[Talent]: 1. Electromagnetic Force Control (f), 2. Yuan Magnet Control (f).

【Loyalty】: 100

[attribute]: electromagnetic force

【Grade】: Gold top grade


1. Attract, 5.repulsion, [-].Explosion of power, [-].Levitation, [-]. Yuan Magnetic Shield.

Xu Chengfeng silently stared at the attribute panel of Yuanciling, staring at the three words "electromagnetic force", feeling that there are too many things contained in it!

The four basic forces of the universe, strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, electromagnetic force, and gravity!

Is this electromagnetic force the same as the electromagnetic force of the original magnet?

Thinking of this, Xu Chengfeng couldn't help laughing at himself.

The island world is not Blue Star.

No science here!

Why is he thinking so much?

"You guys will be called Yuan Magnetic Snake from now on!"

Xu Chengfeng felt that after the Yuan magnet was activated, it looked like a snake.

It is impossible for him to still call them yuan magnets. If this name is heard by interested people, it may reveal his secret.

"Yes, Master!"

"Can you mine this meta-magnetite?"

"Master, it may take a long time!" said a Yuan Magnetic Snake, "This Yuan Magnetite is a bit large!"

"let it go!"

Fortunately, Xu Chengfeng has another plan!

"Jana, inform the spirit of the island to annex this island and separate the Yuan magnetite!"

"Yes, Master!"

It took half a day for the spirit of the island to completely annex the new island.

Then, it took another half a day for the spirit of the island to separate the entire elemental magnetite.

"Master, do we want to take the remaining island area?"


Xu Chengfeng said.

Of course, the parts that have no use value should be thrown away.

Even if he wants to increase the area of ​​the island, he must find some rich islands.

Xu Chengfeng asked the three Yuan magnet snakes again: "Can you extract the Yuan magnet?"

Yuan Magnetic Snake replied: "Yes, but a little slower!"

Xu Chengfeng asked curiously, "How to refine?"

"Eating the ore, we can extract the pure metamagnet in the body."

"Then your task at this stage is to mine yuan and refine magnets!"

"Yes, Master!"

Xu Chengfeng came to the spirit of the island and asked, "Is it heavy?"

The spirit of the island replied: "Basically it weighs nothing, those ores are very interesting!"

Xu Chengfeng said with a smile: "Those Yuan magnets have their own buoyancy, which is very important to our island. When they are mined, you may feel relaxed!"

"It seems to be true!"

The spirit of the island said suddenly.

After swallowing the medium-sized vein of magnetite, Xu Chengfeng's island increased by five square kilometers, but the spirit of the island did not feel the weight of the island.

Chapter 165 Is Your Metamagnetic Shield Made of Metamagnets?Misunderstanding!

The clay people began to collect resources on the island, and Xu Chengfeng stared at the magnetic snake in a daze.

Yuan magnet is different from fine gold and mithril.

He is not going to sell.

Because the meta magnet is very useful for his island.

To reduce the weight of the island is to speed up the island in disguise!

Since the meta-magnet is used as the base, cities in the sky can be built.

So why can't he build an island in the sky?

He may not be able to find a powerful formation master for the time being.

But he can activate Yuan Magnetic Snake!

Even if Xu Chengfeng's island may become a giant in the future, it should be fine if it is just to reduce the weight of the island, right?

It took two days, and the island set sail again.

Xu Chengfeng also returned three yuan magnets to Tong Mu.

Tong Mu noticed the abnormality of the three yuan magnets at a glance.

Tong Mu: "Boss Xu, these three yuan magnets don't seem to be the three I lent you!"

Xu Chengfeng: "Your three yuan magnets are gone!"

Tong Mu: "You probably won't find the Yuan magnetite?"

Good guess!

Xu Chengfeng: "No, I use fishing!"

Tong Mu: "How to fish?"

Xu Chengfeng: "Use your three meta-magnets as bait to catch other meta-magnets!"

Tong Mu: "...the ghosts believe your words!"

Xu Chengfeng: "Haha!"

Tong Mu: "If you really have a Yuan magnet, you can consider selling it to Senior Song!"

