"You are so confident, go down by yourself!"

"Would you throw your Wang Zong down at the beginning of the game of Landlords?" Qi Lin was puzzled.

She controlled Leviathan to open his mouth.

"It must be the smallest card first, let me go down, you are the most shameful Herrscher in the game!"

Even Gundam couldn't bear the damage of Leg Fighting, and Higokumaru, who was driving the mech, was kicked off Leviathan by Qilin.

"I will provide remote support~" Qilin waved her hand.


The heavy weapon Feiyuwan was falling, and before the rockets launched from the ground hit her, the entire space was covered with a dark blue curtain.

A large-scale space-time fracture!

The Herrscher of the Void can slow down the passage of time around him by increasing the damping coefficient of light particles in the space around him.

Hiyumaru thought that Xiao Qilin would play a word game, and finally told her that he supported her remotely with his eyes and firm heart, but he didn't expect that this time it was unexpectedly reliable.

She's not skinny anymore, which means she's really angry.

"I can't help it...then let me do the dirty work."

She pointed the muzzle of the mech towards the ground, and the Honkai energy surged, stimulating the ballista-level Honkai beast that was squeezed into a giant cannon.


A huge scorching cannonball was shot out, and it reached the ground one step ahead of the mecha, and the fiery red light ball burst open.

For a moment, the entire earth instantly turned into a crimson purgatory, and even the blue of time-space rupture could not suppress the blood-like crimson.

Unlike Kirin, who still retains her conscience as a human being, Higokumaru doesn't have any special feelings for humans.

Only in front of Qi Lin, she will act like a cross talk actor - after all, she is essentially an emotional system.

Those soldiers who didn't know whether it was the opposition or the government army were roasted. Because of the break in time and space, they didn't have any painful expressions or movements.

But their clothes were burned, their skins were gradually broken, and their muscles were scorched and peeled off, leaving only their bones still being roasted continuously.

It's like a terrible mime.

Until the heavy load Feiyuwan fell to the ground, the strong wind blew away all the skeletons on the ground.

"This is Feiyuwan, the ground has been cleaned."

"Qi Lin received it, continue to clean, don't hold back your hands." Qi Lin replied.

In fact, she was hiding on the side of the heavy armor Higokumaru.

It's pretty much the same position as a third-person perspective game.

One light and one dark, one wave and one dog.

It not only satisfies the desire of the wave, but also takes into account the stability of the dog.

——Please call me Chi Logic Master Lin from now on

Hiyumaru doesn't have to hold back, anyway, she can rescue those superpowers who have been captured at any time.

"Feiyuwan received."

The nearly 20-meter steel behemoth walked towards the factory step by step, and the ground was still burning.

Gundam stands above the ground.

"Sister, I want to dig out that base in one go!" Hiyumaru said.

"Go ahead and do it!" Qilin replied.

"Star of Eden, second rated power, gravity inverter."

Black and red light shines...

The whole land began to fall towards the sky!



Chapter 35 Anti-Trigger System

In the black and red gravitational field, it seems that the sky and the earth are reversed.

Hiyumaru pulled out the big sword (reformed with the spiky floating piece of Emperor Honkai) and cut it towards the ground. Under the ground invisible to the naked eye, the blade suddenly extended to hundreds of meters.

Slashing diagonally, cutting horizontally, cutting vertically, and stabbing straight—the four knives meet under the ground, cutting off the underground base and the soil from the surrounding earth.

Under the reversed gravity, the severed base flew upside down.

Like an upside-down pyramid.

Compared with the part on the ground, the buildings located underground are as huge as icebergs hidden under the water.

But compared to the reloaded Feiyuwan, the passage for people to walk is still too narrow.

"What should I do, big sister...it's too narrow, I can't get in." Hiyumaru said.

"Have you ever peeled an onion?" Qilin asked.

"Peel it off, huh?" Hiyumaru was puzzled.

"You don't need to go in yourself." Qilin reminded, "Just peel it off layer by layer."

Under Qilin's reminder, Fei Yuwan immediately changed the control over the gravity field.

The original orientation was upwards, but now it is changed to the surroundings of the domain.

Pulled by gravity, like a sugar cube being put into boiling water, the inverted pyramid suspended in the air began to 'melt', and the surrounding soil peeled off layer by layer.

The inner wall was exposed, and Higokumaru increased the force of gravity again.

Finally, the connection of the base couldn't bear the pull, and there was a piercing cracking sound, the metal corridor shattered, and the fragments flew around.

Qilin hid aside, and ignored what the staff said. If she saw someone with superpowers, she would save them and put them aside.

