Xu Chengfeng thought for a while and replied: "I like people with long legs... At least 3.6 must have legs!"

"At least have legs? What kind of hobby is this? As long as everyone has legs, right?"

"That's right, Boss Xu's answer is so perfunctory!"

"Damn it! I remembered, the Evernight Goddess seems to have only one head left!"

"Hahaha... No wonder Boss Xu doesn't like it!"

"Thinking that the Evernight Goddess has only one head, I feel horrified!"

"So it is!"

"I thought Boss Xu liked goddesses like Rose the Spider Queen!"

"Hahaha... The upstairs is really talented. Rose really has long legs, or eight!"


Xu Chengfeng covered his face, not wanting to talk to these LSPs.

He glanced at the friend application, and someone had already started adding him as a friend.

The dark skill he wanted is here!

Chapter 197 Under the Overturned Nest, There Are Endless Eggs!The Longguo Island Owners Association is in action!

After picking and choosing, Xu Chengfeng received three dark skills.

Including a dark skill book he got before, there are four books in total.

They are the Orb of Darkness, Arrow of Darkness, Touch of Darkness, and Dark Sky Curtain.

The dark skills are quite domineering, and the attack power is quite good.

It often has strong corrosive, negative, and toxic effects.

Dark Orb and Dark Arrow have corrosive abilities.

Touch of Darkness is a control skill, which can control the target with tentacles of dark elements, making the target unable to move.

Among the four skills, the dark sky is an extremely rare dark skill.

It can cover a certain area in darkness, weaken the enemy's five senses, and enhance one's own combat effectiveness.

In the later stage, once this skill is used, it can almost turn day into night!

Xu Chengfeng spent a total of twenty low-level sea island seeds and three bottles of black iron level, three bottles of bronze level, three bottles of silver level, three bottles of gold level magic meditation potion, and one bottle each of black iron, bronze, silver, and gold level magic burst potion... Just replaced this skill.

It was bleeding profusely!

But there is no way, it is very difficult to pick up leaks in the island 15 world.

Unless the other party is in crisis.

But seeing the dark sky skill, Xu Chengfeng still felt that it was worth it!

After slapping the four skill books of Dark Ball, Dark Arrow, Dark Touch, and Dark Sky Curtain on his head, Xu Chengfeng closed his eyes and quickly understood how to use the four skills.

He walked out of the villa and came to a clearing.

Recently, his island has expanded rapidly, and a lot of land has not been used.

Xu Chengfeng stretched out his hand, circulated the magic power in his body, and shouted softly:

"Ball of Darkness!"

Soon, a black ball the size of a ping pong ball condensed in his hand.

"go with!"

Under his control, the ball of darkness hit the rock at high speed.

There was a "bang" explosion, and the rock was quickly corroded into a pool of black water.

Xu Chengfeng's eyelids twitched, feeling not bad!

"Clap clap clap!"

There was a burst of applause!

"The master is so powerful. He is still at the top-rank bronze level, but his skill destructive power has already reached the gold level!"

Xu Chengfeng turned his head and saw the spirit of the island.

To be honest, he was taken aback just now.

The spirit of the island is haunted all day long.

On the island, many people have been frightened by her.

"It must have been achieved!"

The spirit of the island said with a smile: "The talent of the master is really good!"

"I will help you improve your talent if you have a chance in the future!"

Xu Chengfeng cast Dark Arrow and Dark Sky Curtain again.

The Arrow of Darkness is not as destructive as the Ball of Darkness, but it is faster, more penetrating, and also has a powerful corrosion ability.

In the dark sky, Xu Chengfeng's five senses were strengthened, and even his combat power and recovery ability were doubled.

It's like being in a real dark night!

However, it takes a lot of mana to maintain the dark sky, and Xu Chengfeng covered the area within a hundred meters for more than ten minutes.

The dark sky is an extremely advanced dark magic skill.

He is still a little bit reluctant to use it now.

Then, Xu Chengfeng tried the black dragon armor again.

As soon as he casts the black dragon armor, his whole body will be covered with a layer of fine black scales.

In this case, he not only has a strong defense against physical damage, but also has a much stronger defense against magic.

At Xu Chengfeng's request, the spirit of the island lowered its strength and tried to attack him.

It was found that gold-level magic skills may not be able to destroy Xu Chengfeng's black dragon scale defense.

The Black Dragon Clan!

It is famous for being able to fight and resist!

For the rest of the time, Xu Chengfeng continued to practice the four new dark skills he had acquired. After exhausting his mana, he continued to exercise his body.

