"All right!"

Jana felt warm in her heart.

She knew that Xu Chengfeng was doing it for her own good.

Thousands of kilometers, even if it is driving, it takes ten hours to run.

But for the emperor-level powerhouse, there is no distance at all.

On Tong Mu's island, the air defense alarm has been sounded, and the ability users and troops belonging to the Longguo Island Owners Association are evacuating the island in an organized manner.

Three nuclear warheads are ready to go.

One on the island and two nuclear warheads were carried by another nuclear-powered submarine and warship respectively.

It is true that Blue Star cannot use nuclear warheads, but the island world is an exception.

Tong Mu stood at the headquarters and saw the unmanned aerial vehicles with his own eyes, and one of them was destroyed.

A few days ago, Tong Mu noticed on the World Communication Channel that a new island owner shared the coordinates of pirates, which were only more than 1 kilometers away from her island, and she became vigilant.

At that time, she applied for a large number of unmanned reconnaissance aircraft and three nuclear bombs from the Longguo Island Owners Association.

For, just in case.

But she still didn't expect that she was so unlucky that an unmanned surveillance plane actually spotted the pirate ship.

The pirate ship was actually real, and it sailed straight towards her island.

"Island owner, we have mobilized the unmanned reconnaissance plane over there...we found it, and there are still [-] kilometers left!"

"There are still five hundred kilometers!"

"It's only [-] kilometers away from our island!"

"Two hundred kilometers!"

Tong Mu looked at Zhou Xianming, who nodded, "Launch the nuclear bomb!"

"Let the battleship prepare the nuclear warhead, lock the position and launch it!"

Tong Mu directly pressed the red nuclear bomb button in his hand.

If the nuclear bomb wants to be launched, it needs her authorization.

"Yes, Island Master!"

Tong Mu opened the gate of the headquarters and saw with his own eyes a cruise missile loaded with a nuclear warhead on the battleship, dragging a long flame, rushing towards the blue sky and disappearing into the sky.

"The nuclear bomb is 150 kilometers away from the target!"

"One hundred kilometers!"

"Fifty kilometers!"

"Twenty kilometers!"

"No, it was detonated in advance!"

"Miss the target!"


Tong Mu looked at the mushroom cloud in the distance and fell silent.

The nuclear bomb is powerful, but if it fails to hit the target, it is still useless.

Kane is a world-class powerhouse whose skills are comparable to nuclear bombs.

"Hey!" Zhou Xianming said behind Tong Mu, "Tong Mu, prepare to retreat!"

"But I'm not reconciled!"

Zhou Xianming said: "One nuclear bomb will not work, and three nuclear bombs will not work. They have already found us!"

Tong Mu said stubbornly: "Boss Xu said that his subordinates are nearby, and he will send someone to support me!"

When Zhou Xianming heard Tong Mu's words, there was a little hope in his eyes.

In his eyes, Xu Chengfeng is indeed very reliable.

Now, indeed, only Xu Chengfeng has the strength to save them!

At this moment, Tong Mu ordered loudly: "The staff of the headquarters, convey the order to all departments, all evacuate the island, and no one can be left behind!"

"Yes, my lord!"

On Tong Mu's island, the air defense sirens sounded even more urgent.

Even the soldiers in the defensive bunker rushed out one after another, and rushed to the heart of the island at full speed, preparing to evacuate.

Tong Mu found the deputy island owner on the central square of the island: "Go and help the warships and submarines teleport and evacuate, and I will be responsible for the evacuation!"

"Yes, Tong Island Master!"

Tong Mu opened another teleportation door, and all soldiers, ability users, workers, and farmers rushed in.

At the port, warships and submarines also disappeared.

Zhou Xianming asked, "Tong Mu, do you have no confidence in Xu Chengfeng?"

Tong Mu shook his head: "Of course I have confidence, but I don't want to gamble with the character of the people on the island...Grandpa Zhou, you can go too!"

"Okay!" Zhou Xianming nodded, "Remember to come back safely."

"I will!"

After 10 minutes, all warships and submarines withdrew.

On Tong Mu's island, only she and the deputy island owner are left.

"Master Tong Island, it's time to retreat!"

"you go first!"

"Aren't you going?"

"I want to wait for someone!"

