Black Widow cleaned up her clothes and body, looked at the vast safe house, and became more and more curious about Sasuke.

Although the great mother is about to fall, the eyeliner of an industrial powerhouse like Vladivostok is still very serious, and the materials needed to prepare a safe house here will definitely be astronomical.Even the black widow can't help but be shocked by Sasuke's generosity, but Sasuke doesn't understand the thoughts in the black widow's heart.

Hearing the topic that Black Widow wanted to continue to ask about her origin and purpose, Sasuke replied calmly to Black Widow and dismissed Black Widow with the sentence that it had nothing to do with you.

It's just that Sasuke like this made Black Widow's curiosity about Sasuke grow, and even reached a level that Black Widow couldn't ignore.

Sasuke naturally doesn't have such a good mentality as the Black Widow. Although Sasuke can still keep calm on the surface, Sasuke has actually started to panic deep in his heart.

Although Sasuke is already a qualified ninja reserve, Sasuke has never seen a situation like this before. Without stage fright, Sasuke's will is strong enough.After all, Sasuke is still a child of seven or eight years old, so he can't be overly eager.

It was night in Vladivostok when Sasuke and Black Widow returned to the safe house, and the two of them were ready to rest after eating the food left by the KGB agent that Sasuke killed.

But just when the black widow was about to rest, the black widow suddenly found a very familiar sign.

"Sasuke, are you really sure that the agent you killed earlier was from the KGB?"

Sasuke didn't particularly understand what Black Widow said, but he still didn't intend to lie to Black Widow.

"I'm not sure, but the uniform of the KGB agent I was wearing was found here. The owner who wants to come here should be a KGB agent."

Black Widow solemnly walked out of the largest bedroom, and then looked at Sasuke very seriously:

"I think the agent you killed before may not be a KGB agent, but from the Beacon of Freedom on the other side of the ocean. Because this thing is not something that a KGB agent should have, he should be an American agent from the SSR. "

While talking, the Black Widow took out a small, inconspicuous button from her hand, with the three uppercase letters of SSR on the border.

"SSR? What's that?"

Although Sasuke has been in Vladivostok for a long time, Sasuke really doesn't know anything about the SSR, the predecessor organization of S.H.I.E.L.D.

With a language barrier, Sasuke couldn't even communicate normally with the Soviets, and he didn't have the mood to understand these things at all.After Sasuke solved the language barrier problem, Sasuke devoted all his energy to understanding the city of Vladivostok, and he didn't have the energy to understand what kind of organization SSR was.

And because of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, the outstanding contribution of SSR in World War II was not taken seriously in the Soviet Union.So even the SSR itself was concealed in the Soviet Union, which caused Sasuke to know nothing about the SSR even though he knew there was Captain America in the world.

Black Widow obviously misunderstood Sasuke's meaning. She thought that Sasuke didn't know the secret service organization of SSR just because of Captain America.

As a hero, the existence of Captain America itself is unimaginable.He may be just a reformed person, but under the operation of capital, this man who can still be shot to death has become a symbol of peace.

"It seems that you, Sasuke, have successfully pulled out a nail of the United States in the Soviet Union, although it was inadvertent."

With a flick of the Black Widow's finger, the button with the SSR logo was thrown into the trash can by the Black Widow.

"This is actually a good thing for us. If you, Sasuke, really captured a KGB agent's safe house, then we will need to retreat tomorrow at the latest. But if it is someone from the SSR, this safe house will be fine. use.

If this is a safe house for KGB agents, then my hunters will definitely find that there are disappearances of KGB agents in Vladivostok.In order to hunt me down, they will not let go of any possibility. If so, there is no way to live here. "

The black widow's expression relaxed. Although she was still vigilant, her spirit relaxed a lot.

Since the black widow defected from the red house, the black widow rarely has time to rest. The KGB agents and the red house agents bit the black widow like tarsus maggots. In other words, the black widow would have died of exhaustion.

But this time is different, the black widow has found a shelter in the city of Vladivostok, where the exhausted black widow can rest well.

"Well, let's get together and relax, Sasuke."

Sasuke is not as relaxed as Black Widow, the other party is confident. As the best agent in the world, Black Widow has the strength of pride and self-confidence.

But Sasuke is different. Although he has a special ability like Chakra, if it is said who is more likely to leave Vladivostok alive between two people, then it is definitely the Black Widow rather than Sasuke.

Assistant Zuo holds the map of Vladivostok that he made in it. Whether he can successfully escape from Vladivostok depends on this map of Sasuke.