He had just broken through to the top-rank bronze, but Xu Chengfeng found that he seemed to be not far away from breaking through to the low-rank silver.

Realizing this situation, Xu Chengfeng worked even harder.

The headquarters of the Longguo Island Owners Association.

"Vice President Feng, are you back?" Tong Mu, who was staying in Feng Yu's office, immediately stood up when she saw Feng Yu appear, "Has the news passed?"

"It has been passed!" Feng Yu nodded, "The president has already become vigilant, so there should be no big problem."

Tong Mu nodded: "That's good!"

Feng Yu sighed: "I didn't expect Xu Chengfeng to have that kind of strength!"

Just now, she had already returned to the island world.

Just to report to Chu Bozhong, the chairman of the Longguo Island Owners Association.

The temple of the God of Fire is now in the hands of Chu Bozhong, the president of the Longguo Island Owners Association.

When she returned to the island world just now, she already knew about the emergency mission issued by the island world.

Those veteran royal island owners who were ready to fight, complained about the island world on the communication channel one by one.

Before they could teleport, the urgent mission was over!

Those royal island owners thought it was some accident.

They probably never dreamed that there was a new island owner who completed the urgent task of the island world within 10 minutes!

But Feng Yu also knew that Xu Chengfeng's merit list was there.

His strength can no longer be concealed!

Tong Mu also nodded: "At that time, I just took a look at Boss Xu's meritorious service, and I understood everything..."

Feng Yu sat on her chair, dried the cold tea on the desk in one breath: "It's really scary for young people!"

This time, not polite words.

It is really "frightening"!

She is only at the imperial level!

In other words, Xu Chengfeng's current strength is at least comparable to hers.

It happened that the party had only developed for more than two months...

But she has developed for decades!

Feng Yu has always been 843, and she also considers herself a genius island owner.

But now she found that she, a genius, was no bullshit in front of Xu Chengfeng!

Feng Yu is feeling extremely uncomfortable now!

Tong Mu asked in a low voice: "Vice President Feng, what about the information?"

Feng Yu cheered up a little: "The president asked me to sell the information to the Sakura Country, the Beautiful Country, and those countries that have temples in their hands and are cultivating believers."

"Do you want to sell it?" Tong Mu curled her lips in displeasure and said, "In my opinion, it would be better to let the people from the Beautiful Country and the Cherry Blossom Country die, so that our Long Country family will be the only one!"

Feng Yu smiled: "You are right, but you have to consider the overall situation!"

"What's the big picture?"

"The abyss is too powerful. With the current strength of our Blue Star island owner, it is almost impossible to defeat it. Only the forces in the world of Kane can have some chances. If the God of Light, the Goddess of Water, and the God of Eros Wait until the temple of the gods is destroyed, and the relics are obtained by the abyss, affecting or slowing down the resurrection of the gods... The strength of Kane World will be greatly reduced, which will be extremely detrimental to our entire Blue Star island owner!"

"And the beautiful country, the cherry blossom country, the Gaul country, and the temples owned by other countries can support it, so they can spread the firepower for us!"

"Under the nest, An has finished her eggs?"

"This is the overall situation!" Feng Yu patted Tong Mu on the shoulder and asked, "Tong Mu, do you understand?"

Chapter 198 Do you want to be a saint?The kind that works until the end of the world!

"I seem to understand!"

"By the way!" Feng Yu asked softly, "Do you have a crush on Xu Chengfeng?"

"Why do you ask this, Vice President?"

"I mean, if you have a crush on him, try to win him!" Vice President Feng Yu whispered, "Xu Chengfeng has a bright future, if you win him, he will be a member of half of the association in the future." people?"

"Is this a marriage?"

Tong Mu asked unhappy.

She did have a crush on Xu Chengfeng, but she always felt that Feng Yu's proposal seemed like a marriage.

She doesn't like marriages with mixed interests!

"That's it!"

Tong Mu pouted and said, "The vice president is prettier than me, why don't you go?"


Feng Yu took out a mirror and took a peek at herself.

She is naturally a big beauty.

In terms of appearance, she is similar to Tong Mu!

Although she is over [-] years old, she is very strong and takes good care of herself.

Not only does she have the delicate beauty of a young girl, but she also has a bit more temperament and charm than Tong Mu that a mature woman should have.

After appreciating it for a while, Feng Yu felt that he was fine in all aspects, so he asked in a low voice: "That kid Xu Chengfeng, does he like big sisters?"

"Ah?" Tong Mu opened his mouth wide, "Vice President, don't you really plan to go?"

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