In the conquest of the last unowned civilization, it took 12 years.

since this time.

The system has been deducing a brand new unowned civilization.

Actually searched for three civilizations again!

"I don't know if there is a high god civilization..."

Qin Mu looked forward to it and muttered to himself.

Simultaneously ignited the divine fire, opening three alien passages.

Separated into three strands of mind, entered these three worlds.

10 minute later.

He withdrew his mind and slowly opened his eyes.

These three worlds...

They are all low-level extraordinary civilizations.

There is no upper god civilization he wants.

They are card civilization, ghost civilization, and giant elephant civilization.


of these three civilizations.

The ranks of the strongest creatures have all reached the fifth rank.

Each is stronger than the alchemy world.

Qin Mu thought for a moment.

Directly in the temple, an oracle descended.

The three alien passages stood outside the temple.

The inflammation is gone.


Just take a look at how the Great Yan Kingdom will develop after losing Yan.


The 100th year of the Great Yan calendar.

This is the first year without inflammation.

The oracle in the temple was quickly learned by all the officials.

The emergence of three alien passages...

It aroused heated discussions in the court.

"Conquer! These three worlds must be conquered!"

"Our Ministry of War has sent advance troops to investigate and found that each of these three worlds is stronger than the alchemy world!"

"With our current strength, I'm afraid it's not enough to conquer them!"

"So what? Although His Majesty is dead, his will still remains. Have you forgotten His Majesty's words? Wherever you look, it is my Great Yan territory!"


After a heated discussion.

The ministers quickly formulated a general policy of sending troops to conquer.

But in the face of three powerful worlds, they did not rush to send troops.

Instead, let Xu Shi, Minister of the Ministry of War, and Shen Xuanyi, commander of the Great Yan Army, discuss countermeasures together.

Decide on the direction of the troops.

The rest of the departments and institutions are responsible for various logistics, as well as people's livelihood, military affairs and other directions.

Before Yan passed away, he had already arranged the government affairs very well.

Each agency performed its duties, and there was no disorder at all.

"Attack the card civilization first. There are only 60 creatures in this world. They specialize in cards, and their strength is relatively weak. What we need to guard against is the fifth-level card repair!"

Xu Shi quickly came up with a series of countermeasures.

Decided to lead 100 million troops again and continue to march!


It also allowed the Dayan Research Institute and the Ministry of Industry to continue to develop new military weapons.

Dayan Kingdom has [-] million people.

After learning the news of the appearance of three alien worlds.

Also shoulder to shoulder, eager to try.

The entire Great Yan Kingdom was immersed in an atmosphere of invasion and conquest.

After Qin Mu saw this scene.

Nodding with satisfaction.

Although Yan died, his will still survived.

The officials and people of Dayan Kingdom are all his successors.

Even without heirs.

Future Bluestar technology...

It will continue to develop at a high speed.

He also gradually let go of his heart.

"Next, it's time to prepare to improve your strength."

Qin Mu took a deep breath.

Turn around.

After leaving the blue star, he appeared in the 33rd heaven in the center of the universe.

At the same time, one hundred original crystals were taken out.

Participating in the Civilization War this time, he got [-]% of the original crystal.

It just happened to bring a wave of explosive growth to the technological universe!

"System, open the weapon research room!"

Think a little.

Qin Mu directly issued an order to the system.

An illusory weapon research room was displayed in front of him.

The weapon research room is full of design drawings of various conceptual weapons, as well as the source of consumption.

his gaze.

It fell on two of the design drawings.

One is a dichroic foil and the other is a neutron star.

before this.

He consumed a copy of the origin and developed the design blueprint of the concept-level weapon water droplet.

Now I got a hundred copies of the source...

Naturally, all the concept-level weapons that can be developed at present can be researched.

Two-way foil, which can be used in the three-dimensional world.

Belonging to the weapons of the extermination class.

Scarier than water droplets.

One of the dimensions can be shrunk from the macrocosm to the microcosm, and become an absolute plane in two dimensions that only has length and area and is deprived of the concept of volume.

Research needs to consume five original powers.

The neutron star belongs to the top carrier of warships.

It can continuously compress objects with extremely high mass, so that electrons in the constituent substances can be merged into protons and converted into neutrons. A cubic centimeter of matter can have a mass of hundreds of billions of tons, and can destroy any object.

In addition, it also possesses various terrifying combat capabilities.

Can easily break through the barriers of the upper god world.

Research requires the consumption of ten original powers.

"System, develop dichroic foils and neutron stars immediately."

Qin Mu took out fifteen copies of the source, and gave the order again.

The system light flickered rapidly.

In the weapons laboratory, two research projects were started suddenly.

At the same time, fifteen copies of the original power were quickly consumed.

The deduction began to run.

Done with this.

Qin Mu looked at the vast universe again.

the universe today.

After several expansions, the diameter is about to approach 600 million kilometers.

Up and down in all directions, endless, extremely broad.

in the universe.

There are two galaxies, one is the Milky Way.

Among them, the blue stars in the solar system evolved human civilization.

The other is the second galaxy opened up by the star-making movement not long ago.

Nearly a million celestial bodies, extremely lonely.

There are no living beings in it.

"Carbon-based life has already appeared, and in the second galaxy... just try to cultivate silicon-based life."

Qin Mu stared at the dead and silent second galaxy, and suddenly had an idea.

The corners of the mouth gradually turned up.

Lifeforms on the blue star.

They are all based on carbon.

The flesh and blood body, genetic makeup, protein, etc. are all based on carbon.


The physical body of carbon-based life is greatly restricted by birth, old age, sickness and death.

Lack of oxygen is easy to die, lack of water is easy to die, physical damage is easy to die...

But silicon-based life is different.

In theory.

Silicon-based life can survive in any harsh environment, and its survivability is extremely strong.

Chapter 140: Time accelerated by 20 billion years, and silicon-based life forms were born!

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