Xu Chengfeng had never seen the photos of the two saintesses, so he was not interested at all.

He didn't believe that Joseph and Yoshida could find a human woman who was more attractive than Angel!

He believed that Angel could crush the other two saintesses with her charm alone, even if there was no foreshadowing!

He was not particularly interested in preaching.

If it wasn't for Chu Bozhong's own request to withdraw, if it wasn't for the need of the Longguo Island Owners Association, and if it wasn't for the needs of Kane World and Blue Star, he wouldn't bother to help the Evernight Goddess.

But although he is not very interested in preaching, he also doesn't like it. The church he supports has been upstaged by other churches.

That's right!

He is competitive!

After discussing with Paradis, Paradis, who is also competitive, fully agrees with Xu Chengfeng's idea.

Xu Chengfeng contacted Tong Mu and directly sent all of Angel's fine gold and mithril statues through the trading system.

Tong Mu: "You are not afraid, I have swallowed your treasure for myself?"

Xu Chengfeng: "You are not afraid, I have blown up your island?"

Tong Mu: "..."

Xu Chengfeng: "Go to work!"

Tong Mu: "What?"

Xu Chengfeng: "I will be the vice president soon, be obedient!"

Tong Mu clutched her chest, almost killed by Xu Chengfeng's anger!

However, she did not dare to neglect this matter.

Who made the association dare not ignore the power of the gods?

Tong Mu: "Why do I need to promote this? Could it be that the Church of Evernight has something to do with Angel? It's totally irrelevant, right?"

Xu Chengfeng: "What if, I mean, if Angel is still alive, but she joined the Church of Evernight?"

Tong Mu "..."

On this day, almost all the mainstream media in Longguo published reports related to Angel, and the headlines were also extremely eye-catching.

"Smiling Angel—the art of Kane's world ten thousand years ago reappears in the world!"

"Hughes' two legendary masterpieces 'Angel' reappeared in the world, and the real appearance of Angel, the No.1 beauty in the Kane world ten thousand years ago, surfaced!"

"Angel Angel in the world - a woman who was envied by the gods thousands of years ago!"

"Pearl of the Glorious Empire! Saintess of the Holy See! A woman envied by the gods! Kane, the world's number one beauty who sparked a national war ten thousand years ago—An Qier's past and present lives!"



The Longguo media all exerted their strength, of course it was indiscriminate bombardment.

There are two artistic statues of "Smiling Angel" and "Angel Angel", ordinary people naturally have little interest in this kind of artwork!

However, a series of words such as "the beauty of the No. 1 family in the Kane world", "fine gold", "mithril", "a woman who is envied by God", "the saint of the Holy See of Light", etc., are extremely attractive to the public. .

In particular, the Church of Light founded by Joseph just showed up.

It is still hot!

Angel picked up a wave of traffic by the way.

As a result, even the media in other countries began to reprint the reports of the Long Country media, including the pictures of the two statues!

The next day, Xu Chengfeng saw countless new island owners discussing about Angel on the world communication channel and regional communication channel.

"Unexpectedly, Angel is real, I thought she was just a legend!"

"It must exist. Those two statues were the birthday presents given to Angel by King Ryan and the Crown Prince of the Cathay Empire!"

"One is all made of pure gold, and the other is all carved with mithril. It's too rich!"

"An Qier is indeed a great beauty, but it's a pity that her life experience is too miserable!"

"The Spider Queen is disgusting enough to stain Angel with her own dirty blood!"

"Be careful that the Spider Queen is staring at you!"

"Hasn't the Spider Queen already died?"

"Sorry, I'm going to believe in the Church of Light!"

"I heard that Angel was executed by the Holy See of Light!"

"Then I'll wait... I heard that the Church of Light has many rules!"


Chapter 231 Long Country Island Owners Association Meeting!Angel is here!

On the morning of the third day, Xu Chengfeng saw Angel wearing a black robe and a hood from the Church of Evernight.

The robes of the Church of Evernight were custom-made by Chen Xinping from Blue Star.

It is very simple, only the back and chest have the logo of the Church of Evernight.

An Qier raised her hood, revealing her beautiful face. She saluted Xu Chengfeng very respectfully, "I've seen the island owner!"

"Are you ready?"

Xu Chengfeng looked at her eight spider legs and sighed in his heart.

"It's all ready!"

"Come with me!"

"it is good!"

Xu Chengfeng opened the portal and led Angel out of the island.

The Longguo Island Owners Association Square is now full of people.

