"Did you break any floor tiles?"

"Ha ha……"

Wendini could only hide her embarrassment with a smile.

"Tong Mu, don't tease Wendini, floor tiles are worthless!"

"I'm just kidding, Wendini, don't be angry!"

Tong Mu smiled and gave Wendini a hug.

As soon as he entered the spacious living room of the villa, Tong Mu's eyes were directly attracted by the dark golden statue...

"Angel in the world?" Tong Mu's beautiful big eyes were rounded, "Made of pure gold, the work of Hughes...is this the real thing?"

"En!" Xu Chengfeng nodded, "The real thing!"

Tong Mu could also see the prompt.

"Ah, 15 Angel Angels... you found it!"

Tong Mu screamed, grabbed Xu Chengfeng's neck, and shook him vigorously.

Xu Chengfeng's head was hit repeatedly!

Although the impact target is very soft, it is still fragrant.

But Xu Chengfeng still didn't like being strangled.

"Don't shake it!" Xu Chengfeng broke Tong Mu's hand, "Is there any need to make such a fuss?"

Wendini brought honey water and said with a smile: "Island Master Tong, that angel's smile was also found by the Lord Master, and it is hung in the corridor!"

"No way! No way!"

Tong Mu went straight to Xu Chengfeng's corridor.

After a long time, Tong Mu walked back to the living room.

"finish watching?"

"It's over!" Tong Mu nodded, "It is indeed the pinnacle of Kane's world sculpture art, and Hughes deserves to be called the last peak sculpture master... Angel is also very beautiful!"

"In my opinion, that's all!"

"Such a wonderful piece of art, it's really useless to put it on the corridor of your living room!" Tong Mu scratched his scalp and said, "Boss Xu, I think these two pieces of art in your hands are like shining pearls cast in the dark. Just give it to me!"


Tong Mu smiled embarrassingly, then stared at the fine gold sculpture and said with emotion: "Hughes said that this sculpture of his still can't describe one ten-thousandth of Angel's beauty, and I don't know how beautiful the real Angel is... It's a pity, I heard that she seems to have been executed by the Holy See!"

"Do you know Angel? She was called the No. 1 beauty in the mainland on the eve of the invasion of the abyss!"

"She is really a confidante!"

"However, even if she hadn't been executed, it's impossible for me to see her!"

After saying these words, Tong Mu sighed.

"An Qier, of course I know!" Xu Chengfeng raised his eyebrows and said, "But I didn't expect that you would be interested in beauties!"

When Angel was stained by Rose's blood, she disappeared completely.

Now many people suspect that Angel was executed by the Holy See.

"I also like to see beautiful women!"

Tong Mu said it as a matter of course.

Xu Chengfeng smiled: "Let's wait for later!"

"What waits later?"

"Want to see Sketos?"

"Yes! I want to see it!"

Tong Mu nodded repeatedly.

"Let's go then!"

After sending Tong Mu away, Xu Chengfeng absorbed all forty middle-grade imperial-level crystal nuclei and transformed them into energy.

Back to the artificial lake, he first summoned the spirit of the holy spring.


"Come on, let me help you improve, let's go directly to the top grade of the emperor!"

At the top grade of the emperor level, the speed at which the spirit of the holy spring condenses the holy spring will be doubled.

Now a drop of A-level holy spring is given every six days, and a drop of A-level holy spring is given every three days after promotion.


White light enveloped the spirit of the holy spring.

The improvement this time is not big, and it is not as terrifying as the previous vision.

Then, Xu Chengfeng raised the Holy Shield, the Spirit of the Island, Janna, and Venom to the top grade of the emperor.

Consumed five emperor-level middle-grade crystal nuclei!

Standing by the sea, Xu Chengfeng took out thirty drops of sss level abyss dragon venom.

Of course, these thirty drops of Abyssal Poisonous Dragon Venom were packaged separately.

Thirty soaring white beams of light rose from the island, broke through the clouds, and lingered for a long time.

On the island, countless residents and dwarves were stunned!

In front of Xu Chengfeng, thirty black water blob-shaped venom legions whose strength had reached the mid-level imperial level had already taken shape!

What he said to Ning Yongming in the Longguo Island Owners Association was not a joke.

