"Island Master, are you going to rest?"

"Today I may have to work overtime overnight!"

Wendini: "All night?"

"No way, those new island owners may be in urgent need of magic potions. If I'm not online, the transaction cannot be completed!"

Xu Chengfeng didn't want to miss the opportunity to kill someone.

Isn't it just to wait for today to store so many magic potions?

"My lord, you are so kind!"

Wen Dini brought a brazier and bedding to Xu Chengfeng.

Xu Chengfeng swallowed his luck and lay down on the recliner all night.

It wasn't until noon the next day that the storm gradually subsided.

And the magic potion he prepared was almost sold out.

Xu Chengfeng looked at the regional communication channel. There were at least half of the new island owners in the 14th regional communication channel, and the elimination rate was very high!

He looked at the three rankings, he was first on the third list, Tong Mu was second on the third list, and Wilson was third on the third list!

Originally, Wilson surpassed Tong Mu in the ranking of aboriginal people.

But overnight, the number of aborigines on Wilson Island decreased by more than 1000!

It was surpassed by Tong Mu with a small advantage.

This is the case with Island World.

The stronger the life energy and the more life on the island, the more and stronger the magic beasts will be attracted!

Like Tong Mu and Wei Erxun, the island has a large area, and the defensive pressure is also great!

The clouds dissipated, and the sunlight shone through the cracks in the clouds and sprinkled in the artificial lake.

On the sparkling lake, several little water spirits poked their heads out.

Xu Chengfeng ate some pastries, stood up from the recliner, walked out of the gazebo, and stretched.

"Island Master, is it over?"

"It's over!" Xu Chengfeng yawned, "I'm going to sleep, don't call me if it's nothing important."

Wendini nodded: "Okay, I will bring dinner back to the island owner."

After tidying up the gazebo, Wendini said to the snowman at the door: "Snowman, take care of the house, I'm going to the town!"

The snowman stood still and didn't respond to Wendini.

Wendini didn't care, she closed the door lightly, and walked towards the town with the metal incubator on her back.

When she came to the small town, the residents of the small town had already come out for activities.

"Vice island owner, the power system is intact!"

"Vice island owner, no houses on the island are damaged!"

"Vice island owner, there are no casualties in the town!"

"Vice island owner, there is no problem with the crops in the field!"


"Great, deputy island owner, our town has nothing to lose!"


"Is it because yesterday's storm wasn't too big?"

"I heard before that the storm in the island world is still fierce!"

"Maybe it's the island owner's credit!"


Apart from Chen Xinping, after the storm, the town will definitely suffer losses.

But she didn't expect that the town was intact!

She looked at the trees standing quietly by the side of the street, without even broken branches...

This is not the storm in her impression at all!

It's like scratching an itch!

Chen Xinping suddenly laughed: "What am I thinking? There is no loss, so shouldn't I be happy?"

Xu Chengfeng slept until evening.

After waking up, he was so hungry that he just opened the door and saw Wen Dini and Chen Xinping.

"Master Island Master, are you awake?"


Chen Xinping helped Wendini take out the food from the incubator.

Food was still hot.

"Have you eaten?"

Wendini: "Eat!"

Chen Xinping: "I ate it too."

While Xu Chengfeng was eating, Chen Xinping reported the situation of the town to Xu Chengfeng.

"Nothing to lose, everyone is happy!"


Chen Xinping asked in a low voice: "But the island owner, I clearly heard that the storm was very strong this time, and many new island owners' islands were captured!"

"After dinner, I'll take you to have a look!" Xu Chengfeng said with a smile, "Wendini probably hasn't been there for a long time, right?"


"The Temple!"

When Chen Xinping saw the majestic Wind Temple, he was completely shocked.

Not only her, but even Wendini was frightened.

She had stayed in the temple for a while before, but the temple was far from being so big and complete.

"My lord, is this the temple?" Chen Xinping murmured, "It's so magnificent, so beautiful, it's even bigger than the imperial palace in the capital!"