Tong Mu picked up the binoculars and looked at Nanfang Nong.

In her line of sight, on the sea level, there appeared a sailing ship with gray mist and a hurricane...

Chapter 214 A close call!Tong Mu's guidance and cover!

The deputy island owner was puzzled: "Everyone on the island has withdrawn, who are you waiting for?"

"Waiting for Boss Xu's support!" Tong Mu said, "Go first!"

"Tongdao Master, Xu Chengfeng's support is impossible to arrive, if you don't leave, it will be too late!"

"You go first!"

"Then take care!"

The deputy island owner gritted his teeth and left the island directly.

Seeing the pirate ship approaching at a terrifying speed, Tong Mu became more and more nervous.

She knew very well that there were emperor-level powerhouses on that pirate ship.

So far, none of the newcomer islandmasters who encountered pirates in the newcomer island master area was spared, except Xu Chengfeng.

But she still wanted to wait.

She was not willing to give up like this.

Since she was a child, she has determined to become an island owner.

Her family is also very supportive of her.

She has been trained in various ways since she was a child.

She is also very competitive. Since she was a child, she has been among the best in cultural subjects, fighting, and survival in the wild.

Finally, she came to the island world with great difficulty, killed the black iron-level demonized beast, and became the official island owner with the excellent score of ninth in the world, and won the support of the Longguo Island Owner Association.

If the island is gone, her dream will be shattered.

And the investment given to her by the Longguo Island Owners Association in the early stage will be in vain!

Thinking about it, Tong Mu felt suffocated!

Sometimes, she felt that fate was playing tricks on her.

Thirty kilometers... thirty kilometers... ten kilometers 243!

Through distance measurement, Tong Mu constantly judged the location of the pirate ship from his own island.

"Tong Mu, it's time to wake up from the dream!"

She sighed heavily and put away the binoculars.

But at this moment, she suddenly saw Xu Chengfeng's reply:

"Backup may be almost here!"

Tong Mu was stunned for a moment, and looked at the abyss pirate ship through the binoculars again. He saw an old man wearing a pirate hat, grinning at her.

nine kilometers...

But at this moment, a monster with a fish head suddenly appeared on the pirate ship.

The fish-headed monster slapped the old man in the pirate hat hard, then pointed north.

She saw that disgusting old man arguing with the fish-headed monster for a few words, and then the whole pirate ship made a [-]-degree turn suddenly, setting off a huge wave and heading north...

The speed has increased a bit.

Just like flying!

On the pirate ship, the old captain wearing a pirate hat said, "Master Yu, that island is just around the corner!"

"It's just a new island owner, we're not short of one or two hearts of the island!" The fish-headed monster waved the shining cyan crystal and shouted, "Did you see it? Did you see it? We found the trace of the gods, cyan The crystallization is the Storm Goddess, the Storm Goddess who just woke up two months ago!"

"As long as you catch her, it will be a great achievement!"

"You are just a low-level abyssal creature now! As long as you catch her, it is worth more than [-] island hearts! The Messenger can directly promote you to the emperor-level abyssal creature, and I might be able to promote to the emperor-level or even the legendary level." class!"

"Master Yu, where is she?"

"Northern, go after it with all your strength!"

"Yes, Master Yu!"


Seeing the pirate ship abandon her goal and rush north with all her might.

Tong Mu let out a sigh of relief.

She looked north again, making sure there was nothing...

Xu Chengfeng: "Have you not arrived?"

Tong Mu: "It seems to be here!"

She wasn't sure.

Xu Chengfeng: "Go north!"

Tong Mu: "Yes!"

At this time, Tong Mu was already sure that Xu Chengfeng's support had indeed arrived.

Xu Chengfeng: "No loss, right?"

Tong Mu: "I lost a nuclear bomb and some drones, but it's good to keep the island!"

Xu Chengfeng: "That's good!"

Tong Mu: "By the way, Boss Xu, how did you attract them away? I didn't even see your support..."

Xu Chengfeng: "Guess!"

Tong Mu: "It's mysterious. I saw the eager expressions of the two people on the boat, as if they found some very important treasure... Could it be the Dark Maiden?"

Tong Mu remembered the last urgent mission, the target of the group of pirates was the dark girl.

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