But he won't break it!

Angus said softly: "You have to work hard and strive to become a royal magician as soon as possible. I hope that one of you can take my place!"

Philip also left the port. In his mind, he was still thinking about the Stegosaurus battleship moored on Xu Chengfeng Island.

Ellie looked at Star Leaf Island, which gradually disappeared from sight.

"Ellie!" Wendini asked in a low voice, "Are you reluctant?"

"A bit reluctant!"

Wendini said: "I regret it now, there is still time!"

"Let's forget it!" Ellie shook her head, "If you go back again, it would be a shame. Now that I'm out, I won't go back!"

Wendini asked, "Do you have any ideas?"

"What do you think?"

Allie wondered.

"What do you want to do when you come to the island?"

Chapter 291 Plan?What is the plan?Allie apprentice!leave!

"I want to see the truth of the world, I want to see the outside world, I want to learn powerful magic..."

Ellie has too many thoughts in her heart.

"Then do you have any plans?"

Undine asked again.

"A plan?" Ellie scratched her head. "Actually, I was so excited that I proposed an idea to the teacher. I didn't expect the teacher to support me... I don't have any plans!"

Wendini couldn't help laughing.

She rarely sees such a tiger girl.

However, Wendini thinks that Ellie has a temper, a little frank and cute.

"You are good at practicing wind magic with Your Excellency Angus. I suggest you learn from Lord Janna!"

"Miss Janna?"

Allie thought of Janna.

She knew from Angus that Janna is a powerful wind elemental spirit!

"That's right, it's Lord Janna!" Undine smiled, "On the island, the strongest wind magician is Lord Janna. If you talk about the attainments of wind magic, Lord Janna should also belong to the world of Kane. Top notch!"

Undini already knew about Janna's relationship with Storm Goddess Stia.

"Is Lady Janna that powerful?"

"Of course!"

Wendini nodded.

"Where does Lady Jana live?"

"Ask the opinion of the island owner first!"

At the front end of the island, in the gazebo that has not been built for a long time.

Xu Chengfeng was sitting on a stool, studying the map of the South Star Sea that Angus had traded to Xu Chengfeng, and he wanted to determine his next target.

The spirit of the island is also in the gazebo, half buried in the soil, directing the progress of the island.

The purpose of building this pavilion is to give the spirit of the island a place to shelter from the wind and rain, and it is also for the convenience of Xu Chengfeng.

On the map of the Southern Star Sea Region, the distribution of the Seven Star City-State Alliance is roughly marked, as well as the distribution areas of the Shark Clan and Naga Clan.

Xu Chengfeng also found the location of the mermaid clan in the Kelban Islands.

Star Leaf Island is the southernmost large island in the Seven Star City-State Alliance.

Continuing to the north, Xu Chengfeng can reach the Battleship Island of the Seven Star City-State Alliance.

If he headed northwest, he might also come into contact with the crazy sharks.

After a short thought, Xu Chengfeng decided to go to Warship Island first.

He is still used to doing business with humans. The mad shark family is quite powerful, but their reputation is not very good!

Among the three Sea Clans, the Shark Clan is the cruelest and most notorious!

Xu Chengfeng has no intention of going to war with any force.

He wants to trade well and collect demonized beast crystal cores and various resources.

As soon as Xu Chengfeng returned to the villa, Wendini brought Ellie over.

Ellie hopes to learn magic from Jana, and Xu Chengfeng has no objection.

"You can ask Janna, if she is willing to accept you, then yes!"

"All right!"

At the same time, under the guidance of the wind spirit, Thea came to the entrance of the majestic Wind Temple.

"Come with me!" Feng Ling said, "There is an adult waiting for you inside!"

"Can you tell me who it is?"

"You should understand when you see her!"

"All right!"

Led by Feng Ling, Thea entered the temple.

Inside the temple, wind spirits were densely packed everywhere, and Thea felt like she had nowhere to go.

After entering the main hall, the little wind spirits disappeared.

Thea saw Lady Janna sitting on the high platform in the middle of the main hall.

Beside the high platform, there is also a beautiful woman with blue long hair.

The moment Thea saw her, she felt a sense of intimacy.

It's so similar!

"Thea, are you here?"

Gemil laughed.

"You are……"


Thea froze in place.

Gamil walked up to Thea, gently hugged her into his arms, and said softly, "My child, I made you mermaids suffer!"

Tears rolled down Thea's cheeks.

Like a thread.

"You are, Her Majesty the Goddess?"


"Wuuuuuuu... I knew that you would not abandon us!"

Thea broke down and cried, the more she cried, the more sad she became.

like a child.

For their faith, they paid too much!

Those more than 2 mermaids who refused to give up their faith and left the royal court all believed in their gods and would return again!

In addition to the [-] mermaids, over the past ten thousand years, there are countless believers who believe in the goddess of the sea and are looking forward to the response of the goddess of the sea!

Janna disappeared in place.

In the entire temple, only Gemil and Thea remained.

and echoing sobs.

As soon as Janna appeared in front of the villa, Ellie, who was a little nervous, greeted her directly.

"Master Janna!"


Janna nodded and sat on the chair outside the villa.

"Jana, what's the matter?"

Xu Chengfeng was puzzled.

"It's okay, now Gemil and Thea have met, and I will leave the temple to them!"


Xu Chengfeng nodded.

The water spirit is ready, and the territory of the mermaid clan has also expanded.

It is to prepare to build a church for Gemil.

The church, of course, can't be just Gemil.

Now Gemil needs help, and Thea is a good choice.

Ellie summoned up her courage again and came to Janna's side: "Master Janna, can you be my teacher?"

"Huh?" Janna looked at Ellie in surprise, "Why?"

"Because you are the most powerful imperial wind magician on the island!"

"Don't you have a teacher?"

Ellie said: "The teacher said, I can learn from any teacher, as long as I can learn something!"

Jana looked at Xu Chengfeng, and Xu Chengfeng smiled and said, "I think Ellie is not bad. If you think her talent is not bad, you can accept her, and you also need people."

With the further expansion of the island, Xu Chengfeng had to consider adding more management personnel.

After Janna, it is impossible to completely rely on Fengling.

If she wants to become a god, she also needs her own church organization.

Now is also the time to slowly build up your team.

Ellie is a bit reckless, and she does things quite stupidly.

But Xu Chengfeng didn't hate her, on the contrary, he admired her a little.

There are so many magicians in Star Leaf Island, and Angus is not only one student, but only Ellie, a girl, is willing to take the initiative to join him!

Very courageous!

Very aggressive!

Also very energetic!

"Her talent is actually not bad!"

Jana said.

To be praised by Janna, the talent is already quite good!

"Thank you, teacher!"

Ellie was surprised.

Janna froze for a moment, looked at Ellie, quite dumbfounded.

She nodded helplessly: "Then follow me!"

"Okay, teacher!"

Chapter 292 Undine's Breeding Caterpillars!They are so cute!

Not long after, Gemil also brought Thea over.

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