The huge flame wall quickly occupied the top floor of the Stark Tower where they were located, as if it was a continuous stream.

The fire-fighting mechanism of the Stark Building is still very perfect. The fire-fighting mode was directly turned on to extinguish the flames here, but in fact it did not achieve the desired result. In an instant, the water spouted from the faucets quickly Being evaporated, even the faucet has been burned and melted.

Tony Stark had no choice but to take Captain America away from this floor. Fortunately, the destructive power and gravity of Mark's mech was enough to make him fall directly from the top floor to the next floor.

Sasuke watched the flames in front of him unscrupulously destroying all the structures on this floor of the Stark Building and didn't care much about the result, although after Indra's communication, he had begun to be able to Reluctantly use ninjutsu directly by means of non-seal, but in fact, if he wants to expose his strongest strength, it is inevitable to use the method of siege.

"With such a big commotion, it's not impossible to come here? Let me witness my true strength."

Sasuke began to wait here for the arrival of the true strength of the Avengers, Thor and the Hulk.

This is his real purpose. After all, neither the spiritual scepter nor the cosmic Rubik's Cube is actually as important to him as he imagined.

After all, although Sasuke said that he wanted to have power, such power that could be easily plundered was completely out of Sasuke's thinking.

The real purpose is just to witness his true strength now.


Chapter 350 Seventh Potion of Starscream

In fact, Sasuke's waiting took less time than imagined, after all, Sasuke's next two goals, no matter which one is actually not a particularly patient person.

There is no need to say anything about the Hulk. When the opponent becomes the Hulk again, there is no such thing as self-control in his mind.

To be able to control your body without being angered by your own brain to do things that Dr. Banner would not even dare to think about is a very fruitful reflection of the doctor's current cultivation of his own mental state.

As for Thor, the god of thunder, if the other party has such things as wisdom and brains, then he would not have been sent to the earth from Asgard by his father Odin to let the other party recognize himself.

Although Asgard is indeed very powerful, it is obvious that Thor is not a qualified leader. He also quickly dealt with the remaining Chitauri who have no command and can only conduct aimless Some Chitauri who destroyed the land.

And at this moment, he also discovered the damage that Sasuke had created in the Stark Tower, but he didn't know the real situation and thought it was Loki who did it, so he was very angry at what Loki was doing now. Unexpectedly, I can still contribute to the reconstruction of New York City, so I flew directly to Stark Tower.

But when he flew to the Stark Tower, he found that the Stark Tower was no longer what it was before, and the current Stark Tower is not much different from this ruin.

Black Widow and Captain America have been taken to the hospital by other Mark armors created by Tony Stark.

Next, these two people have no way to provide any effective help to the current battlefield. Instead, they will hold back. Instead of letting them hold back, Tony Stark does not want such old, weak, sick and disabled people to interfere with his battle.

After solving his two old, weak, sick and disabled, Tony Stark returned to his mansion, and he wanted to teach a profound lesson to the guy who destroyed his mansion.

But just when he was about to return to his building, he found that his building was being destroyed at a faster speed from the other side.

Relying on the flying ability of his Mark armor, he flew directly to the other side to see why his building was broken so quickly.

Then he saw a big green man in front of him roaring angrily.

"Oh well, now I look like I'm going to rebuild my mansion rather than fix it."

Tony Stark, who fought side by side with the Hulk, knew how destructive his comrade-in-arms was. No matter whether the next battle was a victory or a failure, his building was obviously unusable.

However, he doesn't care about these, his employees have already evacuated from here, and there is no need to worry about any casualties. As for financial losses, is Tony Stark the one who cares about these things?

"Hey, fire boy, it's the second battle between Uncle Tony and you brat."

Although Tony Stark said that he was very unhappy with the stinky kid in front of him, he didn't intend to use any heavy weapons that could directly threaten his life. After all, he also knew that the fire-breathing kid in front of him was also with him. Dealt with the Chitauri.

