The root ninja just lowered his head lower, and didn't explain anything at the same time.

Shimura Danzo felt the powerful force generated by the battle between the cells of Sharingan and Senjuzhu in his body, and his face suddenly turned pale.

It's like Orochimaru's cognition of Shimura Danzo, Shimura Danzo's greed and arrogance are actually pushing Shimura Danzo towards hell step by step.

First of all, he was too greedy for the power of the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan, and then when he found that he had no ability to resist the side effects of Sharingan, he turned his idea on the cells of Hashirama, but Hashirama Cells also cannot allow him to control his body after his body has been strengthened.

Although his current situation looks good on the surface, in fact he is just walking a tightrope. If he fails, he may be directly killed by the force that produced the rampage after the two forces ran amok. And there is no possibility of being saved by any means.

So he always wanted to find a way to restrain these two energies in his body.

But all the ninjas he sent out to find Orochimaru and brought back Orochimaru have disappeared, and the best outcome is that their bodies were found.

He knew that he might have guessed wrong again. In the current situation, although Orochimaru said that his strength was not as strong as before, it was obviously not the time when he had no ability to resist at all.

Therefore, Shimura Danzo can only try his best to make up for the troubles caused by his own actions.

However, after the real action started, he discovered that a talented ninja like Orochimaru is really hard to come by.

After comparing the research progress of Orochimaru with the scientific research progress of these fundamental scientific researchers under him, Danzo Shimura knew that if he wanted to fully grasp the power in his body, then Orochimaru was still an indispensable part. .

But it happened that I had already made Orochimaru very vigilant about Oshemaru's previous actions, so Shimura Danzo had no choice but to turn his attention to Uchiha Sasuke.

He knew that Sasuke Uchiha was the target of Orochimaru, and he only needed to be optimistic about Sasuke, then sooner or later Orochimaru would come to him.

Therefore, even though Tsunade had basically mastered Anbu, he still chose to use his backhand in Anbe to directly arrange one of his subordinates into Sasuke Uchiha's team.

He knew that if he wanted the energy in his body to truly achieve perfect coordination, then he would definitely not be able to ignore Orochimaru. Orochimaru's talent was the best ninja he had ever seen, even he didn't have that Ability to subdue the opponent.

He knew that what he was doing was just seeking skin from a tiger, but the current situation made him have to make such a choice, because if he didn't do this, he would die sooner or later.


Chapter 360 Eight Sai

"Are you Sai? Then pack up your things and come with me."

Sasuke's words were definitely not polite, but Sai still nodded with a smile on his face, and agreed. After packing up his things, he followed Sasuke and left. He had already received news from other root ninjas. Down his task is undercover.

It's just that what he didn't expect was that Sasuke didn't bring him in front of his teammates, but directly chose to let him come to a training ground.

"Although Hokage-sama has told me about the current situation of my team, whether you can join my team or not can't be decided just by talking about it.

Right here now, show your true ability and tell me your true strength, otherwise, you will definitely not be able to join my team. "

Sasuke originally planned to see if this guy could become the final member of his team, and then keep a distance from the other party as a normal teammate, so as not to let the other party have any way to get closer to his relationship, but Sasuke soon knew It is impossible to succeed with your own ideas.

Sasuke felt the malice from the person named Sai in front of him from a golden yellow wristband on his left wrist.

This is a small prop made by Starscream using the part of the Mind Scepter that has lost the Mind Stone as a raw material, adding a part of Cybertron technology. At the same time, although this scepter has lost the powerful power of the Mind Stone, But a little bit of the ability to feel other people's emotions can still be done.

In addition, Sasuke himself is also very contemptuous of the ninja in front of him who always has a fake smile on his face.

It is impossible for Sasuke to agree to the other party's decision to join his team, so the reason why Sasuke showed such emotions is only to make this guy Sao quit, after all, no matter what kind of malice the other party harbors Sasuke couldn't kill him directly in public.

