Standing on the back of 'Benares', Qilin cheered.

In the boundless imaginary space, the giant dragon flies freely and at high speed.

To be honest, flying by yourself and being taken to fly on a mount are two completely new experiences.

"I have a dragon hahahaha!"

Look, Qilin is laughing wildly.

Hiyumaru: "..."

The ghost knows what she went through, it's simply not what a fox of her age should bear.

"Look, Hiyumaru, you screamed so badly at the beginning, but now you're flying by yourself?"

Qilin tilted her head: "So, this is like life. Since you can't resist, all you can do is enjoy it!"



Chapter 33 Honkai happening around the world and Herrschers born


Qilin stretched her waist: "Tired, let's go back to Tokyo."

Hiyumaru: "..."

Obviously she is the one flying with all her strength.

"What are you looking at?" Qilin raised her eyebrows, "I'm tired of adjusting my sitting posture, and I have to plan the flight route and monitor whether you are flying seriously. Hard."

Good guy, it smells like capitalists.

Then with the space ability, Qilin really 'stuffed' Benares into Hiyumaru's body.

Beibeilong + Feiyuwan

Fit evolution!Crimson Dragon!

The two returned to Tokyo, and Qilin felt as if she had been busy for a long time!

"No, I have to give myself a vacation."

Don't forget your heart, you have to always.

Isn't everything she does for the sake of her own leisurely life?

If you are overworked, wouldn't you be throwing everything away, since there are so many things to wait for time...

Then retreat (holiday) for a period of time!



How many Herrschers can a civilization have at most?

The answer is unlimited!Everything depends on the mood of the collapsed will.

But in general, because it's just a test and not to slap civilization to death, Herrschers are usually sent (sent) one by one.

The will to collapse in this world, touch it!

(Touched: just rested, quit, lazy)

As a result, the collapse of this continent is like chicken shit, blooming everywhere.

During Qilin's retreat, in perception, a total of three (similar?) Herrschers were born.

A Herrscher of Light was born in Russia.

But there is no whisper bb, and he is another superpower who doesn't know that he is a Herrscher, but only thinks that he can control light.

Qilin checked the nearby surveillance cameras.

This girl... was hit by a Houkai energy ray from the universe while watching the aurora.

That's it, paji, changed!

I don't know whether to say she is lucky or unlucky...

"It seems that we can win over." Qilin thought.

But this is not a good sign, it shows that collapse has become a common phenomenon in this universe!

"It's a long way to go..."

The more intense the entropy changes in space-time, the more Houkai energy will be generated, and thus aggregated into more Houkai sources.

And the places where humans are densely populated are the places where the entropy changes on the surface of the earth are the most drastic!

China collapsed.

A violent earthquake!In this collapse, a Herrscher of Vibration came into being.

Before Qi Lin could react, the baby rushed to the street at the speed of light.

Later, after asking Fei Yumaru to check the records of Shenzhou, she found out that after becoming a Herrscher, this child who had no idea of ​​good and evil met a missionary from the Alliance of Gods.

Being led astray, he felt that he was a noble god, so he began to wantonly use his power to create earthquakes, carry out killings, and call his actions judgments.

Headed by Director Wu, the Bureau of Special Affairs has dispatched several strong men, and as a child, he has little knowledge, so he can only simply create a big earthquake...

As a result, he was beheaded by Wu Ren under the Xuanyuan sword.

When stealing the information, Qilin also discovered that Shenzhou had mastered some Houkai energy technology by studying the Xuanyuan Sword and the bones and Houkai energy samples.

Although in her opinion, those technologies are very primitive and the way of application is too superficial, but this is already a breakthrough from zero to some!

The master leads the door, and the practice is up to the individual. Now that the research on Honkai is on the right track, I believe that with the power of the whole country, more results will be researched.

So Qilin sneaked in, stole the special bureau's trophy core gem, and left a replica...

Well, the core is happy to add one again.

In another country on Earth, Herrscher was also born.

