The white light dissipated, and the goblin tech cannon came to life.

Xu Chengfeng saw a metal human face emerging from the gun barrel.

"Master, I feel that you have given me life, and I will destroy all enemies on the way for my master!"

"...Your speech is very good!"

Xu Chengfeng nodded, and glanced at the attributes of the goblin technology energy cannon.

When he saw the goblin technology energy cannon, he was stunned.

He didn't expect that it would have such an effect!

[Name]: Goblin Technology Energy Cannon

[Talent]: 1. Ultra-long range (sss+), 2. Skill instant (sss+), 3. Fast charging (sss+), 4. Anti-gravity movement (c).

【Loyalty】: 100

[Attribute]: none

[Grade]: Platinum medium grade

[Skills]: 1. Aiming, 2. Shooting, 3. Rapid charging, 4. Eleven bursts of artillery fire, 5. Anti-gravity levitation.

Evaluation: This is a combination of technology and magic, and should not be a human creation.

Xu Chengfeng didn't expect that the activated goblin technology energy cannon had three sss+ talents.

But when he took a closer look, he found that whether it was ultra-long range, instant skill firing, or fast recharging, they were all powerful advantages of goblin technology energy cannons!

It's just that the advantages of this kind of energy cannon are slightly exaggerated when placed on creatures.

After all, it is very difficult for a magician to achieve instant magic. Maybe when the energy cannon is manufactured, it can already fire shells instantly.

This is the advantage of technology!

Just like the evaluation of Sea Island World, this is a combination of technology and magic, and it does not belong to the creation of the world.

In one breath, Xu Chengfeng activated the [-] goblin technology energy cannons to platinum middle grade.

And also choose one of them, activate it to the lower diamond level, and change its name to "Energy Cannon Leader".

This energy cannon leader has a high IQ.

As soon as he became the leader, he said to Xu Chengfeng:

"Master, if we want to take advantage of our energy cannon, we need a lot of crystal nuclei or magic crystals, otherwise we can only fire eleven shells at a time!"


Xu Chengfeng frowned, and suddenly looked at the active volcano.

"Don't worry, I will find a way!"

"Okay, master!"

"In the future, if you don't have a mission, just stand on the embankment!" Xu Chengfeng pointed to the embankment by the beach and said, "Wait a while, and I will design a fort for you!"

The dam is controlled by the spirit of the island and reinforced by the rock spirit troops.

It is actually very simple to transform part of the embankment into a fort!

"Yes, Master!"

Xu Chengfeng looked at the four hundred goblin technology energy cannons, and suddenly felt that his island was becoming more and more like a large battleship!

Walking towards the active volcano, Xu Chengfeng soon saw the spirit of the island.

Every time the spirit of the island merges with islands or sails, it cannot move and can only stay in place.

"How's it going, Spirit of the Island?"

"Master, give me another 10 minutes, and I can give up the rest of this volcanic island!" said the spirit of the island, "We can't annex the volcano."

"All right!"

After 10 minutes, the spirit of the island completely cut off from the volcanic island.

Xu Chengfeng also got his wish and obtained the Fire Demon Crystal Mine.

Because of the certainty of the target, he still spent a lot of money when he bought the coordinates of the Fire Demon Crystal Mine.

Now it seems that everything is worth it!

The spirit of the island will plunder the mines from other islands every time and put them on the surface of the island for easy mining.

Standing in a new area of ​​one square kilometer, under Xu Chengfeng's feet was a large expanse of naked, fiery red magic crystals.

These fiery red magic crystals are the favorite of fire magicians.

Compared with monsters, or crystal nuclei of demonized beasts, these magic crystals come from nature, and their energy is purer.

It is more convenient to absorb, and there is no need to purify it with magic power.

Many magicians will carry some magic crystals of the same attribute, just to quickly recover and replenish their magic power during battles!

Xu Chengfeng stretched his ankle, feeling quite satisfied.

This is what it feels like to step on wealth!

Slightly hot feet.

Xu Chengfeng felt that these fire magic crystals should be the most suitable "gunners" for technological energy cannons!

Energy cannons need energy!

If he guessed correctly, these fire magic crystals should awaken a talent similar to energy storage!

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Chapter 200 A gift from the Island Owners Association! sss Raging Flame Holy Fire, Tianyi Heavy Water!

Xu Chengfeng grabbed a fire magic crystal and injected it with energy.

The white light wrapped the fire magic crystal, and the fire magic crystal melted into a fiery red liquid in his hand, which dripped into the fire magic crystal mine and expanded rapidly.

One minute later, a Fire Demon Crystal Spirit that looked like a rock spirit and was covered in fiery red crystals stood up from the Fire Demon Crystal Mine.