As soon as Xu Chengfeng appeared, he attracted the attention of countless island owners.

Xu Chengfeng will be appointed as the vice president of the Dragon Country Island Owner Association, and the fact that the Evernight Church will be vigorously promoted is actually no secret among the veteran island owners of the Dragon Country.

Facing Xu Chengfeng, who is in the limelight, many island owners of the Dragon Kingdom are gratified, and many island owners of the Dragon Kingdom are also jealous!

But those who are jealous don't dare to show it too obviously.

When you see Xu Chengfeng, you still have to greet him with a smile!

Now, everyone knows that Xu Chengfeng has imperial subordinates and the support of the Longguo Island Owners Association!

No one wants to offend this promising young man.

Many island owners have also noticed Angel, especially Angel's spider lower body, which is quite eye-catching.

But these island owners didn't care too much.

After all, there are many races in the world of Kane, half-human, half-spider seems not very unusual!

They all knew the sign of the Church of Evernight, and knew that Angel might be a member of the Church of Evernight.

"Hello Island Master Xu!"

"Island Master Xu, my name is An Qinghai, and I have known you for a long time!"

"Hello, Island Master Xu!"


Many Longguo island owners took the initiative to say hello to Xu Chengfeng, Xu Chengfeng barely managed it, and then quickly entered the association building.

As soon as they entered the association building, the number of island owners dropped sharply.

Taking Angel up to the third floor, Xu Chengfeng met Fu Qingze.

"Island Master Xu, are you here?"


Fu Qingze looked at Angel who was covered in black robe and asked curiously: "Is she Angel?"

"En!" Xu Chengfeng introduced, "An Qier, this is the vice president of the Longguo Island Owners Association, Senior Fu Qingze!"

An Qier raised her hood, smiled and saluted, "Hello, Senior Fu!"

The moment Fu Qingze saw Angel's face, he lost his mind.

But he quickly came to his senses, pretended to cough, and said with a smile: "You call me Senior Fu, I can't afford it, so just call me the vice president!"

Angel looks young, but she is actually more than 1 years older than Fu Qingze.

At least, Fu Qingze thought so.

"Okay, President Fu!"

Xu Chengfeng asked: "President Fu, is the meeting about to start?"

Fu Qingze looked at the time and said: "There are still 10 minutes, follow me, I will take you there!"

Entering the venue, nearly a thousand island owners have already arrived.

There is no one below the diamond level in strength.

An island owner whose strength has reached the diamond level is already the backbone of the island owners of various countries!

From the diamond level to the star level, then from the star level to the king level, and then to the emperor level, most of the hundreds of thousands of island owners in the Dragon Kingdom are not eligible to appear at the venue.

At the venue, Xu Chengfeng saw Chu Bozhong and Feng Yu.

Both sat on the summit podium.

Xu Chengfeng was about to go down, but was stopped by Feng Yu: "You two sit there!"

He looked at where Feng Yu's finger was pointing, and there was a sign with his name on the summit platform, which was on the right side of Chu Bozhong.

And on his right, there is a red sign - "Representative of the Church of Evernight"!

Chu Bozhong nodded to Xu Chengfeng, pointed to the right side, and motioned for them to sit down.

"An Qier is a bit inconvenient!"

Xu Chengfeng said helplessly.

Feng Yu glanced at Angel's legs and said, "Then move a sofa over here!"

Soon, some staff moved Angel onto the sofa.

Angel sat on it, just right.

Sitting next to Chu Bozhong, he looked down at the Longguo island masters at the venue.

He can clearly see nearly a thousand island owners, but at the same time he is also under the scrutiny of those old seniors.

To be honest, Xu Chengfeng was still a little nervous.

But when he glanced at Angel, he found that her face covered by the hood...was very calm.

"Angel, are you nervous?"

"Don't worry, Master Island Master!" Angel smiled, "Although my body is ugly now, I'm not nervous, I'm mentally prepared."

"That's good!"

After chatting with Angel for a few words, Xu Chengfeng's heart also calmed down.

At this time, he also noticed that Tong Mu was waving to him.

Xu Chengfeng smiled, and noticed Ning Yongming sitting in the first row.

Ning Yongming lowered his head, playing with a model.

A very fascinated look.

At this time, the meeting has not yet started, the media is entering the venue, Xu Chengfeng and the mysterious Angel have also become the topic center of countless veteran island owners.

Of course, the main topic still revolves around Xu Chengfeng.

"Is that Xu Chengfeng? A very handsome young man, as good as I was when I was young!"

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