[Glorious Empire Cavalier Team Captain York (living corpse): The Royal Guard Cavalry Captain York of the Radiant Empire, the second son of the Earl of the Radiant Empire, has a strong knight talent, and Angel's loyal guardian! 】

Xu Chengfeng was quite happy that they could come out by themselves.

"Kill them all!"

Without Xu Chengfeng's initiative to order, the rock spirits stood in front of the knights.

"Raise your shield!"

Xu Chengfeng saw the menacing cavaliers rushing out, so he decisively asked the rock spirits to use their defensive skills!

Just when the two sides were about to touch each other, the spear in York's hand erupted with powerful white vindictiveness. He stabbed out with a spear, directly piercing the rock spirit's defensive shield, and piercing into the rock spirit's body.

Thus, Xu Chengfeng saw that his middle-grade platinum rock spirit was picked up into the air!

"So strong!"

Knight York, like a sharp spear.

In just ten seconds, he picked up Xu Chengfeng's seven rock spirits one after another!

Leading his subordinates, they inserted into Xu Chengfeng's formation.

The target is Xu Chengfeng who is at the back of the formation.

His subordinates did not have his strength, and their ranks were crushed by the rock spirits, and they were stopped one by one.

Only Captain York, single-handedly, rushed towards Xu Chengfeng without hesitation.

"He's amazing!"

Xu Chengfeng said in admiration.

A mid-level platinum-level knight, in the army of rock spirits, flew seven of his platinum mid-level rock spirits in seconds.

No wonder Sea Island World's evaluation of him is quite good!

Janna nodded: "Before he died, he should have been a talented knight!"

But soon, the majestic York knight could not move.

His strength is indeed high, but he is facing a group of clay figurines whose bodies are made of mud and cannot fly.

He still fell in.

As soon as his charging speed slowed down, the clay men rushed forward and immediately surrounded York and his mount.

Before dying, York suddenly burst out a dazzling vindictiveness and shot towards Xu Chengfeng.

Xu Chengfeng didn't even blink his eyes, and Jana stood in front of him, easily blocking the vindictiveness.

Xu Chengfeng looked at the rock spirit troops who were picked up, and said helplessly: "My troop talent still needs to be improved..."

Those rock spirits who were picked up were only slightly injured.

Elemental life is still very dominant.

As long as the core is not broken, it can be repaired quickly.

If Xu Chengfeng was commanding a group of human soldiers, he would have been seriously injured just a few times with York, and maybe a few of them would have been killed.

The rock spirit army is indeed strong.

But only level strong.

When competing with elites of the same level, they will still fall behind.

Janna smiled and said, "Master, you have too high demands on them!"

Xu Chengfeng also smiled: "That's right, take your time!"

He also felt that he might be asking too much of them.

As long as the level is high enough and the number is enough, even if the talent is not enough, they can still be crushed!

After Captain York died, a clay figurine brought a skill book to Xu Chengfeng.

[Brilliant Empire Earl Berkeley Family Breathing Method (Skill Book) (Imperial Level): The Earl Berkeley Family Family Breathing Method belongs to the world-class Kane Continent and is extremely precious! 】

Seeing this skill book, Xu Chengfeng couldn't help laughing.

good stuff!

Really good stuff!

Then, Xu Chengfeng looked at the armor on the dead corpse.

The armor on most of the living corpses is basically useless.

But the set of heavy armor on the York Knights is still intact.

Xu Chengfeng smiled and said, "I've been getting better and better recently!"

After discovering that the knight had rushed out of the basement, the Angel of Tears walked in with the rock spirit and clay figurine troops.

The Angel of Tears, like a large candle, illuminates the entire basement.

By the way, it also dissipated the cold air in the basement.

The basement of the castle should have been specially reinforced, and there were almost no signs of collapse.

In the basement, Xu Chengfeng saw traces of the life of many members of the Guards and Knights thousands of years ago.

Unless otherwise, there is no clue.

Not much of value either!

Janna reminded: "Master, look at the wall!"


When Xu Chengfeng raised his head, he saw rows of words carved on the stone wall.

When he noticed the text, Sea Island World began to translate the text:

"The abyss is invading, but we will still obey His Majesty's orders and guard His Highness Angel's safety in the castle... As long as we are here, even the Spider Queen, don't even think about doing anything to Her Highness Angel!"

They also left their signatures at the end.