【Name】: Fire Magic Crystal

[Talent]: 1. Fire energy storage (a), 2. Fire energy absorption (a), 3. Fire magic crystal control (f).

【Loyalty】: 100

【Attribute】: fire, crystal

[Grade]: Platinum medium grade

[Skills]: 1. Free fire element energy absorption, 2. Fireball, 3. Flame vortex, 4. Fire wall, 5. Flame tongue, 6. Flame sea, 7. Magic crystal wall...

Seeing the magic crystal wall, Xu Chengfeng was happy again!

The happy Xu Chengfeng directly promoted this fire magic crystal to the lower diamond rank, and named him the leader of the fire magic crystal.

Then, 399 platinum medium-grade fire demon spirits were activated.

Xu Chengfeng was extremely satisfied when he saw four hundred fiery red fire demon crystal spirits emitting heat.

"You come with me!"

"Yes, Master!"

Xu Chengfeng brought them in front of the four hundred energy cannons, and said to the leader of the energy cannons: "They have excellent energy reserves in their bodies. From today onwards, you all will cooperate in combat!"

"Yes, Master!"

The leader of the energy cannon nodded.

For the energy cannon, this group of fire demon crystal spirits is a group of large batteries!

The energy storage of a-level fire element is not low.

During times of war, the fire demon spirit can charge the energy cannon.

What's more, these fire demon spirits can also create fire magic crystals.

As long as they stayed with the energy cannon for a long time, behind the energy cannon, new fire magic crystal mines would probably appear one after another.

What is the artillery regiment most afraid of?

Of course, I am afraid of not having enough ammunition!

With the support of the fire demons and elves, they can be happy at will!

After instructing the fire demon crystal spirits to make good use of the magic crystal shield skill to create fire magic crystals in their spare time, Xu Chengfeng returned to the island spirit.

The spirit of the island asked: "Master, which direction shall we go next?"

The exploration to the east is actually over.

Xu Chengfeng got the coordinates from the Longguo Island Owners Association. Among the coordinates in the east, the last coordinate is the Fire Demon Crystal Mine.

"Go south!"

Xu Chengfeng said.


Slowly, the island began to vibrate again.

This slow vibration was so small that the people living on the island raised their eyelids a little.

What should be sown is still sowing.

What should be harvested is still harvested.

The chef who cut the vegetables didn't even shake his hands.

The work at hand did not stop.

After determining the location for the spirit of the island, Xu Chengfeng devoted himself to cultivation again.

Ten days later, during Xu Chengfeng's arduous training, he successfully broke through to the lower rank of silver.

At this time, the end-of-month assessment of the third month is almost approaching.

Tong Mu, Wilson, Grant, Karazawa Kazuo and others worked hard to grab No.2 on the third list.

No one ever mentioned the matter of grabbing the top spot.

Even the people from Lanxing Pretty Country, Daying Country, and Sakura Country didn't mention this matter again...

After Xu Chengfeng obtained the head of the dark girl and the merit value exceeded [-] million, they acquiesced that Xu Chengfeng was number one.

However, the exposure of Xu Chengfeng's combat power also relieved a lot of pressure on Tong Mu, Wilson, Grant, Kazuo Karazawa and others.

People all over the world can understand why they couldn't grab Xu Chengfeng's first place in the three rankings.

Of course, at this time, the global news media will pay more attention to the veteran island owner.

Because of the veteran island owner, a series of major events have happened recently.

Joseph, the island owner of the most beautiful country on the list, Chu Bozhong, the owner of the second dragon country on the list, and Yoshida, the owner of the No.20 Nine Cherry Blossom Country on the list, were attacked by a group of powerful pirates one after another.

Fortunately, Joseph of the beautiful country had already prepared, and the loss was not big.

The Tianbang ranking has slipped to No.2.

Yoshida, the island owner of Sakura Country, suffered a little bit more, but it wasn't too bad. However, he still dropped from 29th to 47th on the top list.

During the battle, Chu Bozhong, the island master of Longguo, killed the pirates and replaced Joseph, who was the number one on the list, and exchanged positions with Joseph.

However, some media broke out that the Longguo Island Owners Association had deduced the pirates' targets in advance and notified Joseph and Yoshida in advance.

Both Joseph and Yoshida's deputy island owners testified and expressed their gratitude to the Longguo Island Owners Association.

If it wasn't for the Longguo Island Owners Association notifying them in advance, whether they could hold the island would be a problem.

Because the island that attacked them has reached the emperor level in strength!

Top island owners like Joseph and Yoshida, the official power of their country, dare not offend them.

This allowed the Longguo Island Owners Association to show its face internationally.

These were all told by Chen Xinping to Xu Chengfeng.

Occasionally, when important news is reported, she will tell Xu Chengfeng.

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