Since the history of Blue Star has been recorded.

The gods sowed the seeds of technology.

Now after a long period of irrigation and cultivation, it is finally about to bear fruit!

This will be a milestone scene of human civilization!

"It must be successful!"

Everyone was extremely excited and meditated silently in their hearts.


With a bang and roar.

outside the palace.

The fuel tank of Shenmei No. [-] ignited instantly.

The driving force of terror...

With the rocket, according to the preset angle, fly towards the sky and shoot out Xin.

This speed...

It has already surpassed the speed of any current vehicle of Blue Star, and broke through the clouds almost in the blink of an eye.

Appeared at an altitude of [-] meters!

Followed by.

Continue to rush towards a higher outer space that has escaped the gravity of the blue star!

Chapter 250 The Terrifying Speed ​​of Blue Star Exploration

Countless people stared intently.

Don't dare to blink to watch this scene.


We are witnessing history!


After the rocket reached mid-air, the lower half of the fuel push chamber crashed off.

The weight is reduced again.

At the same time, a terrifying driving force erupted, and the fuel burned rapidly.

With the rocket after reducing the load...

Accelerate towards outer space.

Under the violent friction of the air.

The outer layer of the rocket is constantly being worn.

But these materials are resistant to high temperature and friction.

So only the outermost layer of protection has been consumed.

Did not affect the rocket itself.

hours later.

The speed of the rocket soaring into the sky...

Slow down again before completely breaking away from the blue star's gravity.


The last section of the fuel tank was also activated at this moment.

After lighting.

With unparalleled drive.

Pushed the rocket into outer space again.

Get rid of the gravitational bondage of the blue star.

This section of the fuel tank is also the largest.

Fuel storage is the most.


It will propel the rocket to continue flying in the original direction after entering outer space.

at the same time.

The entire Blue Star people suddenly discovered that 933...

The angle of view of the original live broadcast suddenly switched.

It is no longer a live broadcast from the ground.

And transformed into a joint perspective of outer space satellites and space stations.

"Awesome! I didn't expect to be able to witness the rocket's propulsion from this angle!"

"I'm curious, who is the astronaut up there?"

"It's such a vast space. Being in it, I realize how small I am."

"Looking at the rocket from a distance, it doesn't even seem to be moving..."


The barrage in the live room.

Like a tidal wave, crazily emerges.

This scene.

They have never seen.

The vast starry sky, the blazing sun, and the rocket traveling in space.

All kinds of things made them feel extremely surprised.

At the same time, he also felt the insignificance of himself and Blue Star.

In this vast universe...

They may not be the only creatures.


Maybe there are civilizations more developed than them!

A sense of crisis emerged in everyone's heart.

They all remembered what Lin Huang said before.

In the vast space, there must be alien civilizations.

Those alien civilizations may not be as good as them, or maybe...

The level of technology has far surpassed them!

If it is the latter, once the other party has malicious intentions, for Blue Star...

It will be a huge disaster!

"We must rise as soon as possible!"

Dayan Research Institute.

Every researcher clenched his fists and muttered silently in his heart.

If the level of technology lags behind...

Doomed to be controlled by others.

Their Great Yan Kingdom has never been willing to be inferior to others from the barbaric era to the present.

It must exceed the possible problems in those stars!

And now...

Exploring the wild star is only the first step!


after one day.

With the rocket's propellant fuel exhausted.

Shenming No. [-] successfully arrived at the deserted star.


in the spotlight.

Landed on the surface of Desolate Star.

This is an extremely barren planet.

Looking around, there is no vegetation or living beings.

Various minerals are exposed.

Even the air is extremely thin.

Via Live.

It is also the first time that the people of Blue Star have seen the scene on an outer space planet.

In the barrage, there was crazy communication.

"There's nothing strange about this outer space, it's much more barren than Blue Star!"

"This planet seems to be similar to Blue Star, but why is the atmosphere so thin that life hasn't even been bred?"

"It is the fifth planet close to the sun, and geographically, it is similar to us..."

"It seems that the conditions for the birth of life are far from that simple."


Many people were discussing and exploring in the live broadcast room.

And Dayan Research Institute.

Researchers have no time to watch the live broadcast.

After Shenming-[-] landed.

They walked into the laboratory and began intensively collecting data on the current planet.

Surface characteristics, soil characteristics, atmospheric density, atmospheric content, and more.

All kinds of data are what they need to collect.

Only with this information.

Only then can they analyze why there is no life on this planet.

even to infer...

In the vast universe, in the other eleven galaxies, which planet has the chance to give birth to life.

And it didn't take long.

The hatch of Shenmei No. [-] was just opened.

Out of it came the astronauts who landed on the deserted star this time.

He is a soldier from the Great Yan Army.

After layers of selection, he finally became an astronaut.

Wearing a space suit, he set foot on the deserted star in front of countless audiences.

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