It is conceivable that once this news spreads, it may cause an unprecedented sensation in an instant, and it may even be enough to reverse the current situation in the fairy world.

"My dear!"

"The Chen family, it's really hidden too deeply!"

"Who said that the Chen family is in decline? Who said that the main line of the Chen family hasn't seen any evil geniuses for a long time? This is definitely fake news deliberately released by the Chen family to confuse other forces."

"High! The methods of the Chen family are really high! No wonder it can exist in the world for so long, and no one knows its origin."

"How many tricks and trump cards do they have left, unknown?"

"Fortunately, we people have always been on good terms with the Chen family. Otherwise, if we go to deal with the Chen family with those idiots in Xianting, I'm afraid we won't know how we will die!"

"Bull! I can only say bull!"

"Hey hey...that Immortal Court's Aohan is so rampant, he doesn't pay attention to the entire fairy world, and now even kills his own allies at will. Call it!"

Although, they also saw Aohan's powerful means in the fairy court, and they didn't expect that the fairy court actually had four saints.

But compared with the current Chen family, this background is undoubtedly still a notch lower!

"Now I can roughly guess why the Chen family has not responded to the Immortal Court Alliance. After all, those members of the Chen family who belonged to the ancient imperial court, although their talents, supernatural powers, skills, and magic weapons are very enchanting, their cultivation level is still lacking. So, they need a certain amount of time to accumulate strength now, and wait until the cultivation base of the group of Tianjiao who is ranked on the Great Dao Gold List breaks through to a sufficient level..."


"Whether it is Xianting or other super overlord forces, there will be no chance to show off in front of the Chen family!"

"It's more than that! If the ancient imperial court and the underworld belonged to the Chen family, then in a short time, the Chen family would definitely become the most powerful force in the fairy world! It could even surpass the dominance of the old fairy court era! Truly surpass the Above all the forces in the fairy world."

"Fortunately! Fortunately! Fortunately! The seniors of our family are very smart and have always stood by the Chen family. If the Chen family can rise, then our family's status will naturally rise."

"Now, I'm very depressed, why didn't I reincarnate into the Chen family back then!"


The more one famous spy thought about it, the more shocked he became. They all knew very well about the terrifying background of the Chen family. It was definitely not comparable to any force in the fairy world today.

"The reason why Yao Fengxian of Yaochi Immortal Palace was so humble and surrendered to that ancient emperor, is it because she knows the terrible background of the Chen family?"

"Hmm... this possibility is very high. It's just that Emperor Huanggu didn't seem to care about her at all?"

"Let's not worry about these things. It's not too late. Let's report the news back as soon as possible. Let all the forces in the fairy world experience the despicability and arrogance of the fairy court."

"Hehe! The Patriarch of the Lieyang Clan, the Patriarch of the Sky-Swallowing Gold Ant Clan... were all killed by Aohan. I want to see if their fairy court alliance can continue."


This group of spies has already realized the horror of the Chen family.


Aohan who was in the fairy garden was completely unconscious, and he was still happy because other forces offered the core skills to pass on to the auction.


With his current "inflated" mentality, it is estimated that even if he knew that the Huanggu imperial court and the underworld belonged to the Chen family, he would not take it to heart at all.


"Ling Youran, the patriarch of the Phantom Spirit Clan, auctioned the pinnacle of the holy way technique "Sun Luo Vientiane", the host triggers the return effect of billions of times, and obtains "Sun Luo Vientiane: Hongmeng"... Anyone who looks at the host can forcibly control the soul The strength of the realm is lower than the soul consciousness of the host itself, erasing its memory, regenerating memory, etc.!"

After hearing the return of this supernatural power coming from his ears, the excited expression on Aohan's face froze for a moment, followed by endless ecstasy.

only see.

Aohan suddenly raised his head, his eyes swept in all directions, he raised his head and laughed wildly.


""Everything in the Universe", what a Myriad of Things!"

"Lingyouran, Lingyouran, this core supernatural power of your Phantom Spirit Clan is really wonderful!"


"With this supernatural power, every immortal among you here must obediently submit to this seat and become a slave of this seat."

Stop pretending!


At this time, after obtaining Lingyouran's spiritual supernatural power, Aohan became completely crazy, and directly said what was in his heart in front of all the immortals present.

Because, this multi-billion-fold multiplied "Vanimal Universe" is enough for him to easily control the souls of every immortal present and completely control everyone.

Now, there is no need for him to continue pretending.


And the other side.

Chen Junlin, who had received hundreds of millions of times more rewards than Aohan, also raised his thick eyebrows, with a look of astonishment on his face.


"This soul supernatural power is not bad."

"The supernatural powers of the soul are rare, and there are relatively few people in the ancient imperial court who can understand the way of the soul. This time it is quite appropriate."

"It seems that once in a while, you can still be a little surprised by raising leeks."



"Old Immortal Master Aohan, what do you mean?"

A famous immortal's complexion changed drastically. They could already hear something was wrong from Ao Han's words. Although they knew that Ao Han had other plans before, Ao Han never revealed it.

And at this time, because of Lingyouran's core supernatural power, could he finally be unable to hold back?