If they really meet in the island world, who will snatch who, that's not certain!

Xu Chengfeng looked at Venom who had been activated by himself first and had been performing hunting missions outside, and said, "Venom, from today onwards, you are the leader of Venom. In addition to being in charge of the Water Spirit Legion, you will also be in charge of the Venom Legion!"

"Yes, Master!"

The venom leader said respectfully.

Thirty emperor-level medium-grade venoms bent down to Xu Chengfeng at the same time.

This group of venom legions all have sss talent.

Combat power far exceeds that of ordinary water spirits of the same level.

Now it has become the main force of Xu Chengfeng's navy!

After Xu Chengfeng activated the Venom Legion, Jana had already arrived with the Ice Girl and Angel of Tears.


"Hello master!"

Xu Chengfeng nodded to the two new members.

"Come here, I'll help you improve the time!"

"Okay, master!"

Xu Chengfeng grabbed the Angel of Tears and the Ice Girl with both hands.

The tear angel's hand is very warm, like the soft sunshine.

The ice girl's hands were like ice, cold and hard.

He injected energy at the same time, and the white beam of light soared into the sky again.

After the white light dissipated, the Angel of Tears and the Ice Girl were promoted by him to the middle rank of the Emperor!

Xu Chengfeng looked at the two girls and thought for a while: "Angel of tears, you will follow me from now on!"

"Okay, master!"

Tears made a happy smile on his face.

The ice girl lowered her head and did not speak.

"Ice Girl, you are temporarily in charge of protecting Angel, is that okay?"

"Okay, master!"

Xu Chengfeng said with a smile: "An Qier is a very important person with heavy responsibilities!"

"Okay, master!"

The ice girl nodded repeatedly.

It can be seen that she is in a much better mood.

"Let's do this for now!" Xu Chengfeng said, "Everyone performs their own tasks!"

"Yes, Master!"

The angel of tears was left because Xu Chengfeng needed someone by his side.

Now beside him, there is only Wendini.

Wendini's strength is very low, and she can only be a maid.

And some things about Xu Chengfeng are not convenient for Wen Dini to know!

Janna, whom Xu Chengfeng valued the most, has a relatively heavy task.

She needs to sit in the Temple of the Wind and lead the Wind Spirit Legion, so it is impossible to stay by his side all the time.

The Venom Legion has the task of going out to fight and hunting down the demonic beasts of the abyss.

It seems that Xu Chengfeng still chose the Angel of Tears.

Chapter 188 Octopus Head Monster!Dark Maiden!

Has wings and can fly.

Light attribute, has powerful healing ability and good combat effectiveness.

She looks beautiful and looks like an angel.

Wherever you go, you are very cool!

Just as Xu Chengfeng continued to improve his strength, a huge sailboat was sailing fast in the sea thousands of miles away.

The entire sailboat was shrouded in a layer of gray light, and the sails were fully stretched, riding the wind and breaking the waves, like a sharp sword.

On the watchtower, there are watchmen who use sophisticated magic telescopes to scout nearby islands.

On the deck of the sailboat, many strong sailors were busy discussing the recent harvest.

"Those girls, with thin skin and tender flesh, are completely different from our people!"

"I heard they are from another world!"

"Those men are really weak, but their firearms are very strong!"

"Those women, their bones are too weak, they don't enjoy themselves at all!"

"Be careful, they can be sold for money. If you die, the captain will deduct your salary!"

"I have measure!"


In the captain's cabin, the bearded old captain was talking to an intelligent creature with an ugly octopus head.

The old captain Locke said with a smile: "Master Octopus, we have gained a lot this time. We have looted more than 100 island heart fragments. If we sacrifice them to the abyss, we will definitely gain stronger power!"

"Lock, you've done a good job, keep working hard!" Octopus nodded. "Sooner or later, you can also become an abyssal creature like us and a part of the abyss."

Locke smiled obsequiously: "Thanks to Mr. Eight Claws for his appreciation!"

At this moment, Octopus head suddenly stood up from the chair.

He opened his big mouth full of jagged teeth, and spit out a block of black crystals.

The black crystal seemed to be expanding, dyeing the tentacles of the octopus head black.

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