"En!" Xu Chengfeng said, "The imperial palace in the capital is [-] square kilometers, and this temple is [-] square kilometers."

"It's amazing!" Chen Xinping exclaimed, "Which god is this temple dedicated to?"

Xu Chengfeng said lightly: "Thousands of years ago, this was the temple dedicated to the goddess of the storm, Stia."

Chen Xinping asked curiously, "Which one is this, the Temple of the Seven Storm Gods?"


"The Temple of the Wind—Sketos?"

Xu Chengfeng explained: "It is because of it that our island will not be hit by storms!"

"So it is!"

After seeing off Chen Xinping, Xu Chengfeng locked himself in the bedroom and began to count the harvest.

This harvest is pretty good.

More than 20 low-level development scrolls, seven low-level island seeds, four rare skill books for water and wind, some pretty good equipment, and seven platinum-level special plants, nineteen gold-level special plants, and 40 silver-level special plants Multiple strains...

After counting the harvest, he lay in bed and found himself unable to sleep. 993

Unable to fall asleep, Xu Chengfeng didn't force it.

He walked out of the villa, came to the beach, and took out the blood of the earth dragon beast.

The bright red ground dragon blood essence is packed in a transparent glass bottle, which looks like a magnificent ruby.

Xu Chengfeng unscrewed the bottle cap and swallowed the blood in one gulp.

The essence and blood poured down, and the energy flowed to the whole body. Xu Chengfeng's whole body became hot and dry, as if there was infinite energy in his body that needed to be vented.

He jumped off the dike and swam around the island with all his might.

This trip, I swam until the middle of the night, until I was exhausted.

When Xu Chengfeng jumped into the sea, his strength was still low-level bronze.

When he landed, his strength was already at the bronze level.

Naturally, the essence and blood energy of the earth dragon beast has not yet been digested.

In the next period of time, the energy of essence and blood stored in his body will continue to be absorbed by his body!

His strength will increase very quickly, and it will continue until the gold level!

On the second morning of the third month, Jana brought Xu Chengfeng the harvest from the storm.

More than 2 nuclear energy, piled into mountains of corpses of demonized beasts.

There are also seven pieces of black iron-level equipment, three pieces of bronze-level equipment, and one piece of silver-level equipment.

Four common skill books and one rare skill book.

Four gold-level sea anemone seeds, three low-level development scrolls!

Xu Chengfeng couldn't help laughing and said: "This time, the harvest seems to have increased significantly!"

Janna also nodded: "Indeed, I also feel that there are obviously more items dropped!"

Chapter 163 Tan Ying's Mysterious Coordinates!Yuan magnetic vein!

Janna: "Especially the low-level development scroll, we seem to have gotten it once!"

"Twice!" Xu Chengfeng corrected, "I was lucky enough to get one before!"

"That's not bad!"


Xu Chengfeng looked at his attribute panel.

Especially the s-level lucky enhancement talent!

The effect is really immediate!

Xu Chengfeng came to the beach and glanced at the island of more than 50 square kilometers.

In two or three days, the resources on that island were almost emptied.

The spirit of Haidao also lost the island and can set sail at any time.

"Let's go!"

Xu Chengfeng said.

"Yes, Master!"

Xu Chengfeng first gave all the special plants he got recently to the care of the flower elves.

Except for the four gold-grade sea anemone seeds.

This thing is a marine plant, and it cannot be planted on land, nor can it be planted in freshwater lakes.

Xu Chengfeng hung up the remaining equipment and skill books in the trading area for sale.

As for the price, it is naturally very high.

To describe it in professional terms, it is called valuation regression!

In the past two days, the newcomer island owners on the world communication channel have been crying for their father and mother.

As long as the new island owners encountered strong stormy weather, almost all suffered losses.

The loss was light, the trees on the island were broken, the houses collapsed, and a large number of island defenses were destroyed by demonized beasts.

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