Xu Chengfeng: "Sell it to him? Why?"

Xu Chengfeng is very fond of Zhongyuan Magnet, and the Yuan Magnetic Snake activated by Yuan Magnet is also very promising, so he has no plan to sell it!

Tong Mu: "Xu You has been collecting Yuan magnets for the past few years!"

Xu Chengfeng: "Build a mage tower?"

Tong Mu: "Impossible. Senior Song Yongming has already collected a lot of multi-element magnets. If you just build an ordinary mage tower, it will be enough!"

Xu Chengfeng: "Then what does he want to do?"

Tong Mu: "I've heard a saying, but I don't know if it's true!"

Xu Chengfeng: "What do you say?"

Tong Mu: "President Feng Yu said that senior Song Yongming may want to move his island!"

Xu Chengfeng: "..."

Tong Mu: "This actually has a theoretical basis. As long as the island is not big, it is really possible to move the island with the powerful technology of Song Yongming!"

Tong Mu: "If it's another island owner, I might not believe it, but if it's Senior Song Yongming, I think he might succeed!"

Xu Chengfeng: "Yes!"

After finishing talking with Tong Mu, all Xu Chengfeng could think about was Song Yongming.

With Song Yongming's proficiency in machinery and alchemy, he might really be able to succeed!

Then, he remembered Song Yongming's deputy island owner, Xu You, who said that Song Yongming was concentrating on transforming the island recently...

Xu Chengfeng just thought about it and didn't care.

Even if Song Yongming succeeds, it will not affect him much.

His strongest is not the moving island.

However, Tong Mu's news gave Xu Chengfeng a sense of urgency.

Blue Star has a large population, and there must be many geniuses among them!

They developed decades in advance, and their advantages are indeed more obvious than Xu Chengfeng.

He must work harder!

Xu Chengfeng took out the other eight yuan magnets, and the white light instantly enveloped the yuan magnets.

The melted element magnet rolled onto the element magnetite, and after devouring enough element magnetite, five low-grade gold element magnet snakes appeared in front of Xu Chengfeng.

"Leader Yuan Magnetic Snake, take these eight low-grade gold Yuan Magnetic Snakes with you and continue mining!"

"Yes, Master!"

He activated the Yuan magnet because of the special properties of the Yuan magnet, which made Xu Chengfeng care.

He once tried to activate Mithril seeds, but failed.

Because mithril seeds are just like island seeds.

They are not real "seeds" at all, they are just the use of space spells.

Integrate mithril veins or islands into a space the size of a glass bead.

Not long ago, after he got the Temple of the Wind, he got a batch of refined pure gold and mithril.

At that time, he tried to activate the fine gold and mithril, but the result was not satisfactory!

The activated fine gold and mithril cannot be made into fine gold and mithril at all!

If it wasn't for the activation of the Yuanci mine this time, Xu Chengfeng would have forgotten about them!

He looked at the attribute panel of Yuan Magnetic Snake again:

【Name】: Yuan Magnetic Snake Leader

【Talent】: 1. Electromagnetic Force Manipulation (f), [-].Meta magnet manipulation (f).

【Loyalty】: 100

[attribute]: electromagnetic force

【Grade】: Gold top grade


1. Attract, [-].repulsion, [-].Explosion of power, [-].Levitation, [-].Yuan magnetic shield.

At this moment, he suddenly noticed the skill "Metal Magnetic Shield".

[Metamagnetic Shield (skill): Create a defensive shield composed of metamagnets, which has the ability to repel and attract. 】

"Leader of the Yuan Magnetic Snake, release a Yuan Magnetic Shield and show me!"

"Okay, master!"

The Yuan Magnetic Snake roared, and a large Yuan Magnetic Shield stood in front of Xu Chengfeng.

Xu Chengfeng stared at the Yuan Magnetic Shield dumbfounded!

He knocked on the Yuan Magnetic Shield and asked, "Isn't this tm a Yuan Magnet?"

"Yes, master!"

Yuan Magnetic Snake replied as a matter of course.

"Damn! So that's how it is!"

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