Every time she sees the eight black marks on her face and her spider body, she feels despair!

Xu Chengfeng walked up to An Qier, who raised her head and looked at Xu Chengfeng.

A pair of rough hands grabbed her chin.

Xu Chengfeng suddenly approached and kissed her lightly on the forehead.

That long-lost, warm, cool feeling.

Reminds her of her father.

Angel's eyes were filled with tears.

Make her more charming.

No matter how much you say, it's not as good as real actions.

She knew that Xu Chengfeng really thought she was beautiful.

Don't think she's disgusting!

Otherwise, with Xu Chengfeng's character, he would never touch her.

Seeing the Goddess of the Night thumping in the fish tank, she knew how bold and rebellious Xu Chengfeng was!

His praise, his actions, are absolutely sincere.

Because a big man like her doesn't even bother to flatter her.

"Don't cry!" Xu Chengfeng took out a tissue and wiped away her tears, "You have to cheer up. In fact, I really want to see what it's like for that Pearl of the Glorious Empire to cheer up."


Angel nodded.

Angel, being able to become the most beautiful woman in the mainland does not only rely on her family background and beauty.

At some point, Janna was already standing at the door of the villa.

"Let's go back!"


When Angel left, her eight legs became joyful and light.

She greeted Janna and left the villa.

"Master, that monster wanted to blew itself up, but I killed it!" Janna said, "If he blew himself up, our island might not be able to survive."

"Should kill!"

Xu Chengfeng nodded.

Nothing will happen to his island.

Have been in business for so long.

"Master, this is the conch you want!" Jana handed the abyss conch to Xu Chengfeng, and took out five black, blue, fiery red, blue, and white, "This is the crystallization of divine power found from that monster." .”

[Evernight Goddess Divine Power Detection Crystal (s): Sealed a trace of Evernight Goddess's divine power, the power of thousands of miles can detect the divine power fluctuation of Evernight Goddess Paradis, and sense Paradis's general orientation. 】

Xu Chengfeng looked at the other four crystals respectively.

They correspond to the Goddess of Storm, God of Fire, Goddess of Water, and God of Light.

The Evernight Goddess in the fish tank fell silent when she saw the detection crystal.

There was a sudden look in her golden eyes.

Perhaps, she didn't expect that the messenger of the abyss would follow her like this.

Xu Chengfeng accepted the crystal and contacted Tong Mu directly.

Xu Chengfeng: "Are you there?"

Tong Mu: "Boss Xu, did you kill the pirates?"

Xu Chengfeng smiled: "Why do you ask that?"

Tong Mu: "If the veteran island owner didn't make a move, I can't think of anyone else with such strength on our new island owner's side!"

If it is really solved by the new island owner.

Tong Mu could only guess that Xu Chengfeng did it.

Because only Xu Chengfeng could have such strength.

She still remembered the tree of life on Xu Chengfeng's island.

That majestic power of life, in the sea, is a beacon that constantly attracts powerful abyss demonized beasts!

Without strong strength, Xu Chengfeng couldn't protect the tree of life.

Xu Chengfeng did not answer Tong Mu directly, but said: "I will tell you a very important piece of information."

Tong Mu: "What information?"

Xu Chengfeng: "Those pirates are indeed subordinates of the Abyss Envoys. Their goal is not only the divinity of the Evernight Goddess, but also the Storm Goddess, the God of Fire, the Goddess of Water, and the God of Light. They have the ability to detect these three Divine equipment!"

Tong Mu: "Really?"

Xu Chengfeng: "Of course it is true. If I remember correctly, there is an island owner in our Dragon Country who seems to be cultivating followers of the God of Fire, right? If he has a relic of the God of Fire in his hand, let him be careful, maybe the enemy is very powerful , get him ready."

Tong Mu: "Thank you, Boss Xu, I'll report to the vice president first!"

Xu Chengfeng: "Go!"

Actually, Xu Chengfeng was quite embarrassed.

On the one hand, he is not interested in the beautiful country and the cherry blossom country.

But on the other hand, he didn't want the Blue Star Island Lord to lose.

If the Blue Star Island Lord is defeated, the divinity of those gods will be taken away.

The ghost knows if those gods have a chance to be resurrected again!