Sai didn't seem to expect such a thing to happen, he hesitated for a while, but then he started to do it, he can't just go back to the root in such a desperate way, otherwise he will feel the cruelty of the root ninja.

And Sasuke discovered the special fighting style of this ninja named Sai. The paintbrush held by the opponent is not an ornament, but a necessary item for the opponent to use his unique ninjutsu.

The other party held the large words behind him and spread them on the ground directly, and the paintbrush in his hand was flying like a dragon.

Super Beast Fake Painting Night Crow!

A huge crow-like animal flew up directly from the scroll, and flew towards the sky with Sai.

Immediately afterwards, Saii continued to ensure his safety in the air, and continued to paint on his scroll, preparing to attack Sasuke again.

Sasuke actually dismissed Sai's thoughts. Although his records in the village did not show that he had the ability to fly, it didn't mean that he really didn't have the ability to fly. It is not impossible to conceal his flying ability to deal with the ninja named Sai in front of him.

Art fire escape ho fireball!

The fire escape and fireball technique used by Sasuke is no longer comparable to himself when he was a ninja.

I saw a fireball that was as tall as a person just after it appeared, spit out directly from Sasuke's mouth, and was good at facing the wind. In a blink of an eye, there was a crow-like creature under Saiji that was about half the size. Volume up.

The fireball still flew towards Sai in a menacing manner, and Sai could only stop using his ninjutsu when he saw this situation.

Although Saii's ninjutsu has the advantage of being able to attack, defend, and assist his ninjutsu, but the price is that his use of ninjutsu is too slow.

Just like now, if he insists on continuing to use ninjutsu, he is not sure that his ninjutsu will be able to launch the defense immediately before he is hit by Sasuke's fire escape ninjutsu.

Then he was not sure that he could really avoid Sasuke's attack by manipulating the creature made by his own ninjutsu that he sat down while splitting his mind. Although Sasuke said he was young, he was still a superior Forbearance, Sai didn't dare to underestimate Sasuke.

So he chose to temporarily stop his ninjutsu and continue to use it. After all, for his ninjutsu, stopping it for a while will not affect the number of people he continues to use.

Under his control, the crow he was sitting on had a great improvement in sensitivity and flying speed in a short period of time. The fireball technique slowly opened the distance, seeing that Sasuke's fire escape ninjutsu was about to consume chakra in vain.

Sai was relieved at this time, and began to prepare for the next attack with peace of mind.

Sasuke always had a smile on his face, and he didn't worry about his Chakra being wasted in vain with his fire escape and fireball technique.

Then Saii saw the most incredible thing in his long career as a ninja. Sasuke's fire escape and fireball technique split directly during the flight and turned into countless small fireballs, which shot across the sky. sex blow.

The ranged strike allowed these fireballs to basically block every dead corner that Sai could avoid.

The big crow that Sai sat down was immediately hit by these fireballs and turned into a pool of paint.

And Sai also needs to hurry up to ensure that he will not fall from the sky, otherwise, this battle will end like this.

Saii then continued to write and draw on his scroll while falling in the air, and finally when the other party was about to fall to the ground, and the distance was less than ten meters from the ground, the ninja he created The technique was finally tried and successfully performed.

Super Beast Fake Painting Flying Tiger!

With wings and a full seven or eight meters long, the big tiger directly waved its wings and brought Sai directly into the air again.

This tiger was originally used to contain Sasuke, so that Saii could further exert his advantages and continue to pursue the victory against Sasuke.

However, at present, it seems that Sai's previous thinking has to be changed for the current situation. He now needs a tiger to protect himself, instead of continuing to contain Sasuke.

Sasuke, on the other hand, was not worried about any trouble the ninja in front of him would cause him.

In his opinion, the ninja in front of him was too weak, and it was not worth his full effort at all.


Chapter 360 IX Super Beast False Painting

In the next second, Sai drew different shurikens and kunai on his scroll, and then these shurikens and kunai were re-launched from the scroll at a very fast speed, and the targets were all Sasuke.

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