follow closely!



The bloodthirsty demon emperor was in endless fear and remorse, his body was constantly swallowed and refined by the light of the power of the law, under the suppression of Chen Junlin's absolutely invincible power of the law of the avenue, no matter how much he resisted and struggled, it would not help .


"Why can he be so strong even though he is a true immortal!"

"I, the Bloodthirsty Demon Emperor, am not reconciled... ah!"

"God, how unfair you are! Why can't I, the Bloodthirsty Demon Emperor, achieve such a heavenly cultivation!"

The Bloodthirsty Demon Emperor roared angrily to the sky, but it was in vain, his body and soul were completely refined by the light of the law, not even a trace of fly ash was left.

See this scene!

Chen Junlin snorted coldly, and with a light grab with his right hand, he grabbed the black water coffin from the depths of the endless dark restricted zone.


Chen Junlin frowned, and in the void in front of him, a passage leading to the Underworld of Reincarnation suddenly appeared.

Without saying a word, he sent this black water coffin into the reincarnation of the underworld.

"Sky Burial, this magic weapon, take it!"


A pleasantly surprised voice came from the endless purgatory.

"I, with this coffin, dare to bury the corpse of the sky!"

"Thank you Lord Pluto for fulfilling it!"

Sky Burial is one of Chen Junlin's top ten Yan Luo ghost emperors. He practiced the Heaven Burial Dao method. This kind of cultivation method is too special, so he lacks a treasure in his daily life.

However, if today's burial has achieved the status of Immortal King, and with the help of the Black Water Coffin, the combat power will skyrocket by countless levels.

Chen Junlin nodded lightly, but didn't pay too much attention to it.

The reason why he rewarded this magic weapon was that it was useless to him and it was suitable for sky burial.

So far—

In the entire dark restricted area guarded by the Chen family, there are no dark creatures, nor any "betrayer".

"From now on, the eighth dark forbidden area no longer exists!"

"My Chen family will guard here without wasting the strong!"

Chen Junlin spoke slowly in a majestic tone, and the whole voice resounded through the nine heavens and ten earths, and spread to the three thousand realms of the entire ancient world.


"Master suppressed the dark restricted zone for the first time. Heaven and earth celebrated together. God bestowed blessings. All the disciples of the ancient emperor's court will double the effect of all the growth effects on dark creatures!"

Chapter 218 Desolate Ancient Imperial Court, Are There So Many Great Emperors?


In an instant!

One of the disciples of the ancient emperor's court felt the effect of the dark hunting halo on his body, and it doubled again.


"Why is the effect of the dark hunting halo increased?"

"Could it be possible that this is Lord Emperor Zun, who killed too much, so he gave us an extra gift?"

"Hahaha... so cool!"

"The dark hunting effect has been doubled, now we don't have to be afraid of dark creatures!"

"Lord Emperor Zun, he has personally reclaimed and wiped out a dark forbidden area, and demonstrated it. We disciples, we must not disappoint his old man's expectations!"

"That's right, how can Lord Emperor Zun do it himself for such a small matter as killing the dark restricted area?"

"Brothers, let's go, let's form a team to open up the dark restricted area, and let's have a few powerful output, is there any?"

"People are at the entrance of the dungeon of the sixth dark restricted area, and there is still a formation master short. Hurry up, and come in as soon as you come!"

"Damn! I'm a formation mage, and I'm nearby, wait for me... Huh? Fuck, why are you alone? Where are the others?"

"Cough cough cough... Just wait a little longer!"


It seems that it was because Chen Junlin made a good start, or it could be said that the double increase in the dark hunting aura gave the disciples of the Huanggu imperial court confidence.

this moment!

In the chat information column of "Reincarnation of the Heavens" in the entire ancient imperial court, there are messages shouting to form a team to clear the dark restricted area.


Because most of the ancient disciples are busy hunting dark creatures, or some experts have gone to the depths of the starry sky to hunt dark creatures...

Therefore, they shouted slogans loudly.

But in fact, only a small number of disciples who happen to be relatively close to the dark restricted area will successfully summon their teammates to enter the dark restricted area in the shortest time.

In addition-

Although the effect of Dark Hunting Aura has been tripled.

But no one would be careless because of this, and no one chose to single out the dark forbidden area.

after all--

Relatively speaking!

The dark restricted area is the most dangerous taboo place.

Once inside, it will be suppressed by the law of darkness, and there are various ancient powerhouses and restraining formations, making it difficult to escape.

Even if they can be resurrected, no one wants to try the pain of death, as well as falling into the realm of cultivation and magic weapon.

Therefore, it is better to summon more strong teammates to have a greater grasp!


A powerful faction like Er Gouzi doesn't have so many worries.

Instead, he started to hurry up, for fear that if he took a step too late, he would be preempted by others.

"Debao! Quebao! Let's hurry up!"


The disciples in the ancient imperial court were all so excited that they only wished they didn't have the ability to clone and kill all the dark creatures.

at the same time!

After hearing Chen Junlin's words, the Three Thousand Dao Domains in the entire ancient world were also in a state of boiling and turmoil!

Practitioners of all major forces are all terrified.

