Elder Tiger Shark and Elder Black Shark had black lines on their faces.

The threat in Xu Chengfeng's tone was already obvious.

If it is not traded to him, he will definitely destroy his principles.

He is going to grab it!

But what Xu Chengfeng said was as if their crazy sharks made a big mistake!

Convince people with virtue?in principle?

It's all bullshit!

"We understand!" The tiger shark elder sighed, "The island master is now on the territory of the whale shark clan. If they have seeds, they will definitely take them out."

Xu Chengfeng said softly: "I don't ask the reason, and I don't look at the process, I just want the result!"


The two elders nodded heavily.

They could hear Xu Chengfeng's determination to win!

After Elder Tiger Shark and Elder Hei Shark left, Xu Chengfeng asked Thea curiously: "How do you know so much about the Soul-eating Algae of the Shark Clan?"

Thea: "I once led people to break through their defenses and fought against them!"

The next day, when Elder Tiger Shark and Elder Black Shark reappeared, they told Xu Chengfeng that Elder Whale Shark was willing to sell a Soul-eating algae seed and fifty catties of forbidden magic iron.

Facing the mighty Xu Chengfeng, the Sharks could only hold their noses and admit it!

Obediently hand over the soul-eating algae seeds!

Xu Chengfeng is quite satisfied!

Yesterday Xu Chengfeng asked Gemil, the goddess of the ocean, about Soul Eater Algae!

He roughly knew the situation of the Soul-devouring Algae.

Soul-eating algae will not bloom until they reach maturity.

Each time it blooms, only one or two seeds can be produced.

It will also attract a large number of monsters and monsters to attack!

If it is a natural death, if it lives to the end of its lifespan, there is a high probability that the Soul-eating Algae will produce two seeds.

If they are just mature, let them bloom and bear fruit, there is a high probability that they will only bear one seed. 2.3

Once the seeds appear, the soul-eating algae itself will die naturally.

The lifespan of Soul-eating algae is also relatively low among plant-type monsters of the same level.

Royal-level soul-eating algae can live for about 2000 years.

Coupled with the invasion of abyss demonized beasts, even if it takes ten thousand years to cultivate, the mad sharks must not have many soul-eating algae seeds.

On the third day, the transaction between the two parties officially started.

This time, Xu Chengfeng did not come forward, but Chen Xinping did.

Angel of Tears, Angel of Light, Legion of Venom, Janna, and Thea protect Chen Xinping.

The two sides discussed for a day before negotiating the prices of all the items.

Xu Chengfeng took a rough look at the results of the discussion, mainly looking at the price of Soul-eating Algae, and then agreed!

Chapter 320 Troop Expansion!The strength has been greatly improved rapidly!

Perhaps out of fear of Xu Chengfeng's strength, the Whale Shark Clan's asking price was not high.

One emperor-level potential soul-eating algae, twenty bottles of emperor-level blood spirit honey, ten emerald jade corals, two drops of water of life, and two drops of A-level holy spring are still within Xu Chengfeng's acceptance range.

As for fifty catties of forbidden magic iron, Elder White Shark offered five hundred kilograms of pure gold and three emerald jade corals.

Considering the value of the Forbidden Iron, Xu Chengfeng also accepted it.

Forbidden Iron, the range of use is very small, and the demand is very small.

But it is rarer and far more valuable than pure gold.

After both parties agree on the price, on the fourth day, the two parties formally conduct the transaction and count the transaction items face to face.

Gemil, Jana, and Chen Xinping all participated in it, but Xu Chengfeng wasn't afraid of those crazy sharks playing tricks.

When Xu Chengfeng's island gradually moved away and disappeared into the sea level, the five elders of the Shark Clan breathed a sigh of relief.

The pressure Xu Chengfeng put on them was too great!

The five elders looked at what they had gained from Xu Chengfeng, and they were a little relieved.

Even the pauper Elder Black Shark has gained something!

With Xu Chengfeng's improved resources, the strength of their Shark Clan can be increased by another 18 liters.

Maybe they still have a chance to break through to the emperor level!

Elder White Shark asked: "Elder Black Shark, the mermaid that the abyss giant chapter wanted last time should be on the island of the mysterious island owner, right?"


Elder Black Shark nodded.

"At that time, did you say anything?"

"Of course it's impossible!" Elder Black Shark gritted his sharp teeth, "Those minions of the abyss, damn bastards, I can't tell them, but recently I lost two members of my tribe..."

Elder Bai Sha asked: "Then did you tell that Island Master Xu?"

"I have been reminded!"

Elder Baisha thought for a while and said, "Could it be that those mermaids are followers of the sea goddess?"

"It's possible, but what does that matter to us? Even if we believe in the God of Sharks, it doesn't mean that we really have to deal with mermaids. We don't have a big enmity with the followers of the Sea Goddess!"

"That's right!" Elder Bai Sha nodded, "We don't have any great hatred with mermaids, but we have bloody hatred with abyss demonized beasts!"

