"If Master is tired, you can come and take a rest!"

The tearful angel laughed.

"Okay!" Xu Chengfeng nodded, "Just watch from the sidelines."

At this time, two gold-ranked four-legged demon fish had already climbed onto the island.

On Xu Chengfeng's body, the holy shield armor covered his whole body, only his eyes and vents were exposed. Xu Chengfeng pulled out the sword of the holy shield and rushed directly to the four-legged demon fish.

When the two four-legged demon fish saw Xu Chengfeng, they immediately opened their mouths wide and sprayed water jets.

Xu Chengfeng, who had absorbed the combat experience of the dark warrior Abel, was well prepared. He dodged two jets of water nimbly.

The two four-legged demon fish turned their heads, and the two water jets followed Xu Chengfeng, chasing and killing them.

The water column is so powerful that it can easily crush all the rocks along the way, leaving a three-meter-deep mark on the island soil.

But Xu Chengfeng relied on his agility and ability to dodge the four-legged demon fish, and gradually approached them.

When Xu Chengfeng approached them for ten meters, the two or four-legged demon fish stopped the water jet, opened and spit out two water cannons.

Xu Chengfeng smashed the rock under his feet, escaped the attack of the water cannon, and jumped onto the head of a four-legged demon fish.

With one blow of his sword, he easily decapitated a four-legged demon fish.

At this moment, the attack of another four-legged demon fish also arrived. Xu Chengfeng kicked the corpse of the four-legged demon fish towards him, blocked the attack, and followed directly.

Xu Chengfeng's strength is extremely powerful.

The corpse kicked away by him not only blocked the attack, but also knocked another four-legged demon fish into the air. Xu Chengfeng took advantage of the situation and easily killed the other four-legged demon fish!


Chapter 323 Teacher of Angel of Tears and Angel of Light!The end of the fifth month is upon us!

Xu Chengfeng flicked the blood off the epee, looked at the cheering Angel of Tears and the Angel of Light who were applauding, feeling very good.

"All I can say is, it's okay!"

Angel of Tears praised: "No, I feel that the master has a lot of combat experience, much better than me!"

Guangdao: "When I fight, I also lack skills. Master's fighting is very smooth, and it looks very comfortable!"

Only then did Xu Chengfeng recall that Angel of Tears and Angel of Light had much less combat experience than he did.

Angel of Tears and Angel of Light are creatures activated by Xu Chengfeng after all.

As for Xu Chengfeng, he had used the combat experience package of the dark warrior Abel.

Angel of Tears and Angel of Light, Xu Chengfeng used them as handmaidens, and took part in less battles.

But now, Xu Chengfeng had to think about improving the combat experience for the two angels.

"Angel of Tears, go and invite Paradis!"


Not long after, Paradis followed the Angel of Tears to Xu Chengfeng's side.

Paradis asked with a smile: "My lord, what can I do for you?"

In fact, she was a little apprehensive.

She was always afraid that Xu Chengfeng would settle accounts with her!

"I need your help!"

"Tell me!"

Paradis's eyes lit up.

"Help me train the Angel of Tears and the Angel of Light. They are both born recently and lack combat experience!" Xu Chengfeng laughed, "That's why I want to ask you for help."

"But they are too strong!"

Paradis is still very interested in training angels or something.

But seeing the majestic light power on Angel of Tears, she felt a little headache.

She now only has the strength of a low-rank emperor.

The Angel of Tears seems to be at the Emperor level, and the Angel of Light is also the top-rank of the Emperor!

When the two sides meet together, it is not certain who will train who!

"I'll let them listen to you obediently, only during training, how about it?"

"Are you paid?"

"Yes, the training is ready, ten thousand dark elemental elves!"

Xu Chengfeng also has to consider the matter of improving the strength of Paradis.

He couldn't possibly suppress her on purpose!

"Deal!" Paradis said with a smile, "I will definitely train them well!"

Angel of Tears and Angel of Light felt a little chilly in their hearts!


"Oh, no! It's training, training!" Paradis emphasized. "I used to deal with angels a lot. I know their abilities well. It's absolutely right to entrust them to me!"

"That's good!" Xu Chengfeng nodded, "Angel of Tears, Angel of Light, now Paradis is your teacher, you should learn from her, not everyone has this opportunity!"

Xu Chengfeng was telling the truth.

Paradis, goddess of the night, is a powerful deity at any rate.

Even if she is no longer strong, she has absolutely rich combat experience.

Directing Angel of Tears and Angel of Light is absolutely condescending!

"Okay, master!"

"Then come with me!" Paradis said, "Let's train in another place."

"Don't go too far, Paradis!"

Xu Chengfeng reminded.

"Understood, my lord!"

After Angel of Tears and Angel of Light left, three golden high-grade abyss demonized beasts landed on the shore in the sea.

With the strength of middle-grade gold, Xu Chengfeng didn't panic at all in the face of three top-grade gold abyss demonized beasts.

