Of course, being of God is a much higher status than being a saint.

Almost like other gods, they can become immortal beings!

Tong Mu: "Ah, really? Your Highness Paradis values ​​you so much?"

Xu Chengfeng: "That's right, I'm that good!"

Xu Chengfeng: "So, Tong Mu, you tell the association that I will be in retreat for 50 years soon!"

Tong Mu: "President Xu, are you kidding me?"

Xu Chengfeng: "How can I be joking? I have sss + heart of darkness talents, and I have been valued by His Royal Highness Paradis. I am a man who wants to become a god. I am going to chase my dream now!"

Tong Mu: "Then you don't do business anymore?"

Xu Chengfeng: "Depending on my mood, I might hand over the right to the island to Janna!"

Xu Chengfeng: "Little Tong Mu, I'm going to retreat, so let's talk here first, see you in 50 years!"

After speaking, Xu Chengfeng decisively turned off the communication channel.


Want to whore him for nothing?

dream! ! !

Even if Xu Chengfeng washed his feet with the water of life, he couldn't give it away for nothing!

This is not a question of whether to pick or not, it is a question of principle!

There is still the threat of the abyss in Kane's world, he is too lazy to bother about Blue Star's shit.

Since you want to use the water of life, you must be old and your health is failing.

Xu Chengfeng can completely spend 50 years in the Kane world and kill the other party.

Who is afraid of whom!

Xu Chengfeng summoned Chen Xinping and Jiana again and told them about this matter.

"It's too much!" Chen Xinping heard this and said angrily, "The owner of the island is the honorary vice president, and he didn't take too much benefit from the association, so he let us give away the water of life for nothing!"

This belongs to the common enemy!

"Then Lord, are we still doing Blue Star's business?"

"Tell the royal island owners of the association first that I have to retreat for 50 years!" Xu Chengfeng said with a smile, "Let them hurry up and trade, the trade will end in three days, and then you wait for two months before considering returning to Blue Star .”

This is Xu Chengfeng's counterattack!

Suspension of business does not have much impact on him. After harvesting the wave of island owners of the association, they will have no money for the time being!

I don't know if the person who wants to prostitute Xu Chengfeng's water of life can resist the anger of others.

There must be more than one person who wants the water of life!

"Also, the interview with Liu Lele is postponed!"


Chen Xinping nodded.

"If someone asks about my situation, just say that I'm in retreat now, and Janna is in charge of the island!"

"it is good!"

"If someone wants to buy the water of life within three days, you can say that the water of life has been used up by His Highness the Goddess of the Night washing her feet, and there is no water for the time being!"

Xu Chengfeng decided to hand over the blame to the goddess of the night.

She has beautiful legs, worthy of washing her feet with the water of life!

And as a god, she can fully bear the scapegoat!


The muscles on Chen Xinping's face twitched.

This excuse doesn't seem to have any sincerity!

After finishing the order, Xu Chengfeng brought up the sword of the Holy Shield and went to the training ground.

He didn't pay attention to what happened just now.

As long as he doesn't leave the island, no one can do anything to him.

As long as he doesn't leave the island, the real headache will be other people!

As for who has a headache, Xu Chengfeng doesn't care!

It's fine for him to be unrestrained.

After Xu Chengfeng told Tong Mu that he was going to retreat for 50 years, Tong Mu couldn't sit still.

Of course she knew that Xu Chengfeng was really angry.

But she didn't expect that Xu Chengfeng, who has always been mild-tempered, would react so violently!

This is the time to play!

Tong Mu has now realized the seriousness of the matter!

What she is most afraid of is that it will affect Xu Chengfeng's magic metal and water of life transactions!

Chapter 344 The Crazy Chen Xinping!Question Vice President Feng Yu face to face!

Tong Mu hurried back to the association and pushed open the door of Feng Yu's office.

Feng Yu raised her head and glanced at Tong Mu: "Why are you so frizzy?"

"I told President Xu about it!"

"You must be angry?" Feng Yu said with a smile.

"Of course I'm angry!"

"There's nothing you can do to get angry. It's impossible for us not to convey the meaning of the above!" Feng Yu said with a sip of tea, "President Xu is really a man who has the water of life, and he didn't tell me about it. He even hid it. Don't you know how much I need the water of life?"


Tong Mu took a deep breath.

She found that Feng Yu hadn't realized the seriousness of the problem.

