Scattered all over Venus, forming thousands of tribes.

"To start building houses and cultivating plants so quickly..."

Looking down at the changes on Venus, Qin Mu couldn't help sighing.

These silicon-based life forms with slender limbs...

It is indeed self-taught.

Very clever.


They also have a very long lifespan.

Because their flesh and blood cells are all based on silicon.

With super stability.

Birth, old age, sickness and death, these reactions...

On them, it is not obvious.

Although their bodies are flesh and blood, they are not easy to get sick.

And on metabolism...

Because of the strong stability of silicon, their metabolism is also very slow.

The speed of aging is far inferior to that of carbon-based life.

Qin Mu made a general observation.

In the normal state of birth, aging, sickness and death.

The lifespan of each silicon-based life is about 1000 years.

And it didn't take long for the tribe to appear.

These silicon-based beings created a language to communicate.

Face hordes split into thousands.

These silicon-based life...

No war of invasion was waged.

Instead, actively seek alliances.

Thousands of tribes formed the United Council together.

According to the number of tribal members, corresponding voting rights are obtained.

Every time a conflict event occurs...

They all discuss together and make decisions together.

"The development of silicon-based life is indeed completely different from carbon-based life."

Qin Mu saw this.

Can't help but sigh again.

If it is on Blue Star, these tribes are fighting for territory...

It must have been fought already.

Only the strong are qualified to survive on this land.

But silicon-based life is completely different.

They have been looking for ways to survive that are beneficial to each other and can resolve conflicts.


Year 25 million.

Time flies.

A hundred million years passed in a blink of an eye.

The silicon-based life on Venus has survived and reproduced for [-] million years, and has completed its final evolution.

In the long-term division of labor and cooperation.

Their brains are used many times and become more and more developed.

The thin limbs and body also became extremely flexible.

The whole body surface is covered with a layer of crystal clear film.

Just by looking at it.

There is a clear distinction between poop and carbon-based organisms.


For a hundred million years.

They have gradually entered the farming age from the primitive age.

In order to meet the requirements of food, they wantonly developed and cultivated.

Many silicon-based plants have been found and cultivated continuously.

These silicon-based plants contain a large amount of silicon-based fibers.

It is completely different from plant fibers composed of carbon elements, but it is an indispensable food for their survival and reproduction.


Silicon-based life lacking guidance has never embarked on the path of real technology.

This is the end.

The fifth source has also been completely consumed.

"Looks like it's time for human intervention."

The sky above Venus.

Qin Mu took a deep breath.

The system was summoned: "Start the simulation deduction function, and deduce the most suitable person on Venus to become the leader of civilization."

The system quickly started responding.

"Ding! The simulation deduction function has been activated, and the current Venus-related parameters are being collected."

"Ding! The parameter collection is complete, and the deduction simulation is starting!"

Followed by.

The system's light flickered, and it deduced rapidly.

after an hour.

The system sound sounds again.

"Ding! The creatures on Venus have been screened, their future direction has been simulated, and the best possibility has been screened out."


The system transmitted information about a silicon-based life on Venus to Qin Mu's consciousness.

Qin Mu's eyes lit up.

The information the system gave him was a boy who was only seven years old.

The name is cold.

Lives in the northern part of Venus.

It is extremely cold.

A member of one of the very weak tribes of the United Council.

Both parents died, no one to rely on.

The reason why the system selected him was because of his 123 billion silicon-based beings, he had a strong ambition to conquer.

Same as inflammation.

In his subconscious mind, there is curiosity and a desire to conquer everything in the world.


Because his parents died in a conflict with a neighboring tribe.

So he goes deep inside.

Always wanted to destroy the neighboring tribes.

the most important is……

His brain development is the highest among the 123 billion silicon-based life forms.

after a short thought.

Qin Mu decided to be the same as the original Blue Star...

Pass down the divine book and artifact first.



Northern Hemisphere.

In an ice field.

Surrounded by glaciers, the temperature is minus 400 degrees Celsius all the time.

But these temperatures...

For silicon-based life, it has no effect.

On the contrary, the conventional living environment can easily cause their bodies to age and their silicon-based bodies to collapse.

Baihan tribe.

on the glacier.

A thin, frail-looking little boy was holding an ice spike and waving it around.

In the eyes, the light of hatred shone.

a year ago.

His parents died in a conflict with the neighboring Bailan tribe.

his heart.

The seeds of hatred were born.

But the Baihan tribe he belongs to...

The population is small, the combat effectiveness is insufficient, and it is very weak.

Even when a lawsuit was filed with the United Parliament, the United Parliament ignored their demands.

"If you want revenge, you can only rely on yourself!"

Such an idea was firm in the young Han's heart.

So I come to the glacier every day to practice the skills of using ice spikes.

this day.

He practiced as usual, but suddenly saw a golden light flash in the sky.

Two items fell from the sky.

fell in front of him.

One is a fibrous bark-like book, and the other is a weapon that glows white all over.

Han was startled by the sudden scene.

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