"Wh... what? Did the Chen family clear the eighth dark forbidden zone directly?"

"This... What's the situation? It's not fake, is it?"

"Are you kidding? How could it be a fake when Huanggu Emperor Zun said it himself?"

"Damn it! It's unbelievable, right? This dark forbidden zone that has been unable to do anything for countless eras... was actually wiped out by Lord Regal?"

"The background of the Chen family... is it really that scary?"

"Yes! They are so terrifying! Because just now, the restricted area guarded by my Xiao family was rushed in by a group of emperors from the ancient imperial court... The emperor of my Xiao family accidentally blocked the road and directly A slap by one of them sent them flying for tens of thousands of miles..."

"The restricted area guarded by my Baihua Valley is similar! Hundreds of people! All of them are great emperors, with immortal artifacts in their hands, and immortal beasts as mounts...How can they be so strong as disciples of the ancient imperial court!!!"

"Uh... the restricted area guarded by my Hua family is fine, and there is not much movement. Are there really so many great emperors in this ancient imperial court?"


"Holy Son of King's Landing, at the beginning, he once threatened that those who entered the ancient imperial court would be called emperors! Many people thought it was a joke!"

"But looking at it now—"


"It really deserves its name!"

Chapter 219 The golden lotus of merit has increased by a billion points, what's wrong?

"I can also prove the terrifying strength of the ancient imperial court. Just now, our Nanman Dao Domain encountered a large wave of attacks from creatures from the dark world, and we were about to fight with all our strengths, but unexpectedly, the creatures from the dark world were captured by a group of ancient emperors who appeared in time Annihilate them all! Desolate Ancient Imperial Court is too terrifying! That is the foundation of crushing any force! No! Even if all the practitioners of the three thousand realms of the ancient world unite now, it is not enough for the ancient imperial court to fight! "

"Our Xuehai Daoyu is similar. We are all soldiers. When we planned to fight back, the army of dark creatures encountered the disciples of the ancient emperor's court. They all went crazy, desperate for their lives, and didn't even defend themselves. Straightforward..."

"It's unimaginable! It's really unimaginable! It's clear that the law of dark creatures restrains me and other practitioners, but in front of the disciples of the ancient imperial court, it seems that this kind of restraint does not exist at all? Instead, it seems that dark creatures are restrained by them? What is this? what's the situation?"

"I just asked a certain nephew who joined the ancient emperor's court, but he told me not to ask more questions. The question is that Lord Emperor Zun is so crooked? Guys, can anyone explain, what does this mean? "

"This... this should be the name of a certain supernatural power of Lord Regal, right?"

"Anyway, everyone who joins the ancient imperial court has a combat power beyond imagination, and everyone is not afraid of dark creatures! And they can't wait to kill all the dark creatures. A man of my grandson finally practiced in the ancient imperial court for ten years When I came back, my strength actually rose to the peak of a true immortal. As a result, I was preparing to do things at night when I heard that there were dark creatures hiding in the mountains in the nearby Dao Domain, but I suddenly gave up?? I ran to hunt the dark creatures that night??? How many dark emperors have been killed??"

"Oh my god? Real immortal peak in ten years? Is it really that strong? I... I really want to join the ancient imperial court!"

"Who doesn't want to? But the problem is that they don't accept it! A younger member of my family has a star body, and he is not eligible to enter the ancient imperial court! I am an old bone, and I barely have a great emperor status, so I am still not eligible!"

"The means of the Holy Son of King's Landing are really unmatched. He has even accomplished something that no one has been able to do in the ages, such as destroying the dark forbidden zone!"

"If the ancient emperor's court can really conquer all the dark forbidden areas, that would be a great merit for all beings in the ancient world! From now on, my Heavenly Sword Sect will look forward to the ancient emperor's court!"

"That's right! Even if the ancient emperor doesn't approve, I am willing to defend everything for the imperial court!"



Right now!

Because of Chen Junlin's words, and because of the monstrous performance of a group of Huanggu imperial court disciples, the entire Huanggu world was completely shocked and boiled.

No one would question Chen Junlin's strength, and no one would question the background of the ancient imperial court.


Chen Junlin has already proved his invincible talent with his rare shots.

At the same time, the cultivators in the ancient world couldn't think of other words other than "shock" to describe it!

The threat of the dark restricted zone is deeply hated by the entire ancient world, and they want to get rid of it quickly.


The dark creatures are too cunning, and their methods are extremely powerful. They hide in the dark forbidden area and arrange various formation restrictions. Coupled with the restraint of the practitioners in the dark restricted area, there is no way to solve it!

For countless years!

Even the so-called Great Emperors and Immortal Kings are unable to completely wipe out the dark forbidden zone!


Chen Junlin, did it!

This is a legend, but also a miracle!


All the creatures in the entire ancient world will always remember it in their hearts and appreciate their kindness.

Because this means that their descendants in the ancient world no longer have to worry about the threat of the dark forbidden zone day and night!And the strong don't have to continue to sit in the restricted area all the year round, resulting in the cultivation base not being able to keep up.

This move by the son of the Chen family is really a blessing to the common people, and the merit is immeasurable!


That is, in an instant!

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