Qilin stretched her waist: "This world is full of disasters..."

Not long after, the data from the leader was sent back, and Qilin sent it to Europe with Fei Yuwan, who was sorting out the information in Abaaba.

"This is really..."

The picture seen directly by the naked eye is even more spectacular. Of course, it is also possible that during this period of time, the monster and the two-dimensional space became larger.

Everything is distorted, like a three-dimensional painting that transcends dimensions, it is a spectacle beyond any existing human description...

And the ever-spreading flesh and blood is the frame of the painting, together with the overflowing light, it constantly frames the world.

And this painting without thickness is not flat, as if there are countless mischievous elves pulling silk threads from it, and the light spots light up one by one, and then go out immediately.

In fact, humans should not be able to see those thin lines, because the one-dimensional lines have no width and height except length, but they are shining.

shine.Countless thin lines fall to a certain point in the center, they rotate like a whirlpool.

eventually come to a point.

That's zero.


"...a masterpiece!" Qilin half sighed and half complained.

After using the space ability to perceive a little, Qilin knew what the monster was doing.

It is devouring everything in this world!

From three-dimensional to two-dimensional, then from two-dimensional to one-dimensional, and finally returning to zero is the process of decomposing and digesting reality.

The price of this masterpiece is indeed a bit high.

"Zaomu, I want to tell you a very sad news." The leader suddenly said.

"This monster...its expansion rate is increasing. If left unattended, it is estimated that within three hours, this expansion rate will reach the speed of light—although the earth has long since disappeared before that."

"I didn't expect you to be joking."

"This is not a joke, mother-in-law. During the time we said these two sentences, its radius has increased by about two four-lane roads..."

"So it's really going to expand indefinitely?"

Qilin is also trying to stop it, she launched a super-wide-scale space-time fracture.

But just like he couldn't control the superpower before, he had little effect on the expansion of this monster.

At least it can block the prying of the outside world, and it doesn't take much effort, so Qi Lin persisted.

"I don't know, because we know too little about this monster."

Qilin tried to attack.

Cell apoptosis, ideal fluid, high temperature, severe cold, space cutting, electromagnetic, molecular vibration, gravity...

Qilin tried every core and almost all of her abilities.

It has almost no effect, and most of the energy of the attack will be absorbed by the flesh and blood, and instead used to accelerate expansion!

"This monster... No, it's not so much a monster, it's more like an indestructible weirdness, a rule or a phenomenon!"

It cannot be eliminated, at least not by the current Qilin.

"Elder Sister!" Hiyumaru said, "The information has been sorted out."

"Tell me about it."

The so-called sharpening a knife does not cut firewood by mistake!Qilin felt that after listening to the life of this monster, maybe she and the leader could find a way to restrain and destroy it.

So Hiyumaru concatenated the information and told it.

She traced back to the source, Dr. Carlos who was first captured by the Alliance of Gods.

This doctor was doing research for Mobius technology before, researching the method of artificially manufacturing superpowers.

Later, because of the bankruptcy of Mobius Technology, his research was abolished, so the doctor returned to his hometown in despair.

Afterwards, Hiyumaru invaded the offline computer in Dr. Carlos's basement through wires (this is also the method she used to invade other laboratories, and the ability of the Herrscher of Corrosion is not limited to the network cable at all)

Someone, sent him a letter and the source material needed for the experiment, so he started the experiment again.

This scum first used his wife for research, and then used his daughter as a material after failing.

Later, the Alliance of Gods began to hunt down superpowers and collect source materials for a plan called God Realm.

Carlos, who was afraid that his daughter would be taken away, used immature superpower enhancement methods on her.

Like Ling Chi, he gradually replaced his body with a prosthesis made of imitation substances and stem cells, thereby artificially expanding the cavity...

Having said this, Hiyumaru couldn't help trembling.

The records in Dr. Carlos' home ended here. It is estimated that he had been killed by his daughter Lena at this time...or a monster created with Lena as the material.

And the 'Carlos' captured by the Alliance of Gods was disguised by that monster wearing Carlos' skin!

"This is really..."

Facing a series of insane operations, Qi Lin frowned and shook her head:

"no Zuo no Die."



Chapter 39 As a queen, what's wrong with secretly learning the skills of one or two slayers under her command?

"Die laughing, there are always some people in this world who like to die."

Afterwards, these people will pin their hopes on future generations, the future, or the vastness of the earth and the universe after they are unable to control everything.

But nothing is infinite, just like the sci-fi novel "Hey, Come Out", one day, someone needs to pay for the late compensation.

Too much to say...

After trying a whole circle, among all Qilin's abilities, the only ones that are useful to this monster are space and freezing.

Yes, low temperature can also slow down the eating speed of flesh and blood monsters!

