"We are brothers and sisters, integrated into one body, sharing each other's lives, and going to greater heights together!"



Chapter 44 Let's Fight

"What you said..." Qilin tilted her head, "Is it to turn them into this kind of monster?"

Qilin looked towards the 'crowd'.

They are like the kind of dummy models used to display clothes, and then covered with a layer of pink and slimy fetal membranes, and the bottom is connected to each other like bamboo roots...

In short, it looks very san value.

"I share my great personality with them, and they dedicate their body and soul to me who has nothing. This is not slaughter, but accommodation. We are integrated." The monster sang.

"Human beings are trapped in their own skins, unable to understand each other, isolated from each other, and fighting each other, and I melted all of this."

"Why do you and I fight against each other instead of understanding each other?" The monster wondered, "It must be because our bodies are separated..."

She opened flesh and blood.

"Come on, join us, I can't wait to hug such a powerful and beautiful you to the new life!"

The material structure, the compressed hydrogen and oxygen gathered in the center of the flesh, and then the high-temperature hydrogen and oxygen flames exploded, and the heat wave rolled.


The monster grew out of the scorched granulation again, and she looked very puzzled.

"Why do you reject me? Could it be that you are the same as those human beings, obsessed with self and race... But you are not human like me?"

"Ugly refuse!"

Well, Qilin's reason is very strong.

"So it's because of its appearance...what a childish reason." The monster kept twisting and changing its shape.

"Microorganisms in the sea have no eyes and tiny bodies. They can only be preyed on or drift with the tides. They are weak."

"The world they know must be very different from what you and I see!"

"Weakness limits their cognition, so you have never regarded seaweed as the same kind?" the monster asked.

As long as the monster doesn't take the initiative to attack, Qilin is also happy to argue with her.

The erosion of Houkai continued, and the purple light seemed to shine all the way to the deepest part of the stars.

Time is on her side!

"Of course, because they have no intelligence."

"Humans are to us as different as seaweed is to humans." The monster said metaphorically.

"But what you are doing now is to limit yourself to the cognition of seaweed like human beings, so you guess there is no way to see my true beauty!"

"My pleasure."

Qi Lin spread her hands: "I was born human, I laughed to death."


It is simply a small expert in chat termination.

"But you, who were born so powerful, don't know the struggles of those seaweeds, so you don't know the greatness of what I do!"

The monster still didn't give up.

"Only when we stand together and become one with each other, will our hearts and bodies be stronger enough to allow us to move towards the truth together."

To be honest, the current situation is simply a copy of the youthful blood comics. The protagonist encounters an enemy that cannot be solved, so he can only use his own words and thoughts to influence the other party...

Although it is the monster who plays the 'protagonist', Qilin is the 'villain'.

Reverse the offensive!

"This attitude of yours is the real arrogance! I am the one who is helping mankind, and you are going to destroy it all!"

"You are wrong."

After thinking about it, it is also quite unpleasant to be preached and indoctrinated all the time.

Although she could win by standing, Qilin still decided to say a few words, she wanted both civil and military skills.

"Seaweed will evolve, this path should let human beings advance, not you!"

"But you're doing the same thing."

The monster seems to have planned long ago to draw Qilin to this argument!

"Don't put yourself so noble, just like me, you are doing what you think is right!"

"I just accelerated their evolution, and you directly assimilated them...forget it."

Reasoning is not what she is good at, and Qilin doesn't need any claim to stand on the moral high ground.

"Come on, go back to the most primitive way of making decisions."

A special Archon Spear appeared in her hand, and she flew behind the monster.

"Speak only with strength, and carry this unjust battle to the end!"

"Hahaha, that's right!"

In the hands of the monster, an identical Archon Spear appeared!

The same body (in the spiritual world, Qilin controls Lena's appearance), she is imitating Qilin's ability!

"You are more beautiful if you are willing to look directly at your inner desires!"


As soon as the two touched each other, there was a confrontation between multiple abilities and rules.

"I'm eating to survive."

Qi Lingao raised her leg and kicked at the monster, and the monster also met it with the same posture.

