The translation is probably: "Your Excellency, what is the purpose of coming to our land of Shenzhou to show your power?"

"Can you represent the entire official opinion?" Qilin asked back in fluent Chinese.

The other party and the other party's interpreter were stunned.

"World snakes, white monsters, silicon-based new creatures, American zombie tide, steel witch... The news I'm going to tell you next may change the direction of the entire civilization."

Key words came out of Qilin's mouth one by one, and every time a word came out, the conversation was taken more seriously.

"The ruins are about to open, and time is running out. If you don't want China to become as chaotic as the United States, it's best for me to meet someone who can talk."

As soon as she entered the stage, Qilin used the usual trick of fortune tellers - the word "scare".

Taking advantage of the unequal information between the two parties, grasping the psychological weakness of the other party, and carrying out deception and intimidation.

There was silence in the direction of the helicopter for dozens of seconds, apparently for internal communication, and then a middle-aged male voice came from the electronic device.

"My surname is Wu. I am the director of the Superpower and Special Affairs Administration. I have full authority to handle all supernatural affairs in the country. Excuse me, is this the person sent by the World Snake to contact us?"

Well, no matter whether it is true or not, what Qilin wants is only a kind of attitude of importance from the other party. After all, the cooperation has not yet started, and it is difficult to build mutual trust out of thin air.

"They are a bunch of traitors!" Qilin gritted her teeth and said bitterly.

"Sorry for the gaffe, my name is Qilin, Qilin Kaslana, a member of the Kaslana family, there are indeed members of our family among the world snakes."

I almost read Kevin's ID number...

The other party was silent for a moment, thinking that they were also investigating and communicating internally.

"Miss Qilin came here this time to invite us to fight against the world snake?"

"That's not the case, look at what this is."

Qilin shook her head and showed the saber in her hand to the direction of the helicopter.

The high-precision camera accurately transmits every detail of the sword back to the headquarters.

On the body of the golden sword, the sun, moon and stars are engraved on one side, and mountains, rivers, grasses and trees are engraved on the other...

"Could it be...Xuanyuan Sword?" Director Wu's doubtful voice came from the communication device.

This is too magical. To compare it, it’s like someone suddenly ran up to you with a terracotta warrior on his back, telling you that he is Qin Shihuang who took the medicine of immortality, and now he needs a start-up capital...

Too much to say, anyway, this is the reason. After all, everyone in Shenzhou knows that Xuanyuan Sword is just a myth and legend.

"A copy of—" Qilin added.

"I know you find it unbelievable, but the myths and legends that have been handed down are not just legends."

Qilin turned on the flicker mode.

"My ability to create icicles under my feet is the ability of this sword, not a superpower."

Immortal Chiyuan, I am not lying.

"Next, I will show you the other two abilities of this sword."

To prevent any misunderstanding, Qilin explained.

"Big sister, big sister! Tell them to keep the helicopter away!" Hiyumaru hurriedly reminded.

"?" Qilin was puzzled.

"I am a big sister, you still want to attract thunder with such a big piece of iron in the air, if I don't know you are stupid, I really think you are murdering." Hiyumaru complained with a feeling of wanting to be beaten.

"By the way, Leifa is going to be used next, so run farther away." Qilin waved to the helicopter.

Qilin raised her giant sword.

The golden thunder light gathered at the tip of the sword pointing to the sky, like ball lightning, and the whole sky seemed to become dark.

No, it's not that the sky is dark, but that the golden thunder is too dazzling!

"Yin and Yang are weaker than each other, like thunder!"

In order to show the power of Xuanyuan Sword to the staff of the Special Affairs Bureau, Qilin used all her strength in this blow!

The full force that this duplicate key can withstand.

Sting - rumble!

The golden thunder slashed down. At this moment, it is the only light in the world!

It was as if a god had flashed the whole world with a camera flash.

The thunderbolt hit the ground, and the center instantly turned into a magma-like molten substance with a diameter of several kilometers, like a crater.

The rest of the lightning was crawling on the ground and spreading everywhere, eventually leaving scorched thunder streaks on the sandy ground tens of miles away.

"And then—fire."

Just now, taking advantage of the lightning flash blinding everyone's eyes, Qi Lin hastily replaced with a new key of domination, the old one has been broken by her.

Not durable!



Chapter 5 is already ok, and now many nuclear bombs can't reach your current destructive power

"Human flames are called fire, and heavenly fire is called disaster."

Before choosing the location, Qilin had already confirmed that the surrounding area was boundless yellow sand, and there were no human beings at all.

She jumped from the towering icicle.

Huge waves of flames gushed out from the sword body in circles, turning into huge balls of light.

At this moment, Qilin's figure was as small as a black spot, as if she was carrying the second sun rising from the earth on her back!

It paused in the air for a moment, and then the second round of scorching sun fell towards the sea of ​​sand.

In fact, Director Wu wanted to stop when Qilin knocked down the thunder.

——"It's already enough. If you don't count the radiation and blast wind, many nuclear bombs can't reach the direct destructive power you have."

But Qilin moved too fast.

By the time the helicopter returned to her side again, the ground had cooled and solidified.

