny particles in the body.

Vaguely, it also boiled up.

"The particle boiling cannon is loaded, launch!"

between heaven and earth.

The electronic sound of the space carrier sounded quietly.

Cold and mechanical, without the slightest emotion.


A torrent of particles sprayed out from the fiery red steel pipe.

The target is the fourteenth-order foreign race in the center.


The alien roared and roared.

The crisis of death has never been stronger.

It frantically displayed its innate supernatural powers, wanting to transform into 733 Void Form.

At this point the electromagnetic field has disappeared.

It can already escape into the void again, turning its body into nothingness.

Before the particle flood comes...

It did take form in nothingness.

But where the torrent of particles passed, all the particles trembled and were forced to be involved in this torrent.

its body...

Even though it has turned into nothingness, it has no power to resist in the face of the terrifying torrent of particles.

directly involved.

Into the center of the particle torrent.

And the temperature in the center...

It has risen to billions!


The breath of its life, at the moment it is involved in the torrent of particles.

It dissipates instantly.

Completely annihilated between heaven and earth.


Jiangcheng University, battle room.

Feng Ping and Chu Tiange stared at this astonishing scene with their eyes wide open.

This is the first time the Helicarrier has launched a real attack.

"Just... what happened just now?"

Feng Ping couldn't help muttering.

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