The immortals present began to panic, but they didn't know what to do.

among them--

Ling Youran, who knew the power of the "All Things in the Universe" best, had fear in his eyes and shouted loudly at all the immortals:

"No, run away!"

"Ao Han, this old man, he intends to control our souls, everyone be careful not to look into his eyes! As long as you don't be stared at by this pupil technique for five seconds, your souls will not fall into hallucinations!! "

Chapter 377 The madness of the fairy court, the fairy world is shocked

Although, Ling Youran couldn't understand why Ao Han was so confident that he could control the souls of all the immortals present...but based on her understanding of Ao Han's character, the other party would take every action carefully and would never say such a thing for no reason .


This is very likely to prove that Aohan can use some special method to learn the supernatural powers of these people at the auction... It may even increase the power of the original supernatural powers.

Because, Ling Youran knew very well in his heart that even if the ancestor of the Saint Realm in his own clan performed the highest level of "Benevolence of Everything", it was absolutely impossible to control the souls of so many immortals.

The souls of all creatures in the world have a strong instinct of resistance, how can it be so easy to be controlled!

The only way she can do now is to try to prevent the group of immortals from staring at Aohan for five seconds, and then work together to try to break the blockade of the protective formation of Immortal Court.

This is their only chance!


Being controlled by the old thing like Ao Han, and unable to move freely, that would be worse than death.

"If you don't want to die, hurry up and join forces, and use the strongest means to attack the Immortal Court formation!"

"This is the only way to escape!"

The silver-faced Yan Jun of the Yellow Spring Blood Killing Pavilion released a trace of fierce and pungent light from his pupils, without saying a word, he directly cast a move of Huangquan Blood Sea's peerless magical power, and rolled straight to the top of the void.

He knew very well in his heart that since Ao Han had directly torn his face, it was impossible to give them the slightest chance.

Their previous compromises were futile after all!

Not only was it ineffective, but it also fueled Aohan's arrogance.



"Thinking about running away now? It's too late!"

"Let's stay here obediently and become the puppet of Immortal Court!"

Aohan laughed wildly, his hair fluttered without wind, and he looked like an evil demon god.


He directly unleashed the coercion of the saint and ruthlessly enveloped all the immortals participating in the auction. The powerful force made most people unable to resist, and all of them could only show expressions of fear and horror.



"Could it be, are you planning to be an enemy of our forces? Don't you worry that the forces behind us will never end with your immortal court?"

"Also, without allies like us, what are you going to use to deal with the Chen family!!!"

Lingyou gritted her teeth and said.

She constantly released the coercion in her body to resist the aura of Aohan's holy man. At the same time, she tried various tricks and joined hands with the silver-faced Yan Jun, Li Patriarch, Wang Patriarch and other immortal emperors to break through the protection of the fairy court. Big array bondage.

Relying on their powerful hole cards, they were able to maintain a part of their mobility under the pressure of the Aohan Saint, and their strength can be regarded as good.

No matter what.

All this is futile after all!

Aohan has already multiplied the Immortal Court's protective formation by tens of millions of times. Except for the strange method of Dan Wudao just now, he is confident that few people in this world can escape, even a saint will never want to leave for a while .

"That's right!"

"Aohan, if you stop now, we won't argue with you. But if you insist on controlling our souls, then the saint ancestors behind us will never let you go!"

"At that time, they will form an alliance with the Chen family to deal with your Immortal Court... Do you, Immortal Court, still dare to contend with the entire Immortal World?"

The silver-faced Yan Jun yelled in a deep voice, pulling his fist very hard, the power of law in his body surged out crazily, and the sea of ​​blood in Huangquan slammed into the sky, but it still couldn't do anything to the protective formation of Immortal Court.

"Aohan, how do you want to control other people, we will never stop them, just let us go! It is definitely not wise for you to choose to be an enemy of our super-dominant forces."

Patriarch Li also yelled threateningly, because this is their only chance now.

They all know that Aohan's protective formation is too terrifying.

Escape, it is almost impossible to escape!

Now they are like birds in a cage, and they can't break free from this restrained space no matter what.


They thought that using the power behind them and the ancestors to threaten Ao Han would make the other party feel scruples and change their minds a little.

But apparently—

They underestimated Aohan's determination too much, and also overestimated the value of the forces behind them.

only to see!

There was a trace of sarcasm on Aohan's face, he sneered wildly and said: "Hahaha! The saint ancestor behind you? Together with the Chen family to deal with my fairy court?"

"Do you think this can frighten me?"

"This seat seems to tell you!"

"This time, not only you, but also the forces behind you will all become puppets and slaves of my fairy court, and be used by my fairy court!"

"You guys will be a sharp blade in my Immortal Court to conquer the Chen family!"

Contempt and disdain filled his arrogant face, and then he looked at Ling Youran playfully, with a look of excitement and anticipation flashing in the depths of his eyes.


"I have to say, this time, you have done me a great favor!"

"As a thank you, I will unveil your mysterious veil, and see what kind of face you have behind the misty face of the patriarch of the Phantom Spirit Clan..."

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