After this transaction, Xu Chengfeng's limited water of life and blood spirit honey were officially sold out.

Jade Coral lost some branches.

It may take some time to recover.

No way, the growth of jadeite coral is relatively slow.

However, for Xu Chengfeng, this was not a problem at all.

On his island, all plants grow fast.

Emerald jade coral, also belongs to the plant!

He can also increase the level of Jade Coral.

He also has two emerald jade coral seeds!

But Xu Chengfeng's harvest is also huge.

Facing the temptation of emerald jade coral, water of life, fountain of holy spirit, flower spirit bee, blood spirit honey, whale shark, tooth shark, white shark, when there are tiger sharks, they almost took out all the reserves of magical beast crystals Nuclear energy contributed nearly 150 billion energy points to Xu Chengfeng.

In this way, the energy points in Xu Chengfeng's hands have accumulated to 160 billion!

Xu Chengfeng must devote all of these 160 eight energy points to improve the strength of his subordinates.

After all, he doesn't know when the minions of the abyss will appear.

Xu Chengfeng will not take it lightly!

On his island, all legion members have been promoted to the top rank of Xingyao.

If you continue to upgrade together, you will definitely consume a lot of energy points.

With more than 4000 legion members together, the consumption is no joke!

In order to maximize the combat power, Xu Chengfeng decided to strengthen the [-] Water Spirit Legion, the [-] Empty Spirit Legion, the [-] Artillery Corps, and the [-] Wind Spirit Legion members first.

Strengthen the four legion members to the lower rank of the king.

It directly consumes 48 energy points of Xu Chengfeng.

This kind of consumption, even Xu Chengfeng felt a pain in the flesh!

Immediately afterwards, Xu Chengfeng mobilized another 24 little wind spirits from the Wind Temple, and consumed [-] billion energy to activate them to the lower rank of the king.

As a result, Xu Chengfeng's Wind Spirit Legion had a thousand and one hundred members.

Xu Chengfeng's territory is an island, so there is no need to worry about the enemies coming from the ground.

But he had to guard against threats from the air!

The members of the Wind Spirit Legion reached one thousand and one, but they are still far inferior to the Water Spirit Legion.

After all, in the Water Spirit Legion, there are 31 emperor-level middle-grade venoms, one emperor-level middle-grade Tianyi heavy water, and one emperor-level top-grade venom.

This is definitely a terrifying force!

Every island owner in the Seven Star City-State Alliance is only at the imperial level.

Xu Chengfeng assembled the Venom Legion again.

In one breath, 31 members of the imperial-level middle-grade venom legion, as well as the Tianyi heavy water, were all promoted to the emperor-level top-grade, consuming 25 billion energy points.

Xu Cheng found the ice demon spar, consumed all the ice demon spar and more than 5 million energy points, and activated a hundred low-grade ice demon crystal spirits.

These ice demon crystal spirits are one size smaller than the fire demon crystal spirits, with slender bodies and blue ice crystals all over their bodies.

They are brighter than ice cubes.

It looked like a person carved out of ice.

[Name]: Ice Demon Crystal Spirit

[Talent]: 1. Ice energy storage (a), 2. Ice energy absorption (a), 3. Ice magic crystal control (f)

【Loyalty】: 997100

[attribute]: ice, crystal

[Level]: King's low-grade

[Skills]: 1. Free ice element energy absorption, 2. Ice ball, 3. Blizzard, 4. Ice crystal wall, 5. Ice path, 6. Ice crystal blade...

A hundred ice demon crystal spirits, like a thousand fire demon crystal spirits, belong to the artillery regiment.

Inject fire energy into the goblin technology energy cannon, and the fired shells can cause explosion and burn damage.

Inject ice energy into the goblin technology energy cannon, and the projectiles fired will produce freezing effects and ice damage.

Some are similar to the ice shooter in Xu Chengfeng's previous game "Plants vs. Zombies".

In the sea, the energy of the ice system can also freeze seawater in large areas.

Not only does it slow enemies down, it also has the potential to freeze them in place.

Even without recharging the energy cannon, the ice demon crystal spirit can still display impressive combat effectiveness in the sea.

Xu Chengfeng looked back and calculated, he had consumed [-] billion energy points.

160 billion energy points, leaving 66 billion energy points.

In addition, he also needs to prepare for [-] goblin technology energy cannons.

Probably another 30 billion expenditure.

Xu Chengfeng can only spend 36 billion now.

Chapter 321 Ning Yongming Do It Himself!A thousand energy cannons!

36 billion is actually a huge sum of money.

If it is to directly strengthen the emperor-level top-rank subordinates, probably three of them can be activated.

Xu Chengfeng turned his attention to the talented subordinates around him.

Janna, Holy Shield, and the Spirit of the Island have been strengthened by him to the top-rank emperor level before, so they can be ignored for the time being this time.

The spirit of the holy spring is not necessary for the time being.

He is now dealing with the minions of the abyss.

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