Yuzhi asked: "Tina, are you satisfied with this room?"

"It seems that someone lives there?" Tina asked looking at the extremely beautifully decorated room full of life.

"This is my room!" Yuzhi smiled shyly. "We, the Bang Clan, actually don't have a guest room. You are the island owner's guest, so you must live in the best room."

"how about you?"

"I live with my sister, don't worry about me."

Tina wanted to decline, but Yuzhi was too enthusiastic and persistent, so Tina had no choice but to accept it.

Swimming around in this beautiful room, Tina looked at the open windows above her head, looked at the beautiful shell decorations, and thought of the happy smiles on the faces of the Bang people.

Tina was a little envious.

They are from the Keerban family, and their name is relatively loud.

But their life is not as good as the slaves on this island...

She never imagined in her dreams that the weak mussels would live so well!

Not long after, Yuzhi shouted outside: "Tina, come out for dinner!"


Chapter 243 Seaweed Stew!The reaction of the mermaid family

"It's just a little bit, just eat with us!"

Yuzhi said to Tina.


Tina nodded.

She was just a "guest" in name, and she was pretty good if she had something to eat.

Of course she's not picky.

The recipes of mermaids and mussels are similar, they are all omnivores.

Both seaweed and meat can be eaten.

As a gold-level master, Tina still has a certain status in the group.

You can eat abyss demonized beast meat every day.

Seaweed, Tina can also eat.

However, she followed Yuzhi and swam into the spacious cave, and when she smelled the rich smell of meat, she realized that she might not know much about life on this island.

After swimming for 1 minute, Tina's eyes suddenly opened up.

What appeared in front of her was a spacious hall.

Above the hall is the sky, surrounded by hundreds of Bang people.

At this time, on the stone platform in the middle of the hall, there was an exaggeratedly large iron pot.

The iron pot is steaming hot, and the smell of meat is coming from the iron pot.

She couldn't help it, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"Today we eat kelp stew!" Yuzhi smiled, "It tastes very good, and the deputy island owner even gave us a lot of spices."


"It's the seasoning!"

Yuzhi shouted loudly: "Give Tina a bowl first, she is our island owner's guest!"


On the high platform, a male clam scooped up a bowl of food and handed it down.

Tina was holding a large porcelain bowl, looking at the demonized beast meat and islands inside, her saliva dripped out of disappointment.

"And the purified demonized beast meat?"

Can slaves eat meat too?

Tina never dreamed of this treatment.

Yuzhi explained: "It was the deputy island master who sent the masters of Shui Ling. They have killed too many abyss demonized beasts, and they will give us some every day..."

Yuzhi handed her another pair of forks: "Eat!"


Tina picked up the fork and put a piece of demonized beast meat into her mouth.

Even though she was mentally prepared, Tina was still shocked by the taste of the food.

This was the first time in her life that she ate such delicious food!

Seeing that Tina was silent, Yuzhi asked softly, "Tina, are you satisfied?"

"Satisfied! Satisfied!"

How could she say she was dissatisfied?

Even their patriarchs with imperial strength can't eat such delicious food!

"It's good to be satisfied!"

Hearing that Tina said she was satisfied, Yuzhi felt relieved.

She doesn't know Tina's identity, but Lai Tina is a guest of the island owner, so Yuzhi must take good care of the guests.

If the guests are not satisfied, she is also afraid that Xu Chengfeng will blame the Bangzu.

Tina ate in small bites, but quickly.

She was too embarrassed to appear too greedy, and she couldn't stand the temptation of this damn food!

However, Yuzhi didn't pay attention to Tina at this time, but shouted to the tribe: "Everyone, let's have dinner too!"

"Okay, Lord Patriarch!"

The Bang people held their bowls in an orderly manner and lined up to cook.

As Tina ate, she looked at their bowls. Everyone got a big bowl.

Even a five or six-year-old girl from the clam tribe was given a bowl full of food.

"Little Yulong, eat less!" The patriarch Yuzhi pinched her face with some disgust and said, "Look at you, you've gained weight recently!"

"Master patriarch, the meat is delicious!"