Microscopically speaking, temperature is the intensity of thermal motion of object molecules.The ability to control temperature is equivalent to the ability to control the molecular level, and the characteristics of temperature (molecular motion) are not lost after two-dimensionalization.

In this way, this physical time-stop method has been developed to the extreme, and the personality is not much lower than those mysterious and mysterious laws.

In contrast to the space ability, don't look at the simplicity of this monster's dimensionality reduction, this is by virtue of the natural fall.

The fall from the three-dimensional space to the two-dimensional space is spontaneous, just like water flowing down under the action of gravity, falling step by step, and finally returning to zero.

Maybe there will be restarts and new births, but that's not what beings currently living in this universe need to consider.

If Qilin wants to fight against it with dimension-raising, it is almost impossible to rely on imagination alone. It needs to be matched with the correct mathematical model and huge computing power, and she has to complete the missing information!

To put it more simply, let’s use water as an example. This monster is a hydroelectric power station, and Qilin is a mountain worker who carries water up a mountain...

too difficult.

It's not a question of strength or weakness, it's like a mathematical calculation, no matter what, no matter how angry you are, it's useless...

According to the calculations of the leader, if he wanted to keep up with the monster's devouring speed, he would have to get seven or eight more intelligences like her to assist.

"Sister, try to banish it with the imaginary number space!" Hiyumaru suggested.

"Okay." Qilin nodded.


She snapped her fingers, and a huge purple-black light door opened under the monster.

Well, this thing is the same as being fixed in the space, it didn't fall into the imaginary space with gravity...

It doesn't move, so Qilin can only move by herself.

The imaginary space moves up slowly.

Move up……

It's stuck!

"*swearing at the country* Oh, this (beep——) thing." Qilin's native dialect was startled out.

This is probably the first time she was deflated when using the space ability, and it didn't achieve the expected effect.

Qilin found that her abilities seemed useless against this monster.

"Let me use my clever brain to think about it!"

"Zaomu, please hurry up." The leader with a sense of crisis urged, "Otherwise I might start preparing an escape procedure for myself."

As expected, it was made by Qi Lin with her own clone, and at the same time, she set a high-weight self-protection attribute, which is very real.

Yes, time waits for no one, there is no time for her to think slowly...

"Then slow down its growth rate and buy more time!"

Qilin stomped her foot.

The icy blue light spread, and the surroundings instantly froze.

At temperatures approaching absolute zero, everything becomes solid, including the surrounding air!

Of course, powerhouses like Kirin and Higokumaru are not in the ranks of becoming solid. They can move freely in the deep sea and the universe, and they can also survive in the purely solidified air.

The purity is scary!

"How is it, chief?"

"The speed has slowed down a lot, but because it can't reach absolute zero, it is still moving forward." The leader replied to Qilin.

Absolute zero is a theoretical value!Wanting to reach it by cooling down is as unreliable as trying to accelerate to the speed of light by kinetic energy.

Because the universe is in relative motion, unless the whole universe is frozen.Lengji, at least the current Qilin can't do it.

"Then take advantage of the extra time to destroy this monster!"


You can move and you can't move it, you can kill it and you can't kill it.

The question is back to the original point, how can we eliminate this monster?


All in all, attack with saturated energy first, just right, the compatibility between this monster and Houkai energy seems to be average.

In the previous tests, this was one of the few, and after it was absorbed, there was no energy to accelerate expansion.

Qilin took a deep breath.


She flew into the universe, and then a thick purple-black Houkai energy column spewed out from her mouth, expanding as it progressed, and finally covered tens of thousands of square kilometers including the monster!

Really talkative!

It's the kind of talk that calls out whores, but Qilin's looks thicker, richer and longer-lasting!

Heh, as a queen, what if I secretly learn the skills of one or two slayers?

Qilin's own ability is naturally not affected by the wide-area space-time fracture, and the torrent of energy pours from top to bottom, passing through the huge dark blue sky, like a space-based blow from the universe.

"Hey oh oh oh-cough cough..."

After spraying for a few minutes, Qilin felt her throat was a little hot, like the feeling that acid was accidentally released when hiccupping, burning her throat and eyes.

After drinking two sips of water, Qilin immediately returned to the range of time-space fracture, and she wanted to check the results of her attack!

Slender (in fact, it is not thin at all, but Qilin's position is far away, and compared with the two-dimensional painting covering tens of thousands of square kilometers, this thick flesh and blood can indeed be called slender visually) His flesh and blood wriggled like worms.

"Zaomu, according to the observation and calculation of these few minutes, the monster has temporarily stopped expanding."

Still looks like it works!

Why does it look like it has indigestion after eating too much...

Honkai Neng, God forever!

"It is useful...but it doesn't seem to cause any effective damage!"

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