Chapter 195 Actually We Can Eat Her!It is a great supplement!

Strictly speaking, Xu Chengfeng and his island owners should stand in the united front with Kane World.

Because if the gods cannot be resurrected, the world of Kane may perish.

The Kane world has perished, and they, the Blue Star island masters, cannot be spared.

Therefore, Xu Chengfeng simply handed over the information to the Longguo Island Owners Association.

After temporarily ending the conversation with Tong Mu, Xu Chengfeng raised his head and found that Jana and Evernight Goddess were looking at each other.

The head of the Evernight Goddess stared at Janna, frowning, as if remembering something.

But not sure.

Janna, on the other hand, had a calm face.

Xu Chengfeng would not believe that the goddess of the night did not know the goddess of the storm, Stia.

In the fairy tales, it seems to be mentioned that they once fought against each other.

Storm Goddess Stia finally failed!

Janna said, "Master, you seem to have offended Paradis."

"should be!"

Xu Chengfeng also nodded.

Janna continued: "In my memory, Paradis is a stingy goddess!"

At this time, the head of the Evernight Goddess showed a sudden look.

Apparently, she finally recognized Janna.

It is likely that the coffin of the abyss affected her perception.

"What should I do?"

Xu Chengfeng smiled wryly.

He didn't really want to cause trouble.

But at that time, the tone and content of the goddess of the night made him very unhappy.

Of course, he didn't regret dealing with Evernight Goddess like this.

Janna slowly approached the coffee table, squatting in front of the fish tank, staring at the head of the Goddess of the Night with a pair of blue eyes in the fish tank, and whispered: "Master, in fact, we can... eat her!"

As soon as Janna said this, the head of the Evernight Goddess started to hit the fish tank again like an electric shock.

But all her actions were in vain.

The fish tank didn't even move.

This fish tank is specially made for sealing the weak divinity.

"This, can I eat it?"

Xu Chengfeng asked with a frown.

To be honest, he was still a little bit speechless.

After all, it looks like a person.

"It can be eaten!" Janna nodded seriously, "This is divinity. If you eat her, you can gain a lot of knowledge about the Evernight Goddess, and you can also greatly improve your dark talent...it's a great supplement!"


"Really!" Janna nodded, "If you eat her, even if the Evernight Goddess is resurrected later, she won't know who did it."

"emmmmm... will there be any side effects?"

Xu Chengfeng was a little moved.

It can not only get rid of future troubles, but also enhance one's own strength.

Really great!

But the most important thing is to see what the island world thinks.

For the divinity of the goddess of the night, the island world may have issued an urgent mission.

If he eats the divinity of the goddess of the night, will he be wanted by the island world?

"If the master wants to eat it, he needs to be strong enough, preferably at the legendary level!" Janna whispered, "But if it's me, I can eat it now."

Xu Chengfeng turned to look at the head of the Goddess of the Night: "How to eat? Steamed, or braised? Or directly stewed?"

Janna: "Eat directly!"

[Reminder: If you eat the divinity of the Goddess of the Night, your dark talent will be greatly improved, and you can also gain the knowledge of the Goddess System of the Dark Goddess Paradis, the Goddess of the Night. It is recommended to take it after reaching the legendary level. 】

Hearing this prompt, Xu Chengfeng froze in place.

He didn't expect that Sea Island World would encourage him...to eat directly!

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

"I heard the prompt!"

Janna asked curiously, "What hint?"

Xu Chengfeng: "A reminder from Kane World..."

"What does it suggest?"

"Reminder that you can eat it directly..."

"Then the master will eat her without any problem!" Janna looked at the head and said, "This is the consent of Kane's world consciousness... She was completely abandoned!"

Xu Chengfeng looked at the head of the Goddess of the Night. He saw that the head of the Goddess of the Night had calmed down, and his eyes were filled with despair.


"It should have been abandoned!" Janna nodded, "The only thing that brought you to Kane's world was the world consciousness of Kane's world."

"God is more like the manager of Kane's world consciousness identity. When the manager is still there, the world will will fall into a deep sleep, but when the god disappears, the world will will find a way to save itself..."

"It may be that the will of the world believes that Paradis is not worth much anymore, and thinks that the master has the ability to replace her!"

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