"Arrow of Holy Light!"

Angel of Tears drew his longbow, and shot the white and holy light arrows at the backs of Elder Tiger Shark and Elder Black Shark.

In the sea, it was really difficult for her to fight the elders Tiger Shark and Black Shark.

But in the sky... hum!

Elder Tiger Shark and Elder Hei Shark still had white light in front of them, but even if they didn't look back, they could still know what was going on behind them.

Almost at the same time, they all shot to block the two holy arrows.

Tears are the emperor's top grade, powerful.

They dare not use their bodies to block her attack!

Just when the two mad shark elders were going to resist the attack of the tear angel, the shells finally reached their destination.

"You block it!"

The tiger shark elder roared loudly.

"Yes, my lord elder!"

At this moment, Angel of Tears noticed that there were two more low-rank emperors, and six members of the King-level Shark Clan stepped forward.

The Crazy Shark Clan is also worthy of being the strongest force in the Southern Star Sea Territory!

Even if they were blinded, they were aware of the danger.

They jointly shot, and the huge water barrier blocked the six thousand elite mad sharks.


The dense shells hit the water barrier and exploded directly.

The terrifying explosion did not break through the water barrier!

It can only make the water barrier ripple.

But even so, the faces of the two emperor-level and six king-level powerhouses were still dignified.

Because, denser shells appeared!

Amid the dense explosions, the water barrier began to vibrate violently!

A low-grade black shark at the imperial level roared: "Input all the magic power and block the attack!"

They put in all their magic power to maintain the water barrier as much as possible.

After a round of bombing, the two emperor-level powerhouses and the six king-level masters hadn't recovered their strength, and yet another round of bombing struck.

It's not that these two emperor-level powerhouses are not strong enough, but that maintaining a large-scale defense for a long time will consume a lot of magic power!


The black shark powerhouse of the lower rank of the emperor complained.

The king-level low-rank Tiger Shark powerhouse gritted his teeth and said, "Rush forward with all your strength, as long as we get close to them, they will have nothing to do with us!"

"Makes sense!"

The strong black shark echoed.

But they didn't know that Xu Chengfeng's island started to move again!

"Yo ho I can drag racing again!"

The spirit of Hailing said happily.

The entire island began to accelerate crazily.

The major races on the island have already fixed their bodies.

They all felt a strong sense of pushing back and weightlessness!

The goblin energy cannon just fired its third salvo!

But Xu Chengfeng was not worried at all that his artillery regiment would run out of ammunition.

In front of him, countless fiery red magic crystals broke through the sand, forming a crimson mountain exuding scorching heat.

A steady stream of pure fire magic power is injected into the body of the fire demon crystal spirit and into the energy cannon.

Since the fire demon crystal spirit was born, it has been gathering fire magic crystals on the island!

The current four hundred goblin energy cannons are mounted on the ammunition.

And the spirit of the island also adapted to the speed of the mad shark army, keeping a distance of [-] kilometers from the mad shark army at all times!





Janna, Paradis, and Gemil all appeared beside Xu Chengfeng.

"Master, with the venom troop and the water spirit troop, it should be able to solve it at once, right?"

Janna wondered.

"Look at those children, how happy they are!" Xu Chengfeng smiled, pointing to those energy cannons whose bodies gradually turned crimson red, "Originally, I just planned to let them conduct an actual combat drill, but seeing them so excited, I couldn't bear to see them." Have the heart to interrupt them, let them continue playing!"

That's right!

Just play!

It's rare to have fun with them!

It's rare for Xu Chengfeng to meet Lezi!

"How are the people on the island behaving?"

Xu Chengfeng asked Janna.

This time, it was not just an actual combat drill for the artillery regiment, but also a disaster drill for the island residents.

If you haven't encountered too strong an enemy now, it doesn't mean you won't have one in the future.

Xu Chengfeng didn't want to think that when encountering a strong enemy in the future, the residents on the island would be accidentally thrown out of the island because they didn't retreat in time...

Why not take this opportunity to train together!