It's just that before he could do it, a huge-looking robot fell from the sky the next moment and dragged him to the bottom of the Stark Tower.

"Oh, damn, what is this, damn artificial intelligence? I never thought that there is another artificial intelligence that can surpass Jarvis."

Tony Stark stood up from the ground with difficulty. He looked at the robot in front of him who didn't know how many times taller than him, and felt a little helpless. He didn't expect that he would encounter the same type of enemy.

He knew that he would never have any advantage when facing this enemy, because the size basically represented the combat effectiveness of the armor.

My own fighting style mainly relies on the energy brought by the ark reactor on my chest to directly release pure energy cannons to my body.

This also solves the problem of lack of weapons caused by the fact that the Mark armor needs to carry Tony Starkle in battle.

Usually, because Tony Stark faces enemies without energy shields, basically there will be no problems, and the energy cannon can play a decisive role.

But the enemy he is facing now is not a rookie, but one of the commanders of Cybertron's air force who has very rich combat experience and also has very excellent combat capabilities, dizzy.

In the next second, Dizzy waved the two long knives divided by his own propeller in his hands, and rushed over like this Tony Stark.

After the dizziness directly took Tony Stark away, Starscream looked at Hawkeye who had been easily subdued by him, and there was no wave in his heart.

Starscream, as one of the most dangerous characters in this world, naturally doesn't have such a good attitude, especially since he discovered that the human beings in this universe are actually better than they used to be in another When the physique and potential of human beings on the earth have increased a lot, his desire for scientific research has been aroused again.

Although the T-virus said that he researched it and turned it into a special potion suitable for ninjas like Sasuke and the others, but Sasuke and the others basically no one would use that kind of potion.

After all, with Starscream's further research, the side effects of the T virus have been completely eliminated, and at the same time, the T virus has also been transferred into a special genetic contract and medicine.

In other words, he will optimize the genes of some people whose genes are not considered excellent.

But for Sasuke and the others, such a medicine is too risky, and it will have a great impact on their physique. This is not something that can be explained simply by being sick.

Even after Sasuke created a clone that was exactly the same as himself and lost his own blood after being injected with the medicine, Sasuke and the others kept their distance from this modified T-virus even more.

Now when Starscream is discovering that the Marvel Universe, which has better ability and evolutionary potential, is in human beings, Starscream inexplicably remembered the T virus he had studied.

He is a Cybertronian who is unwilling to accept his failure, so he must prove to his commander that his research is completely fine.

"Lucky for you, earthlings."


Chapter 350 Eight Hulk

"You really deserve to be called a monster. His strength really makes people feel a little unsustainable, but has wisdom already become something that you have abandoned?"

Sasuke saw that he had been beaten continuously by the Hulk, causing the palm of his left hand, which was already somewhat fractured, to faint, and he didn't care, because it quickly returned to its original state in the next second.

What he really cared about was the giant with green skin all over his body and black hair in front of him.

The other party is the one Sasuke really wants to challenge, and he is also one of the people who the Avengers seem to be a real threat to him now.

But Sasuke didn't care, this body with a strong recovery ability made him not afraid of fighting against such a monster, after all, such a monster could only become a source of strength for him to grow stronger.

And the Hulk also didn't have the idea of ​​talking to Sasuke in detail, he rushed towards Sasuke immediately, and once again used his fist to kill Sasuke.

It's just that Sasuke didn't take it too seriously compared to when the opponent just rushed up and directly attacked Sasuke, but this time Sasuke was prepared in advance.

The nanomechanical bug not only brought good defense to Sasuke when it was attached to Sasuke, but it can also become Sasuke's best weapon now.

Sasuke let the nano-mechanical bugs surround his hands, and when his chakra was given to these nano-mechanical bugs in total, he also let these nano-mechanical bugs form thick defenses on Sasuke's hands. These defenses let Sasuke me With self-confidence, he didn't care about the Hulk's attack in front of him at all. Not only did he not retreat, but he collided with the Hulk with a punch.


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