"Dark Arrow!"

The dark elements gathered around Xu Chengfeng, condensing three long arrows of dark elements.

Three dark arrows shot at the three golden high-grade abyss demonized beasts.

The three golden high-grade abyss demonized beasts had noticed Xu Chengfeng a long time ago, and they condensed water elemental shields almost at the same time in front of them.

But Xu Chengfeng's Dark Arrow pierced through the water shield easily and hit their heads accurately.

Xu Chengfeng, who has the talent of sss + the heart of the dark element, will increase the power of all the dark element magic by ten times!

Don't look at his professional template as a black dragon warrior, but his talent for dark magic is even stronger!

Xu Chengfeng said to Feng Ling in mid-air: "Go and tell Shui Ling to let them put some high-grade gold, low-grade platinum, and middle-grade platinum monsters from the abyss!"

"Yes, Master!"

Now Xu Chengfeng just wants to have a quick fight!

As the day passed, Xu Chengfeng killed heartily.

There were more than a hundred abyssal demonized beasts that died in his hands, all of which had the lowest level of gold top-grade strength.

Xu Chengfeng felt that he was about to break through again!

His body is speeding up the absorption of black dragon blood crystals.

After preparing to rest, Xu Chengfeng came to the mine first.

Recently, for the sake of convenience, Xu Chengfeng gathered all the Spirits of Gold, Mithril, Copper, Iron, Empty Stone, and Dark Iron in one mining area.

Even the cave of the Yuan Magnet Snake has an entrance here.

From time to time, they also put some meta magnets here.

Whatever metal materials Xu Chengfeng needs, he can come here to get them.

Xu Chengfeng took out the Forbidden Iron.

[Forbidden Iron: Rare metal material in the Kane world, which can greatly weaken the power of magic elements. It is an excellent material for making warrior armor and defensive magic props. 】

The White Shark Clan sells very little magic iron to Xu Chengfeng, so Xu Chengfeng can only activate a Xingyao high-grade magic iron spirit first, and then it continues to make refined magic iron.

Xu Chengfeng still planned to follow the old rules, get together [-] Forbidden Iron Spirits, and let them slowly make the Forbidden Iron.

After dealing with the golden magic iron, Xu Chengfeng returned to the villa, but did not immediately deactivate the soul-eating algae.

Thea said that the emperor-level soul-eating algae can cover a radius of a hundred miles.

It covers too much area.

If Xu Chengfeng activates it, it can occupy the territories of the mermaids and mussels now!

Another day passed, and the time finally came to the end of the fifth month.

Unknowingly, it has been five months and ten days since Xu Chengfeng entered the Kane world!

Xu Chengfeng felt that these five months had been more exciting than his two lifetimes.

He glanced at the rankings of the three rankings, he was naturally number one in the three rankings, and no one could shake his position.

The second place on the third list was occupied by Tong Mu.

Tong Mu has been playing steadily, playing steadily and making few mistakes.

Coupled with some help provided by Xu Chengfeng, at the end of last month, she overtook Wilson on the original ranking list, firmly occupying the second place among the three rankings.

The third in the three list is Wilson.

Even if Wilson corrected his mistakes, the national strength of the beautiful country is still strong.

It was impossible for them to let Wilson go down.

The third place in the three rankings is their last face.

Xu Chengfeng took another look at Grant, Kazuo Tang Ze, Gan Yanlei, Zhu Yongjun, etc. They were all old faces.

Of course, there are also newcomers who have entered the top ten of the three lists.

But apart from Wang Lu, Xu Chengfeng didn't have much impression of the others.

Chapter 324 Meritorious Value Exceeds Tianbang Island Owner!Are the people of Long Kingdom all monsters?

Ever since Xu Chengfeng left the main area of ​​the rookie island, he didn't even care about the world exchange channel, and he didn't pay much attention to the leaderboard.

After switching to the world communication channel, Xu Chengfeng also found that the communication channel was much more active than usual.

At the end of every month, many new island owners would put down their unurgent tasks and pour into the communication channel to brag and chat.

The main content of the chat is naturally about the ranking of the three rankings, as well as some major events in the world of veteran island owners.

The communication between the two parties was indeed cut off by Kane World, but through the Blue Star Media, the exchange of news between the two parties was not blocked.

Xu Chengfeng glanced at it for a while, the content was all about him...

"Look at the meritorious service of Island Master Xu!"

"13 billion?!!!"

"What the hell?"

"too exaggerated!"

"I just saw the media report that up to now, the veteran island owner's meritorious value ranks highest in our Longguo senior Ning Yongming, but senior Ning Yongming's meritorious value this month is not as much as that of President Xu! "

"Damn it! In other words, even if Boss Xu leaves the rookie stage immediately, he can still take the top spot on the merit list?"

"It's too exaggerated! It's too exaggerated!"

"That Ning Yongming has been the owner of the island for four or fifty years, right?"

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