Sasuke's hand involuntarily fumbled in his pocket, and a five or six centimeter long needle lay quietly in Sasuke's pocket. This was the black widow's reward, the leech potion.

Sasuke's eyes have turned into the sharing eyes of Shuanggouyu at some point. The power called biography residing in Sasuke's body allows Sasuke to see information that can only be seen by Sasuke, that is, it is related to Sasuke. , also related to Sasuke's temporary teammate Black Widow.


Chapter No.16 Ready to leave

The next morning, Black Widow and Sasuke left the safe house early in the morning, and the two of them were ready to leave the safe house after a hasty breakfast.

The location chosen by the SSR agents is very hidden and safe enough, so it is naturally no problem to deal with the general army's search.But Sasuke and their enemies are KGB agents, and this safe house is not hidden enough for them.

And Sasuke's goal is to let the black widow leave the Soviet Union, not to let the black widow settle in the Soviet Union incognito.

The black widow holds the map of Vladivostok prepared by Sasuke in her hand, which is what they rely on to escape from Vladivostok.

The two figures ran wildly on the roads of Vladivostok at an unimaginable speed for ordinary people. This time is the coldest time in Vladivostok, and there is no one at all except Black Widow and Sasuke .

"I didn't expect that your preparations are really sufficient. I'm afraid you already have plans to leave here?"

The voice of the black widow is as clear and melodious as an oriole, but this time the black widow uses standard American English.

This is what Sasuke himself requested, and everything the Black Widow knows is a very important asset to Sasuke.Whether it is language or fighting skills, what the Black Widow has mastered is what Sasuke is very eager for.

The problem of language is actually secondary to Sasuke, and fighting skills are what Sasuke desires most.But Sasuke still learned multiple languages, including English, with the idea of ​​being prepared, and Sasuke, who has Sharingan, is equally effective in learning languages.

"It's all about being prepared. After all, I killed a "KGB agent". Thinking about how to leave the Soviet Union is the reaction I should have."

Sasuke's English stumbled, and sometimes he stopped to think about vocabulary, but Black Widow was able to understand Sasuke's thoughts.

The black widow felt that Sasuke was hiding something she didn't know, but she didn't feel any malice from Sasuke, so the black widow didn't continue to ask Sasuke.

Black Widow turned over the maps prepared by Sasuke one by one, revealing the map of the entire Eastern Siberia, which was also one of Sasuke's preparations.

"Sasuke, we have to think about the means of transportation now, otherwise we will lose our lives due to the severe cold of East Siberia.

And even if the severe cold in East Siberia can't kill us, KGB agents can still catch up with us with ease. "

Sasuke heard the black widow's proposal and did not object, after all, what the black widow said was indeed a problem they had to face.

The coldness of Eastern Siberia has begun to make it difficult for Sasuke, a ninja who lives in the land of fire with four seasons of spring, to accept. If he can choose, then Sasuke naturally doesn't mind making himself more comfortable.

It's just that finding means of transportation is not an easy task in Vladivostok, which is not as prosperous as the Kremlin.It is basically impossible to find a car in Vladivostok, which is the biggest problem preventing Sasuke from leaving the Soviet Union.

Smuggling to the United States is not a difficult task. There are many smugglers who engage in smuggling to the United States even in the Soviet Union. Money will make them forget the severe cold in East Siberia.

The two walked into the alley of evil again. Although it was an alley of evil, the widest part was not much narrower than the main road in Vladivostok.Coupled with the superior transportation convenience of Sin Alley, Sasuke and Black Widow knew that they had to go here without even thinking about it.

Although it is very dangerous to mix fish and dragons in the sinful alley, for Sasuke and Black Widow, these dangers are a bit out of the question.

The transformation of people by leech potion made the black widow far surpass ordinary people in terms of physique, speed, strength and physical coordination. Even a strong man weighing 200 pounds is as weak as a domestic cat in the hands of the black widow.

As for ninjas like Sasuke, flying over walls and spitting fireballs is common. Are you afraid of ninjas like this?

Sasuke and the Black Widow entered the section of the road where they met yesterday. Although it was not safe, if they wanted to take another road to enter the evil alley, Sasuke and the others had to detour a long way.

At this time, time is life, and Black Widow and Sasuke will not choose to miss the best retreat time because of a little possibility.

As soon as Sasuke and Black Widow entered the evil alley, although no one spoke, they still maintained extremely high vigilance.After all, neither the Black Widow nor Sasuke knew whether the KGB agents had an ambush here.

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