"But I'm tired."


For example, that scumbag factory manager just now was so disgusting that his feces and urine were flying together! !

"There is no condition for bathing here." Fei Yuwan reminded.

"It's okay, I can make it myself." Qi Lin folded her hands together, clapped hard, and shouted.


The nearly infinite Houkai energy in the imaginary number space, under the power of the core of reason, materialized into a colorless, odorless and transparent liquid composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.

Perfect and pure, good water.

Pat--! !

The water generated out of thin air, because there is no container in the empty imaginary space, poured directly on the heads of one person and one fox.


Hundreds of tons of water were like a waterfall, cooling the two creatures and making their hearts soar.

"Pfft!" Fei Yuwan spat out a mouthful of water, "This is what you said about taking a bath?!"

At this time, Qilin still kept her palms together, as if she was stunned.

Hope everyone is ok.jpg

"Ahaha..." Qi Lin showed an awkward yet polite smile on her face, "It was just a mistake, a mistake!"

This time, she first used her space ability to create a transparent bath boundary like an air wall;

Then activate the ability to fill the water again, and then use the core of the Herrscher of Fire to heat the water to about 37 degrees (she doesn't like hot springs that are too hot);

This is the most expensive bathing in human history.

The energy for producing so much matter is estimated to be enough for human beings to use up from now to the interstellar era...

I tried the water temperature with my hands and it was almost just right.

If the energy consumed is converted into money, every drop of liquid flowing here is more expensive than gold of equal weight.

But the adults don't care!

"I've wanted to try diving for a long time!" Shouting like this, Qi Lin flew into the sky.

Diving is actually very dangerous. If there is no years of training, accidents are likely to occur, ranging from vision loss to broken ribs or even cervical spine injuries.

So before reincarnation, Qilin didn't try with her own life.

Flying high into the sky, and then disabling the Herrscher of the Sky's ability... After 720 degrees of free rotation followed by a reverse somersault for two and a half weeks, Qilin fainted.

Maintaining the spinning momentum, she spun like a top and plunged into the water.

The splashing water... No, it can be said that the water waves are huge.

After wiping the water off his face, Hiyumaru held up a '0 points' sign.

"You come too!"

With Qilin beckoning, the Vientiane Sky triggered, and Fei Yuwan was also thrown into the pool.

After traveling for so long, she has no time to check her body until now.

Let me be healthy...

"Such white and long legs!" In the past, she could play for several years!

"Such a perfect figure!" It's not as embarrassing as Ribs, and it doesn't look bloated.

"A head of beautiful silver-white long hair, as a native of Chong country, I want to die suddenly on the spot..."

Suddenly, Qilin sighed.

No matter how much you talk about, it's just nonsense...

Memory and soul are just existences bound by the body, and the so-called emotions are just the regulation of hormones in the body.

No one knows transformation better than her.

"It's completely gone without any hope~"

"You look in the mirror and forget about yourself!" Hiyumaru complained.

"Forget it, don't think so much, take a bath!"

This can also be regarded as one of her strengths - strong adaptability, like weeds, it can grow wherever you throw it, and you can enjoy yourself without thinking about the road.


"The hot spring water is smooth and creamy..."

Qilin scooped up the warm water with both hands.

In the previous Chinese class, the teacher asked to read and recite the full text of "Song of Everlasting Sorrow", and Qilin said it was boring.

But now, pictures and texts are combined...

"It's really blown away!"

"With your thick skin, we probably need to blow it with a nuclear bomb." Hiyumaru teased.

It's annoying, I have to find a reason to teach this fox a lesson.

She let go of her hands.

The crystal water threads have been washed along the suet-like arms, leaving faint water marks, and because the skin is too smooth, the pearl-like water droplets have no choice but to roll down reluctantly.

What a beautiful line this is!

Mischievous Shui made a home on Qilin's collarbone, until she stretched out impatiently, then fled stealthily

Bai Juyi, you hidden LSP!

Huh... Soaking in the hot spring is really decompressing.

"Feiyuwan, help me download the molecular formula and organic structural formula of the active ingredients in soap or body wash." Qilin said.

The core ability of reason needs to be understood before it can be constructed.

