"Thank you Island Master Xu!"

Paradis said with a smile.

Angel's performance in Blue Star has already made Paradis extremely satisfied.

"With my help, the background of the Church of the Evernight should not be inferior to that of the Church of Light, which has robbed us for 50 years..."

"Island Master Xu's ability is really too strong!"

"However, I have conditions!" Xu Chengfeng laughed.

"What conditions, tell me!"

Paradis looked expectant.

Conditional, she is not afraid.

She was afraid that Xu Chengfeng would not help.

Moreover, she is also very clear that Xu Chengfeng has always been very measured in doing things and will not go too far.

"The people of the Church of Evernight are responsible for making an agreement with those island owners. When defending, you will distribute the spoils. When my dark spirit makes a move, you must distribute the crystal core of the abyss demonized beast!"

"No problem, it should be!"

Paradis also agreed without hesitation.

The Church of Evernight helps those island owners defend the island, so naturally they have to participate in the distribution of spoils, this is the rule.

Even ten thousand years ago, this was the case!

Strictly speaking, the dark spirit belongs to Xu Chengfeng.

The Dark Spirits are entitled to a share of the spoils.

"That's it!"


Xu Chengfeng smiled. At this stage, it doesn't take him much energy to activate a platinum-level dark spirit.

But when Dark Spirit settles in the islands of other island owners, besides being able to promote the Church of Evernight, he will not suffer a loss, and the energy points will definitely be earned back.

"Also, I will tell the association that this is the welfare I am fighting for the island owners. Is there a problem?"

"Of course not, absolutely not!" Paradis shook his head again and again, "Island Master Xu, you can think about it and fight for the welfare of the remaining ninety island owners."

She prefers powerful believers, who can provide more power of faith.

Many of the [-] dark spirits that Xu Chengfeng handed over to her are now ordinary believers.

"Hehe!" Xu Chengfeng laughed, "If you want to take advantage of me, you have to take advantage of me!"

"I understand!"

Paradis nodded.

Nothing is free in this world.

"By the way, has Tong Mu applied?"

"Applied...but I didn't pass!"

Paradis had some impressions of Tong Mu.

"Pass!" Xu Chengfeng said, "At that time, I will also send a platinum-level dark spirit there."

Tong Mu, he still needs to protect it.

Just a handy thing.

Platinum-level dark spirits can already relieve her a lot of pressure in the early stages.

Xu Chengfeng must be reluctant to send the emperor-level powerhouse over.

"But her current strength..."

"It's okay, I know her coordinates, dark spirits can fly, and go by sea!"

"Then it's all right!" Paradis said, "In Outland, I will definitely be able to help Island Master Xu get satisfactory items."

"That's good!"

"By the way, Island Master Xu, do you need a demonized beast crystal core to create dark spirits?"


Xu Chengfeng looked at Paradis and nodded directly.

"In the future, when the Church of Darkness grows stronger, can I use the crystal nuclei collected by the Church to exchange Dark Spirits with you?"

"of course can!"

Xu Chengfeng smiled.

The fish... took the bait!

The exchange price of this dark spirit must be determined by him.

However, the dark spirits, like the wind spirits, are likely to become devout believers at most.

He can rely on the Church of Evernight to raise an army of dark spirits.

First deduct two, three, or four times the handling fee of the Church of Evernight... and then help them create an army of dark spirits.

If there is an urgent need for combat power, he can also transfer the dark spirit army of the Church of Evernight away for emergency...

The dark spirits do believe in the goddess of the night, but this does not prevent the dark spirits from listening to him more.


This is really Qin Shihuang touching the wire, and he is numb!

It's certainly not a betrayal...

Everyone is an alliance, and it was originally agreed to help each other.

He didn't backstab Paradis!

However, the Evernight Goddess can at least gain the power of faith.

It's a win-win!

"Island Master Xu?"


When Xu Chengfeng came back to his senses, he saw that the goddess of the night had already stuck in front of him.

"What are you thinking?"


Paradis: "I always feel that you are thinking about something terrible!"

"I'm thinking, how to deal with the abyss monster!"


"You bring eleven dark spirits here!"

"it is good!"

After activating eleven platinum high-grade dark spirits, Paradis selected one hundred and one members of the Church of Evernight and ten platinum high-grade dark spirits, and asked Angel to take them away from Xu Chengfeng's island.

These one hundred and one members were all taken away by the abyss islands.

They now look solemn and slightly indifferent, but their spirits have improved a lot.

It's not as frightening and frightening as when he just woke up!

Xu Chengfeng could see the hatred in their eyes.

Hatred of the abyss!

Chapter 234 Is It Only Me, Or Do Other Island Owners Have It?

Xu Chengfeng glanced at their black stockings again. These girls exuding a cold aura are actually quite eye-catching.

"Master Island Master!"

Angel took the lead, and all one hundred and one members of the Church of Evernight bent down and saluted Xu Chengfeng respectfully.

It's very imposing!

"Come on you guys!"

Xu Chengfeng encouraged.

Opening the portal, Xu Chengfeng brought Angel, one hundred and one other members, and ten platinum high-grade dark spirits to the Longguo Island Owners Association Square.

When he came to the square, Xu Chengfeng saw Feng Yu and a hundred Longguo island owners.

Feng Yu greeted: "Vice President Xu, are you here?"

"Yes, these are members of the Church of Evernight, one hundred and one!"


Feng Yu took a look at the hundred members, most of them were black iron low-level strength, she didn't care too much.

It was the ten platinum top-grade dark spirits that made her a little curious.

After all, elemental spirits are extremely rare, and dark elemental spirits are even rarer.

Xu Chengfeng said: "The extra one is reserved for Tong Mu!"


Feng Yu nodded.

Soon, the members of the church were randomly assigned to one hundred Longguo island masters.

At this time, Xu Chengfeng clapped his hands and shouted: "Among you, there should be ten independent island owners? Please stand up!"

One hundred Longguo island masters looked at each other, not knowing what kind of medicine Xu Chengfeng was selling in his stomach.

However, the ten independent island owners still stood up.

They still want to sell Xu Chengfeng and Feng Yu's face.

"You can be considered my seniors, and I know it's not easy to defend the island!" Xu Chengfeng said with a smile, "So, I specially applied to His Highness the Evernight Goddess for ten platinum-level dark elemental elves believers, and they will also enter your Haidao, as a member of the Evernight Church, will help you defend against the attacks of the abyss demonized beasts!"

When the ten island owners heard this, their faces were filled with surprise.

They are not afraid that the church is too strong and will affect their power.

As island owners, they have control over the island.

What's more, Angel was in front of the world media a few days ago, promising not to interfere with the power of the island owner!

In other words, they have an extra expert to help them on the island!

"Don't you still thank the vice president?" Feng Yu laughed, "This kind of treatment is not available in the Guangming Church!"

"Thank you, Vice President!"

"Thank you, President!"

"Thank you, President!"


The ten independent island owners hurriedly expressed their gratitude to Xu Chengfeng.

Even if some of them are still jealous of Xu Chengfeng, they will definitely accept this benefit.

Those with a little bit of conscience will also remember Xu Chengfeng's kindness.

"Vice President, why don't we have dark elemental elves?"

At this time, the remaining ninety island owners are a little bit sour!

Among them, some of them have reached the diamond level and star level, and there is no shortage of people under them, but who doesn't want to make their island stronger?

They also want to take advantage of it!

"The number of dark elemental elves is limited, so we can only give them to those who need them most!" Xu Chengfeng explained with a smile, "After a while, Her Majesty's strength will recover, and I will try my best to help you fight for more!"

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