Just like she didn't help Shenzhou when the Herrscher of Vibration appeared, this time she still didn't.

(Note: About [-] characters are missing here)

"It feels like a lower version of the Tranquil Gem..."

After testing the ability of the new gemstone for a while, Qilin sighed.


At this time, Europe.

The same tragic thing happened here.

The "god envoys" headed by superpowers, like the secret police, went door-to-door searching for other superpowers who hid and didn't believe in the alliance of gods.

Because they have a very strong control over the European officials, and the officials control the media. Under the layers of whitewashing, they also give people the illusion of singing and dancing.

So even the outside world, people from other countries hardly know what happened here!

But this repeated tragedy and desperate environment also attracted something.


The Herrscher was born bathed in despair, and came together with the collapse.


(There may be discrepancies in the next paragraph, because the content of this chapter has been deleted and revised, but the number of words after the revision of Maozhan must exceed the number of words before the revision, which is very troublesome)

In addition, there have been hundreds of large and small collapses in various places.

It's as big as the arrival of the Houkai Beast, and as small as the infection of the dead.

The so-called capital society is based on money-before, despite the fact that things in the United States were so big, many countries still had a high-spirited attitude towards collapse.

After all, it didn't happen in their country.

Besides, preparation plans for fighting against Honkai... They all cost money!

It was only when victims appeared in their own country that they gradually paid attention to it.

This is a mutation on a global scale!

(Note 1: This chapter was sealed twice, and nearly [-] words were deleted.

So some postings are also messy, sigh. )

(Note 2: For the sake of subsequent connection, I will probably mention the middle plot.

A Herrscher appeared, somewhat similar to the Herrscher of the Black Death in the Middle Ages, who spread disease.

Then BALABALA was discovered, and it was eliminated at a great cost, and the nuclear bomb was directly detonated.

The protagonist gets a gem again, the gem of the Plague Herrscher, which will be used later in the story.

There is nothing else, well, maybe this is the outline writing hahaha, eight hundred changes to dozens, this is not squeezing the water, it feels like squeezing out the bone marrow. )

(Note 3: Statement again!

The world this article belongs to is completely empty!

Why are there similarities with the earth - because the author is a carbon-based creature, and cannot make up a modern world that is completely different from the world we live in and know.

So it's just a bit similar, there are a few countries with similar names, and a long history that is specious.

Any similarity is purely coincidental and is the result of information disturbance.

If there is something wrong with the article, as long as the editor speaks out, I will change it immediately, and I will not be rigid.

I almost lost my book when I said this, can you believe it?

——The little fox with a strong desire to survive)



PS: Don't lament that Herrscher is weak... If you don't know enough knowledge and don't know how to use abilities, Herrscher is really low limit and needs the support of science knowledge

——Learning mathematics, physics and chemistry well may not be able to travel all over the world, but at least it will not be so embarrassing haha

Chapter 34 The Herrscher of Blood, the Alliance of Gods Surrendered, and Qilin's Daily Life


One more absurd thing the Alliance of Gods did.

They released the heavy criminals in many prisons and worked for them!

The reason is that their massacre-like behavior was so outrageous that even some ordinary believers inside began to waver. Although they couldn't resist due to the high-handed rule, they could still do it.

Several god kings were very angry, cleaned the interior several times, and dragged all the disobedient ones to sacrifice to the cocoon of light.

It turned out that there was no one in Noda's Europe that could use it!

I believe that no normal person will support them...

So a certain little clever ghost came up with this method, and after trying it out, those villains really regarded them as gods, and the effect was not bad, so they expanded.



"Sure enough, I'm a genius!"

Dr. Carlos did it!

Lena sat on the bed behind him, while the blue-skinned mother embraced her, stroking her back stiffly.

It's a pity that Europe is now under the blockade of the Alliance of Gods, and his method of artificial superpowers will definitely be regarded as blasphemy if he publishes it...

Looking at his daughter, Carlos thought, controlling the corpse?Or the ability to control cells?

"Her emptiness comes from missing her mother, longing for her mother to move again..."

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