"Speaking of which, that person is not honest about this matter!" Feng Yu said, "When President Chu comes back, he should have a way to solve it."

"That...President Feng...may not be able to wait for President Chu!"

"what happened?"

"President Xu said that he will retreat for 50 years!"

"Ah?" Feng Yu asked suspiciously, "What do you mean by retreating for 50 years?"

"President Xu said that the Temple of the Evernight Goddess accepted him as an apprentice and promised him a position of God. He plans to temporarily put aside all his affairs and devote himself to practicing dark magic in the Kane world...retreat for 50 years!"

"What?" Feng Yu jumped up from the chair, "Are you sure?"

Tong Mu wasn't even sure whether this was an excuse or the truth.

After all, the matter involved the gods, and Tong Mu felt that it was somewhat real.

Tong Mu: "President Xu wouldn't make fun of gods, would he?"

Feng Yu was shocked and said: "How could he do this? What about his deal with Blue Star?"

Tong Mu shook his head: "I don't know, but President Xu may not care about these transactions. He is now number one on the merit list, and he doesn't look like someone who lacks the crystal core of an abyss demonized beast!"

"He can't do that!"

Feng Yu scratched her hair.

Tong Mu muttered: "We seem to have nothing to do with Chairman Xu..."

"It seems...it seems to be true!" Feng Yu said, "If he retreats, I don't care. What I worry about is whether he will still do business."

"I don't know!"

At this moment, a middle-aged deputy island owner knocked on Feng Yu's office door,

"President Feng!"

"Vice Island Master Luo?"

"President Feng, let me ask. I just received a message from President Xu's deputy island owner, Chen Xinping, in the group. Chen Xinping told us islanders who want to buy magic metal materials to hurry up. She can only wait for us. Three days...Three days later, within a period of time, President Xu is going to retreat?" Deputy Island Master Luo asked, "I want to ask, is this news true? Our Island Master is now gathering magic beast crystal cores , I'm afraid three days will be too late!"

Ever since Xu Chengfeng began to offer a [-]% discount on the purchase of magic metals, in order to facilitate transactions, Chen Xinping even created a group for easy contact.

The members of the group are all the vice-island owners of the emperor-level island owners.

"Oh! I don't know about this either!"

Feng Yu said helplessly.

She was starting to feel dizzy.

Chen Xinping's move is undoubtedly sending a message to the Island Owners Association - he is going to seal off the island!

He will not return to Blue Star for the time being, see you in 50 years!

This is what Feng Yu is most afraid of!

Xu Chengfeng can really seal off the island for 50 years!

He has this power!

And he has nothing to worry about!

Feng Yu suddenly asked: "Since I can send you a message, Chen Xinping should be back, right?"

"Should be back!"

"Find her!"

Chen Xinping was indeed in the Island Owners Association.

The Island Owners Association is the most convenient place to trade.

At this time, Chen Xinping was surrounded.

"Vice Island Master Chen, why did President Xu suddenly announce that he was going to retreat? Our crystal nucleus is not ready yet!"

"Yes! Deputy Island Master Chen, can you give us a little more time?"

"Chen Vice Island Masters, can we really trade in the future?"

"Vice Island Master Chen, I heard that there is water of life on your island, can you sell me a drop!"


Chen Xinping pretended to be very helpless and said: "I don't know what happened. This is an order from our island owner. If you still have crystal cores, you can buy as much as you can!"

"The water of life is gone for the time being. The water of life on our island has been taken by His Highness the Goddess of the Night to wash your feet..."



A bunch of deputy island owners and island owners are stupid!

The water of life washes the feet, is it true?

Do you want to use such a poor excuse?

It can be imagined that the one who washes the feet with the water of life is the Goddess of the Night, and they seem to be able to accept it...

At this time, a staff member of the association shouted: "Vice Island Master Chen, President Feng Yu invites you to come over!"

"Okay, let's go back and prepare first!" Chen Xinping said, "I need to see President Feng first, if you really want to buy magic metal, I hope you will come back in three days, otherwise we may close the island in the short term a period of time"

Chen Xinping entered the office, only Tong Mu and Feng Yu were in the office.

"Xinping, there are no outsiders here, so I just want to ask, is your island owner angry?"

"It seems to be angry!" Chen Xinping nodded, "I suddenly became angry today, and said that I will go to retreat and learn dark magic from His Highness Evernight Goddess for 50 years."

Feng Yu sighed heavily.

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