At the top of the line was a man named Sith.

Then York, and finally the names of more than 60 members of the Guards and Knights.

In addition to this wall, Xu Chengfeng also saw some blurred words left by other guards and knights.

Get an overview of what's going on in the basement of the castle.

After Angel was corrupted by the blood of the Spider Queen and the God Queen, even the Pope of the Holy See was helpless.

Inside the Holy See, voices soon appeared that Angel would be executed.

Angel's father, the emperor of the Glorious Empire, sealed Angel up and sent his cronies to send Angel to this hidden castle for protection.

Afterwards, the abyss demonized beasts ravaged the entire continent. These guards were trapped in the basement, and died one by one in despair...

"This is not the fault of Her Highness Angel, it is the conspiracy of that ugly spider!"

"His Royal Highness Angel is innocent, she should not be punished!"


"If anyone finds us, please remember to tell His Majesty the emperor what happened here. We are still insisting. Please also tell His Majesty the Pope and His Majesty the Emperor. His Highness Angel is still waiting for redemption!"

"God... is gone!"

With the five bloody characters, Xu Chengfeng could clearly feel the despair of the person who left the handwriting before dying!

Chapter 179: The Eternal Ice Coffin!Half man, half spider!

For devout believers, there is nothing more terrifying than the collapse of faith.

Especially after the abyss invasion!

"Continue to search and find out where Angel is!"

"Yes, Master!"

Now, Xu Chengfeng is very interested in that Angel.

What kind of beautiful woman is it that makes the king and crown prince of the Kane Empire become a licking dog, makes members of the guards and knights swear by her, and makes Rose, a female spider, feel jealous?

The writing on the wall has clearly stated that they are the first His Royal Highness Angel here.

In other words, Angel should be in this castle.

Xu Chengfeng asked how many living corpses there were, and found that there were almost a lot of guards and knights.

Except Sith!

Sith is a king-level magician, employed by the royal family of the Glorious Empire, and can be regarded as a court magician.

In the early stage, there were three king-level magicians and one emperor-level magician here, but after the invasion of the abyss, they were first transferred away.

Then never came back.

"I found it, master!" said the clay figurine leader, "It's down there!"

Xu Chengfeng frowned and said, "Why didn't you find out just now?"

"That room seems to have the ability to shield detection and camouflage. It deceived us just now. We only dug it hard!"

Janna said: 780 "It should be that the magic circle is still running!"

"It's amazing!" Xu Chengfeng said in surprise, "Ten thousand years have passed, there should be very few magic circles that can work, right?"


Jana nodded.

"By the way!" Xu Chengfeng nodded, "Next, there should be a magician named Sith, be careful."

"Yes, Master!"

"Tear Angel, you go ahead!"

The corridor was quickly cleared, and the mud men walked in front, clearing the mud and rocks in front of them.

The Angel of Tears followed the clay figurines to illuminate the tunnel, and descended along the spiraling stone steps.

After about 100 meters, they were blocked by a huge stone gate!

The clay figurine leader bumped into the stone door, and the stone door was slowly pushed open.

The light dispelled the darkness and illuminated the huge basement.

Xu Chengfeng pinched his nose and frowned slightly.

Janna waved her hand, blowing a light breeze, blowing away the dull air in the basement.

The entire basement, hundreds of square meters, is extremely empty.

The most eye-catching thing is the ice coffin on the high platform in the middle of the basement that exudes a chill.

Around the ice coffin, there are complex magic patterns.

Spread like spider silk all around the walls.

"Master, there is a breath of death here!"

The Angel of Tears whispered.

"Death? Undead?"

There was no need for the Angel of Tears to explain, Xu Chengfeng had already seen crackling sounds coming from the corner of the basement, and a skeleton stand wobbly stood up.

[Demilich Sith: Originally a court mage of the Glorious Empire, he was ordered to garrison the castle and protect His Royal Highness Angel. Later, members of the guards and knights died one after another. In despair, he took the risk of transforming himself into a lich, but because he had no preparations , the transformation ceremony failed, and his sanity was severely damaged! 】

"What a dazzling light!"

"Angel? Did the Holy See send someone here?"

"I finally waited...hahaha..."

"I even forget how many years I've been waiting, I wake up every once in a while to maintain the magic circle..."

"I'm really scared, I won't be able to wait until I die!"

"Wait... Are you here to redeem Her Highness Angel, or to kill her?"

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