Within tens of miles, the original sand sea disappeared, replaced by a mirror-like smooth glassy ground.

In the huge wilderness, it is like a mirror, reflecting the sky.

It feels like there is a new tourist check-in scenic spot...

"It's the power of this sword!" Qi Lin held up the Xuanyuan Sword to take the lead.

Up to this point, I have basically watched Qilin's performance on the spot.

Acting is one of the things she is best at. In order to be able to blend into the group like an ordinary person, Qilin can pretend anything.

"The descendants of the Kaslana family come in accordance with the ancient inheritance and agreement."

"Hmm... can you explain to us?" Director Wu tried to ask.

"As it should be."

Holding a sword flower, Qi Lin put Xuanyuan Sword back into the scabbard behind her.

"What is happening in the United States now is a disaster called [Honkai], and this disaster has already happened once in the ancient mythology."

Fudge, then flick.

"According to the records handed down by the family, the disaster of Honkai, those white silicon-based monsters, are the spearheads that aliens put on the earth to destroy civilization and transform the environment!"

Director Wu's heart trembled.

Although Qilin's words were unbelievable, they coincided with certain speculations from the upper echelons!

alien!Because the earth does not have the conditions to produce silicon-based life!

"At that time, human beings could not completely eliminate Honkai, so they could only seal it up. Chi You and Huangdi also had different attitudes towards the seal, and that mythical battle took place."

Asking Fei Yuwan to monitor the communication channel on the opposite side, Qilin found that her story seemed to be well-written, and the other side had already begun to doubt and believe it.

"Our families that inherit the text of history are called the guardian family, but judging from the reaction of this Xuanyuan Sword replica, the guardian family of Shenzhou, the Yellow Emperor lineage, has disappeared or lost its inheritance."

Why don't you guys, can't find anything?That's because your inheritance has been lost!

Qilin decided to continue to intensify her efforts. Her deception is like this, with a chain of links. As long as the other party believes one of the links, the rest of the discovery will be confirmed by it.

"I know it takes time to trust each other."

Qilin took out a glass container from her bosom, in which was placed a small piece of Honkai Crystal.

"This is the fragment of the Houkai energy that caused the mutation of the species. You can use it for experiments."

"Be careful!" Qilin trembled.

"This energy is extremely radioactive! The zombie wave in Honey Bear City in the United States was triggered by it! It is best to treat it with the attitude of dealing with strong radioactive waste."

"Okay... let's go to the nuclear waste tank now."

According to the test data from the United States, radiation-proof lead plates and other materials have a certain effect on isolating Houkai energy, at least better than no protection at all.

As for other achievements... Before the United States made it, it committed its own death to produce the Herrscher, and the entire state turned into steel.

Qilin also doesn't know what materials can resist the radiation of the Houkai energy, so it's better to leave this issue to Shenzhou to study.

Submit the problem to the state.

"If you use animals or death row prisoners for experiments, remember to execute the test items as soon as possible, don't store too much, and don't forget the disasters that happened in the United States."

"Thanks for the reminder, Ms. Qilin, but isn't the disaster caused by people with superpowers in the United States?" Director Wu asked.

"Ordinary superpowers can't destroy a state, that Iron Witch Mary Sue, her brain has been corroded by this collapsed energy, and she has become the vanguard and apostle who destroys mankind."

The most high-end lie is not a story without loopholes, but a leading one that only tells part of the truth!

At this time, a helicopter in the distance flew over with a waste canister, and Qilin put the Honkai energy sample into it.

"Build the base in no-man's land, and conduct experiments remotely with remote-controlled machines." Qi Lin urged.

Director Wu's voice was serious: "We need a little time."

"Hurry up, the ruins of the battle between Chi You and the Yellow Emperor will be opened within a week. There is a lot of Honkai energy in the ruins. If you can't make protective clothing, then I can only enter by myself." Qilin waved her hand.

"I will appear here again in three days." Qilin left a space coordinate on the spot, "I hope to receive your reply by then."

With a flicker, she disappeared from everyone's sight.


Pacific Ocean, neon offshore.

On a disguised fishing boat, several people are dumping buckets of unknown liquid into the ocean.

"I said big brother... this is not good."

"What are you afraid of! It's been like this for more than ten years, and I haven't seen any problems. If there were any problems, they would have happened long ago!"

His elder brother stopped, looked at the ocean in the distance, took a puff of cigarette forcefully, and said earnestly:

"We boys who grew up by the sea have to believe in the sea even more..."

Until the extreme distance, there is a deep darkness, as if it can swallow all the light.

"The sea is huge, it can contain everything!"


There was the sound of something heavy falling on the deck.

"Hey! Did some bastard knock something over?"

"No, boss, we are all here, the voice came from behind..."

"Maybe a big fish jumped onto the deck by itself!" The boss of the boat made a judgment based on his rich experience, "Hey, Akasaka boy, come with me to have a look, we may have a big extra meal today!"

Seeing Akasaka put down his work and leave with the boss of the boat, one person complained.

"Forgive me, I haven't eaten seafood in years since I started this job."

He originally liked to eat sashimi and sushi, until he knew what the job was about.

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