Here comes the task.

"Ding, trigger a random mission to anger Jia Zhang, the higher the final settlement anger, the richer the reward."

I wipe, there is such a task?

He Yuzhu froze for a moment, then raised his head and said, "Where do you think you got angry and hit people?"

"It's wrong to sleep with Xu Damao at a young age without shame. If you want to put it in the past, you would be soaked in a pigsty. In the end, you are fine. Not only do you not repent, but you become angry. I have never seen you so shameless. people."

As soon as the voice fell, He Yuzhu immediately received a system prompt: Jia Zhang's anger +1.

"He Yuzhu, don't run if you have the guts, just stand there and don't move, I can't kill you today!" Jia Zhang roared through gritted teeth, and swung his stick again to hit He Yuzhu.

He Yuzhu continued to dodge, and at the same time continued to stimulate: "Don't run and wait for you to hit? Do you think people are as stupid as you?"

"He Yuzhu, shut up, shut up..." The roar resounded, and Jia Zhang's hair was disheveled and he swung a stick to chase after He Yuzhu, almost going crazy.

"Shut up your uncle, you have the face to sleep with Xu Damao and you won't let me talk about it?"

"The old guy doesn't know what kind of dirty method he used to force Xu Damao, otherwise he could fall in love with you?"

"Xu Damao is also a cow, he won't vomit when he hugs you?"

He Yuzhu's mouth was like a machine gun, one sentence after another without stopping.

"Ding, Jia Zhang's anger +2."

"Ding, Jia Zhang's anger +5."

Basically, every time He Yuzhu cursed, Jia Zhang's anger rose a little bit, and finally, when Jia Zhang was so tired that he sat on the ground and couldn't run, his anger finally stopped rising.

"Ding, a total of 178 points of anger are settled, and 178 temporary attributes are rewarded."

"Note that temporary attributes can be stored indefinitely, and once used, they are valid for one hour."

When the system notification sounded, He Yuzhu was a little surprised. This reward is not bad. In just a short while, he gained a full 178 temporary attributes.

Whenever necessary, use these temporary attributes directly, then you can get an explosive increase in an instant, and at that time, you will be able to achieve incomparably astonishing effects when you don't expect it.

This wave of rewards is good, and you can consider coming here often in the future. If you have nothing to do, you can go to Jia Zhang to brush up the temporary attribute rewards. It's really nice.

But this time it's almost done, go back to sleep!

The night wind blew up, He Yuzhu turned his head and gave Jia Zhang a last look, didn't bother to answer, turned around and left, went back home and went directly to the room, lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

'Ah' exclaimed, there was someone on the bed!

He Yuzhu quickly turned on the light and took a look, Qin Jingru?

"Jing... Sister Jingru, why are you here?"

Qin Jingru blushed, lowered her head to avoid He Yuzhu's gaze, bit her little lip shyly, and replied in a low voice: "I, I sneaked in to scare you, but you, you went to sleep as soon as you came back. Don't you have food?"

He Yuzhu stared at Qin Jingru's shy face for a few seconds, and gradually smirked: "Why are you eating here, you must go straight to sleep."

In fact, he is not hungry, and there are no entertainment items at night in this day and age, so naturally he slept as soon as he came back that day, and he started to think about getting rich in this day and age slowly.

"Brother Dazhu, you're necrotic." Qin Jingru said in a low voice, her pretty face turning redder.

He Yuzhu's smirk was even worse, and he leaned forward to stare at Qin Jingru's dodging eyes at close range: "Blame me going to sleep without eating?"

"Actually, you are hungry, right?"

"Your cousin doesn't have anything to eat at home, right?"

Qin Jingru was still shy a second ago, but immediately raised her head when she heard this: "No."

"I'll go down and give you something to eat?" He Yuzhu asked directly.

Qin Jingru smiled and nodded.

The communication between a man and a woman is often so simple, as long as you get it right, how can you not get a daughter-in-law?

Anyway, He Yuzhu is also a person in two lifetimes, and the system has rewarded him with such attributes that his current intelligence is far beyond ordinary people. How can he not handle such a little girl?

But this time he didn't serve any noodles. It's always bad for the little girl to eat too much. This time, he just took out an old hen from the system backpack and stewed it.

At night, the smell of meat wafted far away. Firstly, the meat was delicious, secondly, it was well seasoned. In addition, He Yuzhu's cooking skills were extraordinary, so that a pot of chicken soup was full of fragrance, and almost everyone in the courtyard could smell it.

"Whose house is this? It's so fucking delicious."

"The scent seems to come from over there."

"Isn't it? He Yuzhu's family?"

"Wait a minute, He Yuzhu? Didn't his family eat chicken before? Why is it here again? Chicken every day?"

Not to mention others, even He Yuzhu's own sister felt puzzled.

He Yushui fell asleep a long time ago, and now he woke up and smelled the smell of meat and touched the kitchen, blinking his big eyes, full of shock.

"Brother, are you stewing chicken again?"

"Yes, I will nourish your body well." Although it was said that the chicken was stewed because of Qin Jingru, what He Yuzhu said was indeed from the heart.

The girl He Yushui was originally pretty, but she was covered up by all kinds of malnutrition, so she had to make up for it.

Mainly, He Yuzhu in the past was busy helping Qin Huairu's family. Otherwise, it would be impossible to raise his sister like this with his salary as a chef in a steel factory.

So now, He Yuzhu can be regarded as making up for his predecessor, and by the way, He Yushui can make this He Yushui into a beauty, that's great.

At this time, Qin Jingru also came over.

The two women looked at each other, and the atmosphere heated up a little.

He Yuzhu stood up in time: "The rain is coming, this is your sister Jingru."

"Hello, sister Jingru." He Yushui said timidly.

Qin Jingru also responded with a smile. The girls, one big and one small, got to know each other very quickly, and they all went outside to wait for dinner.

He Yuzhu turned around and slapped his forehead. He didn't care if he didn't eat, but he almost forgot He Yushui, his sister.

In the past, He Yuzhu was only concerned with helping Qin Huairu's family, and even the girl He Yushui was used to it.

But not now, since he took over the offer, he must take good care of this girl!

Bang, bang, suddenly there was a knock on the door outside.

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