At the intersection of the kicks of the two legs, a dazzling light flashed, and then the space shattered.

"That's it! That's it!"

Even though the conscious world is constantly collapsing, the monster's face still reveals the ecstasy of excitement.

"You want to tear me apart, I want to eat you~ the weak will eat the strong, it will never change!"

Qilin didn't use those fancy abilities.

From the avenue to simplicity, the attack method changes from simple to complex, and then gradually returns to the simplest from complex.

To deal with this kind of powerful enemy, you can only accumulate all your abilities, and then fight close to each other, completely destroying the enemy within the field of vision!

(PS: I want to make complaints about this wave, in fact, because the kind of mutual rule attack like programmers is not easy to write, and it is not passionate to write, readers don’t like to read it)

(So ​​many fantasy novels develop to the later stage, even if they can obliterate the Dao, they still have to fight close to each other - fighting with bricks, fighting with swords, fighting with rollers, fighting with buildings, fighting with mountains, fighting with stars , wielding galaxy battles, wielding cosmic battles... In short, melee combat is over)

(Okay, let’s not talk about it, besides, the taste is too strong)

The extreme ice and fiery matter were infinitely compressed under the action of gravity, and finally turned into a bright dot, which was attached to the tip of the spear and stabbed at the monster.

The same counterattack, as if the tip of a needle pointed at the wheat, the two bright spots burst, and the matter gushed out!

Qilin stood where she was, while the monster was blown far away.

"Imitate blindly, but there is no way to beat mine."

Qilin pursued.

In fact, the current monsters are far stronger than Qilin.

The void of nothing allows her to do almost everything in this universe!

But due to cognitive limitations, she doesn't know how to use her own power - after all, she's just a little girl, so naturally she doesn't know anything.

So she could only do this, poorly imitating Qilin's ability.

She resumed her standing posture, waiting for Qilin's next attack.

"Come on, keep fighting!"

The power of space flickered, and the sharp ideal fluid raged around Qilin like a gust of wind.

"as you wish!"



Chapter 45 One is all, all is one

"Ding——! Boom!"

Those are two lights.

Constantly entangled, impacted and then separated, and then struck again.

No, not just two!With the help of space ability, both Qilin and the monster can exceed the speed of light, which makes them appear to be more numerous, as if they are everywhere.

The bangs of confrontation and impact continued to come from all directions.

Suddenly, Qi Lin stopped, and the monster also stopped like a mirror image, with a tacit understanding.



Under the continuous expansion of the black sun, the concentration of overflowing Houkai energy finally reached a certain limit.

Condensation occurs.

At a sufficient concentration, the Houkai energy crystals begin to freeze like ice crystals.

This scene is happening everywhere in the entire conscious world.

These crystals will eventually join together and then crumble.

At that time, everything will be turned into pure Houkai energy, which will feed back into the imaginary space... This is the end of this world.

"I know."

Different from the madness during the battle, the monster looked very calm at this time.

"Don't you hate me?" Qilin wondered.

"You just did what you wanted to do, there's nothing wrong with that, it's never wrong, I failed, so be the food."

Her body also gradually began to crystallize, and the entire space of consciousness was her existence, and what was encountered in the entire space would also be fed back to her.

"Although I can't understand you, just like you can't understand me."

"Yes." Qilin nodded, "You are very strange."

"Hahaha, I think you too." The monster smiled happily, "Thank you, big sister, I had a great time."


"To live, to live is a good thing, big sister, although I have never felt that it is good to live, but my brothers and sisters all say so."

"I never thought you would talk to me like this," Qilin said.

The monster shook his head: "Except for my father, I have never wanted to hurt anyone, but I am not very good at expressing, so I learn from everyone, but you don't seem to like the way I learn."

"You eat them, and you want to eat the whole world." Qilin replied.

"We opened our hearts together to accommodate the whole world."

Crystals spread from her legs to her waist.

"By the way, before the big sister came, there was another very strong person who wanted to eat me."

The monster suddenly remembered something.

"How strong is it?" Qilin was curious.

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