The deeper the understanding of something, the less Honkai energy is consumed for building, and vice versa.

Moreover, this increase is like an exponential function, increasing in a "J" shape!

That is to say, even though Qilin can use nearly infinite Houkai energy in the imaginary number space, she still can't construct something that she doesn't quite understand.

"No, there is no internet in the imaginary number space!" On the other side, Hiyumaru, who was also taking a bath, replied.


Qilin sighed, although the body shaped for her by the will of Houkai is not so much a human being as a Houkai beast in human form.

Herrschers are all little fairies (Walter Yang: ???) and do not produce a series of metabolites such as oil, dead skin, etc., and what they eat is also digested into Houkai energy.

At least that's the case for Qilin.

But...the lack of foam in the shower always feels like a big piece of soul is missing!


"Even if you stare at me, I won't go out." Hiyumaru refused.


"Don't show such obvious disappointment! I will soften my heart." Hiyumaru closed her eyes and stopped looking at Qilin.


"I'm convinced!" She floated up and spun around, "Open the door for me, and I'll help you to check it, big sister."


Hiyumaru was stunned.

It turned out that because the water temperature was too comfortable, Qilin fell asleep after soaking in it.

Co-authoring just now is all because her inner drama is too rich?

"Really, where is the child? He can suddenly fall asleep..."

Fei Yuwan shook his head, wondering if Herrscher would catch a cold.

Higokumaru whistled.


A giant white whale like a mountain appeared above the heads of the two. The whale song buzzed, and the body swimming happily in the imaginary space seemed to be celebrating the return of the owner.

"I'll play with you later, Hiyumaru patted its huge head, let's send us in first."


He carried Qilin back to the room, dried her with fox fire and put her into bed.

"It's really not worrying, I..."

She went back to her little bed and turned off the light.



Chapter 12 A leisurely girl and a chaotic world

It's different from the two leisurely girls who are dreaming about Qin Meng.

In less than twelve hours, the whole world was thrown into chaos!

Fei Yuwan used his own ability to split the breaking news, and then targeted every electronic screen and every user connected to the network to fully release it, just like a nuclear bomb explosion, without fermentation at all, it detonated the entire network in an instant.

All over the world, almost everyone on the Internet is discussing the same thing, which is a grand event, an Internet carnival.

Of course, except for the programmers responsible for network security and maintenance-they are suffering.

"Damn it, I was watching the video, and suddenly this thing popped up for me, it scared me to death!"

"What are you, I was still eating, and I was so angry that I ate three more bowls."

"666 upstairs!"

"It's so pitiful, most of them are children..."

"To be honest, don't pretend. I really vomited."

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Harmony) of China, which is only one time zone away from Neon, responded the fastest.

A public document condemned this inhumane behavior:

{This incident is a demon mirror. The western world is not qualified to call itself a human rights teacher. We will never join with it, and urge all parties involved to strictly deal with the relevant personnel, so as not to cause greater spiritual damage to our people. . }

"Fortunately, our Shenzhou policy is good, and there is no such bad thing."

"Our Shenzhou is really amazing!"

Afterwards, the Internet Divine Beast was activated, and the videos and pictures spread by Fei Yuwan on the Internet were completely cleaned up and banned again.

Only text information and some pictures that are not very irritating are left.

After all, it is now a time of peace, and people's acceptance is generally low, and what Mobius Technology has done is probably disgusting that ordinary doctors can't easily accept.

Of course, bad-mouthing is not without.

"It's not that they don't want to, they just don't dare, otherwise you would think why those executives and rich people have to immigrate to foreign countries."

"When I woke up, the whole world changed. It turned out to be harmonious again. Hehe, I climbed over the wall and went to the external network to watch it. Bye bye."

"Do you think our country also has them, but they can't be released by Internet Harmony."

Conspiracy theories never lack followers.

"You are right! There is a factory near my house that emits black smoke all day long. My grandfather told me that it smelled like burning people! He smelled it too many times during the Anti-Japanese War! Don’t dare to say more in the forum, follow my Douying account to get more revelations!”

There are also many people who are chasing popularity and gaining followers.

It was midnight in Rosia and the European Union, and countless officials were called from their wives or mistresses by their anxious colleagues, and the above process was repeated again.

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