Janna replied: "The Clam Clan, the Night City, and the Mermaid Clan all react relatively slowly, and need more training!"

"I understand!"

At this moment, four hundred kilometers away, after the fifth round of ultra-long-range volleys from four hundred energy cannons, the faces of the two emperor-level low-rank mad shark powerhouses and the six king-level mad shark powerhouses turned pale!

This is a sign of running out of magic power!

Chapter 298 Backstab from Elder Tiger Shark!Smart man's choice!

Xingyao-level technological energy cannons are indeed not as powerful as king-level and emperor-level powerhouses, but they have the talent of fast charging.

Regardless of the fire demon crystal spirit or the massive fire magic crystal, they can provide powerful energy support for the energy cannon!

At this moment, they heard a series of cannon fire again!


A low-rank black shark emperor shouted.

"I can't come!"

Elder Black Shark shouted loudly.

Not only Elder Black Shark, but Elder Tiger Shark was also entangled by the Angel of Tears.

The two elders of the mad shark clan, whose strength level is comparable to that of the Angel of Tears, were crushed and beaten by the Angel of Tears!

They already have the intention to quit!

"Scatter immediately!"

The tiger shark emperor low-rank powerhouse ordered loudly.

At this time, none of them had any idea of ​​approaching the target.

After chasing for so long, they didn't even see the target!

The elite of the six thousand crazy sharks immediately scattered and fled.

At this time, the energy shells had already howled.

The two emperor-level powerhouses and the six king-level powerhouses immediately removed the water barrier and each avoided the energy cannon attack.

Xu Chengfeng's Xingyao energy cannon fires extremely fast.

But for king-level and emperor-level powerhouses, they can still easily escape.

But the other six thousand mad shark elites are different!

After the order to disperse was issued, they left and scattered to avoid it. It is possible that the shells of the energy cannon were originally scattered.

Under the cover of powerful firepower, many elite mad sharks were still affected by the explosion of the energy cannon.

The Xingyao-level energy cannon exploded, and the elite mad sharks were either killed or injured.

Many elite mad sharks were directly blasted into the sky by energy cannons!

Even the sea water was dyed red.

Numerous broken limbs floated in the sea.

After a wave of bombing, nearly one-sixth of the [-] mad shark elite staff was reduced.


Seeing this situation, Elder Tiger Shark made a decisive decision and ordered to retreat.

He and Elder Hei Sha couldn't do anything to the Angel of Tears, and he already wanted to quit.

Now seeing that his elite was damaged, he knew that this battle was impossible to fight!

Before the enemy even saw it, the elite reduced its staff by one-sixth.

The two strongest emperor-level top-rank powerhouses were crushed and beaten by a winged emperor-level top-rank powerhouse. If the Keerban mermaid patriarch Thea arrived, they might all be wiped out!

It is the wisest choice to reluctantly retreat!

Although Elder Black Shark was extremely unwilling, he also agreed with Elder Tiger Shark's judgment!

When they return safely to the Shark Clan, they can bring other strong men to take revenge!

"We retreat!"




The signal to retreat echoed in the sea water.

The remaining [-] elites began to retreat to the territory of the Shark Clan with their seriously injured siblings!

Elder Black Shark and Elder Tiger Shark forced the Angel of Tears away, and plunged into the sea in one fell swoop.

They were sure that the Angel of Tears was not good at naval battles.

As long as they dive into the deep sea to escape, the angel of tears will not be able to keep them.

This is their racial advantage!

The Angel of Tears couldn't help but smile when he saw them dive into the sea.

This is not a place where they can come and go whenever they want!

Elder Black Shark and Elder Tiger Shark just fell into the sea when they realized something was wrong!

In the sea, a more terrifying aura lurks.

Just now, they fought fiercely with the Angel of Tears in the air, and they didn't notice the problem in the sea at all!

Thirty-two members of the Royal Venom Legion, and a thousand star-level water spirits, surrounded the 32 mad shark elites who fled in a hurry, and the two mad shark clan elders.

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