Xiao Yulong said in a childish voice.

Tina ate the meat in the bowl silently, and her heart began to feel sore.

Half an hour later, everyone in the Bang clan was full, and even Tina ate four bowls until her stomach couldn't hold it anymore.

In desperation, she could only take a short walk in the clam territory accompanied by sister Yuzhi.

With Yuzhu, Tina is a little more relaxed.

She also tried to inquire about the situation on Xu Chengfeng's island.

As a result, she found that Yuzhu didn't know much about the island's situation.

The Bang people are slaves, if they want to leave the territory, they must apply.

On the other hand, Tina found out about the previous situation of the Clam Clan.

I heard that the Clam Clan used to have insufficient food and clothing, so she had to guard against the attacks of the abyss demonized beasts at all times, which made her feel better.

This is normal!

Tina said: "Yuzhu, the food of your clam tribe is different from the outside!"

"Should it be delicious?" Yuzhu asked in a low voice, "I think it's delicious."

Yuzhu lived on the island of her hometown since she was a child, and then went directly to Xu Chengfeng's island, and she didn't know the outside world.

"It's really delicious!" Tina nodded, "It's even better than the food of our mermaid family!"

"Our clam chefs were trained by the chef of the island owner for a few days, and only learned some stews!" Yuzhu said, "We used to eat raw food, but the vice island owner asked us to eat cooked food. Say it's healthier, and eat three meals a day."

Tina lowered her head silently. In fact, she rarely ate cooked food.

As for three meals a day!

It never occurred to her.

On Xu Chengfeng's side, under Xu Chengfeng's order, the spirits of the island had already turned their sailing direction and headed for Xingye Island. Haina was also let go by the water spirits.

After returning to the sea, she immediately swam towards the Murloc tribe.

In her heart, she was still a little anxious.

She wanted to report to the tribe as soon as possible, and wanted to rescue Tina as soon as possible.

Along the way, it's not that she hasn't encountered abyssal monsters, but those abyssal monsters seem to be more interested in Xu Chengfeng's island, and don't care much about her.

After swimming for about 15 minutes, before she reached the island of the murloc tribe, she ran into the same tribe who came to look for them.

"Hina, why did you come back?" the leading mermaid with blue tail said with some dissatisfaction, "The elder found out that you are gone, and asked us to come out to find you!"

But she soon discovered that there seemed to be one member missing.

"Where's Tina?"

Hana: "I was taken away!"

"What do you mean? Who took it away?"

"It's useless to tell you, let's go directly to see the elder!"

"We can get Tina back!"

"The opponent is too strong!"

Hana knows the strength of her captain and members.

Although they are all elite teams with gold-level and platinum-level strengths, they are still far from being able to deal with that Island Master Xu.

Soon, Haina met Hai Ling, the elder of the mermaid clan.

This elder has the strength of a king.

It was by relying on this elder that they could wipe out the murloc tribe with a crushing force.

Haina simply told Elder Hai Ling what happened just now, and also told her the approximate location of the island and the destination of the voyage.

Elder Hai Ling pondered for a moment and said, "Let me go and see for myself!"

Chapter 244 The Scared Mermaid Elder!Target Bayeux City!

"Master Elder, you have to be careful!" Haina whispered, "I always feel that the maid of the island owner may be better than Sir Elder... It's just a feeling."

"Hina, are you joking?" said the mermaid captain who had just come out to look for Haina, "Master Elder is a king-level powerhouse!"

"I'll pay attention!"

Seeing Hai Na's serious eyes, Elder Hai Ling also nodded.

Henna grew up under her watch. She works seriously and doesn't have much scheming.

She has no reason to lie.

"Go back to the clan first and report the situation to the clan!" Elder Hailing said, "Don't wait for me any longer."

"Elder, be careful!"


Elder Hailing quickly swam towards Xu Chengfeng's island.

Xu Chengfeng's island movement speed is only [-] kilometers per hour.

Elder Hailing soon discovered the island.

But when she was more than 30 kilometers away from the island, she suddenly sensed a fatal threat.

In the sea, there seemed to be several terrifying energy bodies rapidly approaching her.

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