Maybe it's just a trap.

The number of people with superpowers that Qilin saved was extremely small, only a few of them, and even these few people were probably dragged here as a show.

"Is this a trap?" Hiyumaru raised his eyebrows, "That's it? That's it!"

"Maybe there will be missiles or nuclear bombs coming later." Qilin guessed.

"Pfft——" Hiyumaru laughed, "Do you think the United States is the only country in the world, and still use nuclear bombs... At most, you can bury one under the base, and then use the excuse that it was smuggled by terrorists..."

"It really is." Qilin said suddenly.


Recently, Qilin tried to develop the ability to conquer gems.

Theoretically, the third Herrscher, the Herrscher of Thunder, can control the electromagnetic field, which is an extremely invincible and even BUG power.

Detect, read other people's minds...

Control metal, control the human body, control all charged objects, and even create black holes!

However, all these powers require knowledge to support, if there is no knowledge, only the core gem of the Herrscher—

That can only be an electric eel that can only discharge...

Qilin developed a little ability after following the physics textbook for a long time.

Based on the fact that all objects in nature are charged, by sensing changes in the electromagnetic field, a wide-area detection and monitoring capability can be achieved.

It's just like turning on the see-through hanging, so cool!

Qilin could detect that at the core of the base, the nuclear reactor used as an energy furnace actually had a huge self-explosion button on it.

Translation translation, what is an energy furnace, what is a nuclear reactor?

This, fuck, call, fuck, nuke!

Qi Lin believed that if she hadn't driven Time Break, the staff in the base or those who were remotely monitored in the United States would have detonated the reactor the moment Hiyumaru landed in the mecha.

An imaginary space dedicated to throwing garbage was opened, and Qilin threw the entire reactor into it.


Crisis lifted.

"Thank you, Big Robot!"

At this time, the rescued superpowers slowly woke up, and they gathered in the direction of Fei Yuwan.

"Gundam, it's Gundam! Gundam really exists!"

Something is wrong... Qilin frowned subconsciously, there must be something wrong with the current scene.

Looking at the dark blue surroundings, Qilin suddenly realized.

Time and space break!Were those with superpowers unaffected?

"It seems that there will be more problems to be studied in the future..." Qilin bit her nails, and subconsciously used the electromagnetic field to induce those superpowers.

"Feiyuwan, get out of the way!!"

The surrounding ground, the entire ruins seemed to come alive!They twisted and embraced the heavy armor Fei Yuwan located inside.

Those superpowers launched an attack.

"One of their cervical vertebrae was replaced with a mechanical one, they were manipulated."

The spine is one of the most important parts of a human being.

There are many examples in reality. After the high spine is injured, the whole person loses the ability to move from the head down. This is high paraplegia.

Briefly, the reason is that the brain can no longer control its body because the nerve signals are blocked.

Now, one of the cervical vertebrae of those superpowers has been replaced with an exquisite mechanical structure, which has a strong control and restraint effect!

The black technology in this world is really crooked to the limit!

After hearing the reminder, Higokumaru also wanted to escape with the machine.

But her legs were fixed in place!After the little girl who approached first touched the legs of the mecha, her legs and the ground were frozen into one!

This time I can only resist... Hiyumaru fully drives Eden Star, and several layers of diamond-shaped red energy shields are deployed around her mech.


Like giants closing their palms, the moment those superpowers escaped from the heavy armor Higokumaru, the metal and rock closed.


"The first rated power, the maximum output release!"

The energy shield surrounding Fei Yuwan became larger, forcibly breaking apart the metal and rock spheres surrounding it.

"Try it, see if you can release their control!" Qilin said.

"I could feel their sadness and their despair."

Everyone is born free, no complete soul reason is controlled by others, everyone has the right to live.

"Okay!" Hiyumaru replied.

"Need support?" Qilin asked.

"Heh." Hiyumaru switched the bombardment mode to Frost Honkai Beast, "I was just caught off guard, now let's watch my performance!"

She drew her sword and severed her legs, which were pinned to the ground.

Anyway, things like legs are just decorations!

Ice stones launch, anyway, if you want to save people, Qilin can completely repair the cell damage while thawing with the power of the Herrscher of Death.

At the same time, the ability of erosion is in full swing. According to Qilin's detection, the organ that controls them is located in the cervical spine.

"Sister, stop the time-space rupture!" Fei Yuwan said suddenly.

"what happened?"

"There is a bomb inside the replaced mechanical cervical spine!" Hiyumaru quickly explained, "There is an anti-trigger device inside the bomb, and it will be detonated if it does not receive a signal from the outside for too long!"

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